Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 858 Luffy’s Frustration and People Outside Time

The camera flashed.

On an island somewhere in the new world, Luffy was covered in bandages and his eyes were full of determination.

Several friends nearby were also injured.

The last encounter with Weibull could be said to have ended in a disastrous defeat.

The collision between the two pirate ships taught the would-be Third Emperor a harsh lesson. The higher the praise from outside, the more powerful he will be.

Anyone who has watched One Piece knows that the best way to defeat Luffy is to kill him face to face.

Including the entire Straw Hats, they all have the same attributes, and they will be sent off one after another when facing strong enemies they meet for the first time.

In one battle, even a BOSS can completely defeat this group of people.

Moreover, Weibull is really considered to be a very strong person below the emperor level.

In the original work, he could single-handedly hunt down the entire Whitebeard Pirates and kill 16 captains under the White Beard Pirates.

These were real big pirates who had been killed from the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​blood, and they were still killed.

It can be seen that this Whitebeard II is strong in combat power.

Of course, Weibull hasn't gone looking for Bai Tuan's troubles yet. He has just escaped from the pursuit of Ghost Spider and others and rushed to the new world.

He is strong, but he has no brains.

This kind of opponent is the best to deal with, and it's very capable to escape.

As soon as he entered the new world, he was deceived by some remnants of the New Pirate Alliance into becoming the new boss. He planned to use this identity to find the Whitebeard Pirates to succeed him.

Isn’t this simply overthinking?

Not to mention whether he is Whitebeard's son or not, even if he is, he can't be the boss.

For their own ambitions, that group of people didn't even want to recognize Marco, let alone an airborne suspected II.

So killing this counterfeiter has become the political correctness of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, Luffy encountered Weibull in this state.

The war is about to break out.

Luffy's fourth gear is not easy to use against a monster with a physique like Weibull.

In terms of strength, only the ultimate move can compete with the opponent. The sword that the opponent swings repeatedly is just a hard hit, without any foundation in swordsmanship.

Even so, it was difficult to take it. Kebi, who had the strongest pure strength, felt that his internal organs were a little unable to bear it when he collided with the opponent.

In terms of speed, despite the opponent's bloated figure, he is very agile. Usopp's shooting is a bit overwhelmed by this instinct that is even more exaggerated than the instinct of a beast.

Maybe God took away his IQ but left behind his bestiality.

The most terrifying thing is the system. Since MISS Ba Jin dares to be called the younger version of Whitebeard, he naturally behaves like a monster physically.

The gap between Luffy, who is always free of blood, and Weibull, who already has the strength of the emperor's deputy, is even greater.

After fighting fiercely for a long time, the opponent's sword was hammered to the edge, but this crooked beard could still stand up without caring.

That kind of unbeatable momentum makes people despair.

In the end, Luffy was unwilling to lose, and the others were also beaten back.

Fortunately, Ponyboy arrived at this time and fought hard with Weibull to save Luffy and the others.

The reason why Marco didn't pursue was also very simple. It seemed that he was no match.

Just watching the opponent break out of the siege, the other captains also looked solemn.

They knew that this matter was difficult. The opponent seemed to really look like his father's child, both in terms of combat power and appearance.

That terrifying fighting power and invincible appearance

This is very embarrassing. I shouted to kill the guy who tarnished my father's reputation but failed to do so.

The Moby Dick and the Merry left here.

Under the treatment of Chopper and Marco, the Straw Hats' injuries quickly healed. Luffy didn't take off the bandage purely because of a mental obstacle.

Finally, after a long talk with Brother Ma, I was able to untie my knot.

After taking off the bandage, Luffy took his friends aboard the Merry in high spirits and planned to seek revenge on Weibull.

The people in the White Group stayed where they were to rest, and they wanted to discuss whether they should continue to hunt down Whitebeard II.

In fact, the entire fleet hopes that this so-called father's successor can be killed by Luffy.

There really is no room for a new second generation here.

Just as Luffy was heading for the road of revenge, several sneaky figures appeared in the territory of the Cross Guild outside Wano.

The leader turned out to be a child.

Dressed in traditional Wano samurai attire, the hair on the top of his head was shaved and only a bun was pulled up on the back of his head. He was wearing a pink kimono and a pair of wooden geta's at his feet.

Behind him were three guards with different shapes.

These are the four Momonosuke who came out of the time tunnel of Mrs. Toki's Time Fruit.

Because the plot in the past twenty years has changed beyond recognition, Momonosuke, who just traveled through time, did not suffer.

It's not a bad thing to be shipwrecked after traveling through time and drifting to Dressrosa. Without Doflamingo's pursuit, this group of people still got a good result.

The strength of these three retainers is not weak on the sea, and the little guy was not imprisoned in Punk Hassad like in the original work.

After all, Caesar Courant was praised by the dragon, and the pseudo-blue dragon fruit was also eaten by Kidd.

