Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 860 The son of the general who came to Wano Country

After all the hard work, he bypassed all the layers of defense and was lucky enough to cross the sea outside Wano Country.

Kinemon felt that all his luck for the rest of his life was spent here.

The first half of his life was reserved for meeting Kozuki Oden.

At this moment, lying on the beach of Wano Country, the joy of escaping from death occupied his mind.

It's not that I don't know the entrance and exit passage under the Vine Mountain, but the carp waterfall and the large whirlpool really blocked too many strong people.

Unless you can fly and have space skills, it's really difficult to break through based on personal ability.

The revolutionary army travels underwater, relying on high-tech ships and the assistance of the fishmen to enter and exit.

Just two red sheaths are still insignificant between heaven and earth.

Young Master!!! Young Master!!!

Kinemon, who was just rejoicing at the aftermath of the disaster, heard Kanjuro's miserable howl and hurried to see what was going on.

He saw that Momonosuke had rolled his eyes and his body was very stiff.

Kinemon's heart sank, no way. If something really went wrong, he would be an eternal sinner of Wano Country, the kind who wanted to commit seppuku.

With trembling hands, he reached for the breath.

Huh~~ I'm still breathing.

That's good, that's good.

Kanjuro's heart also calmed down a little.

You must know that when there is no definite news about the Heitan clan, this kid is his last life-saving straw.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that this backer is gone. When crossing the territory of the Cross Guild, I still learned that the moral standard of this imperial group is unexpectedly high, beyond everyone's imagination.

According to what the Heotan clan has done, there is a high probability that there will be no trace of Yang left. It is estimated that there is no other Heotan clan in this world except himself, Kanjuro Kuotan.

Fortunately, my previous disguise was very good, and I was still Oden's loyal red sheath warrior.

This time, I can live the rest of my life well by supporting the young master to bring order to the chaos.

The two of them frantically checked carefully for a long time and found nothing wrong, except that their crotch was a little wet.

Maybe he got wet from the sea water, and the young master was too tired recently so he fell asleep.

Kinemon said a little seriously.

Kanjuro nodded fiercely, now no one can say anything bad about Momonosuke.

Wetting one's pants and fainting from shock are really a social death for a person with the name of Oden. If word spreads about it, he will not be able to live a happy life for the rest of his life.

All the fishmen in the sea were frightened by their troubles. They quietly escorted them all the way without even splashing any water on the kid. Why couldn't they do it?

It's hard to accept that the mission failed in this way.

Fortunately, Momonosuke woke up after a while.

The three of them looked at the beach and came to the conclusion that this was the Guri Coast.

“The situation in China is not yet clear, so there are two options now.

One is to go to Oden Castle, and the other is to go straight to the Flower Capital.

From Oden Castle, we should be able to see the domestic situation's attitude toward Oden's descendants.

As a red-sheath samurai, Kinemon is still very smart when it doesn't involve Momonosuke's affairs.

If someone of your own is there, you can take advantage of the situation and create a situation for the young master to return to the country, thus completing your mission.

Flower Capital can definitely obtain the most direct information now, which is a bit dangerous.

Kanjuro volunteered to go to the Flower Capital because he really wanted to know the outcome of the Heotan clan and how to arrange his future.

The troops were divided into two groups and set off separately.

Kinemon was shocked as soon as he took Momonosuke into the interior of Kuri.

The woods are full of life, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant.

The hordes of wild beasts were all gone, leaving only some ornamental beasts.

This shouldn't be the case. The dense forests of Wano Country can be said to be very dangerous.

A person like Kozuki Oden was once famous for taming ferocious beasts. You can imagine how powerful those guys entrenched in the mountains and forests are.

In fact, those beasts have increasingly lost their channels for survival in the developing country of Wano.

The first time is to open mountains and build roads. Several key roads in Wano will pass through some rarely visited areas, which are the territories of natural creatures.

Naturally, there will be no guarantee of natural ecology in the early stages of development, so the revolutionary army and the escort started their first hunt.

