Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 856 Pirates! Come and stop me!

I don't think so! Captain Roger wouldn't think so if he were alive.

It was so impressive that Bucky was in high spirits at this time, and many people saw the shadow of Roger in him.

This is the courage to surpass the sea, and the next step is to give him the courage to surpass his predecessors.

Hold up a finger.

“Then, I’ll give you a chance.

New World. Pirate Convention.

The permanent pointers of this island have been scattered all over the sea, and every pirate group can come to participate in this last battle between pirates.

The winner gets the chance to challenge me.

The winner gets everything.

Including Captain Roger's wealth and secrets and my wealth and secrets, as well as this supreme reputation.

All in all I stayed in Lafdru.

After saying that, Bucky raised a permanent pointer on his hand.

As the leader of the Cross Guild, I promise that this pointer will lead directly to Rafdrew.

It is also the only way to the ultimate Pirate King.

So pirates! Come and find me! Come and stop me!

This is the last chance, hahahahahaha!

The camera moves from Captain Bucky laughing maniacally to several thrones behind him.

Sitting in sequence were Rayleigh, Hawkeye, Red Earl, Empress, Sand Crocodile and others.

This is the confidence and domineering power of the Cross Guild. The challenge endorsed by so many strong men is really more high-profile than before.

Then the camera went black and the screen turned off, but you could still vaguely see the maniacal laughter of a red-nosed king.

The commotion caused by this simple phone call is unimaginable.


Overlord color covers hundreds of miles of sea area, dark clouds shroud the place, and endless sea kings are escaping.

Shanks' blood was already boiling as he held Griffin in his hand, and the fighting spirit in his body continued to rise.


The red-haired man felt that one of the purposes of this big conspiracy was to choose the last Pirate King.

In terms of fame and power, he is the number one Pirate King in history, the Pirate King who surpasses Roger.

The paved road that belongs to pirates is really incredible.

Shanks already understood everything.

That permanent pointer should be true.

If he read correctly, this was the one thrown into the deep sea by Captain Roger.

So that is indeed the shortcut to Ravdru.

How do you feel about red hair now?

This surging and wanton overlord color is the feeling.

The end of the battle for the Pirate King has arrived.

This is a stage open to all pirates in the world. Defeat everyone and get the path to Ravdru to complete this great achievement.

Not enough?

Besides, this was Bucky's letter of challenge to himself.

Not counting the fights they had when they were kids, this time the two of them will really go all out to fight.

Shanks will never underestimate Bucky. A person without strength will not achieve the position of the leader of the Cross Guild, and a person without ability will not cause so many disturbances.

People without good fortune would not be able to survive now.

The duel between childhood friends + One Piece + Luffy = I have to participate no matter what.

As for the revolutionary army's calculations after this incident and whether it will have any impact on the pirates, it is no longer important. This post-war journey can end.

As long as he defeats everyone upright, the Pirate King will be his.

The terrifying overlord color kept erupting from the red-haired body.

The crew members also understood that their captain was really serious this time.

The unprecedented fighting spirit made them feel trembling all over. Fighting with pirates all over the world and winning everything, this is the romance of pirates.

Everyone stood up and burst out with momentum, and even the clouds in the sky above the red-haired territory were shattered.

Beckman was also rarely excited. No pirate would fight for it.

Only this stage is where the strong men who lead the times should appear.

Luffy, you have to work harder. If you're late, I won't wait for you anymore.

Marco and others, who were preparing to kill Whitebeard II somewhere in the sea somewhere in the New World, also saw this live broadcast.

Bucky's inflammatory words aroused everyone's desire.

If the Whitebeard Pirates want to reach the top again, then this time will be a good opportunity. Everyone has seen Xiao Ma.

Marco looked at the burning desire in everyone's eyes.

He knew that if he refused, the Whitebeard Pirates would immediately fall apart.

Huh~~~ Kill that Weibull, and then go and seize the throne that daddy never got!

Ho ho ho ho!!!!


Marco on the Moby Dick knew very well that even if he pressed up with the full weight of the white group, it would be useless. Instead, he would ruin all his comrades.

The so-called battle for the Pirate King is the ultimate meat grinding ground.

The peak battlefield will only be red-haired Bucky and others, and that level is simply not something they can match.

Ponyboy himself doesn't care about the position of One Piece. Like Whitebeard, he also likes the feeling of a big family.

It's a pity that there are very few sane pirates after all.

They can't back down from a grand event where almost all pirates will participate.

