Sister Robin, what are the trials you gave my brother?

Hiyori is a little worried. After getting along for a long time, she still knows the tricks of this seemingly intellectual elder sister.

It can be said that he is full of wits and a little shady. You can't say that in person, you will definitely be retaliated against.

Although they have been separated for 20 years, it is impossible not to worry about my brother.

According to the analysis in the previous intelligence, Momonosuke had many weaknesses, and she couldn't think of how to attack him for a while.

Don't worry, I'm just an eight-year-old kid. I still have some sense of propriety.

Hiyori didn't feel relieved when Robin said that. Every time before she lied to someone, this sister would put her heart at ease with a warm smile.

Still looking at Robin with his big cute eyes.

Hiyori, who had been in a high position for a long time, suddenly changed her style and instantly became cute towards the sinister elder sister.

Who can resist a little girl who is majestic in the outside world and soft and cute at home.

Well, I heard someone say before that the easiest way to prove that you are a hero is to do the Twelve Trials.

Twelve trials?

That's right! Go fight with lions, capture deer alive, capture wild boars alive, bring back the vicious dogs from hell, look for golden apples and so on.

The hell joke wasn't funny, Robin shrugged.

She knew too many such plot points when she listened to Noah telling stories before.

There are too many zodiac signs, forest of death, and hunter exams.

It's a pity that the target is just a somewhat ordinary imp, and none of those ultimate moves can be used.

By the way, the recruit training camp in Nanhai has launched a local version of the hunter exam, which is intended to select the elite among the elite individual warriors.

Just simple courage, wisdom, responsibility, and basic moral character. Just do it first.

After listening to this, Hiyori had to admire this sister who cut pure black, she is really not a good person.

But it didn't cross the line, and it was indeed a test.

It’s this basic moral character. I don’t know if my brother can pass.

Hiyori's instinctive worry gave rise to curiosity.

Sister Robin's arrangement will definitely be very interesting. Just take a day off and have some fun. Anyway, nothing big will happen.

In Taoyuan Town, while Kinemon was still arguing with Haogoro about Oden's reputation and contribution to Wano Country, the trialist who had been unable to sit still ran out of the teahouse.

An 8-year-old is really not considered a child in Wano. In the past, many children of this age would start to struggle for a living.

An orthodox general heir like Momonosuke has received a lot of knowledge and information beyond his age since he was a child, so he naturally has many ideas of his own.

To the young man, this was Taoyuan Farm outside Oden City, and it was his family property.

He still understands what family property and retainers are.

What is the difference between high and low, and what is the difference between elder and younger are engraved in the bones.

This may be the biggest original sin in Wano now.

When countless people are overthrowing this thing, there is a kid who comes back with so-called righteousness. It is really hard not to think too much.

Momonosuke from Taoyuan Town doesn't think there is anything wrong with his idea at all.

In addition to being a general, my father is also a daimyo from Kuri, so everything he looks at belongs to him.

Our own streets, our own shops, our own people.

So why can't I do what my father can do?

Momonosuke who took to the streets was much braver than Kinemon, and his gait was very bold.

It can be seen that he is trying his best to imitate his father.

What he has to do next is very simple, and his encounter can be said to be very unexpected.

Whenever a young and beautiful woman passes by him, she will receive that kind of lustful look.

In the end, he extended his evil hand and even knew how to use his young age as a cover.

A child who pretends to be lost tries to find a plump older sister for a hug.

Little guy, your method is too naive.

Let me tell you, your behavior is considered a gangster in Wano Country.

The eldest sister just taught him in a very ordinary tone of admonition to the children.

Not everyone is like Nami and lets this brat take advantage of her.

Besides, this age is really not young in Wano Country.

In the past, in order to survive, younger children had to go out and struggle to survive.

After being seen through his own tricks, Momonosuke first tried to get through, and then became angry.

After all, being exposed or not is closely related to his dignity, the dignity of Kozuki Oden's son.

If something like this happened while overseas, even Kinemon and the others would help to stand up.

Perhaps this setback did not make him restrain himself, and he still extended his sinful hand when he saw the next young girl.

This time it wasn't just a simple warning, the woman's father caught her.

The old father looked at Momonosuke very annoyed.

Kid, where are your parents? Did they teach you to do this kind of thing?

Talking about family immediately ignited Momonosuke's anger.

“This is the foot of Oden Castle.

That's what Kozuki Oden-sama did back then, and I didn't see you guys stand up and say anything.

After being caught, Momonosuke still wanted to save face and did not say such words as his father Kozuki Oden on this occasion.

But what he didn't know was.

In fact, the harem chaos broke out from here.

Although Oden had a good intention and wanted to save some girls, he also offended the entire Wano men.

The old father was included in the crusade at that time.

Although looking back now, both sides were at fault for what happened back then, and even Oden still had some heroic spirit of justice.

But the shame of being beaten down is still an unspeakable memory.

Macho chauvinism is still very popular in Wano, and it will take time to slowly converge.