The beasts that jumped out at this time were killed and rendered harmless on the spot.

After all, there are still toxins accumulated in the body, and most people will die if they eat it.

After the toxins were eliminated, their bodies also eliminated those things and became edible again. This was the beginning of their disaster.

Each walking beast is just a piece of walking meat. It is a great temptation for ordinary people, even for the parliament of Wano Country.

When the recovery of planting and breeding is not so fast, countries with overwhelming military strength will naturally not let these resources go.

Under the organization of the council, an orderly clean-up of the mountain was started.

Fur, bones, flesh. All parts of the body can be used.

After cleaning up, only some thin herbivores were left, which can be regarded as species destruction.

Noah didn't say anything about this matter. This was the whole country's self-rescue.

So Kinemon, who entered the jungle cautiously, was naturally surprised when he didn't see those forest overlords.

When walking through the forest with Momonosuke, he avoided the villages in the distance and headed straight for the town.

There is too little information about the small village, and it does not match the location where the young master first appeared.

When he arrived at Jiuli Wilderness, he was even more surprised as to why such a smooth road would be built in such a sparsely populated place.

You can't see the end in the distance. There are many carriages pulling goods on the road. It seems that everyone is in a hurry.

After much thought, he did not make up his mind to let the young master, who was tired from walking, give him a lift. Instead, he carried Momonosuke on his back and ran wildly outside.

As they approached Taoyuan Farm, the dense towns appeared, once again subverting Kinemon's perception.

Even if there is Taoyuan Farm, it cannot support so many people working here. Is there any arrangement for the new Kuri Daimyo?

The main road was diverted here, and many new roads appeared here.

With an anxious mood, he took Momonosuke to the main road.

This smooth and wide road is far more shocking than it was twenty years ago.

In the middle are horse-drawn carriages and some sea-shaped transport vehicles shuttling back and forth on the road.

On both sides are pedestrian paths, which are very well-organized.

No one can be seen walking on the road.

Well, in the past, people from Wano Country could tell whether they were nobles or commoners based on their dress and appearance.

Nowadays, people all look the same and can wear any style of clothing.

Everyone walked calmly on the road and seemed not worried about bumping into noble people.

“It’s so similar to the open sea”

He felt a little uncomfortable inside. Kinemon, who had always been proud of Wano's system and customs, felt a little disillusioned at the moment.

After being attacked by foreign enemies, the motherland has chosen to compromise with the outside world.

But when those who survived did not care about such things before, tolerance was also a virtue of Wano.

Fortunately, because of the freedom of dressing style, there are many people wearing traditional clothes like Kin'emon Momonosuke, so it is not eye-catching.

Following the flow of people, we walked into Taoyuan Town, which is under Taoyuan Farm.

This is a new town formed by the merger of Broken Town and Boluo Town. The office building of the new Kuri Daimyo is located here.

Relying on the products from Taoyuan Farm, the food processing industry here is very prosperous.

Moreover, it is also the location of a water purification plant established by the revolutionary army and a crop experimental base.

Industries related to people's livelihood are gathered here. It can be said that apart from the Flower City, this is the most prosperous place.

Entering the town is what opens Kinemon's eyes. Compared with here, many of the outer seas seem a bit unsightly.

Maybe the area where Raizo fell can barely compare.

From food to clothes to daily necessities, everything was beyond his imagination.

It seems that the most prosperous period of Oden City twenty years ago was more rural than this place.

There will be no such scene in Lord Kang's territory.

how come?

People live and work in peace and contentment like this?

Everyone had a smile on their face, and it was indeed a smile of joy.

Kinemon is lost, and Wano may not need them to save it.

What's more serious is that without suffering, will they still need the young master? Do you still need Oden?

It is in times of suffering that people need heroes. They knew this when they were studying in the Kang family.

Now we can only hope that this is the case only in Jiuli, and beyond Jiuli it is a ruin.

The problem is much more serious than expected.

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