Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 885 A world torn apart

Bucky knew that the final winner of this plan was himself or Straw Hat, and both could accept it and achieve the final goal.

But he was still unwilling to give in.

I was just a little pirate in the beginning. Along the way, many people thought that I was unreliable and incompetent.

But Bucky relied on his own courage and luck to get through and proved himself.

It was himself who changed the world structure during the Battle of Pioneer Island, and he was the initiator of unifying the new world and becoming the Pirate King.

Why lose to a guy who has nothing to contribute to the sea, just because the other person is shining?

Just because everyone recognizes this kid more?

There was also someone who firmly supported me back then!

That man once said that he would believe in himself more when the world fell into despair.

Bucky!!! Must win!!!!!!!

A voice passed through the divided world and reached Bucky's ears.

This voice is Noah!

In the black shadow of the fist, Bucky had been severely injured all over his body. Even so, he opened his swollen eyes and looked for that person.

Unfortunately, it was never found.

Really, are you hallucinating?

It hurts

But what if the world is on the side of the Straw Hats.

The lights of the revolution once firmly believed in me. Isn't it more powerful than the support of the bullshit world?

“Isn’t what we have to do is to be the enemy of the world!!!”

White light erupted in the black fist shadow, and Luffy instinctively sensed the danger and retracted his fist in time.

It was right to retreat, for the burst of light there broke everything into its tiniest atoms.

Bucky stood in the void at the moment, looking very miserable.

Blood overflowed from the body and flowed continuously downwards. It was obvious that there were many fractures on the body, and the eyes were almost unable to see.

Ha~~ha~~ha~~~You said~~Pirate~~King~~ is yours?

But I didn't. I didn't agree!!!

The hands were raised high in the air like claws, and the terrifying power of decomposition gathered here.

The light ranges from weak to dazzling, and the dazzling light makes people panic.

What is he going to do? A fight to the death? Or die together?

This kind of power is enough to wipe out the entire island, and the world is moved by it.

Who would have thought that it would eventually become transparent and disappear in the palm of your hand.

This was not a failure but a success. The terrifying power gathered in Bucky's hands.

He wanted to tear that illusory world apart, but he didn't know how.

So I just stretched out my hand and grabbed a handful.

But why is it so heavy! ! !

A sense of crisis surrounded everyone's heart, and this blow would be ruthless destruction to anyone except Luffy.

Sky, earth, ocean. There is no use hiding anywhere, this is the strongest physical attack that can break down everything in the world.

Only Luffy can still sense the fatal danger, but his belief that he will not lose remains firm.

Noah was also watching Bucky's attack. The damage caused by tangible objects was useless to Luffy at this moment. Something like the protagonist's halo was unreasonable.

if it is possible

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is not the drum of freedom, it is the beating of each person's own heart.

The crisis is skyrocketing!

Bucky's hands seemed to be grabbing something terrible, and the entire Mount Hyjal made a tearing sound.

The ocean in the distance was violent, and the tides rose and collapsed irregularly.

The sky was violent, and the clouds were stirred, broken, twisted and gathered together.

Lands all over the world are trembling slightly, islands, continents and nowhere escape.

The elephant owner who was rushing to Mount Hyjal let out a shrill wail. Something unexpected happened in this world that was beyond prediction.

The ancient covenant told it that the person it agreed to was in great crisis, but it was powerless.

Why is there such a change! ! ! Light Moon! ! ! Joeyboy! ! !

Bai Xing of Ryugu City shed a tear inexplicably, and strange fluctuations erupted from his body that were transmitted to the deep sea.

The super-giant Neptune species in the deep sea were originally panicking about this terrifying fluctuation, but now they found their backbone in an instant.

‘The King is calling us! ! ! ’

‘The king has awakened, and the last moment has arrived! ! ! ’

'Partners, we.'

‘? ’

‘King, are you asleep again? ’

Bai Xing just thought that his panic was because he was hungry. He ordered the guards to start preparing dinner and then forgot about it.

Anyway, she is timid and often flustered.

After calming down, the fluctuations became silent again, allowing the group of monsters on the seabed to disperse helplessly.

The five old stars on the red earth continent are also afraid. This is the last continental shelf. How can there be power to shake this place! ! !

The mysterious figure in the flower room suddenly opened his eyes, and the world had undergone changes that even he did not understand.

For the first time, fear appeared in my heart. What was it?

Tear, tear, tear, tear.

Countless people feel very scared in their hearts, because fear comes from all directions and no one knows it.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

What's broken? The last time I heard a similar sound was Whitebeard's space shattering, but nothing here was damaged!

The world is obviously trembling, but nothing is happening in the material world. Is it an illusion?

Veins popped out on Bucky's forehead, and all the strength in his body was concentrated in his hands.