After they came out, they were already prepared to face the great demon Kaido, and were ready to contact their lurking comrades to support the young master in ascending to overthrow those rebellious officials and traitors.

The result was uneventful.

What! Kaido was killed ten years ago?

What! Wano Country is now the territory of the Cross Guild?

What! The boss of the Cross Guild is a monster more powerful than the Great Demon King Kaido?

Kinemon was immediately confused. He went out to inquire about the news and was completely stunned.

Although he dressed strangely and was not very polite, his tone of voice was also strange.

But the residents of Dressrosa are of high quality, and their emphasis on civilization and new trends are fully in line with the South China Sea.

In the spirit of helping people in need overseas, I gave him some newspapers and talked about the changes over the years.

When the frustrated Kinemon left, the boss turned around and notified the guards.

This guy doesn't look like a good person. He even dared to place his sword on my neck just now. I haven't seen such an arrogant guy in a long time.

The broken knife was only 0.01 mm away from my carotid artery, but I was not afraid of danger.

If I hadn't seen him as a fool, I would have smashed his head with a scissor kick.

The boss was scared to death. He had not seen such a arrogant outsider in many years.

The captain of the guard didn't care about the boss's compliments in the second half, but was very angry.

We in Dressrosa haven't seen such crazy pirates in a long time.

Didn’t you know that our current King Riku’s relationship is super powerful?

In the entire new world, few pirates dare to invade easily.

Immediately notify the entire guard to be on alert and prepare to give this group of outsiders some color.

Even Violet in the palace knew about this.

She had just signed the declaration and was still immersed in excitement when she heard the news and was very dissatisfied.

Dressrosa is too lazy now. Just a few years of peace have made people relax their vigilance.

And my father patrolled the sea and never found these bastards.

It is really a shame to allow such garbage pirates who wantonly bully ordinary people to enter the country.

So he stood at the highest point of the city wall and started using his fruit abilities to look for the swordsman in weird clothes.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the style of Kin'emon's superior samurai still remaining in me, and I even feel that I'm quite low-key.

In fact, in the original work, if the Straw Hats hadn't collectively become so smart that they didn't care about what they did in the original work, they would have been killed by any team.

He also didn't expect that his actions would trigger a series of changes.

After returning to the small corner where a few people were hiding, they began to whisper and share information with their comrades.

Madam Shi's prediction that was so convincing turned out to be nonsense.

That invincible evil dragon will be killed one day. I think about how deep the despair left in my heart.

The key point is that the one who took action was Lord Rayleigh, the lord’s vice-captain.

Presumably, the evil black charcoal snake must have been killed with Kaido's fall.

This... this country of Wano can be saved.

The three of them knelt on the ground with tears streaming down their faces, two of them because of Oden.

One is for the big snake.

Kanjuro's inner emotions at this moment were simply heartbreaking.

I worked so hard as an undercover agent, pretending to be crazy, being a fool, going through life and death, and traveling through time and space.

Finally appeared again. Did you tell me the finale?

What about the expected thrill of being revealed as an undercover agent in the storm, mixed with the pain of betraying family and friends?

Where is the C position that belongs to me, Kanjuro? Black charcoal snake, you are not living up to your expectations! ! ! !

The undercover agent's expression was completely broken, and the other two people just thought that this man worshiped Oden too deeply, so he couldn't come out for a while.

Now we only need to return to the country of Wano, and then surround the young master to get the response from the patriots in the country.

Climbing high and shouting is to return to the beautiful country of the past, so that the country of Wano will welcome back the general of the Kozuki clan.

By the end of the story, Kinemon had tears in his eyes, as if he had seen that day.

The little Momonosuke put on the general's armor and accepted the kneeling worship of all the people.

Hey, where is the young master?

The three of them were a little confused. What they just talked about was so passionate that they didn't notice that their young master was missing.

No, it might have been robbed by pirates. I heard that most of the pirates in the outer seas are despicable people.

The three of them hurriedly planned to split up and search immediately.

Even Kanjuro is preparing to find someone. Now his biggest backer seems to be gone, and the family is not sure what has happened.

There is definitely nothing wrong with following Momonosuke first.

“Let me go, be bold, you untouchables!!!”

It's the young master's voice!

The three of them immediately rushed out and headed straight to the street.

I saw a child shouting arrogantly in a place surrounded by a crowd.

Several of Yu Zhong's men immediately drew their swords and separated the crowd to fight in.

You are bold and don't know the superiority of elders and younger ones. How dare you be rude to the heir of the Kotsuki clan!

No matter what happened, the trio should save people first and then talk about it.

Under the threat of the sword, the onlookers took a few steps back, but did not disperse.

This is Dressrosa.

The three of them also knew what happened through the whispers of people around them.

The young master and Lord Oden have some similar hobbies, and it is inevitable that they will be a little debauched in the sea.

Then something unpleasant happened.

Dressrosa is known as the Land of Love, Passion and Toys.

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