Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 880 I didn’t have a choice before, but now

This heartbreaking voice shocked everyone.

The three of them were a little hesitant. The one who came was the nominal boss of the ally. At this time, they should say hello first or kill Cyborg Kong first.

Kizaru was also a little confused, he seemed to be running faster.

I didn’t go to the last meeting, so it was a bit awkward without an intermediary to introduce me.

There was something subtle about the way several people looked at each other.

Of course, even if someone introduces each other, it is not the right time.

The old marshal did not notice the subtlety of the atmosphere at all, nor did he notice that Kizaru's eyes behind the brown sunglasses were so intriguing.

After meeting with the current navy marshal, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, although he still looked down upon this lazy junior.

But at this time, the role of a Shining Fruit ability user is even greater than Garp.

Intelligence is the most important thing. Telephone bugs can no longer make calls in this area. The methods of the revolutionary army cannot be underestimated.

Standing in front of Kizaru, Cyborg Kong spoke to the marshal behind him in a fast and stern tone.

Listen, there is a problem within the World Government, and someone has betrayed our whereabouts.

Kizaru was helpless and tried to interrupt.


Don't interrupt! This time the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army can overcome the layers of blockades and come to the new world. It must have something to do with the position of Pirate King.


There is a problem with Vegapunk. Seraph has been targeted and his orders have been lifted. Everyone on Egghead Island must be wiped out!


Finally, the navy is not stable either. If you want to secure this position, you must know how to get close to Lord Wulaoxing!

Kizaru was speechless, why didn't you give me a chance to speak.

Okay, you can say what you have to say.

That's it

Forget it, it's better to stop talking and go back to the Red Earth Continent to report. I will stop the people here.

Kizaru gave up completely. It was so hard to persuade him.

However, Cyborg Kong's last words of advice were quite fragmented.

The tradition in the bones is still paving the way for Wulaoxing. It is really a good example of never betraying the class.

Also, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces has an absolute core position as a vested interest, which is unnecessary.

On the contrary, people like Sengoku and Kizaru are somewhat idealistic in their decisions.

Why aren't you leaving! It's my mother-in-law's! Don't worry about me!

The quality of the navy today is so poor, we must be ruthless at this time!

Maybe Kizaru was too lazy and was scolded by the old marshal again.

I'm actually quite cruel~~~ but I'm also quite kind.

After much hesitation, Kizaru gave up the method of sneak attack from behind. After all, he still wanted to give the commander-in-chief and the former navy marshal a decent appearance.

Moreover, a sneak attack may not be effective when the opponent is highly vigilant.


Then I saw the current marshal of the navy taking a few steps to the outside and standing in the same direction as he filled the gap created by the three revolutionary armies. A square siege formation was formed.

Although there is no intermediary to introduce, the dream linkage between the allies still needs one, so the life of the old marshal is quite high as the standard for the certificate of nomination.

Cyborg Sora sensed Kizaru's position and was a little puzzled.

And the tone is wrong!

Why is Kizaru standing there? Not here


In the panic, Gang Gukong still maintained the firm mind of the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Why would the Navy Admiral participate in the mission to kill the Pirate King?

Why does Kizaru know this location?

Why didn’t Lord Wulaoxing notify us in advance?

Why can the revolutionary army break through the naval blockade so easily?

Why aren't the surrounding dragons and others surprised at all?

Why am I the only one surrounded now?

Gang Gukong's heart sank a little as every detail was thought out, as if a huge conspiracy was surfacing.

It was so unbelievable and without any motive.

Porusalino why?

The old marshal didn't understand that the other party was a marshal of the navy! Why did he come with the revolutionary army to kill him?

Betrayed? Or is it because his ambition is to reach a higher position?

Until now, Cyborg Kong didn't think that Kizaru and the Revolutionary Army were on the same path, but a relationship of mutual use.

Trying to borrow the knife of the Revolutionary Army to kill higher-ranking beings, but you are playing with fire, junior!

What an ambitious bastard, still fighting for power after all this time.

At this moment, Gang Gukong felt heartbroken. No wonder the navy has never produced results. The two subsequent marshals are all selfish people!

Kizaru, on the other hand, stood there and scratched his cheek, saying a little embarrassedly.

I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person.


Cyborg was confused, is this marshal crazy?

What does this have to do with being a good person? To maintain the rule of the world government is to be a good person and to be righteous!

Sorry, I'm a Marine.

what are you talking about!

The commander-in-chief couldn't bear it anymore. Veins popped up on his forehead. This bastard kept talking about things in a nonsensical way.

This is a line designed by a friend of mine. He said it was very cool to say it at this time.

Sure enough, Commander-in-Chief, our aesthetics are different~~

I was asking you about betraying the world government, but you were talking about aesthetics!

At this moment, the old marshal's heart was broken. The greatest danger would be if the navy was left in the hands of such a person.

He was determined to take this bastard away even if he died here today. The foundation of the world was no longer pure.

The three members of the revolutionary army who were watching were inexplicably sympathetic to Cyborg Kong, and it must have been hard to meet such an obscure undercover agent.