The world is falling apart!!!


Invisible waves started from Bucky's palm, sweeping across the world at a speed and method that no one could have imagined.

The breath of death blew through everyone's hearts. Is this emperor crazy?

As a result, the breeze blew and nothing seemed to happen.

But it seems that nothing has happened, and the world is different in the senses of the strong.

I can’t tell you exactly, but the sky is higher and the earth is thicker.


Noah said hello!

The real effect of this move is to tear apart the world's blessing of the Nika Fruit!

There is no son of destiny, nor the will of 800 years ago.

The thing that had been emitting strange power was severely damaged and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Bucky actually, Bucky actually, Bucky actually did it.

It broke the most powerful power belonging to Nika and shattered Joyboy's will from the years.

Originally, Noah planned to cut it off himself, but Bucky...well done!

Luffy felt empty at this moment. Although he was not injured, his strength was still there, even more freely.

But it was as if something was being stripped away from his body. It felt so uncomfortable.

Between the flowers, Im.

Joy.? Missing?

The enemy's aura that could be vaguely felt after the fluctuation fell to the bottom. What on earth happened to this world.

The unprecedented feeling of being out of control made this human god a little at a loss.

Is it a conspiracy? Or is it the enemy's new method?

There is no longer peace on the throne.

The scales of battle are back in place again.

Come on, Straw Hat!

Bucky has already felt that the sense of separation has disappeared, and everything is no longer fixed.

He held a knife and killed him, and Luffy put aside his previous doubts and started fighting again.

But the situation is different. Although everyone will be moved by Luffy's fighting spirit and dedication, they will also be amazed by Bucky's strength and persistence.

Appreciative but not fanatical, the senses of passersby return to their original place.

Boss Bucky, come on!!!

Luffy, don't lose!!

Everyone returned to their own positions and began to cheer for their friends or brothers.

This is the last step towards the dream.

Nika Luffy, who lost his blessing, slowly came to a disadvantage, relying on overdraft to continuously recover.

His previous careless style of play caused his injuries to accumulate to an extreme level.

The current drum of freedom has lost the power to keep people from falling.

He once again felt the passage of power. Even though his will had not wavered, his body's limit had reached one step ahead of schedule.

After losing too much blood, the body is slowly getting colder, the mind will wander from time to time, and the reaction is also slowing down. These completely different feelings from the past flooded into my heart.

Bucky had a similar feeling. It was now a battle of wills, and the one who fell first lost everything.

After the last punch was thrown, Luffy's feet went weak and he fell to his knees.

Damn it, pirate. Pirate King. I want it

Fatigue and pain finally knocked down this genius who reached the world's highest stage in just 2 years. His time may come later or never come again.

And the shaky Bucky won the final victory.

I won!!!!

In front of the whole world, this king lost his previous inscrutability and roared out happily with countless pains.

The blood and pain all over his body was the glory of the strong. He raised his arms and let out the roar of a king.

Bucky won!!!

The students from the Cross Guild hugged each other and cried. Obviously this was just a process, but why did they want to cry so much.

This captain has led them to fight in the new world for so many years. It is really not easy.

The lives of those comrades who died in the plan were not in vain, Bucky resisted until the end.

Bucky, win!

Shanks felt sad, it turned out that he was not persistent enough after all.

And my friend's final performance is worth it all, he is the real Pirate King.

Bucky wins!

Several big bosses in the Revolutionary Army were also inexplicably excited. It was more suitable for their own family to take this position than for Luffy to take it.

Even the dragon was pleased.

Kizaru looked at the smiling Noah with admiration on his face.

That cheer you just gave me was so powerful.

Hahahahahaha, how can it be~~~

This is the result of Bucky's own efforts.

There are not many people in this world who can do that. He is our miracle.

Saying words that no one understood, Noah felt much more ecstatic at this moment than anyone imagined.

At the same time, people all over the world knew that a new Pirate King was born, King Buggy, the strongest king.

His pirate group suppressed all the groups, and he himself defeated other emperors.

This is the most difficult road to become a king, and it has never been done before or since.

The throne of the Pirate King is about to welcome its true master! ! !

When Bucky looked at the throne on the golden stairs, the whole world held its breath.

This historic scene left people in awe.

On the Red Earth Continent, after calming down their panic, the Five Old Stars decided to launch their plan immediately.

What Bucky did has exceeded the boundaries of One Piece, and until now, they still don't understand what that move changed.

The unknown is the root of fear.

Get out the phone bug.

Hey, Sora, act now!!! The ultimate target, Bucky's head!!!

The phone bug's expression changed, and it wasn't Cyborg Kong's expression at all.

No, what I want is the life of the World Government!

I had a great time writing today.

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