Therefore, it can only be said that Momonosuke was caught in the crossfire, and fortunately he did not mention his true identity, otherwise things would be even more troublesome.

The blood vessels on the old father's forehead were about to burst, and his eyes became more and more fierce.

The kid who wanted to take advantage of his daughter took out the Oden to humiliate him

Twenty years ago, he could have drawn a knife and killed this kid on the spot.

But now that the laws in Wano are relatively complete, he can't do anything to such a brat like before.

So the conflict could only stay there.

It doesn't matter whether you hold this kid in hand or not.

As the crowd gathered, Momonosuke also felt a little scared.

‘Why hasn’t Kinemon come yet? ’

Being lifted up in the air, he was timid and speechless, with tears in his eyes.

It seemed like he would cry if he was frightened by the other party again.

Mitsuki Hiwa was a little surprised to receive the information in real time.

Isn’t this method a bit simple? It's not like something Sister Robin can do.

She thought

Of course, she doesn't feel bad for her brother. The things her brother did are really embarrassing.

No matter what Kozuki Oden's posthumous name is, as a hero he still has his own responsibilities.

Otherwise, no one would miss him.

Momonosuke is lustful and timid. It is really difficult for him to assume the authority of such a father.

Robin also frowned and said something.

The test I prepared requires him to walk some distance further. Who would have thought that he would do such bad things one after another just a few steps out of the teahouse. I guess he won't be able to complete today's test.

Such a defeated performance made Robin sigh.

Obviously, many aspects of the design were inspired by the stories Noah told before.

Absolute ups and downs, absolutely able to reveal a person's true heart after putting aside their disguise.

Even if Momonosuke is really a strong person, he can sublimate his own beliefs from it.

It can be said to be a trial without much malice.

Mainly because Robin himself didn't have much contact with this child's evil thoughts, and he was still Hiyori's older brother.

Some methods have a lot of restrictions, so they have to accept a lot of hands.

As a result, the opponent fell at the door without even being qualified to step into the trap.

Robin has no interest in continuing the next trial. He has been determined to be pure.

Fortunately, she had specially prepared a fruit for Momonosuke.

For such a threatening person, an ordinary fruit can definitely add an obvious flaw.

In addition to being afraid of water, the characteristics of fruits are also points that can be targeted.

Compared to others, Robin's heart is relatively cold.

Even a child did not let down his guard, anything could happen in this sea.

There are too many strong men capsized in the gutter.

For example, Blackbeard was killed in this way. By the way, the big horned deer fruit has been recycled.

I don’t know why it seems to like appearing in this era.

There are so many things that can be used in Devil Fruits.

So do you want to feed him now?

Or should we just let such a child live an ordinary life?

Hiyori thought about it for a while and felt that this was the only way to do it. It was still difficult to ask Momonosuke to take responsibility.

Then Robin added.

His cowardice can be corrected after a few years of training in the Rabbit Bowl.

But how is the problem of lust inherited? Could it be that your father has taken him out since he was a child?

Guangyue Rihe's face turned red when he heard this, and he didn't expect that his brother could learn such essence.

The chaos in the harem caused by Oden and the immoral things he did have been mentioned countless times in the liquidation in the past few years.

It makes people feel embarrassed every time.

Originally, this trend had already subsided. If people knew that Momonosuke had done the same thing, the family tradition of the Kozuki clan would be completely ruined.

So her eyes were still a little bit fiercer, this brother needs to polish it again.

Sister Robin's suggestion is a good one. Sending it to the rabbit bowl for beating and beating can also be regarded as protection.

At the same time, you can develop a bit of real boyishness.

Thinking of this, she planned to leave the Flower Capital with Sukiyaki and head to Taoyuan Town in Jiuli.

After all, you have to recognize your kiss.

Momonosuke is not suitable to enter the Flower City now. If he comes in, he will become the target of countless interested people.

It's still the kind of target that can be hit accurately, and any pretty woman can hit that dead child.

This is not good for the stability of Wano.

Seeing that Hiyori was so assertive, Robin didn't say much.

After traveling through time and doing such a boring thing, her evaluation of Mrs. Shi was lowered a lot.

That is the fruit of time, how many backhands and operations can be deployed.

As a result, he did these things for the country of Wano.

Robin felt very disappointed with these people who returned, and even felt a little boring.

There are so many young masters from noble families that can be seen everywhere in the sea.

I don’t even understand why this Momonosuke caused some emotional fluctuations in Noah back then.

Or is she waiting for the wrong person?

If you don't have the time, you might as well look at another piece of information, the Straw Hat's pursuit.

It is said that Straw Hat Luffy, another little guy that Noah is paying attention to, has chased Whitebeard II for half of the New World.

It was a fierce battle for the two parties to catch up, and then they separated and continued the pursuit.

Weibull didn't care about this, those men were afraid.

What if the commotion gets louder and the Cross Guild targets you before the conference?

The two parties turned the new world upside down, which was the biggest excitement before Bucky's pirate convention.

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