The side belonging to Weibull was broken into pieces and scattered in the sea. Even the other half that had not sunk was also scarred.

The ecosystem above was completely destroyed, and there was not much breath of life.

After the battle, Luffy collapsed to the ground, seemingly confused by the power of the last blow.

Being immersed in the afterglow of the battle, he did not see the sad eyes of the islanders who were still taking refuge on the pirate ship.

His home was destroyed in front of his eyes in just one day.

Human-shaped natural disasters are also natural disasters.

The residents of the Sphinx once again felt what the real sea was like.

When the Moby Dick arrived, they saw a dead Whitebeard II and only half of Whitebeard's hometown left.

Xiao Ma feels deeply self-blame, feeling that he failed to protect his father's most precious legacy.

But Luffy, a brother he had only met once, paid a heavy price to protect this place, and the injuries on his body were simply horrific.

Ponyboy thinks that being able to survive like this is God's favor, but he doesn't know that this is just the norm in Luffy's pirate career.

Every stop he makes can only be considered complete if he has to go back and forth with the God of Death.

Finally, we used our own resources to resettle the people in my father's hometown, and that was the end of this emergency.

It's possible that there will never be a Sphinx again.

The entire main division captains on the Moby Dick are very grateful to Luffy for his efforts.

After the Phoenix Flame healed the Straw Hats' injuries, they decided to ally with the Straw Hats.

Where can I find such a strong pirate with moral integrity and dreams?

Especially when the White Group is in such a difficult situation now, it is really difficult to find an ally who does not have the ambition to annex.

So let’s go together to compete in the pirate conference belonging to the Cross Guild and re-establish our own glory.

Of course, if luck comes, you can also see if you have a chance to win the title of Pirate King.

Straw Hat, what do you think?

Luffy adjusted his straw hat while everyone was watching.

Of course, I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King.

Okay, it's almost time, let's set off.


Mount Hyjal.

A large island in the New World, the natural ecology is very healthy, and there are many mountain people living there.

It can be said that it is the best island in the New World, and its location is almost in the middle.

The martial arts culture on the island is very strong. It belongs to a race where all the people are soldiers.

In the pirate kingdom with a history of hundreds of years, there is no right and wrong, good and evil, or evil is the basis.

It was once a famous pirate colony and a distribution center for the collection and sale of stolen slave trade arms.

Later, after being conquered by the Cross Guild a few years ago, it belonged to Bucky's territory.

The original name here is definitely not that. It is a place like ** Island where the average educational level is very low.

It was Noah who renamed this place because this mountain range is really majestic.

In a world surrounded by oceans, it is rare to find such a place except the Red Earth Continent.

This island has now become the focus of the world's attention again, because this is where the pirate convention is held.

The final destination of all dispersed permanent pointers.

The surrounding sea area was also surrounded by the security forces of the Cross Guild, ensuring that no news would be leaked before the conference began.

Not to mention that it was indeed impossible to catch a group of powerful pirates, and they were all hanged.

Not even the disguised intelligence department of the World Government can break through, but Jinbei himself is in charge of Haili.

This is a big plan that lasted for two years.

In response to the upcoming war and plans, Mount Hyjal underwent an unrecognizable adjustment.

After two years of transformation, this large island has been transformed into a huge proving ground, or meat grinder.

After clearing the island of residents, the revolutionary army dispatched countless engineering troops to secretly excavate the mountain and change its structure.

A large amount of alloys were used to reinforce various parts of the island, and the cost was definitely high.

There is no other way, there are so many pirates and big pirates who can fight, it can be said to be the strongest gathering of combat power among the people.

A few captains of a large pirate group can destroy a small island. This time, even a medium-sized island with so many captains cannot withstand the aftermath of the chaos.

Large islands may be able to take over, but what about the top masters?

It was a real humanoid natural disaster, and Luffy could have destroyed half of the island.

So how to reduce shock, absorb, and resist pressure gave Bika a big problem.

It was solved during Dr. Vegapunk's overtime work, which at least ensured that the aftermath of the four generals' all-out efforts would not completely destroy this place.

This is already the limit of technology.

There is currently no man-made material that can be said to fully withstand the all-out attack of an emperor.

The kind of stone in the historical text has disappeared in the long river of history. Even if it still exists, it will be a top-notch rare treasure and will not be used to strengthen the mountain.

And it can't reinforce such a large mountain range.

Only Mount Hyjal that has done a good job in reinforcement work is somewhat qualified to take on this name. The battles it has to face are also the limits of this world.

In addition to the specialness of the mountain, what is also special about this pirate convention is its form.

It would be too boring and too safe for all the pirate groups to park their boats at the foot of the mountain and then fight all the way to the mountain.

