Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 881 It’s dawn, ready to go on stage


Fujitora didn't like this condescending tone, and the staff sword in his hand strengthened the change a bit.

The distortion of gravity made the space upside down and unpredictable. Facing a powerful opponent, he used this special swordsmanship.

It seems fast and slow, straight and curved. This kind of attack once suppressed Marshal Kong, whose strength exceeded the limit in the early stage.

It's a pity that the old man has experienced hundreds of battles in his life, and he has remained unchanged in response to all changes. In the end, he defeated Fujitora at the cost of a single blow from the gravity knife.

He spat out a mouthful of old blood, and there were several scars on his body that were deep enough to show the bones.

The next one is you traitor!

As he spoke, the old man took the initiative to kill Kizaru, a traitor even more hateful than Zefa.

Kizaru shook his head helplessly. Only when he finally stepped out of the headquarters did he realize that the outside world was already full of wind and rain.

Clang! Clang!

Two Tian Cong Yun Swords were drawn out from the void, look at our double sword style.

Kizaru gave full play to the characteristics of the shining fruit, which is a fast character.

Each sword was faster than the other, and he actually suppressed the arrogant Gang Gukong by relying on rushing attacks and quick tactics.

The sparks of collision flashed in the void, and in terms of speed, he was worthy of everyone except a certain bastard.

Moreover, in addition to swordsmanship, lasers from various angles will be fired at close range, and a laser may be emitted by just raising your finger.

He also has light-speed kicks and light-speed punches at close range. With full firepower, Kizaru really shows off the style of an invincible marshal, without any weaknesses.

Even Zefa looked at it and nodded repeatedly. This little bastard's physical skills are really amazing now.

After fighting fiercely for half a night, Kizaru took the initiative to withdraw from the battle. He could not let himself resolve the battle alone.

There were people queuing up behind him, and it was definitely not because he was a bastard.

Cyborg Kong, who was already out of breath, felt a little sad. This marshal who betrayed the navy was really not something he could win. There was something about the title of being the strongest.

He took a strong breath.

The last one is you, little brat.

Cyborg Kong's face was filled with regret when he looked at the dragon.

He is obviously a good prospect for the Navy Marshal, but it is a pity that he has embarked on such a path.

At this moment, he looked at Kizaru out of the corner of his eye.

Think about it for a while or forget it.

This salted fish dares to cause such a big thing. Long, a young man who has always been rebellious, will definitely make a more terrible choice, and may lead the entire navy to rebel against the World Government.

The position of Admiral is a curse!

This kid should have been killed on the Red Earth Continent in 1509, and this situation would not happen again.

The old man fell into self-blame. After all, the other mastermind was dead, and now all the regrets were placed on Long.

And Long is eager to try. This is not the first time they have fought.

That year in Marigio, he was almost beaten to death by this old man, and the demeanor of Cyborg Kong that year left many traces in his heart.

Now hehe.

The excited Long rushed forward. He was a revolutionary with firm ambitions, and of course he would not be soft-hearted.

An elegant and violent aura flows through my body. If I am stronger, I will speed up. If I am faster, I will strengthen my fruit ability.

In short, they fought with all possible means, aiming for the fatal goal.

This kind of life-and-death battle also caused Cyborg Kong to completely explode. The confrontation between the strong wind and human power was so shocking.

The second half of the night was almost a battle between the two guys at the top. Mainly, Cyborg Kong had no intention of escaping and the other three would not take action.

After all, they are all top masters, and being able to achieve this level has already given up a lot of pride.

Before dawn, Jinbei also climbed up from the sea to watch this fight between dragons and tigers.

At this time, Hai Xia was also a little embarrassed, and some cuts and fist marks had not yet been removed.

He is also very calm when facing the concerned eyes of his partners.

Seraph's combat power is indeed very strong, especially S Mihawk, who is still very strong even under the sea.

The CP chief also had a lot of tricks, and he almost let him run away.

Kizaru understood quite well, this was a team sent by the World Government to kill the Pirate King.

The CP chief took almost all of the family’s money with him.

It can be said that the overall combat power is still the best in the sea after excluding Ganggu Kong.

Jinbe's ability to take care of everyone under the sea is already beyond expectation.

So these four people started to watch, and the battle in the field became more and more intense.

After all, it's almost dawn.

The sound of dragon roars could be heard endlessly, and Ba Juan used the power of the storm to hit the opponent's chest hard, causing the enemy's chest to be dented.

And the counterattack followed closely. The old man grabbed the opponent's fist and started to hit hard.

Six forms.Steel frame!

The fist named after himself is naturally very heavy, and it is also the result of his decades of continuous practice.


After the loud noise, only a deep pit was left on the spot, with the steel frame in the middle standing in the air like a god of war at the end of his rope.

The dragon had been blasted up into the clouds in the sky, and it took a while before it flew back again.

The huge fist mark on his chest and the blood at the corner of his mouth showed that it was uncomfortable even with the sky as a buffer.

This unreserved punch proved how the commander-in-chief of the armed forces earned his status.

Seeing another Jinbe appear in front of him, Cyborg felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Why do these rebels always show up with strong ones, while the World Government keeps losing troops and generals?

Besides being an undercover agent, he is a traitor. Isn’t this also destiny?

Shaking but still standing upright, he still had the last bit of strength.

