Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 879 Kizaru, leave! ! !

He even had the audacity to sneak into the navy!

As Chief of Staff to the Marshal, he also led the meeting between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy, and actively participated in the internal rectification of the Navy.

It is simply unbelievable that even if Noah had not died, no one would have thought of infiltrating the navy.

No one around the world would believe it. At that time, the navy and the revolutionary army were still life-and-death enemies.

After Akainu's death, the relationship between the two parties became even worse.

How could he……%

Alas, isn't this inviting the wolf into the house?

Then Sengoku's sharp eyes looked at Kizaru, who was still standing there unchanged.

Porusalino! You bastard wouldn't have known this earlier!

After all, after his chief of staff turned into a living person, it was hard not to make people suspicious that this guy still looked pretending to be surprised.

You must know that the labor regulations and other things that Kizaru wrote before were already very revolutionary army style.

And this bastard was not surprised when the space door opened!

Even Noah found it a bit strange.

Have you guessed it?

Kizaru shrugged, saying that he didn't say anything.

Everyone underestimated the ability of this salty fish marshal.

He really didn't dare to leave all government affairs to his deputy casually, especially after becoming the navy marshal.

He's not a fool, Kizaru is just an idle fish.

How could you not be suspicious after seeing Ackerman's combat prowess and the abilities he slowly revealed?

The relationship between Ackerman and the Revolutionary Army is definitely not simple.

But he actually supports the merger of the revolutionary army and the navy. He also feels that the navy has reached a historical fork in the road and needs to take a new path.

So he let his deputy do the operation. If there were any serious consequences, he, the marshal, could put things right.

In the end, this great feat was actually accomplished in this way.

As for how he discovered it, after all, the marshal had too many contacts with his chief of staff.

There is always a time when something is revealed.

Porusalino is also a very interesting person.

Why not take this opportunity to take a handful of Noah's wool and let him work for you.

The marshal felt a sense of joy every time he saw someone who looked like Noah handling piles of government affairs for himself.

So he has always been in a state where he seems to be talking but not talking.

After Noah really opened the space door, his inner speculation finally came to light, but he was not so surprised.

Time was limited, leaving little time for them to chat. The two stepped into the space door and headed straight to the new world.

Only the two old men were left feeling a chill in the office for no reason.

Noah is not simple. Kizaru is not simple either.

That kind of buzzing feeling in the head was something that neither of the two seniors had experienced several times in their long naval careers.

Especially the Warring States Period, I am really ashamed of myself now.

Because this world is so magical.

Obviously he saw Akainu and this bastard fall from the sky together with his own eyes.

After knowing what Im was, I was even more convinced that no creature could escape such punishment.

But this bastard did it, and he even got rid of Hedao Yiwen very insidiously. He really made a big investment.

It was precisely because of his own self-confidence that he severely cheated the navy.

Commander He, Garp, other generals and even the World Government all determined that Noah must have died, which led to a series of passivity.


The Warring States Period rarely began to seriously consider how to deal with friendly forces. He pretends to be a wise general, but his wisdom as a great Buddha is played around by the enemy.

And Counselor He's murderous intention increased even more because she remembered some particularly nonsense things.

For example, the good sister Taotu was sent to monitor Ackerman, but she immediately jumped back when she came back.

There are a few people who will not be dragged into the water by the bewitching power of the revolutionary light. This wave is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Also in the negotiations between the navy and the revolutionary army, every time they were in trouble, the other party would come up with a document and suggestions left by Noah before his death.

Isn't this just plain deceiving a stupid boy?

Thinking about how the group of people opposite looked at him, Staff He felt that he could no longer keep his title as a senior staff officer.

Subsequently, this guy assigned so many tasks to himself, it was like a burden to an old lady.

Warring States, kill him.

Okay. And Kizaru.

Seeing that he was being fooled around, there was also a current marshal of the navy. Don't forget this!

It's a pity that the ending of Malinfando now depends on the two of them working together. It's really a pity that they can't take any action.

The two looked at each other with regretful eyes.

They said they were going to the New World to play a game. What kind of game would it be?

Warring States eyes became profound.

I don't know the ultimate goal, but I know that the old marshal who is the appetizer may not come back.

200 nautical miles outside Mount Hyjal, several humanoid creatures gathered together to watch the live phone bug.

The live broadcast was still a king's feast, with the three kings eating, drinking, laughing and playing around.

The end of the pirates has come, and the last supper of these people is still so shameless.

Marshal Kong was now in an unconcealable state of excitement.

You must know that no one has ever done such a great thing as destroying the pirates, not even Garp.

He will definitely leave his name in the history of the world government, and his name will definitely be circulated in the navies of future generations.

Cyborg Kong is still brooding over the situation he encountered when he acted as the marshal a few years ago.

The CP chief is very simple, he is here to make meritorious deeds.

It was a tragedy. After taking over the CP department, he made many mistakes. Some time ago, two great Celestial Dragons were killed.

If your performance in this operation is not outstanding, you may not have to wait until you return, and you will be killed in a deserted corner.

The awakening has already been made, although the strength is not enough.

