Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 861 Dealing with the Traitor

Kinemon, who became serious, took Momonosuke, who was already restless, to start asking for information.

In order to prevent this young master who always did some erratic things from causing trouble again, Momonosuke was specially placed in a tea room.

Ordered him some snacks.

There are few people here, it is quiet, and the consumption is relatively high and safety is guaranteed.

It seems that the gold and silver treasures stolen from the outside world can still be used in Wano.

Kinemon didn't expect that as soon as he left the teahouse, the boss would directly notify the people at the security station.

Samurai? And that bossy tone is really a past that I don't want to recall.

The boss is also a storyteller, and he hates the behavior of those noble people in the past.

Kinemon, who was walking alone on the street, specifically found a pub with the most people.

Compared to the tea room, this tavern is full of dragons and snakes, and there are also many people wearing swords.

Kinemon believes there will be great gains here.


The news he heard completely shattered his defenses.

Kaido was hacked to death more than ten years ago. This is not wrong.

But the protagonist is the revolutionary army.

They defeated the Black Carbon Orochi, supported Hiyori Kozuki to regain power, and rescued a large number of ordinary people who were being persecuted.

It shut down the factory that was destroying the entire country of Wano and also helped solve the pollution problem that had arisen.

He also passed on ideas and items from the outside world, so that everyone could have a good meal.

These various deeds made Kinemon regard the revolutionary army as saints.

What followed made Kinemon regard the revolutionary army as his life and death enemy.

The Shogunate existed in name only, and Wano became a parliamentary system.

All rights were taken away from the generals and given to every untouchable.

Almost all the original great nobles were eradicated, in a physical sense.

The status of the samurai was abolished and everything was brought under the control of the state.

This has already dug up the roots of Wano! !

What made him most angry was that this group of untouchables now talked about Lord Oden unscrupulously, and shamelessly denied those past achievements.

His eyes were red and he was about to lose his mind.

I can't wait to go to the Flower Capital to question Miss Hiyori why she wants to lead Wano Country to death.

Boy, if I were you I wouldn't put my hand on the hilt of the knife.

A tall and arrogant old man appeared behind Kinemon and suppressed him with his momentum.

Turn around and take a look.

Lord Leopard Goro!!!

This is a heroic figure that Oden admires very much. He is extremely powerful and has many subordinates.

This adult should not accept Wano becoming what it is now. After all, there is no place for them to survive in the new country.

But Kinemon was still wrong.

Nothing grown-up, just an ordinary sheriff.

Baogoro expressed his loyalty to Hiyori that year and was willing to accept the imperial edict.

Following the trend, it was incorporated into the current administrative system of Wano Country.

The former crime boss and now the city's security manager can be considered a somewhat professional counterpart.

Having witnessed the development of Wano over the years, it seems that he no longer has the ambition to engage in any gray areas.

Hiyori really has a lot of power in her hands.

In addition to profit methods, his fists are extremely hard.

Red Scabbard's force deterrence is one thing, but if he doesn't dispatch three or five Leopard Goro of this level, he's really not that scared.

That's just too much Robin.

During the boxing practice, he hammered almost all the red sheaths and Leopard Goro, and Liu Ying was easily mastered by the opponent.

Anyway, after this point, the so-called strong men in Wano have something to think about.

The backer behind it is even more terrifying.

More and more people are returning from studying abroad. In addition to samurai, there are also many scholars.

Everyone knows what it means to have a strong ship and powerful guns, and they all know what it means to be a general.

He even knew how many masters of this level had been killed by the revolutionary army.

The high-end combat power is calm, and the most uncomfortable is non-violence and non-cooperation.

There is no one who is really looking for death yet, and the name Asura Boy is no weaker than him, Leopard Goro.

During Kaido's time, he could live freely in the mountains as a bandit, but now.

Differently, I started clocking in to work.

Dare not go down the mountain? The mountain has been leveled for you, but it’s still the same in the physical sense.

A few years ago, I even went out to see the sea.

After coming back, my enthusiasm for work has increased a lot, and it seems that I have been beaten too many times outside.

Maybe Kinemon was the first Akama to seek death.

Leopard Goro came to save him this time. The other Chi Sheaths were dealing with some very important matters in another place.

He will come over when the matter is finished. After all, he is the son of the former lord.

The thing they have to deal with is very simple, deal with the traitors.

After separating from Kinemon and that idiot kid.

Kanjuro planned to cross directly from the Kuri bridge to Usagi Bowl. The daimyo Ugetsu Tempura had been executed 20 years ago.

I don’t know if the current daimyo will be one of our own.

But there is one thing to say: this bridge is really well built, wide and strong.

Walking along the edge of the Rabbit Bowl towards the Flower Capital, he suddenly stopped.

The Tsuji Shima plum in his hand was wrapped with dark domineering energy.

come out!

Several figures just flashed out from behind the tree.

Denjiro! Kawamatsu!

