Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 866 Everyone is in place

Ten days.

The revolutionary army is also stepping up its deployment, and the South China Sea is now a two-way operation.

Most of the troops are in the Three Seas and Paradise stages, and the elite core combat forces are in the New World.

Once again, they sensed that the troops were stretched thin, which made Long and the others worried. Fortunately, there was support from the navy, otherwise it would be really difficult at this time.

The biggest role of those military commanders and cadres from the recruit training camp is not to contribute combat power, but to cooperate as an intermediate regulator.

After all, this is the first time for large-scale cooperation, and the hostility and friction between them must be resolved step by step.

On the basis of saving troops, it can be regarded as laying a foundation for the future.

It may be very tiring and painful, but you can only grit your teeth and get through this most difficult period.

It's a bit rushed, but there isn't much time left for everyone.

As for the layout of the new world, it is a top priority. Even if Sanhai's strategy is not perfect, there are follow-up solutions.

But if the goal is not completed there, the final outcome of the world will be different.

Long is also losing a lot of hair now. It is estimated that if it takes a long time, he will learn from his old father's hairstyle.

At the same time, the commander of the Fourth Army also lost his hair. Looking at the equally helpless navy in front of him, he became very worried.

In the past, when the two parties met, they would fight to the death, but this meeting turned out to be cooperation.

The progress of things was too magical.

For the Revolutionary Army, Long used his credibility to endorse everyone so that everyone can rest assured that there should be no Devil Fruit ability that can control the top powerhouses.

Sengoku personally talked to several key figures in the navy, especially the lieutenant generals in the headquarters, and it took Sengoku Kizaru's combined efforts to appease them.

Communication at the major general level was left to Luo Nandi, Cha Dou and others.

It was exciting to do these things behind the back of the World Government, but in the end, most of the people were taken care of before the plan was implemented.

Bellobetti was really angry when she saw Di Yuan, who was tall, long-legged and good-looking. This woman kept looking down at her.

Even if he was looking down, he still looked like he was so short, he really wanted to fight.

Why did the boss arrange for such a person to come to the East China Sea to cooperate?

There is more or less a comparison mentality between women at work here.

Little did they know that Di Yuan was also very helpless. She had long known the mission of the navy from Ackerman, so she was prepared to cooperate with the revolutionary army.

But this little dwarf is so angry, I don’t know if we can continue to cooperate.

Besides, you can blame me for being short. So we walked closer. I wanted to press my hip shaft against Betty's head.

The two of them looked at each other and wanted to be disgusted with each other, but the mission still had to continue, so they endured it.

I can only take the materials and start checking the information, the time is almost up.

The crow in Beihai also encountered a similar situation. This guy who looked very wretched turned out to be the backup general of the navy.

No wonder the revolutionary army can always win.

Tea Dolphin, on the other hand, was smiling on the outside but still feeling contempt in his heart.

The clothing style of these people in the revolutionary army is too exaggerated. This black feather coat style does not look like good people.

Marshal Kizaru will definitely make big news.

The West Sea is very smooth.

The white hunter held a cigar in his mouth and looked at the little giant in front of him without any thoughts, because this guy's temper was too gentle.

How can such a big man with such a silly voice become a military commander?

In fact, Morrie is the oldest person in the revolutionary army. He has seen too many ups and downs, so his temper has become gentle.

At that time, he was also a very vicious pirate on the sea.

Bonnie and Xiao Fengcai were embarrassed on the Grand Line, surrounded by several vice-admiral fleet groups.

The two of them were a little stiff and pretended to be calm. They couldn't be embarrassed when they cooperated.

Those who didn't know it from a distance thought that these two people were being hunted by the navy.

Fortunately, people from Akainu's family went to the New World to monitor pirates, otherwise a war would have started early.

Huo Shaoshan still hasn't figured out how the Navy got together with the Revolutionary Army.

However, Kizaru came to talk to him personally, and the Warring States Marshal and the He Staff had all explained to him before he reluctantly became the docking person for this paradise stage.

The two revolutionary army brats in front of him were commanders at the same level as him.

The revolutionary army is really young.

It was so busy outside, and inside the Navy headquarters, people were so tired that they were about to vomit blood.

Noah was so busy that he took off. There were times when he wished he could use the Gate Fruit to deliver information to save time.

He also had to hide the secrets from those insidious old men on the Red Earth Continent, and he also had to pay attention to the actions of the CP department.

It is even more important to sort out the various adjustments and task assignments in the navy as soon as possible.

He also has to follow up on the two plans of the Revolutionary Army, as well as several back-up plans from the Cross Guild.

The arrival of a large number of high-level combat forces has turned it into a huge powder keg, and it also needs people to adjust it.

