Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 863 The End of the Troubles in Wano Country

Luffy's growth rate is very fast, and he can already compete with Weibull.

It is estimated that if we fight again, we will have to make a comeback.

This is consistent with the appearance that Noah would put a special mark on.

The ending after nine miles is very simple.

While Haogoro and Kinemon were still arguing, someone came over and said something to Haogoro.

Then he took Kinemon to the streets of Taoyuan Town to help this so-called descendant of Oden come to the rescue.

The former boss first apologized to others, and then also included compensation for mental damages. He did everything very appropriately.

However, Momonosuke's hooligan nature has not yet reached a particularly serious level, so it is not easy for the other party to hold on to him and walk down the ladder to leave.

After all, Hao Goro was a celebrity both when he was the boss and when he was in a mixed system.

Still more or less afraid.

A small episode was that when Kinemon saw that the other party was so disrespectful to Momonosuke, he almost shouted such a stupid declaration that this is the son of Kozuki Oden.

The episode was ended by the quick-eyed Haogoro hitting him in the stomach with a sakura, and flipping him over.

“Alas, the thinking of these samurai from 20 years ago is still too rigid.

Oden won't have much reputation here, let alone his son.

Still, it’s not a shame to be involved in an incident like this.

Hao Goro shook his head repeatedly. It seemed that Kinemon had to find a way to solve it, otherwise he would be a dangerous person if he remained.

He took these two people to the office of the Shinkuri Daimyo.

The current daimyo only continues the honorific title from the past, but their authority and actual status are far less than before.

It is just the top chief executive of a township, and it is still a rotating system, subject to the supervision of the parliament.

Master Kang, I brought you back.

I will go back to the Flower Capital first and leave these two people to you.

Haogoro didn't want to get involved in these messy things. The public meeting was also very troublesome because of Momonosuke's affairs.

He is living a happy life now and doesn't want his peaceful life to be broken again. After all, he likes stability as he gets older.

But if anyone dares to destroy the stability here, his Hanaichi Sword Style will surely shine again.

The Yasu family felt a little melancholy when they saw the ugly-looking Kin'emon and the frightened Momonosuke.

Even though Oden didn't handle some things properly, he still had a bit of prestige. Why is this son so miserable?

He didn't say anything about Kin'emon. In the past, samurai retainers had to have such a foolish and loyal attitude to draw their swords and do anything for the lord's anger.

This is a way to train your subordinates.

He also used this traditional theory when he taught Chi Sheath.

He still understands the psychology of these guys very well. People like Ashura Doji and Inuarashi Kawamatsu were all persuaded by him.

Having accumulated a wealth of experience, it is not difficult to be a Kinemon.

First, let someone take Momonosuke down to rest. With this little guy talking, the other party may not be able to hear some words.

Then he began to tell Kinemon about the changes in Wano Country over the years, and what kind of life the people of the entire country needed.

The general really has no status in this country, because everyone believes that they can live a good life by themselves. This is a new idea and new progress.

Time seems to be going backwards, but the short daimyo is still speaking the truth.

But the person attending the lecture has become a middle-aged man.

You can always listen to some words if you repeat them several times, and the Kang family is still a senior whom Chi Shen respects very much and was their teacher back then.

So although it's still hard to accept, my attitude has softened a lot.

It was not until the arrival of Kozukihi and the red-sheath warriors with his men that the conflict was rekindled.

Kinemon could not accept the betrayal of several other retainers and actually left the Kozuki clan.

Although he is currently working for Kozuki Hiyori in name, he is more responsible for shouldering his responsibilities within Wano than being a retainer.

The few warriors who had become enlightened also had other views on the identity of retainers, so the conflict between them was still very serious.

Hiyori's time was limited and he didn't want to see such a dispute again, so he changed the subject first.

After exposing Kanjuro's affairs, Kinemon fell to his knees in despondency after suffering the second blow.

At this time, another protagonist also ran out.


Momonosuke was a little surprised to see his sister turn into such a beautiful woman, and then she was knocked down with a whip.

It was just like the usual fun, but this time Hiyori still had some shy and annoyed aura.

You idiot brother. Look what you have done along the way?

Sukiyaki felt a little distressed when he saw his grandson with a footprint on his face, but after thinking about what they had discussed on the way, he became heartbroken.

At this time, we have to break this kid's character, and there will be more tragic things waiting for him in the future.

The great war is about to begin, and such an unreliable child will really die if he causes chaos.

As the representative of the Kozuki clan, Hiyori taking action at this time can be regarded as a statement to others.

Momonosuke finally couldn't bear such a blow and burst into tears.

At first he was afraid of Kaido, but after traveling 20 years and having Kaido die, he relaxed.

I thought that when I returned to Wano Country, I could inherit the position of general, do whatever I wanted and live with my beautiful older sisters.

As a result, after all the hard work, I didn't get any respect. Being intimidated and beaten by my own sister was really unbearable.

This cry was rewarded with a second beating.

Hiyori experienced the despair of being alone after Momonosuke was sent away.

She also spent a few years living in fear of being on the run under the rule of Kaido and Orochi.

At that time, she didn't even have food to eat. If it weren't for Hesong, she might have died long ago.

