Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 855 Bucky’s Announcement


Just one morning, many video call bugs received strange communication signals.

The live broadcasts of World Economic News in various major cities were also suddenly activated.

First, a pirate flag with the Joker logo appears on the screen, and then the Cross Guild logo is fixed there.

It seems that the signal is not very stable and it keeps crackling.

The civilians put down their work and looked here, thinking that something big had happened.

Generally, this kind of thing will not be displayed for several years. The last time was the battle of Pioneer Island in the South China Sea.

Secondly, this kind of live broadcast will be notified in newspapers in advance.

Could it be that there is something more urgent than the battle in the South China Sea that started without any warning this time?

People above the sea are terrified.

At the same time, this incident has aroused the alert of major forces around the world. This kind of communication hijacking without any warning has never occurred before.

The particularity of phone bugs makes everyone ignore the fact that there is such a situation.

Director CP was immediately called to discuss the matter, including Cyborg Sora who had just returned.

Everyone was confused. This was done by pirates.

Even if it is done by the revolutionary army, it is easier for them to accept it. Nanhai has always been labeled as technologically advanced.

The technology used to create a phone bug hijack is not too much.

But Bucky.

Even phone bug communications can be cracked, it's just a matter of how long it takes.

Of course, Bika plays a big role here, and Teacher Tsukimi is very good at the alternative uses of magnetic fruits.

Vegapunk on Egghead Island was drinking coffee and looking at the pirate flag on the screen with an expressionless expression.

This is what he helped the revolutionary army do. It combined with the special communication power of the magnetic fruit, but this performance is not surprising.

The capabilities of the base station on Bika have only been developed to a small extent. If it were not for the energy power of the Thunder Fruit, it would not be able to reach this level.

Two top scientists working together can be said to be invisible.

As for the phone that was ringing crazily on the side, you didn't have to guess who it belonged to. Those five old men must have been panicked to death.

Dr. Vegapunk, can this matter be solved?

Wulao Xing's expression can be seen on the phone bug, which is a little embarrassed and a little tired.

Maybe they are tired of the events one after another.

Also, two Heavenly Dragons died on the front foot and they haven't been dealt with yet, and there are people making trouble on Marigioa every day.

The Cross Union jumped out to engage in live broadcasting on the sea, which has touched the bottom line that the world government cannot tolerate.

Okay, it takes time.

how long?

one day.


The expression of the five old stars who hung up the phone was ugly. The cross guild logo and the previous clown's pattern were like a bunch of stains stuck to their faces.

That madman again, still not satisfied with winning the New Pirates Alliance?

Did Roger leave him something, or was it some kind of fruit ability?

Several old men were deep in thought, how to face the troubles in the new world, and whether the revolutionary army would be involved.

The spies in the South China Sea have returned with information, saying that the revolutionary army is preparing to cause trouble.

This information is meaningless to the World Government. The people in that place are already on the way to causing trouble or preparing to cause trouble.

So what exactly? No!

It's all rubbish!

Damn it, Cyborg just happened to be back with Seraph. Do you want to take this opportunity to solve some troubles?

No, the emperor's strength is not at a level that Seraph can touch.

“Is Vegapunk still safe now?”

You think so.

“It always feels like there’s a big web connecting together in the darkness of this world.”

Yes, I'm a little uneasy.

Don't panic, we still have it.

The Five Old Stars are very angry and powerless at this moment. Several of the most troublesome heresies in the past few hundred years have appeared in this era.

Joyboy didn't even show up, and instead more trouble arose.

This is the chaos that belongs to the end of the era.

Bucky is the man they have never been able to grasp. He can always think outside the ordinary mind.

Are you planning to do something wrong this time?

Contact the Navy Headquarters and ask Kizaru what he thinks.

They still value the new marshal very much. At present, it seems that Porusalino is still a good navy who wants to be a world government and is a bit lazy.

Oh~~Cross Union~~We don't have any information now.

Yes, yes, we will definitely implement it seriously.

Oh, that's right, layer upon layer.

Absolutely maintain order, this is justice. Yes, yes.

When Kizaru mentioned the phone bug, he made all kinds of guarantees.

Wulaoxing was very satisfied. In the past, everything he did during the Warring States Period was always a matter of bargaining. It's better for this marshal to agree to anything no matter what.

Why is there such a big gap between this person and other people?

Seeing that the navy was so obedient, the five old stars relaxed a little. At least their armed forces were still prepared to deal with sudden crises.