He has to face four directions alone, and there are dozens of phone bugs that he needs to contact hundreds of times every day.

In order to prevent being eavesdropped and being noticed, he moved his office to Kizaru's large office.

The general CP intelligence department would not dare to enter the marshal's office.

Just against the ambiguity of justice crazy involution.

Now even Kizaru is under his command and is responsible for the command of the navy.

Using his identity as a marshal, he wrote letters of appointment crazily, completely erasing this salty fish's life.

Since the orders of many lieutenant generals and major generals of the headquarters in the Sankai and Paradise stages must be signed by the marshal, Kizaru's signature pen is almost sparkling.

Some generals who cannot understand written orders still need to act in person.

I can only say that the Shining Fruit is really useful, and you can go out and talk to people at this time.

Staff Officer He also came to the Marshal's office several times a day, which caused some people to murmur in their hearts.

It seems that the entanglement between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army is quite complicated. Otherwise, why would Staff Officer He still work so hard at his age?

Time passed quietly in such dark busyness.

In the early morning of the last day, the sun had not yet risen.

Noah sat on his desk with a serious face, waiting for feedback from all directions.

Donghai is already in place.

Xihai is already in place.

The North Sea is already in place.

Paradise is already in place.

“The new world is already in place.”

On the tenth day, it was dawn.

The Red Continent, the Great Line, and most people in the four seas are paying attention to this battle in the New World.

Roger can usher in the era of great pirates, but what will the new Pirate King bring?

This is a war that will affect the whole world.

Last time Bucky was able to hijack the live phone bug through technical means, so it should be possible this time too.

Moreover, on such a special day, with the emperor's flamboyant character, how could it be possible that everyone would not exclaim for his coronation.

Sure enough, since the morning, the phone bug had been connected by a recoded signal that broke through the isolation device set by Bega Punk.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the doctor's left hand hit his right hand. With his backhand, he doubled the strength of the Cross Guild and broke through his own protection.

Stab, sting, sting

The blue sky and white clouds, the first angle of view is actually aimed at the sky.

Then the angle of view slowly adjusts downward.

It seems that this live broadcast is not a parliament hall, but a large-scale war live broadcast.

Everyone who has watched the Battle of Pioneer Island has this idea.

The camera showed a strange isolation line, with cross guild signs painted on the floats one after another, blocking everyone's entry.

Behind that place were densely packed pirate ships of all kinds surrounding them from all directions.

In fact, since the pirate conference was announced, the Cross Guild has implemented prevention and control measures within a 20-mile radius around Mount Hyjal.

No pirate is allowed to break through this line before the agreed time, and anyone who breaks through will receive a fatal blow.

So those pirate ships that want the chicken thieves to escape have already fed the Neptune species in the deep sea.

A few times of killing the chickens to scare the monkeys shut up those guys who were clamoring to rush over.

Anyway, the people who yelled the loudest remained motionless.

As a result, such a strange scene was created, with pirate ships surrounding Mount Hyjal in circles.

Black sails are the most common here, as if a black sea surrounds this blue holy mountain.

This group of pirates were not obedient while waiting for it to be activated. ,

The intertwining of grievances and hatreds is very complicated. Even if there is no such thing, even if the ship comes a little closer, or takes one more look, it will cause a fight.

The winner annexes the loser's fleet on the spot, and the loser is left with the only way to feed the fish and shrimps. This is the most naked pirate world.

Explosions, howls, and sounds of fighting have been repeated over the past 10 days.

The atmosphere of violence and blood permeated the place, and the pirates could hardly bear the urge to fight.

Anyway, we were still fighting on the island in front of us, so what’s the difference if we’re also fighting here?

So by the time the camera opens, this place has actually gone through the first screening.

The surviving pirates are all purified and truly powerful pirate groups.

And those who are weaker will find that they can no longer withdraw even if they overcome the greed in their hearts and slowly withdraw.

This place is already a forbidden area that can only be entered and cannot be exited. Anyone who runs out will be swallowed by the mysterious sea nest.

After the camera was shown here, countless civilians were exclaiming, because they recognized the signs of many big pirates who were at the top of the wanted list.

Even the official people didn't expect that some old friends would show up here.

Oh my god, that's the Broly Pirates. Didn't you say they were buried by Whitebeard?

It turns out that Broly is still alive and dares to jump out. It seems that his ambition to become the Pirate King outweighs his desire to survive.

The old pirate from 30 years ago had a setting where his hair would turn green when he went crazy.

At the same time, the strength will skyrocket to a large level, and the learning ability and survival ability will be unimaginable.

Such distinctive warriors are rare on the sea, somewhat similar to the Moon Rabbit clan.

The CP department began to record information frantically. This was all ready-made intelligence.

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