Since he is a pirate, he must still ride his own ship to reach the top to have some style.

Four huge chasms and countless small branch waterways were carved out of the entire mountain.

As for the seawater, technological means are used to rush away from the surrounding sea to the top of the mountain. This is the super large man-made Upside Down Mountain project.

Countless pirates traveling to the Grand Line from all over the world would definitely be very fond of seeing it, because just the process of going up the mountain would destroy countless ships.

The undercurrents, direct battles of the same kind, and the rapid changes in the direction of the water are all in the Upside Down Mountain PLUS version.

Using human power to fight nature, this is the courage that the Pirate King must have.

There are only so many roads leading to the top of the mountain, and those who can stand on it must be first-rate masters and heroes.

Of course, the final role of these seawaters is also crucial, and it is not just part of the Upside Down Mountain.

The top of the peak is the legendary Well of Eternity. Although I don’t understand why the boss at the top named this artificial lake the Well, this does not prevent its appearance.

Beyond the highest point here are hundreds of golden steps, which are covered with text.

These are fonts copied from historical texts, and they look like they have a sense of historical passage.

On top of it is a huge throne, with countless treasures made of gold scattered around it.

The most important thing is the simple permanent pointer on the left armrest of the throne, leading to the final place.

Extremely luxurious and extremely powerful, it can give people the highest pleasure in the world even before reaching Ravdru.

Bucky had arrived here early and was speechless looking at the throne at the top.

Said amid the roar of rising sea water.

Is it too high-profile?

How can we make people crazy otherwise?

Crocodile's eyes turned red when he looked at the top. If he could just sit on it, it would be fine. He would have no regrets in life.

Others were amazed at the generosity when they saw it. Only the Revolutionary Army could perform such an operation.

And the purpose is definitely not just to determine the so-called Pirate King.

Otherwise, Bucky now can just sit on it and start the world live broadcast to end everything.

The big bosses of these Cross Guilds basically knew that the Revolutionary Army would have plans here, and that there would even be great danger.

But so what, as long as you can accomplish what you want to do.

Lao Sha is still the simplest and simplest. He just wants to sit on it in front of everyone and shout his name to the world. Shah Crocodile.

The empress looked at the glittering golden throne and thought of her own palace, suddenly feeling a little envious.

Rayleigh, Hawkeye and others were a little uncomfortable because of the ubiquitous sense of crisis.

Are you going to hunt gods here? The layout here is a bit excessive.

Rayleigh couldn't help complaining about how there was a sense of crisis everywhere.

There are even some that can threaten you, which is very scary.

You must know that they are the top masters in this sea. Thinking about the power of the weapons and traps that can threaten themselves and others, it feels powerful.

And there are so many of them, from the seaside to the riverbed, to the rocky walls of mountains, forests and mountaintops.

In the fuzzy perception, the entire mountain seemed to be a magical weapon of end. For a moment, he really couldn't imagine what kind of enemy would need such an arrangement.

That's the advantage of coming early.

When Bucky came, these weapon systems were still being debugged and had not been put away, so the experts could sense them.

Otherwise, weapons without commands and electronic signals will not have any fluctuations, and are completely different from the biological induction of strong people.

Hawkeye estimated how long he could survive on this mountain and felt that sometimes leaving would be a good option.

If you resist forcefully, you will die, but if you evacuate, it will definitely be fine.

In other words, these weapons are prepared to deal with an enemy who is destined to return and not flee.


Hawkeye probably knew what was going on.

After just a few seconds, everyone except the Red Earl also remembered that there is really a strange thing in this world that is very suitable for these.

You are really generous.

Where, where.

Bucky said things politely that he didn't even believe.

In fact, when he decided to unify the new world and become the Pirate King 2 years ago, he thought of using this method to avenge Noah.

I just didn't expect that the mobility at the headquarters was so terrifying, that they actually supported me step by step to reach where I am today.

It's just a matter of time now.

10 days left! ! !

There are still 10 days until that bastard Bucky's pirate convention starts. Are all the arrangements in place?

Don't worry, Cyborg Kong and Seraph have both entered the new world.

The navy is now constantly entangled with the revolutionary army in the Three Seas and Paradise stages.

Both Garp and Sengoku were placed in Marinevando.

It seems to be foolproof.

Yes, we can still call upon Master Im at critical moments. This world is always under our control.

Hahahahahahahaha, it's foolproof!

The highest level of the world is laughing wildly, and only Bucky is left in this world after Noah's death.

It will be solved soon.

World Famous Painting: The Laughter of the Five Old Stars.JPG

I was not in a good mood to update at first, but after seeing the support from readers in the afternoon, I felt that it was not good to stop updating at this time, so I gritted my teeth and wrote anyway.

I've been really tired lately.

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