Of course, it is more important to kill the bastard who slandered my father's reputation first.

That bastard actually formed a pirate group in the new world, gathering many remnants of the New Pirate Alliance.

What a shame.

Except for these big pirate forces, no other pirates thought that they had a chance to get away from the Pirate King.

There are usually so many fears and so many thoughts, but at this moment everyone is going crazy.

As long as you are the luckiest person, you will have a chance.

So what if the two most powerful emperors come together?

This time everyone competes fairly and puts everything on the line. Even the strongest will not be a perpetual motion machine.

Countless hidden pirate groups jumped out again, and it was dazzling to see.

It turns out that the New Pirate Alliance only gathered some pirate forces.

The last essence was blown out, along with several seniors who also survived Roger's time.

Even retired people cannot accept the temptation to take a chance, which shows the madness of this world.

The pirates in the new world became restless, and everyone began to frantically prepare all weapons and ammunition, magic weapons, devil fruits, banned drugs, etc.

The price of anything that can improve strength will double.

Taking this opportunity, the sales channels belonging to the revolutionary army once again showed their power and delivered a large number of good things.

A large number of obsolete weapons and ammunition, as well as some secret medicines with serious sequelae, were packaged and sold crazily there, reaping another wave of wealth.

Countless newly fabricated ancient magic weapons are circulated on the sea. Each one is more powerful than the other, such as slaying dragons, slaying gods, and slaying the sea. People who listen to them are willing to buy them even if they are trying to sell them.

Those who wanted to rob directly lost the opportunity to go to the battle and were killed on the spot.

This is business reputation.

The Straw Hats will naturally participate in this war without exception.

Damn it! I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King.

Luffy was already full of anger on an island in the new world. He didn't expect to hear the bad news just after entering the new world.

Rafdru, the pirate's ultimate dream has been found, and even taken out as a prize to compete for a throne that can be fought for.

This is simply trampling on his ultimate dream of becoming a pirate.

This development made Luffy feel extremely angry, and the power in his body continued to grow.

Everyone, I want to participate in this pirate convention!


You are the captain, you have the final say.

These lawless guys don't even know what fear is.

Everyone in the Straw Hats supports the captain's decision, and they are also going to this conference to meet the world's masters.

At this moment, in Luffy's heart, all pirates are his enemies. Even if Shanks appears, he will knock him down without mercy, proving that he is the Pirate King.

The Straw Hats set off quickly to find the permanent pointer first.

Captain, there seems to be a pirate ship ahead.

The pirate flag has a curved beard and two long braids.

Usopp shouted out his discovery.

Cornis thought for a while.

It seems to be the Whitebeard II, Edward Weibull.

A pirate who has become very popular in the New World recently is famous for imitating Whitebeard and is very powerful.

While the Straw Hats were still debating whether to kill their opponent, the opponent fired first.

Okay, then defeat your opponent!

This is where Luffy's first sacrifice appears after leaving for the new world.

The growth of a strong person requires experience.

The live broadcast hall of the Cross Guild headquarters was also quiet after the live broadcast.

Hawkeye and others who were invited to the press conference also looked at their nominal president with different expressions.

Such wild operations really made them, strong men who were used to seeing big waves, feel very awesome.

It’s hard not to be convinced, but I’m really convinced by this ambition.

They basically knew what was going on when they were invited, but they didn't expect it to be in this form.

Crocodile asked eagerly.

Is it okay if I fight alone?

Yes, those who want to participate can also fight.

Bucky didn't care at all about the choices of these people at this time, because the role of the Cross Guild would come to an end after this battle.

There can only be one winner, and if there are ambitious people here who want to make a breakthrough, let them go.

But it seems that only Sand Crocodile in the entire guild has this idea, and everyone else is more interested in this matter than ambitious.

And Sand Crocodile... It's not Bucky who underestimates him.

Well, Bucky just underestimated him.

It is really difficult to cross the threshold of the Emperor level. This guy's hasty entry will probably cause the Cross Guild's first cadre attrition.

The empress simply came here to gain experience and maintain the prestige of Nine Snakes Island.

As the Cross Guild and the Revolutionary Army continued to become stronger, Grandma Ye also changed her past style.

Hancock is asked to participate in more such activities.

Of course, One Piece is not a reputation that Amazon Lily can covet, and she knows this.

Moreover, this red-nosed guy is so insidious that in her impression, only Noah can overwhelm him.

The level of Hawkeye is very simple, just thinking about how to join in and pick people to kill happily.

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