The Navy Headquarters has also taken symbolic countermeasures, which means that many naval forces have begun to spread to the sea, seeming to be preparing to deal with the impact from the new world.

The red-haired man somehow got a live call bug, looking at the cross guild logo with a serious expression.

Before, I was still happy about the news that the Straw Hats had broken into the new world, but now something more serious has emerged.

He had a feeling that Bucky would make a huge news.

Everyone in the four seas, the Grand Line, and the Red Continent is looking at this screen, expecting something to happen.

The camera flashed, and a man dressed as a clown staggered up from outside the camera.

In the end, he used both hands to support the edge of the table to keep himself from lying down. His big red nose was directly pressed against the screen until it was deformed.

It turns out that nose is real.

The first reaction of countless people was actually this.

As if he realized that the live broadcast was on, he immediately stood up and arranged his clothes, and then his dull expression evolved into a fierce look.

The invincible, cunning and cunning pirate captain is online.

Ahem. Hello everyone, I am the great Captain Bucky.

Sure enough, this guy is really going to cause trouble.

The red-haired man was a little helpless. He had a hunch that he might also be involved in this action.

The signs before a big storm are becoming clearer and clearer.

After Bucky said hello, he didn't seem to think of what to say for a while, so he started to express himself freely.

I have killed the New Pirate Alliance, and the Cross Guild has almost no opponents in the new world.

Then the title of Pirate King is my only pursuit.

No one is surprised. This is not the first time that this man's ambition has been exposed to the world.

By the way, I have some sad news for you.


Ravdrew, I found it.

boom! ! ! !

The world is in an uproar! ! !

Rav Drew. How is that possible!!!


“That’s the final place!!”

My treasures and my dreams are gone.

This last sentence immediately triggered the hearts of everyone in Dahai. The dreams of pirates were shattered and the people who were eating melons were dumbfounded.

A certain boy wearing a straw hat collapsed on the deck like a salted fish.

How can it be? How is it possible that someone else has arrived at Raffdrew.

Over the years, no one has found any clues about that miracle island.

But the person who said this was Bucky, one of the current two emperors and also a member of Roger the Pirate King's crew.

If he said he was looking for Rafdru again, his credibility would be higher than anyone else in the entire sea.

And with the size of the Cross Guild, if you are determined to do it, no one should be able to stop it.

So is the ownership of One Piece really over?

Many pirates on the sea feel very disappointed. Even if they kill people and set fire to grab territory, they still have their own yearning for that legendary title.

Now the spiritual pillar seems to have been destroyed, and many young people have no reason to go to sea because the land of their dreams has been found in advance.

The world government is also in chaos.

This guy didn't look like he wanted to conquer all the pirates and unify the new world, so how could he steal a house by himself quietly?

It's so despicable. It's a shame that the five old stars let the CP department make a bunch of sniper plans.

The whole world was deceived by this red nose.

One Piece

Once again, I felt the urge to go among the flowers.

After thinking about it, the only way to kill Baki Yao before he ascends to the altar is this.

In Wulaoxing's view, this hijacked live broadcast was for this purpose.

It won't take long to wait.

After all, let’s see what I have to say later.

Only the red-haired man was very suspicious of this matter.

After the initial shock, he felt something was wrong.

He knew that Bucky was indeed interested in Rafdrew, but it was not very big.

Because Bucky knew that the Roger Pirates actually didn't have much treasure, just think about the untouched gold on Sky Island.

The Pirate King back then was really just a name.

It was also a non-mainstream pirate group based on a standard adventure group.

As for the revolutionary army behind Bucky, they don't have much demand for this matter.

Moreover, Rafdru is really not that easy to find. The red-haired person who has been there once can responsibly say that unless the four historical texts of the road signs are collected and deciphered, it will be impossible.

It was a very difficult place to reach, and all the clues were cut off from Shuixianxing Island.

So the most incredible conclusion is that Bucky has now told a big lie to the whole sea.

This bastard really knows how to play.

The red-haired person's mood is very subtle. Why is it that his hair is doing such super cool things? Has he fallen?

Anticipating everyone's shock and panic, Bucky allowed enough time before continuing.

Can the second person who reaches Ravdru really be called the Pirate King?


This rhetorical question keeps everyone down, and why do you still refute yourself?

If it was possible to object, none of the pirates would want to admit it.

But this is what has been established over the years.

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