Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 864 Predicting the future and Ba Tang in place


A very peaceful island.

Blue sky and white clouds, lawns, and scattered cabins.

The climate is very good, making it a very good area for planting and breeding.

The people here are also very peaceful and so happy that it's almost like they are in the new world.

It seems that wars, bad weather, and pirates roaming around have always avoided this place.

This is definitely a very rare situation in the new world, where resources have always been contested by all parties.

In fact, this island has been in flames of war more than 70 years ago.

Pirates have never let go of this place. The residents of the island all lost their closest family members in that era.

Chaos has never given up on any corner of the world.

But this is a very special place because it was the hometown of the strongest man in the world.

It is also the deepest treasure hidden by the Whitebeard Pirates.

After leaving his famous name in the sea, Whitebeard has been silently protecting this place from the flames of war and all malice from the outside world.

As a child, he experienced the pain of losing a family member. So until his death, he spent his whole life healing his childhood.

It can be considered that a relatively glorious and dazzling life ended in the great era.

Marco inherited Whitebeard's legacy after Whitebeard's death, and this island was also a treasure he guarded.

But when the dike collapsed, the place that had been protected for many years could not withstand the unexpected.

Weibull got this information from the intelligence network of some remnants of the New Kelp Alliance, and suddenly turned around and led everyone towards here.

If he wants to prove that he is the real son of Whitebeard, he might as well let the people in his hometown recognize him.

However, Weibull's method of proof was different from that of ordinary people, and his reputation on the sea was also brutal.

They often do things like massacre villages and cities. You can't guess the crazy thoughts.

What would happen if such a person broke into the Sphinx? No one expected it.

This is why Marco is going crazy now. He just wanted to return to the territory and summon some elites from the large fleet to carry out a new siege. As a result, the other party broke all his plans with an unexpected move.

The Moby-Dick sailed almost wildly on the sea, and Ponyboy wanted to put phoenix wings on the ship and fly there.

But the sea area of ​​​​the New World has strict climate restrictions, and even a strong man like him dare not cross this sea area in the air.

Damn it! Weibull, you bastard, if you dare to do anything in the Sphinx, I won't let you go!

The white-bearded sons standing at the bow of the boat were anxious and helpless.

It was too far away to snipe that bastard.

We can only hope that Master Luffy, who has been following Whitebeard II, can stop him a little bit.

Ponyboy knows that the last time Luffy fought was a disastrous defeat, so he can't expect the other party to kill Weibull.

In fact, Luffy had no idea what this place meant to Whitebeard. He just chased it and came to this island.

At this time, Weibull had indeed driven all the people on the island together.

The method is very simple, set the house on fire and burn everyone who doesn't come out.

Listen up, you guys, I am Whitebeard's son, Edward Weibull!

A strong man over six meters tall was holding a huge child's knife in his hand. Even though the blade was curled, it could kill someone if hit with it.

These sphinx islanders have not seen such a formation for a long time.

The panic revealed that he was at a loss, and he couldn't even figure out what this stupid-looking guy was going to do.

After Weibull repeatedly failed to communicate in his own way, he planned to use his own methods to prove it, such as the islanders showing force.

Just as he was about to take action, the Merry finally docked.

Luffy with the sheep's head couldn't wait to rush out.

You crooked beard, I'm going to beat you up!!! Rubber rubber headbutt!!!

The head arrived before anyone else, and the little giant was knocked away by a big head wrapped in armed colors.

boom! ! !

The huge force made Weibull fly towards the distant mountain peak, and his whole body fell into it.

That's right, Luffy's brain can also be inflated, otherwise he wouldn't be able to come up with such a nonsensical fighting method.

The Straw Hats, pursuing their victory, continued to fight into the distance, not caring about the rest.

Following closely behind are the Straw Hats who are eager for revenge.

Sanji, who had changed into a new suit, came into the world with a distressed expression and an angry attitude.

The new suit is so expensive for his former Beihai rich man, you bastards! ! !

Konis didn't know when he put on a new short-sleeved T-shirt with the word heart in capital letters on the back.

This is Shingenryu's determination, a new costume provided by Robin during his busy schedule.

It is said that wearing this gives me the aura of a master's loneliness.

Even Chopper's fur is a little shiny and lubricated, and the new bath fragrance can add to the reindeer's charm!

The other members have also upgraded their equipment or strength, and their fighting spirit at this moment has almost become visible to the naked eye.

Cut to the battlefield and engage in another fierce battle with Whitebeard II's pirate group.

