Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 882 The War of Three Emperors Begins

The top of Mount Hyjal.

Last night's dinner continued.

Luffy is like a glutton who can never have enough to eat. Even if his stomach is full, he will not give up any bite of meat.

He was indeed hungry, and his body was greedily absorbing these nutrients to replenish some of its losses.

Pirates are all big eaters, and there were many who could rival Luffy in the past.

But this time I ate an unusually large amount, as if there was an instinct in the body to share the energy.

Seeing this, Lachilu was convinced. Luffy's appetite is bigger than him now. Is this the king's stomach?

The red-haired one drinks constantly. In the past, he would go crazy after just a few drinks. He is now very sober and will not get drunk no matter how much he drinks.

The look in Hawkeye's eyes was wrong. Every time this bastard drank a little bit of wine, he would wipe his oily hands on his clothes while he was still drunk. Could this bastard be faking it?

The more I drank, the happier I became. It felt particularly strange to chat with a few best friends on a stage where the world was watching.

The more he drank, the more fighting spirit he felt in his heart. He really wanted to fight Luffy, and he also wanted to kill Bucky.

These two are the goals that I want to fight the most.

Bucky is the most normal, because he has almost completed all the tasks now.

This last battle is all that's left before you can happily hunt for treasure.

According to the medical forces deployed nearby by the Revolutionary Army, as long as he did not die on the spot, he could be saved.

Of course, Bucky, who is now the Pirate King, really has some ideas.

This was a plan he came up with in order to avenge Teacher Noah. Although the plan has changed now, Straw Hat can also take over his role.

But very unhappy.

He and his brothers in the second recruit training camp and later comrades paid so much and used so much manpower and material resources.

How can we let this guy who has little use for the sea reach the top?

Moreover, after becoming the Pirate King, wouldn’t it be wonderful to see Shanks’ envious, jealous and hateful eyes?

So, One Piece is decided!

I may not have had such firm self-confidence before today, but I am different now.

In the middle of the night, countless torches were lit on Mount Hyjal, turning the place into a huge torch as bright as day.


The red-haired man looked into the distance curiously, as if something was happening there.

Two hundred nautical miles away.

Jesus Bu and Usopp, two perverts who could see and hear things from afar, also sensed the aura of the battle in the distance.

Rayleigh laughed now.

Luffy, have you ever thought about what you will do after you become the Pirate King?

Keep going on adventures, there are still many places in this world that you haven't been to yet.

Where's Shanks?

Probably go to Elegia and live my life, where I have my family.

Where's Bucky?

I have collected four hundred and twenty-seven treasure maps. All the treasures in this world are mine.

Hahahaha, this answer is really pirate-y.

Rayleigh smiled even more happily. Among the three pirate groups, neither of the two real pirates looked like pirates, but the only one in disguise looked the most like him.

This is really a fate.

Bucky felt that what Reilly said was nonsense. He was paid to work in the Cross Guild.

In addition to the monthly salary there is an additional treasure map as a bonus.

Although the boss Noah died, the contract stipulated that he was not owed a single cent.

Because of Rayleigh's interruption, these sensitive people did not pay attention to what was happening in the distance.

No matter how reluctant you are to give up, there is a time when the banquet ends. At this time, none of the three people can devote themselves to it.

After removing the food and wine, the three people sat at the banquet table with different postures and looked solemn.

The crew behind them have left here. This is a battle between captains.

Time passed by, and before dawn, countless people began to stare at the top of Mount Hyjal.

Mary Joa's five elder stars are also watching closely.

I don't know who the final winner is.

The possibility of Bucky is very high. Being able to initiate such a full-scale war must hide his strength.

It's also possible for Straw Hat Luffy. Those who awaken the Nika form are destined to lead the times. Don't forget the prophecy 800 years ago.

Not even Shanks.

Now Cyborg Kong must have laid an ambush. No matter what happens in the end, the winner will only be us.


The five old stars in a happy mood opened another bottle of champagne to celebrate that the world was on track.

The night is no longer deep.

At this time, everyone became restless, even the pirates who had been trapped for a night were excited.

It's time to witness the king's coronation battle.

A faint halo can be seen appearing on the eastern horizon, and wisps of light are slowly penetrating the black sky.

The three strongest men already had strange phenomena happening around them.

White steam appeared on Luffy's body again, surrounding him without dissipating.

The battlefield beneath his feet seemed to be distorting, as if it was turning into a rubbery texture.

The hair stood up and turned into white flames.

Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~ Dong Dong~

The drumbeat of freedom sounds deep in everyone's heart, which is joy and the desire for freedom.


The originally somewhat naive young man turned into a mysterious and powerful man with a terrifyingly powerful aura.

Luffy would laugh a few times every time he opened the Fruit Awakening, maintaining his cheerful persona.

The red-haired man is not to be outdone. He is an incompetent person with no ability to emancipate, and he has no special bonus to his physique.

Therefore, he only relies on his swordsmanship and domineering power to stand alongside other emperors in the world.