You guys really don't know what's wrong?

Wrong, why don't you think you are wrong?

A familiar voice came from the air, and the space gate appeared behind Kizaru.

Space door? Space door!

The Navy has found a new door fruit! It can't be that coincidental, right?

A figure wearing navy clothes came out and stood behind Kizaru calmly.

Sorry, I just went to check some arrangements, so I'm late.

No, you must have been paddling, and you're here now~~

Kizaru used his decades of experience as a bastard to feel that this bastard was not telling the truth, and maybe he was just peeking at the screen all along.

The person who came was the Chief of Staff to the Admiral, a guy who has been in the limelight recently.

But what everyone is concerned about now is why he has the Gate Fruit!

Zefa, Jinbei, and Fujitora, who sensed it, all locked in this direction.

Not to mention Cyborg Kong who was covered in blood.

A bold idea appeared in everyone's mind

Who is Porousarino?

Kizaru shook his head helplessly and moved away. The return of this man had nothing to do with him. He would stay away when he was beaten in the future.

Ackerman stepped forward and looked at the commander-in-chief of the armed forces who was like a trapped animal.

haven't seen you for a long time.

It was a familiar voice, but it was like a nightmare to the old marshal.

The unruly boy laughed loudly in the blazing fire, and in the background was Mariejoia, who had already dyed half the sky red.

That is the biggest enemy of the World Government, and he is also the person who has been erased from history, the person who cannot even be mentioned by name.


The roar squeezed from his throat made Cyborg Kong completely despair and collapse.

How could you not die! How could you not die!

The old marshal who fell into madness suddenly thought of something.

Warring States!!! Damn it!!!! Navy!!!! There is no need for the Navy to exist anymore!!!

The blood surged uncontrollably from the wound. This was a sign that the return of life was broken after the mind was lost.

But the physical pain was far less than the anger and fear inside.

In his opinion, Sengoku and several senior naval officials had fooled the world.

Lord Im has not erased the existence of this devil. The navy is an accomplice of the enemy!

That's it, that's it, that's it.

Why did the Revolutionary Army not publish an obituary? Why has the Navy made frequent major moves in the past two years? Why can the Revolutionary Army break through the blockade in the South China Sea?

The whole world is still in the clutches of the man in front of him.

He hates it, why he didn't find it earlier, now it's too late!

The previous fear of death was covered by fear. Noah has such power that he can defeat the defense of a top powerhouse just by showing up.

There is no need to continue to use words to prove anything. Noah has said a lot over the years.

These people will not listen. Only death is the most suitable destination for them.

Pulling out an iron bar covered with red lines from the void, it was not the right time to unblock Dao Yizi. A more suitable target was needed.

However, a weapon without a blade is enough to kill such an opponent, holding on to the familiar hilt.

The hot sword intent emanated from Noah's body, echoing the sky in the distance.

The sun shines onto the new world at this moment, piercing Cyborg Kong's eyes.

There was only the fleeting red light in his blurred vision.


Blood bloomed in the deep pit, and a generation of commander-in-chief of the armed forces died in an unknown place in the new world.

The fear still remained in the eyes of Cyborg Kong who fell to the ground. It seemed that Noah had left a deep psychological shadow on him.


A punch shook the earth and shook the mountains, burying the strong man who once stood at the top of the world.

Huh~ Thank you for your hard work, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what are you doing?

Noah turned around and saw several peerless strong men with dark faces surrounding him. The anger had been embodied into endless blades, seeming to cut a certain person into pieces.

It seemed that I couldn't stop it this time, so I hurriedly started to think of some excuses to try to avoid being beaten tactfully.

You must know that almost everyone present has shed a few tears in Nanhai Cemetery. No matter how many questions you have in your heart at this moment, you must answer them first.

Who doesn’t know that the most powerful thing about Noah is his mouth, and now he can’t even listen to his words.

At this moment, Fujitora remembered something and glanced at the dragon with his closed eyes.

do you know?

Long decisively expressed that he didn't know, and even stepped aside for fear of blood splattering on his face.

Kizaru, on the other hand, occupied a favorable terrain and prepared to see Noah's fate.

The leader of the revolutionary army and the navy marshal stood together in extraordinary harmony at this moment, nodding their heads to become good friends.

On the Unnamed Island, several top combat forces of the revolutionary army slowly closed the encirclement.

Jinbe, an honest man who respected Noah very much, was angry, not to mention Zefa, who had been cheated.

Fujitora just silently adjusted the scope of Ant Hell and drew his staff sword.

Um, am I going to say this is a misunderstanding?

What do you think?*3

Just as the second tragic battle was about to take place, a strong sense of vibration came from the distance.


Everyone looked towards Mount Hyjal.

Earth-shaking energy fluctuations erupted there, and three tyrannical forces collided.

Dark clouds gather on the top of the mountain, and huge red and black lightning can be seen here.

What followed was wild domineering and rough waves.

It's dawn, and the war for the Pirate King has begun.

This is the domineering color of red hair.

Several members of the revolutionary army couldn't help but sigh.

It's really a powerful monster.

Noah's words were despised by everyone. You are not qualified to lament other people's monsters in terms of overlord sex.

Putting away the iron bars in his hands, Noah arranged his clothes as if nothing had happened before.

Okay, comrades. We're getting ready to go on stage!

Don’t keep the world waiting!

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