Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 859 Momonosuke’s fate

In addition to being surrounded by food and music, young women and sexy and hot dancing are the characteristics of this country.

Women are very good at dances similar to flamenco, which are generous, enthusiastic, bold and unrestrained.

Influenced by the fashion of the South China Sea, the clothing style here is more brief and close-fitting.

If the young and single Kozuki Oden were placed here, I'm afraid he would make the same mistake.

Kinemon scoffed at how this would develop.

There are countless women in Wano who want to be loved by Oden Rinkyu, but this group of people actually make a fuss over such a trivial matter.

You must know that Master Oden began to go to Huajieliu Lane when he was 6 years old, and he started a harem chaos when he was 15 years old.

Young Master, this is just imitating your father's beautiful talk.

You people from the outer sea have no sense of shame and dress in such an indecent manner, and you actually blame us, young master, which is really ridiculous.

This arrogant gesture immediately angered everyone.

Afterwards, the guards led by Violet rushed to the scene.

Faced with the invading enemy, Dressrosa did not underestimate the enemy, but excluded many elites from going out.

Many of these people are also warriors who have furthered their studies in the South China Sea. They not only have good combat prowess, but also have various individual technological weapons.

The foursome from Wano suffered a huge loss in their first encounter.

The formation started with stun guns and hook nets, and Raizo was immediately knocked down without noticing.

The user with the ability of the Juanjuan Fruit would not have stretched his hips like this, but in order to block Momonosuke, he was careless and did not move out of the way.

Katana versus stun gun.

His body stiffened for a moment, and before he could evacuate, he was covered by a hook net inlaid with sea-floor stones.

Being caught without even using any ninjutsu, Kiri Raizo's reputation as a ninja was in vain.

Even if he was captured, the ninja still shouted for everyone to take Momonosuke and retreat first, and return to Wano Country to find a solution.

Because he was lying on the ground and heard the movement in the distance, and instantly knew that the large army had not arrived yet.

There is no drama of brotherly love in a life-and-death moment. The importance of Oden's son is much more important than his own life.

So they took the initiative to warn, Kinemon and Kanjuro also understood the crisis at this moment, so they immediately picked up the frightened Momonosuke and ran away frantically.

The enemy has magical weapons and ways to restrain the magic. At this stage, Raizo can only be sacrificed.

There were four when we arrived and three when we left.

The red sheath samurai who really let go of speed and space is still very strong. Raizo can only say that he missed because of his carelessness.

Kinemon and Kanjuro are at least as big as several hundred million pirates on the sea.

The Three Disasters are naturally incomparable, and Fei Liubao's level is definitely there.

Ordinary soldiers really can't stop them if they are not prepared.

I could only watch helplessly as they snatched a boat and fled away.

Violet, who had seen everything in the palace, returned to the throne with a solemn expression and began to write information. This matter must be sent to the revolutionary army as soon as possible.

There is an additional force in the new world, which may have an impact on future plans.

As for Lei Zang, he was taken to prison and began interrogation.

Noah was a little speechless after getting the information. He really forgot that there was such an inexplicable plot like Momonosuke.

Wano Country is now the headquarters of the revolutionary army stationed in the new world. All the old and young people inside have been eradicated, and the transformation of the samurai class has been completed.

It really doesn't make sense for Young Master Guangyue to come out at this time.

As for those few red scabbards, it's a bit troublesome. It's not a trivial matter for a strong man of this level at any time.

So leave it to Robin.

It just so happened that she hadn't returned to Wano Country for a long time. With her black heart, these people would have a very happy time in their hometown.

The trouble is the presence of navies from all over the world. They need to be silent and make noise.

What is tested is the ability of micro-management, and it is even more troublesome to arrange coups in those countries in the later stage.

Also, Bucky's pirate convention was so successful, the scene got bigger and bigger, and the pressure there was not low.

A slightly troublesome thing is not worth the trouble.

What he thought was a small matter was a big deal to the Wano trio.

Raizo has been sacrificed by default, albeit for something comical and even unworthy.

Tease girls

Already frightened, they no longer dared to enter any country at will, but relied on pirate ships along the way to maintain supplies.

Occasionally, there are times when there is really no way to enter the village, and Momonosuke will be disturbed every time.

This invincible name is not wrong.

Even so, the two red sheaths could only say that they are in the family tradition, and then they would resolve the problem more faithfully and set off.

Kinemon's strength and Kanjuro's ability ensure that everyone will have enough time to reach their destination. It is also a good time to not encounter other big pirates.

The current new world is preparing for Bucky's pirate convention. No one is willing to chew on this kind of hard nut with no oil or water.

The Straw Hats who will be encountered in the original work have not met either. Luffy is chasing Whitebeard II and has no plans to go to the country of Wano.

So these people finally reached the territory of the Cross Guild after going through a lot of hardships.

The security here is very good, but Wano Country is still a forbidden area.

