Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 857 Looking at the layout of the entire sea

This time there will definitely be countless swordsmen and great swordsmen gathered together, which will be far more exciting and even happy than the previous fights.

In order to face the ultimate horror, it is good to sharpen your knife more often.

Rayleigh is very simple, he is a witness to witness the birth of a new generation of Pirate King.

Compared to Roger, who had the title given to him by the World Government as a promoter, Bucky's fate-changing style was even more difficult.

It is estimated that the final winner will basically have a relationship with him, so it is also a worry for happiness.

The Red Earl got Bucky's promise.

In this battle, he had the opportunity to face Luffy in his prime.

The little guy who was favored by him and described by Bucky as his biggest enemy.

I really can't wait, my whole body is shaking with excitement.

At this time, the members of the Cross Guild are already crazy busy, and they are frantically constructing various measures for the Pirate Conference, which is the battle for the Pirate King.

It is necessary not only to screen out the bunch of little rubbish, but also to ensure that the powerful pirates cannot retreat midway, and to ensure that the battle field is solid.

At present, it is generally completed but some details still need to be worked out. This is also the place where the revolutionary army will prepare the last duel for the pirate forces.

After Bucky ended the call, feeling the changes in the world, he felt inexplicably calm.

No matter what, you just need to face the final outcome and go all out.

As for my own strength...haha.

Not only is there a sensation in the pirate world, but other forces are also discussing what to do if they are facing a powerful enemy?

Needless to say, the navy, under the command of Noah, began to station a large number of troops all over the world to stabilize the situation.

This matter was reported to the Five Old Stars through Kizaru, because the New World is not under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

If they can ensure the stability of the Three Seas and the stability of the Great Paradise stage, they will go all out.

Wulaoxing also expressed his understanding and allowed the navy to develop freely. The pressure on the navy at this stage is indeed huge.

Let's do it before the whole world's attention is drawn to Bucky.

Staff Officer He watched helplessly as the whole world was manipulated by the man in front of him.

It seems that even the throne of the Pirate King is just a tool in his hands.

It's really terrifying. Only Noah can match such calculating methods.

Have your revolutionary army really been executing the plans that Noah left behind during his lifetime?

Of course, it is a revolutionary light after all.

Then who are you? V?


snort! fraud.

Officer He went to work. This bastard left too many things for him.

It is not easy to dispatch so many elite navy personnel, and some of them have to arrange private conversations.

I really paid too much for this unconstrained method.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the elite forces of the Navy Headquarters were slowly withdrawing from Malinfando.

Before the war, only some of the navy's new elites were deployed to bases in the other three seas. Now, even some of the headquarters' lieutenant generals have begun to be deployed abroad.

There are reports of revolutionaries or pirates causing trouble everywhere, and it is normal for the navy to attack at such a frequency.

Even the officials installed by the world government were taken away, which made the people above feel relieved.

One fleet after another left their posts, and there were fewer and fewer people left in Malinfando, which became a bit deserted.

Fortunately, Sengoku and Garp, two retired old marines, are still here. Even though the world government is wary of them every day, they now feel a sense of peace of mind.

Warring States looked at the newly written plaque and sighed.

It’s really just a twist of fate.

After knowing that there was no problem with the navy, the World Government set its sights entirely on the New World.

Bucky's move caught everyone in the world off guard.

There are various signs that this guy has indeed arrived at Rafdru. According to the way they praised Roger at the beginning, they should now praise Bucky as the new Pirate King.

After the killing, there will be internal fighting among the pirates, including them who will secretly contribute.

But that guy gave up this opportunity. Instead, he wanted to achieve greatness beyond Roger by conquering all pirates, which they couldn't accept.

The nominal Pirate King can only pay the price with his life. How can this real Pirate King not die?

Let Cyborg Kong lead Seraph to the new world and wait for the opportunity to prepare.

No matter who is the winner in the end, he will be killed on the spot in front of the whole world.

There is no room in this world for a true Pirate King.

After all, he was seriously injured after the battle, so a sneak attack would be the best time.

There is still a chance even if you give up all the Seraphs and a general-level combat power.

Moreover, the history of this sea is in the hands of these few people, and time is just a record that can be modified at will.

The CP department also went all out to mobilize all our men among the pirates.

If it fails, the CP chief will not come back.

The performance of this strongest shield of the Tianlong people in the past 20 years has been extremely unsuccessful, and it has never successfully completed its mission.

If we disappoint a few more old men, we can cancel it.

CIPHER POL Shame on you.

The Five Old Stars also became ruthless and decided to carry out the most terrifying attack on this pirate convention in the New World.

We must not indulge anymore. The emergence of a South China Sea is a big mistake.

Bucky reunited the new world. Who has the final say in this ocean?