The appearance of two old friends made him ecstatic. If there was any better way to get information than this channel.

It’s amazing to be alive till now.


Kanjuro, who was trying his best to perform the reunion of old friends, smiled and couldn't stop laughing. The other person was really not accepting the scene.

I can't act alone.

Little did they know that Denjiro and Kawamatsu also wanted to laugh, a smile that meant a great revenge was about to be avenged, a cruel sneer.

When Kaido died at the hands of Rayleigh, Black Carbon Orochi was put to trial and executed.

All that's left is the last traitor.

Kan~Ju~lang~ I'm so! happy to see you!

Denjiro expressed his sincere joy for his old friend.

Kawamatsu nodded, indicating that Denjiro was right.

As for why Wai Wushuang was pulled out from his hand, he didn't know.

Even if Kanjuro is not a top undercover agent, anyone with normal intelligence would not think that this is a drama about reuniting old friends.

There seems to be something wrong with your script, so you might as well struggle.

I am Kanjuro, Susame Kanjuro.

Do you still remember how we met back then? I went to cut Oden's hair, and then...


The other party's pretentiousness made Denjiro feel sick.

The last crusade back then was betrayed by this traitor, and he is still performing those disgusting dramas now.

Nozomi's monster, your drama can come to an end.

Oh, no. I should call you Heitan Kanjuro!

It seems exposed.

Black Carbon Orochi told everything before he died.

You don't need to be tortured for anything, but you take the initiative to explain it.

Maybe he was afraid that even if he died, the Heitan clan would still be able to survive.

He's really a selfish piece of trash.

I see.

After Kanjuro heard Denjiro's words, he understood that there was no soil for his survival in Wano Country.

When he first entered the territory of the Cross Guild, he should have retreated.

In the end, greed took over and he ruined himself.

Instead of being as arrogant as he was on a rainy night in the original work, he was now only left with a bone-chilling chill.

He made a decisive decision to escape.

You two can't stop me.

After saying that, a sword wind struck the ground, kicking up a large amount of dust.

The brush was handed to the left hand to paint, showing the true artistry of the painter, and a lifelike crane immediately flew out.

Kanjuro turned around and mounted the crane and planned to escape from Wano Country. How could there be no place for strong men like him to survive in such a vast open sea. ,

Of course, it may be that he is unwilling to give up, or his true nature is revealed in mid-air and he starts taunting.

“Idiot, you and the so-called Chi Sheath are both idiots.

And Oden, he is a fool.

How could anyone agree to Kaido's lies to deceive fools? If such a person becomes the lord, Wano Country will not be well.

Kanjuro didn't reject the idea of ​​following Oden at first, it was just a spy.

It is impossible to say that he has not been affected by the so-called personality charm.

However, the performance of this fool His Highness became more and more disappointing in the later period, so he would naturally have no psychological burden when betraying him.

And how can it be that my magic is not good at painting? You are the only one who believes it.

Hahahahahahaha. Ah!

boom! boom! boom! Boom! Boom!

Why does this idiot think that flying is great, but riding a crane is so slow?

Denjiro is not only one of the Red Scabbards, he is also one of the first batch of samurai to study in the South China Sea, and he is also a major leader of the Cross Guild.

The thinking of battle is no longer limited to such small duel scenes.

It is normal to mobilize a group of troops to guard the perimeter, especially anti-aircraft artillery, which is highly targeted.

The average strong person would not be able to escape very quickly and could easily lock on.

This is the experience gained from many sieges.

Even Kawamatsu was a little speechless when he looked at Denjiro. The way this old friend really changed his previous image.

So he also put away the electromagnetic pistol in his arms, causing Denjiro to look at Kawamatsu frequently.

Nanhai Collector's Edition Electromagnetic Pistol, with a range of 500-3500 meters.

When fully charged, it can fire three rounds at the ultimate range, and can correct the trajectory by itself.

One of last year's masterpieces by Mr. French, Minister of Logistics and Equipment Department of the South China Sea.

Hesong said calmly.

The two were exchanging tactical styles over the past few years, and Kanjuro was dumbfounded when he was knocked down.

How could someone avoid his own detection, but that's not the point.

The focus is on the two friends opposite who raised their swords.

He immediately raised his hands and tried to fight for a chance with words.

Actually, I was just now

Oden-ryu. Taoyuan!

The three of them passed each other alternately. The tendons of Kanjuro's hands and feet were severed, and the hidden weapon he had just taken out was chopped into pieces.

This guy is not the kind of person who is willing to surrender, so he takes it one step at a time.

take away.

Soldiers from afar rushed over, handcuffed the prisoner with Shanghai-style stone handcuffs, and escorted him back to the Capital of Flowers.

Afterwards, Kawamatsu and Denjiro looked in the direction of Kuri with a little worry, although this country did not need an Oden son to stabilize.

But the son of the original protagonist will still worry a little.

I hope that child can pass the assessment.

The two looked at each other with wry smiles, which was a beautiful blessing.

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