Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 883 One Piece is the sweetest fruit

A milky white light beam rushed towards the sword energy. The red hair sensed the crisis and immediately dodged and left the void.


The light beam rushed through, and all the sword energy in the air was destroyed into pieces, and the remaining small sword energy scattered like debris in the wind.

The clouds behind this attack line were directly cut out of a tunnel, and the people who saw it were stunned.

This is the manifestation of the power of the fragmented fruit used outside of itself.

The red-haired man looked at the corner of his cloak that seemed to have never existed and understood that if he was not careful in this battle, he might be missing arms and legs.

I heard Noah tease him before that people like him are destined to lose their left arm, so I hope it doesn’t come true here.

Bucky's strong performance was in line with the world's expectations of him. The strongest emperor must have such combat power.

It seems that the throne of the world's strongest man has been inherited from Whitebeard.

Bucky's light at this moment covered all the strong men, and also shattered some conspiracy theories.

Since he has not fought a tough battle in public in these years, some people will definitely suspect that this emperor is a parallel import.

It's a pity that this conclusion was broken on the day of the battle on Mount Hyjal. Yesterday, after the battle for the Pirate King was announced, Bucky was promoted to the emperor level.

I also understand the fragmented operation, or I have already known the direction of subsequent development. It was just that I was not strong enough before.

The Revolutionary Army has a complete set of capability development teams, and the team belonging to Bucky is a top priority.

The ability to be divided into pieces has only revealed the tip of the iceberg, and then it’s time to shock the whole world.

Bucky's body can be broken into countless pieces and reassembled.

This represents division and reorganization.

So. First, I recruited the kids who were still playing with Luffy.

Xiaoyou's IQ is not very high, so he actually plays with a fool, which is really embarrassing.

A burst of white light enveloped itself.

Thumb thump thump thump~~~

Bucky A and Bucky B join in!

The two Bucky's stood there and everyone was stunned. In just a moment, two trumpet kings appeared on the spot.

This is cell-level division and reorganization. Except for the smaller height and size, everything else is almost the same.

It's not that more little Buckys can't be reorganized, but if the power is too spread out, the damage won't be enough.

Anyway, this move stunned the red hair. How could he still play like this after it was torn apart?

Luffy's eyes were already shining, even in Nika form couldn't stop his admiration for such a cool move.

You all come together!*2

Bucky plans to fight against the two emperors on his own to prove his strength.

Rubber Rubber~~~Rubber Giant!

If you become a dwarf, I will become a giant.

Luffy was so happy that Bucky B played a new game, and his style became more and more crooked.

The size of the rubber giant can basically reach the size of Oz, the giant of fortune, otherwise there would not be a famous scene of stepping on Kaido.

Above the mountains is a battlefield between two people.

Two big straw sandals were trampling wildly on the mountain, accompanied by the sound of laughter. It was like playing whack-a-mole.

Maybe Kaido doesn't have much to do about this, but Bucky won't coddle this naughty kid.

break down

The giant Luffy obviously couldn't avoid this decomposing white light, but Nika was special enough for Luffy to find a new way to deal with this move.

A strange scene appeared, and after the white light, Luffy appeared all over the sky.

One by one, Luffy, who looked like a small human race, was flying on the battlefield, killing Bucky B and everyone in all directions.

Red Nose, I'm back!*45

Hahaha, this is so fun!*12

Everyone, guess which one is me?*68

I, Luffy, am the man who wants to become the Pirate King! *3598

Buzz buzz buzz.

What are the super many nikas? It's mental pollution.

The drums of freedom turned into hammers of freedom, and the chaotic sound of the drums was simply driving people crazy.

And after so many splits, Luffy obviously didn't have enough brain, and he repeated all kinds of stupid or boring things countless times.

Almost everyone on the mountain can be assigned several nikas.

Normal people can't bear it when all Luffy's voices come together.

The faces of the Straw Hats were the ugliest, and Luffy was already very hurt.

These thousands of Luffies are annoying people to death, and sailing with such people requires lives.

After getting fed up, Cornis decisively turned on the boxing mode, planning to kill a few of them to vent her emotions.

He was stopped only by Sanji's tight hug. At this time, Cornis was not the only one who wanted to take action.

The remaining pirates have already drawn their knives and chopped them off, but what's sad is that ordinary pirates can't kill these little Luffies.

Is this the most ridiculous power in the world?

Seeing this torrent of Nikka, even Bucky understood that this guy was really difficult to deal with.

If we don't solve the Nika disaster, I'm afraid the entire Mount Hyjal will be destroyed by a group of naughty children.


There was another burst of white light, and the Luffies in the sky gathered together again and turned into one squatting on the ground and picking his nose.


Almost all the pirates on Mount Hyjal breathed a sigh of relief. This battle for pirates was really terrifying.

After that, the two started fighting again, but Bucky was much more cautious at this time.

The opposite fruit ability is a bit foul.

The red-haired man fought with Bucky A with swords.

Griffin fights with flying knives, and every collision between Ba Tang can make the whole mountain tremble.