In order not to affect the villagers, they also forced the battlefield to be far away, which can be said to be full of impact.

The islanders who stayed in place seemed to have disappeared in the blink of an eye, but huge explosions and vibrations came from the distance. The shock waves blew them one after another and rolled on the ground.

The pirates who were able to survive the siege of the Cross Guild and still stick together were certainly not weaklings. There were several former captains who fought fiercely with several elite leaders of the Straw Hats.

But the current Straw Hats are not newbies who have just entered the new world.

Except for Luffy, who has a Saiyan physique, the others are also perverts of the same type.

One after another, they suppressed their opponents on their respective cut-off battlefields and used their special moves to finish off the opponent.

Strength + potential + luck + background = incomprehensible power.

The remnants of this ship's new pirate alliance did not escape the fate of being sacrificed in the end.

The center of the battlefield belongs to Luffy and Weibull.

Sanji and others, who understood Luffy's wish, stood in the distance and evacuated the villagers here.

If we don't hurry up and evacuate this place, it will really be destroyed and nothing will be left. It just so happens that several pirate ships of the Pirate Alliance can be used as waste.

Without these fragile ordinary people scattered on this island, Luffy can finally let go.

With the improvement of strength, ordinary small islands are not enough as battlefields.

The aftermath and destruction of foreign objects cannot be controlled.

When the fight was in full swing, something beyond common sense was revealed.

Luffy's speed, strength, physique, and dominance continued to improve without any bottlenecks in this battle.

In the second round of the battle, he showed his qualities that were unparalleled in the sea.

Weibull's physique is indeed comparable to that of Whitebeard in his youth. Logically speaking, this is a genetic gift.

However, the perverted aptitude inherited from the Monchi family never requires height and body shape to be displayed.

The battle between the two sides is becoming more and more direct, just to see who falls first.

Weibull often suffered losses in previous battles because of his lack of brains. Later, MISS Bajin asked him to just chop randomly and give full play to his advantages.

Let this Whitebeard II have many unexpected moves. Psychosis always has advantages in this regard.

In order to restrain such abrupt moves, Luffy directly understood the power of predicting the future.

The price he paid was just being knocked away more than a hundred times. For him who had unlocked his health, this was not a price. This was called tactics.

In three seconds, no matter whether the opponent is slashing horizontally or vertically or jumping up and down, he can easily dodge even if he makes any unexpected moves.

He is not afraid even if he is spitted on. This is one of the ultimate qualities of seeing and hearing the color routine.

In order to break through the opponent's monster-like body defense, Liu Ying was still able to understand Liu Ying without any teacher in countless battles.

In other words, it can't be regarded as self-taught, because Rayleigh demonstrated to him once or twice this attack method of destroying the enemy's interior during the two years of training, but he couldn't grasp the key points at that time.

The pressure put on him in this battle and the eagerness to defeat his opponent allowed Luffy to use his body instincts.

Once is an accident, use it several times and it becomes natural.

You can use it faster than in the original work. This is the last moment.

This speed of progress made Noah cry when he saw it. His years of hard work were not as good as one battle.

Finally Luffy started to gain the upper hand during the battle.

Weibull fell into a nightmare.

No matter how fast or powerful he is, even some of his occasional strange moves are dodged by his opponent.

As long as the opponent's fist hits the body, it will cause tremors and severe pain inside the body.

The pain made him panic and even wanted to find his mother.

But Ms. Ba Jin had long been killed in the naval encirclement and suppression.

Without support, he panicked for a moment.

When it comes to fighting will and learning ability, Weibull has always been very arrogant. After all, Ba Jin would not have taken his stupid son to challenge a strong person during his lifetime.

It's all about beating the old, weak, sick and disabled, or bullying newcomers.

Therefore, he rarely fights such battles where he is at a disadvantage in his life.

However, the rabbit bites people when it is anxious, not to mention the cruel Weibull.

He gave up speed and defense, and just stood there and fought with Luffy.

I have to say that this choice is not wrong, at least there is no use in predicting the future.

Hurt each other just to see who is more lucky, or to compete for luck.

It was his luck to encounter Luffy, who was locked in blood in the second round.

So under the violent bombardment of the fourth level of Haki, Luffy's final blow even accidentally triggered his own Haki, and hit a special Haki.

This is basically the level of a general.

The threat of death fills the hearts of opponents, and even fools know their own destruction.

It is still Luffy's favorite rubber ape king gun, wrapped in black lightning and powerful domineering, which completely shattered Weibull's body and half of the Sphinx.

Huge force hit the ground, and the island instantly cracked.

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