There are a large number of light industrial factories and important ore producing areas there.

There is also Pluto hiding under Wano Country. How could such a place be opened in this chaotic time.

The dangerous environment in the open sea is one aspect, and the systematic defense network is a guarantee of safety.

Relying on these few people, they will never be able to break through the blockade of the revolutionary army and enter the hinterland here. They can only wander around anxiously on the periphery.

Having almost drowned after trying it several times before, Kinemon and several others also experienced the discomfort of not being able to get in even at the door of their house.

There was also an undercurrent within Wano Country because of the presence of these people.

Robin, who has arrived in the Flower Capital, is enjoying tea and reading information.

Looking word for word what the Kozuki clan has left behind, they dare to say that they will kill Black Carbon Orochi and Kaido in 20 years.

I heard a lot of this prophecy when I accompanied Noah here to liberate Wano Country.

In the blazing attic, under the silver moon, Mrs. Shi made a prophecy that could change the destiny of the country.

Countless people still persevere under Kaido's oppression because of this legend.

Even though Noah didn't say it, he was very concerned about someone who would come back in 10 years.

That really aroused her curiosity.

Although in recent years, with the disintegration of traditional forces, not many people still talk about these things.

Even the red sheaths work conscientiously and learn new things.

But this information immediately broke the peace here.

After looking at it for a while, she frowned deeply.

That's it?

Isn’t Mrs. Shi known as a time traveler? This backhand arrangement was probably a prophecy made up just because he just wanted his son to survive.

Robin had to wonder.

No matter how you look at it, this Momonosuke is a degraded version of Kozuki Oden.

Even if that two-sword-style general likes to do things and is self-motivated, he still has strength.

Why did this little brat inherit both lust and cowardice?

She rubbed her brows in confusion and decided to try it out again.

What if these are all disguises for revenge by this brat, just like Hiyori, maybe she can become as brave as Murasaki.

Of course, she only provided a certain opinion on this matter, and the specifics would have to be negotiated with the current Speaker Hiyori.

Hiyori was very happy to know that her brother had really returned from time, but she had also developed a certain character after being a ruling official for these years.

He was deeply ashamed after seeing what his brother had done in Dressrosa and other countries, so he still had hope in Robin's suspicion.

I hope that my brother will really endure the humiliation and act like his father, pretending to be crazy for some impossible reasons.

But in my memory, it seems that he is not that kind of person.

As for the influence of the orthodox heir of the Koyue clan on the country, she was not worried at all.

There is no soil for restoration at all. Those factory owners will not do it, the township leaders and councilors who have obtained the rights will not agree, and even the common people who have experienced that there is no class difference will not be willing.

So for the sake of her brother's safety, she decisively contacted all the congressmen and put the matter out in the open.

“My brother Kozuki Momonosuke is coming back soon, along with Kinkinemon, one of the red sheaths, and the traitor Kanjuro.

So let’s discuss how to deal with it.

Sukiyaki was happy at first and then his expression darkened. This grandson came back at the wrong time.

Where is the Guangyue clan left now?

Others commented that it was a bit difficult to handle this when the change was about to begin.

Needless to say, Kanjuro, the remnants of the Black Carbon Orochi must be waiting for him on the execution platform.

When the time comes, Kinemon will be left to other Akamas to negotiate. If they can't reach an agreement, they will be sent to labor reform. Wano Country is really confident now.

That Raizo is a bit embarrassing. We can only ask the Revolutionary Army to find the important people in Dressrosa, and accept the fines and punishments.


As expected, some people showed a dangerous look. The country of Wano is a country for everyone. Any turmoil will cause losses to some people.

Others are a little ambitious and are thinking of using this to do something, such as limiting the speaker's rights.

After all, their surname is Guangyue, and they are still brothers and sisters.

Robin just sat aside and ignored him. It was unrealistic to expect everyone to be a saint.

This balance of interests is more stable than spiritual dedication.

The revolutionary army only changed the original situation and returned dignity and freedom of life to everyone.

The rest will follow the development of this society. No one can be immune to decay, not even Nanhai itself.

It's just a child. Just abide by the laws of Wano Country.

Sukiyaki had to find a way out for his grandson, and he must not be allowed to get involved in such a whirlpool.

Mitsuki Hiyori also said that those who returned were just ordinary citizens and should not be given any privileges.

This made everyone both relieved and regretful.

Hiyori breathed a sigh of relief after everything passed.

Testing his brother is a matter for himself and Sister Robin, but protecting his relatives is his own matter.

She knew very well how dangerous it was to have the identity of Oden's son, and there were too many people who didn't want this person to live.

On the surface, it is difficult for everyone to take action. This is a conspiracy.

For a young girl to grow to such an extent, she is worthy of Robin's teachings.

What awaits Momonosuke now will be a hell of trial. Robin has learned many interesting moves from Noah when it comes to controlling people's hearts.

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