This only shows that he is the strongest in this aspect.


The overbearing aura was slowly unfolding, and the banquet hall groaned in pain as it was squeezed by the aura.

The dining table was directly shattered by the powerful spiritual power.

The pirates in the outside world once again felt this kind of power that could suppress their hearts to the point of cardiac arrest.

The joyful state of being beaten by the drum of freedom was broken by the oppression of the aura from the superior.

He failed to control his domineering power and allowed it to be unleashed wantonly.

10 nautical miles, 20 nautical miles, 200 nautical miles.

The dark clouds in the sky also covered the sky with the spread of domineering power, and ordinary pirates and sea creatures were so frightened by the superiors that they could not move.


The lightning in the sky was howling non-stop, seeming to pull the world into darkness again between bright and dark.

Then the two people looked at Lord Bucky at the same time.

The meaning of that look is simple, it's your turn!

Yamato and Denjiro in the distance are a bit caught up in the situation. What tricks can their boss show off?

Banquet skills? Knife magic? Or flying head technique?

I can't take any of them.

Thinking about it, cold sweat broke out on the heads of these two people.

Rayleigh is the old god.

Don't worry, Bucky is not that simple.

Hmph! How powerful can that guy be?

Lao Sha had just crawled back from the Northern Channel and finally defeated the fools of the giants.

Looking at the center of the battlefield with a dark face now, he felt extremely unhappy.

How can I not be angry when I return from a fierce battle all day and night, only to find that I have been expelled from the battle for the king?

Bucky, very strong.

This is what Hawkeye said, and he gave a certain definition to this matter.

Even the world's greatest swordsman is looking forward to Bucky's future performance.

Of course it is not simple. The great master jumped on the ship of the Pirate King when he was a boy. People who can be favored by Roger will definitely have good qualifications.

As for opportunities, the biggest opportunity is meeting Noah, and then truly embarking on the road to becoming a strong person.

Now it's time for Bucky to clear his name.

A strange aura flowed around Bucky, and cracks like spider webs spread on the ground beneath his feet.

The sound of tearing could also be heard in the surrounding void.

Not only the red hair and Luffy, but the entire Mount Hyjal felt like it was being torn apart by a huge force, and the pain was like maggots attached to the bones that could not be shielded.

Skin, muscles, bones, rocks, trees, domineering energy, and sounds all fall into a strange fault here.

The joyful movement of the drum of freedom was torn intermittently, and the red-haired domineering was also cut into blanks.

What power is this?

Even the onlookers couldn't sit still. They had only seen such momentum from a real emperor.

It turns out to be the power of the emperor.

The empress was very shocked that this nominal president actually stepped into that realm one step ahead of schedule.

The rising fighting spirit in Mihawk's eyes was this power!

I broke through my sword energy during the last duel, and I didn't expect that I would reach the same level in just a few short months.

It seems that bastard Shanks is in danger this time.

Bucky raised his hand, and an invisible wave shot straight into the sky.

The lightning along the way was cut into countless electric currents and then disappeared into the void.

Finally the power rushed into the dark clouds.

A ray of sunlight penetrated the dark clouds and shone on the top of Mount Hyjal without any obstruction.

The split fruit awakens!

Nika Luffy felt a palpitation in his heart at this moment, as if he had an inexplicable hostility towards this fruit.


The three of them exploded together, blowing up the venue.

Luffy took the lead.

Rubber Mole Gun!

He punched the rubber floor with his fist and planned to launch an attack from the ground.

The red hair jumped into the air first, while Bucky stood still and didn't move at all.

All the rubber changes were dismantled into countless pieces the moment they approached Bucky.

Sure enough, Luffy's intuition was correct. The split fruit has a strong restraint effect on rubber.

Bucky's backhand is a flying knife wrapped with domineering energy and fruit abilities.

Although Luffy had foreseen the future and wanted to predict the landing point, this flying knife was followed by a hand.

Moreover, this hand can also think on its own, and can change it as it pleases.

In One Piece, Bucky gave him the feeling of sword-wielding, a terrifying and low-end version of sword-wielding.

The speed is not slow, the trajectory is changeable, the power is endless, and the ability to restrain rubber.

You can only fight with domineering and adaptable methods. Facing such an attack for the first time is really eye-opening.

Luffy was currently fighting a battle of wits and courage with one hand, and in vain the battle of the Three Emperors was reduced to a minimum.

The onlookers thought it was funny, but they didn't think they could catch the flying knife. Anyone who touched it would die if they were not in the realm.

The red-haired man was very excited to see his friend's ability to suppress Luffy with one hand.

This guy hides so deeply.

He was very interested and slashed it with his knife, wanting to test Bucky's strength.


The call full of friendship was followed by a sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the red and black Ba Tang on it was chopped down with lightning.

This sword was aimed at killing people.

You¥%#@¥% @¥%

Bucky was speechless, you bitch called me so affectionately because you were afraid that I would never have a chance to hear you again, right?

You can always do double the damage when facing Shanks.

break down!

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