But the poison that seals the throat when the blood is seen and some valuable trump cards are all ready.

This time is the final battle to rectify the name of the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons.

The CP0s behind him were also the same. They were completely determined to die. After all, the orders of the World Government were so strict.

Those Seraphs didn't think so much. At this time, they were only in the form of children and they didn't know what kind of opponent they would face. They even thought that they could complete the task of killing the Pirate King.

S Mihawk is even more arrogant. Is there anything else that his sword can't cut through?

Who! Who!!

Cyborg Kong, as the team leader and the strongest person this time, immediately discovered something was wrong.

Instinctively feeling the danger, he immediately shouted loudly.

Who dares to spy on them? These people really don't know whether to live or die.

But in terms of combat power, this team is equivalent to two to three general-level warriors.

In the entire sea, unless they fall to the top of Mount Hyjal now, they will have no rivals in the new world.

got windy.

The breeze surrounds this isolated island, it is very gentle and then very cold, followed by the omnipresent murderous aura.

A handsome boy with long flowing hair fell in the night.

Dark green cloak, black tattoos, and that carefree aura.

Revolutionary Dragon!

Marshal Kong looked calm. If he came alone, he would definitely be seeking death.

So everyone in the team looked around cautiously.

The revolutionary army always makes plans before acting, and there may even be other strong men.

Sure enough, the ocean currents around the island have become abnormal, the humidity has suddenly increased, and the waves are slowly rising, as if an unregulated high tide has begun.

A blue fish-man walked out of the sea, his aura extremely wild and carrying the wrath of the sea.

Kai Xia Jinbei! Only two are not enough.

Marshal Kong's aura is still extremely strong, and I have the advantage.

In a two-on-two situation, we still have a slight advantage here. Together, Seraph and several others can compete with a top powerhouse.

It means that the tasks given by the world government may not be completed.

call out!

Then another heroic figure floated down from the sky. He closed his eyes not to express disdain but because he couldn't bear to see the filth in the world.

Teng Hu, who has not appeared for a long time, is also on the list.

How could you not recognize this powerful Cyborg Kong who gained fame in the Battle of Pioneer Island?

That move of meteorites falling from the sky has shocked the world until now. He is an extremely powerful man who can destroy a country by one person.

The three of them may be in danger.

Finally, the fourth figure hit the island hard from the sky in the distance.

That purple hair, the crazy behavior of wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, and the strong limbs.

Zefa, you, a traitor to the navy, have the nerve to appear here!

Cyborg Kong yelled at the last person, saying that he wanted to clear the door for the navy!

But Zefa didn't pay attention to him at all, and the opponent would definitely be dead tonight.

The four powerful men of the revolutionary army arrived together.

Now Marshal Kong's only thought is to break out of the encirclement and report the matter to Lord Wulaoxing, because there is definitely a huge conspiracy in it.

The South China Sea cannot be separated from the guard of these powerful people under any circumstances, otherwise the navy will immediately attack the world government's biggest enemy.

Isn’t that the role of the G2 branch?

But the fact is that the enemy's entire army attacked.

The conspiracy here makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the first reaction is to ask Seraph and the CP department to delay time. He must not die!

After he, who has the highest command authority, issued the order, Seraph was already ready to fully release its combat power.

Even the CP chief understands the current situation, and keeping Ganggu Kong is the top priority.

As a result, Long took out a mysterious machine and placed it on the ground. Several Seraphs were frozen in place, unable to move, and their whole bodies were shaking and twitching as if they were short-circuited.

It was as if he was acting, Marshal Kong's heart was sinking.

cowry! add! Pang! gram!

The old man read out these four words one by one, and everyone could feel the murderous intent in them.

If he could still go back, he would definitely use the cruelest method to kill the smartest scientist on the sea. This is an unforgivable betrayal.

How dare you tamper with the most powerful weapon for the world government? You have no integrity at all.

Don't get me wrong, this is just the rigor of scientists.

Long still opened his mouth to defend his friend a little, but it didn't seem to work well.

But this is really just a small backdoor, and it doesn't even last long and can only block a few minutes.

The Five Old Stars have the highest authority, and even Vegapunk cannot completely stop the actions of this group of man-made things.

Without the cover of Seraph, just relying on the CP chief and a few CP0s is basically delivering food.

Several little guys from CP0 were instantly killed as soon as they appeared. As for the commander and the immobile Seraph, they were taken into the sea by Jinbei.

From the huge turmoil caused by the sea, everyone knows that this commander-in-chief is in danger.

Only four people were left confronting each other.

You bunch of ungrateful sinners, I will take you on the road even if I die!!

At this time, Cyborg Kong, who had no hope of escaping, really had this realization.

One against three, beyond his own limits.

At this time, a golden light flashed in the distance, and a figure suddenly appeared from the crowd.

Cyborg was filled with ecstasy, this was the arrival of the most powerful reinforcements. With the power of the two of them, this conspiracy is self-defeating!

When the light reunited into human form, the strongest marshal in history, Kizaru, came forward.

Kizaru, leave here quickly and contact Master Wu Laoxing. There is a conspiracy here!!!

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