From the sky station to the sea, from the sea to the mountain top.

This is the top battle, and everyone is fascinated to watch it.

This style of painting is what One Piece should have, with passionate battles and wandering between life and death.

The earth trembles, the mountains shake, the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, it's all so wonderful.

The red-haired man was in a very good mood at the moment. This enjoyable battle was worth his wait for so long.

He escaped several decomposition shock waves with his ability to see, hear and kill.

The Griffin in his hand became more and more violent, and the small flying knife that did not suppress Bucky made him very angry.

Fighting between the mountains and the sea from sunrise to noon, maybe in the end I wanted to fight Luffy.

The redhead struck the first blow at Luffy.

Bucky can fight one on two, why can't he?

The trend of the battle is that Bucky and AB merge into one and Luffy attacks the red hair.

It is expected that in the end, good friends will join forces to fight Luffy.

War is surprisingly very sequential.

Noah and his party had already appeared behind a secret disguise in Mount Hyjal.

Sabo, Luo and others were equally surprised when they saw the space door, and then they were ecstatic.

Now is not the time to explain. Let's adjust everyone's status first.

Yes, Teacher Noah.

Everyone who had finished resting was here watching the battle outside, and they didn't know when Rayleigh had arrived.

It seems you are ready.

I can't wait. Besides, Lao Lei, the sword energy in your big sword is almost overflowing. Don't say you're not looking forward to it.

Then several people slowly watched the battle of the three emperors.

The battle was very exciting, and Bucky's fruit abilities and Luffy's strange special effects were amazing, but even so, these people were not very involved.

Now everyone is just looking forward to a result, whether Luffy or Bucky wins the final victory.

One Piece. This is the sweetest fruit.

The atmosphere at the World Government Headquarters was very strange at this time.

Master Wu Laoxing said that he should pay attention to the One Piece battle in the new world and asked his officials not to interrupt.

Nothing is more important than One Piece at this time!

Therefore, intelligence agencies and other agencies have temporarily suspended the transmission of information to other countries.

But now there seems to be a big problem everywhere except the New World.

Since last night, we have received a lot of messages asking for help. They say that a revolutionary army has invaded the country disguised as a navy, and they hope that the world government will send a navy to support them.

At first, I didn’t take it seriously, because it wasn’t like there were no countries that had been conquered by the revolutionary army.

As for pretending to be a navy, it is also a good idea. People in the revolutionary army are so cunning and despicable.

The people in the intelligence department are very sophisticated, and such trivial matters are obviously not something that can disturb Lord Wulaoxing.

So the unified reply is I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet.

At most, it is to make those kings and nobles suffer a little more. After suffering, they can have more respect for the world government.

It wasn't until almost dawn that I realized it seemed a little serious because there were a lot of messages asking for help.

Some countries simply lost their minds and directly said that the navy was attacking their own country, hoping that the world government would quickly stop this group of people.

Isn’t this nonsense? Just make up one or two.

Peach rabbit, tea dolphin, white hunter, Rosinandi and many famous generals are involved. What's wrong, is the navy rebelling?

It's ridiculous. Small countries all over the world are really unreasonable.

It wasn't until the feedback from Sihai's CP department was interrupted that these people became a little wary. Is there really a problem?

I hurriedly reported it, and it seemed that the revolutionary army had made a big move.

Because they could not easily disturb Lord Wulaoxing, these officials finally elected a representative to contact the Navy Marshal's Office.

But it was the old Marshal of the Warring States Period who took the call. I heard that Master Wulaoxing had temporarily lifted his control over the Warring States Period.

But to return to the center of power so quickly, this old guy has some tricks up his sleeve.

At the same time, the officials of the World Government are also a little relieved. The reputation of Zhijiang Sengoku is excellent, and there is basically no task that cannot be completed.

Don't worry, the navy will immediately start a crackdown to stop those countries from making noises.

You don’t know those people in Sihai. Maybe there are one or two local civil riots and they hope that we will send people to suppress them. It has not happened before.

And it's very possible that this was a smoke bomb used by the Revolutionary Army to distract the navy, but it was actually Marie Joa's idea.

The previous advice was only moderately effective, but this last sentence is extremely effective.

Yes, there are lessons learned from the past.

After that, this group of people never mentioned anything about urging for support, just like what Warring States said about what could happen to the world.

The entire South China Sea is blocked by the navy. The most important thing is that nothing happens to the Red Earth Continent.

Do you think these people will listen?

Staff Officer He walked into the office dressed in blood, and even the footprints he left behind were red.

80% of it will be done, at least it can be postponed until the afternoon.

Speaking of Warring States, he felt a little helpless. From what he saw and heard, the turmoil in Malinfando was no less than that in the world.

Fortunately, the entire fortress is under his control, otherwise it would be difficult to fool those idiots at such a close distance.

The turmoil in Mariejoia has been temporarily suppressed, and it depends on the outcome of the new world.

Mount Hyjal, evening.

In the new world, Noah and others are already distributed in every corner, just waiting for the final enthronement and coronation.

Because the outcome has been decided!

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