Seeing that Kizaru did not explain to Cyborg that the Navy was preparing to merge with the Revolutionary Army, Long and others had no obligation to explain to a dying man.

When the four of them stood still and took up their postures, the commander-in-chief knew that he too was coming to an end.

With such a huge disparity in combat power, it was hard to say whether they could survive until dawn.

The will to die is already born, so naturally there is no fear.

He has some background in the World Government. After all, he has the mission of killing the Pirate King at his own risk.

Now it’s good to use it on this group of revolutionary army and navy traitors!

If you want my life, be prepared to leave this world with me!

Violent domineering flowed through his body, and his muscles exploded from his shirt.

The terrifying physical monster plans to fight to the death here.


There was a huge water column rising straight into the sky from the sea, and then a sword light that could separate the sea flashed.

The little S Mihawk soared into the sky and was escaping from the shackles of the sea.

It's a pity that the tide was one step ahead and it seemed like a giant hand slapped it down. The current near the island was rioting abnormally.

It seems that the Seraphs have regained their ability to move and began to carry out their own combat orders.

Did you see it, little devils! Maybe one of your own will die first!

The malicious smile did not worry Long. Jinbei could be said to be a super strong person in the sea.

The man-made strong men with just a few critical points can only struggle.

Therefore, they must seize the time. The real big scene will be after dawn.

Breeze, breeze, strong wind, squall.

The island has been completely surrounded by the wall of wind. Even if the top experts rush out, they will still be stagnant for a moment.

And that moment is the moment that can make the difference between life and death.

Ant Hell

The relaxed tone spoke of the heavy reality. A huge gravity field covered this battlefield, and the blind swordsman calmly arranged the gravity.

The second buff bonus begins, and of course Cyborg Kong has the debuff.

The rocky ground under the old marshal's feet was cracking under the terrifying pressure, but for a super strong man who had practiced physical arts all his life, it only consumed a little more energy.


The strong man who obtained enough thrust from the ground began to charge, and the first one turned out to be Zefa!

He didn't care about his own origin at all, nor did he care about the friendship that Gang Gukong had with him back then.

When he was young, Zefa was considered a soldier under the old marshal. Unexpectedly, he actually took the lead in the battle.

Even Kizaru, the fastest man in the sea, was stunned.

Are the grievances between your previous generations so complicated?


The confrontation between the two physique monsters kicked off the official battle, and black fists struck in the air.

The turbulent flow of white power is entangled in it.

Zefa, you traitor!

Seeing that the traitor Cyborg Kong's power increased by two levels out of thin air, the two guys he hated most now were Zefa and Kizaru.

The world government is the one who betrayed the world!

Not only is Zefa not weak in fists, but he also won't lose in terms of tone.

His position in the navy was earned with his own life, and every promotion was a narrow escape from death, so there was no talk of kindness.

Now is the moment to decide the fate of the world. His heart is extremely firm, and he is also setting an example for the young people on the side.

You have to be so cruel to bully an old man!

Euler Euler Euler Euler.

The two muscular men started pounding each other standing there, their huge fists exploding on each other like the most powerful bombs.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!

Shock waves continued one after another, and the gas explosion cloud directly enveloped the two murderous men.

The battle went straight to the climax as soon as it started.

The collision of physical bodies produces a metallic sound. This is the ultimate state of physical training.

Both of them are strong men who have practiced naval martial arts all their lives. Naturally, there is no difference in their moves, only their muscles and bones.

To determine the winner, one must rely on superior physique and fearless determination to face death.

The latter point can be achieved, but for the former point, the old marshal has already used the information from the World Government.

Drugs that stimulate vitality are not exclusive to the revolutionary army. If it had not been used to overtake others with hormone fruits, the World Government would be an expert in this field.

The so-called strong men are just pawns of the five people who stand at the apex of power, and naturally they won't be cherished much.

They must all be used to death, and it won't be a problem to replace them with another batch after death.

This time the mission was very difficult and it was used on Cyborg Kong.

Now was the time to take effect, and I activated the drug after finding myself surrounded by four men with no hope of breaking out.

Life is not important at all, it is more meaningful to be able to take away these enemies of the world.

At this moment, Gang Gukong's belief is no weaker than that of the revolutionary army who want to change the world.

This is the collision of two positions!

Finally, the enhanced version of Cyborg Kong knocked away the navy traitor in front of him with one punch, and Zefa was blasted into the mountains.

You're still far behind, kid!

Steel Bone Kong, whose skin had turned into blood, waved his hand indifferently. At this moment, he was full of fighting spirit.

Isn't it a blessing to die under the siege of four top masters?

Come and fight!

The next target is Fujitora!

As a vigilante, Fujitora didn't need anyone else's help. He started with the gravity knife and shot out a fierce tiger.

Six forms. Iron fist. Tiger!

Two powerful tigers collided, and the huge power was twisting and venting.

The foundation of the island is being destroyed, and this is strength.

Braving the shock wave, the two rushed into the center of the battlefield, fighting each other with swords and punches.

Yes, there is something.

In addition to breaking away from the position of the World Government, Cyborg Kong is also a tough hunk.

I somewhat appreciate the other party's behavior of not relying on the siege.

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