She is a girl who has truly experienced life and death, knows how to be forbearing and is full of ruthlessness.

Her mentality is different from Momonosuke's.

Momonosuke spent 8 years under the protection of his family and outstanding people like Roger and Whitebeard.

Then at the most critical moment, he was sent away by Mrs. Shi and returned to the time passage 20 years later.

This period of time was spanned in just a short moment, so he did not experience so much blood, fire, love and hatred, only the bad habits from before were left behind.

Two different life trajectories have created two different characters.

This is why Hiyori can become the Speaker, but Momonosuke is so defeated in the original work.

In order to help the successor who maintained the bloodline system wait enough to ascend to the position of general.

Oda gave him so many hexagrams forcibly, and the treatment made people dizzy.

In the original work, Momonosuke ate an artificial blue dragon fruit that was as good as Kaido, and got a ticket to the general level.

This was an all-round artificial cheat designed by Vegapunk himself, and it happened to be eaten by him by such a coincidence.

You can also order the elephant owner to directly knock out a creature with great strength like Drought Jack with one nose, and get the command of the ancient creature related to Joey Boy.

This hanging one is a bit like Neptune, it really exploded.

The fur tribe on the elephant's back has made an 800-year agreement with the Guangyue tribe. He holds the largest power and foreign aid outside Wano, and the two kings of the Fur Tribe are his retainers.

Under the moonlight, the combat power of this group of fur tribe has soared, and they can be regarded as the top combat team in the sea.

In the country, the loyalty of all the red sheath warriors is born. The Red Scabbard Warrior is the leader of the sea in every aspect of his strength.

Eight people working together can definitely suppress the opposition of anyone in Wano. They and Kaido can fight for several rounds in a decent manner.

In the end, he designed another feat to hold up Onigashima in the Flower Capital, so that some influential people in the capital could accept this life-saving grace.

In the end, Green Bull was used to help him complete his second mental growth and transformation.

This all happened within just a few months.

A child has experienced so much in a few months since he was 8 years old, and has become the top fighting force in the sea.

Even the body shape has transcended time and grown directly to the state of youth with appropriate appearance.

This may be due to luck, but more often than not it is forced.

There are not many in the entire sea who can compare with him.

At least Luffy wouldn't be as good as this little guy if he hadn't changed the fruit settings.

But in this real world, because of Noah's existence, all of this no longer belongs to him.

So Momonosuke disappeared from everyone, without the support of strength and power, he was just a cowardly and lustful ordinary kid.

Hiyori coldly announced that Momonosuke would be sent to Usagi Bowl for martial arts training and mental tempering. If he could not meet the graduation standards, he should not step into the Flower City.

The current Rabbit Bowl is different from the previous large prison. It is the holy land of martial arts practice in Wano Country.

I was sent there in the hope that the chilling atmosphere there could wash away the luxury and lust that the child had developed since childhood.

You can also feel the vitality and power of Wano Country now.

As for Kinemon, he was sent to the school in the Flower City to re-learn.

It's just a good time to learn about red ideology and politics and people's livelihood with Lei Zang.

Everyone who has the ability should make full use of it.

Now it's just a brick, Hiyori has to put it in the most suitable place, let alone such a great master.

Raizo was also redeemed by Wano through the Cross Guild, and was given a lot of compensation.

The condition is that it should not be publicized. After all, this can be considered a scandal.

After handling these matters without leakage, she only stayed in Jiuli for one night.

We had a meal with Sukiyaki and Momonosuke, and talked about their bitterness and pain during this period, hoping that Momonosuke would wake up soon.

He left before dawn the next day, leaving her little time to reminisce.

He hurried back to the Flower Capital to make plans. The country of peace would also have to contribute in the final big war.

After all, there is something underground here that can change the situation of the war, although the revolutionary army does not seem to want to activate this weapon.

Such a decisive and terrifyingly rational person is the Supreme Executive Speaker of Wano Country.

Others were also completely convinced by Hiyori's operation, which could be said to be impeccable.

Afterwards, no matter how much Momonosuke struggled, he was taken to the Rabbit Bowl and underwent hell-like training.

The current training chief there is a huge fan of Teacher Zefa.

He even abandoned the way of the sword of the Wano Kingdom and practiced the way of the body.

Mining with the physical body is a way of practice he developed, which set off a trend of macho men in Wano Country.

Several other Chi Sheaths took turns serving as kendo teachers, constantly training new kendo masters.

Eventually they will be sent to Nanhai for ideological polishing, and the finished product will be a determined Wano warrior.

If Momonosuke was sent there and didn't train for four or five years, he probably wouldn't be able to get out.

After returning to the Flower City, Hiyori took over a fruit from Robin, if his brother still failed in the Rabbit Bowl.

In order to save his life, I had to feed him.

After dealing with this matter, they looked at a certain island in the new world, the Sphinx.

Luffy had already chased Weibull there, and the Whitebeard Pirates seemed to be rushing here like crazy.

It's as if this island has any special meaning.

Looks like Luffy is going to win.


Hiyori was confused, Luffy had lost before.

Someone said that Luffy is different.

Only by defeating Weibull can we have the chance to step onto the final stage.

That bastard really got it right.

Happy Lantern Festival to everyone!

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