In order to enhance the success rate of this attack on Bucky, a very slap-in-the-face decision was made.

No matter how afraid or disgusted you are.

These old guys finally enabled Garp, who had been resigned before, and asked him to end his retirement and wait for the World Government's dispatch.

Set out for the new world with Cyborg Kong and the Science Corps.

It can be said that all the famous cards that can be played in the hand have been thrown out, even a Yonko is dead.

Even at critical moments, he does not rule out asking Lord Im to take action.

But this is the final result. They really don't want to and don't dare to do it unless they have to.

Every time that person takes action, he has to pay a huge price.

Ackerman smiled slightly after Karp was transferred, that's good.

Hey, Long, it's time to go. This time it's not a father-son game, it's a parent-child game.

By the way, you can bring Jinbei and Fujitora with you.

Those little cuties are quite troublesome.

Everything is going according to plan, take a look at the Red Earth Continent.

nice weather.

The second man to arrive at Raffdrew. 》

The Successor of the Pirate King—Baki

Who will be the real Pirate King! ! ! 》

Newsbirds are crazy because Morgans is crazy.

Nowadays, the World Economic News is published almost every day, and every day is a big news day, which makes this old bird fall into madness.

After all, there are only a few ordinary people who can see the live broadcast, only in big cities.

So in order to let everyone know, the newspaper also went very ruthless.

Everyone watching was a little panicked. This Pirate King appeared again. Will it have any impact on their lives?

This is the first reaction of ordinary people.

When the Great Pirate Age first emerged, there was a period of dark and bloody turmoil.

Countless pirates went out to sea, releasing the darkness in their hearts and scarring the sea.

Darkness, flames, wails, death, and a flourishing slave trade were all characteristics of that era.

It has calmed down in the past few years, is it starting again now?

People who have experienced it even plan to run to the depths of the island carrying food on their backs for a chance to survive.

But times have changed, and the navy has launched large-scale operations into the three seas to maintain order. Combined with the power of the previous sub-bases, it can be said that the combat power is overflowing.

Any young pirates who took the opportunity to cause trouble were hanged at the port as a deterrent.

The smoker smoked a cigar and read the newspaper.

How dare these little brats come out and talk about fighting for the Pirate King? It's ridiculous.

After realizing that they were indeed safe, the civilians of Sanhai let down some of their vigilance and read newspapers to pass the tense moment.

The results turned out to be quite interesting.

The pirates on the Grand Line were slightly stronger, so they were greeted by a fleet of 16 vice-admirals from the Navy Headquarters.

All the pirates who had some ability fled to the new world, and the only ones who remained here were the really useless pirates.

So there is no way to escape the fate of dancing in the wind.

Paradise, safety.

South China Sea

Everyone is watching the world economic news, and some people have long forgotten how scary pirates are.

The people who moved bricks in the labor camp were all released after serving their sentences and went home to work, and no one was too embarrassed to mention their previous occupation.

But why is what this newspaper wrote so different from what I heard back then?

So being a pirate is so dangerous?

In the newspaper, the origins of every pirate who jumped out were recorded in detail, who was the strongest enemy in Roger's era, and who was Whitebeard's lifelong enemy.

All of them are powerful characters who have destroyed several warships. According to incomplete statistics, the current size of the navy is simply not enough to defeat this group of pirates.

There are also all kinds of grievances and hatreds in it, and they are all eye-catching stories.

Roger already had dozens of life-and-death enemies, and it seemed that he had never had a good day in the new world.

Whitebeard was even worse. His experience had become so ups and downs that even a pirate could fight him.

If he debuted a few years later, he would be the red-haired lifelong enemy and equal rival, and even his subordinates would be given several popular stories.

Big Mom and Kaido were the worst. Since they were gone, they had no choice but to let Morgans write nonsense. They even suffered multiple misfortunes.

Anyone who can sit on the throne of the emperor is lucky.

Even Bucky was not let go, and he had agreements with many strong people, which was touching.

Underground publications such as The Legend of King Baki and The Legend of Rayleigh Slaying the Dragon were also printed in countless volumes for publicity and distribution.

With Noah's help, he obtained first-hand information. At this moment, Morgans was happy.

Of course, he also has a task to do. His task is to focus the entire sea's attention on the new world.

Let civilians in other seas pay attention to this pirate conference that has little to do with them.

I didn't notice that the surrounding navy or some strange troops appeared too frequently.

Time is moving forward a little bit, and every day there will be news about various pirates fighting in advance.

Hatred, treasure hunting, and training of combat power.

Any reason will do.

Rubber Rubber. Rubber Jet Snake Cannon!!!

Started, started, finished the pirate chapter 2 million words ago.

Finally, today is my birthday, happy birthday to me.

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