Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 852 The wind of the times blows to the new world

It reminded him of Jesus Bu from the red-haired pirates, both of whom were extremely perverted snipers.

So Aokiji shot 18 shots of ice hockey in that direction and it was done. There was already a graveyard of icicle groups.

The remaining two girls performed well.

Princess Weiwei or the Queen of the Desert's boxing and kicking skills have an obvious Nine Snake Island style.

Moreover, the appearance of the overlord color from time to time also plays a certain role in containing the situation.

Of course, it has the least impact on Qing Pheasant, because his overbearing look at this level cannot have a deterrent effect.

He doesn't have abilities like Ba Matang and Ryu Sakura, so he can only be said to have reached the level of a first-rate pirate.

It wasn't enough to impress him yet, so Weiwei was easily eliminated. He was tenderly frozen in an ice coffin.

The last main combat force is the fist-wish girl Cornis, the culprit who killed the Celestial Dragons.

His boxing technique is very tricky, very similar to the boxing technique used against Kizaru during the review of the Battle of Pioneer Island.

His punches are sure to hit, they are extremely fast and extremely hard.

That's all, after all, it's just physical ability.

But the opponent's punch method that attacks the soul makes it difficult for Qingzhi to resist.

During this period of time, his inner thoughts were ups and downs, switching back and forth several times.

Naturally, he hasn't adjusted well yet, and it will definitely be extremely uncomfortable when faced with such a punch that attacks the inner flaw.

Later on, the attack was a little harder, and Cornis, a little girl, was also a rare tough girl.

The kind who won't take a step back even if he's beaten to the point of vomiting blood. He won't give up even in the face of adversity, and even his boxing skills are getting stronger and stronger.

The helpless Qingzhi could only trap the girl with a big iceberg and let the other girl continue to beat the mountain.

Are you also a member of the Straw Hats?

Qing Zhi lowered his head and looked at the little furry thing at his feet.

Of course! I'm Tony Tony Chopper.

Then Chopper died.

This little pet was frozen into a taxidermied animal by the frozen time capsule without giving it a chance to show off.

Then he turned around and faced Luffy, who was already furious.

As for Rob Lucci on the other side, he had been completely defeated and fell to the ground dead.

The battle between two young people of the same generation is really lackluster.

It is almost a duel of Taijutsu style, the collision of punches and the confrontation between body and body.

Lucci's two years of hell training is no joke. Even if he loses so many magical bonuses on this battlefield, he is still very threatening. At the beginning, he fought with Luffy to no avail.

But the problem lies on the battlefield on Aokiji's side. Whenever Aokiji freezes a member of the Straw Hats, Luffy's anger will increase and his fists will become heavier.

When the fourth person was frozen, Luffy had already crushed the pigeon man.

When the last person was frozen, Luffy, who had exploded to the limit, killed his opponent in a few seconds.

He turned around and killed Qing Pheasant.

Lucci, who had been a mortal enemy before, was forgotten like an appetizer. This was a humiliating defeat.

The two great swordsmen who were fighting fiercely in the distance in the eyes of outsiders were paying attention to this place.

On the outside is the sword light that destroys the world, and on the inside is the friendly exchange between the two.

Anyway, it was just some family disputes and extra money. Even the route to the new world after the retreat was planned.

In an instant, it was time for Luffy to fight against the general.

Noah wasn't paddling either.

Old Lei, after this is done, you will go directly to the new world. I will say hello to Xia Qi.

Then give her more money, otherwise I will be in trouble when I get home.

Don't worry, we have been cooperating for so many years and we all understand the rules.

Ackerman roared.

Damn Pluto! How can you still retain such strength?

I saw the chief of staff of the navy being slashed away by the terrifying sword light, directly knocking down an Yarkman mangrove tree.

The huge tree vine fell to the ground and stirred up countless dust, and in the midst of this, Rayleigh attacked Aokiji.

Luffy, quickly retreat with your companions. Leave this place to me.

He casually threw a pointer to Luffy, and he started a crazy fight with Aokiji.

This was his second game of fake play, and he started working on a familiar track.

Qing Pheasant also took advantage of the situation and used all kinds of ultimate moves randomly, causing the place to become a mess.

Straw Hat understood the special nature of the current situation and immediately ran to several friends to break the ice covering them.

Fortunately, the battle was not long and the time they were frozen was also very short. With the physique of this little monster, they only had a pale face and sneezed a few times.

Even if there are internal injuries, now is not the time for treatment. Run away first.

A group of people started a roaring battle royale, and the pacifist blocking the front was directly beaten to death by the angry Luffy.

No one can predict the upper limit of Luffy's combat power in this state.

The remaining people still had a little fighting power and would not be held back. A group of people rushed to Port 17 and boarded the Meili and turned on the high-speed jet mode.

After leaving, he followed the pointer to the deserted island in the windless zone.

This time Shampoo Islands also came to an end after the protagonist left.

The two ports were completely destroyed and could no longer be used, and parts of the damaged Moria were scattered everywhere.

The remaining traces of sword energy and icebergs turned this place into permanent frozen soil.

After Reilly withdrew, Ackerman, who was limping, also ran out and joined Admiral Aokiji to prepare to return to the Navy Headquarters to report on his duties.

This time, it can be said that the face of Action World Government was once again thrown to the ground and stepped on several times.

On the Navy side, Ackerman lost to Pluto Rayleigh. Everyone was speechless. After all, he was the Pirate King's deputy.

If a chief of staff can block it, his combat power is already astonishing.

It was also expected that Aoki Pheasant didn't stop him. In a one-on-one situation at the same level, no one dared to say that he could stop him.

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Cyborg Kong, was sent to Dantou Island to pick up the secret weapons, leaving the center of the world with an empty defense, so he had nothing to say.

In the end, who will take the blame?

Of course it's Rob Lucci.

This guy was not so lucky this time.

When he was alive before, he had to bear the blame of Judiciary Island. This time, he would naturally bear the blame of two Tianlong people.

The CP department and the Navy worked together to attribute all mistakes to Rob Luqi's unauthorized participation in the battle.

Wulaoxing also knew that this reason was very nonsense, but he could only hold his nose and admit it.

The Navy tried its best. The CP department happened to be caught by the Straw Hats because of a loophole in the troop transportation plan. It's hard to blame these old men.

So it's okay for the sinners to include Rob Lucci in addition to the Straw Hats.

Of course, after this time, the Straw Hats' bounty will increase dramatically.

The two guys who directly killed the Celestial Dragons must be punished accordingly, including a very high reward for all members of the Straw Hats.

Combat capabilities are analyzed through materials collected by the CP department and the Navy's intelligence department. The result surprised the Five Old Stars. They did not expect that such a small Straw Hat Pirates group would have so many talented pirates.

The strength of each person is not an ordinary cadre even in the new world.

Boxing's bounty for Konis soared directly to 500 million Baileys, regardless of life or death.

And the devil muscleman Kerby was also given 300 million Baileys. His handsome face and strange figure are highly recognizable.

Blackfoot Sanji, 400 million beli. The photos of the hand-painted version can only be said to be well-painted, but not at all similar.

Sniper King Usopp. Because of its terrifying visibility and containment ability, it was also given 300 million beli, making it a very powerful sniper strategically.

Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, was awarded 1 billion Bailey based on his analysis of his combat power and his performance in killing Rob Lucchi.

Shouldn’t the captain be blamed for what the crew did? Maybe this premeditated attack was carried out by this straw hat boy.

Another generation of outstanding people will emerge from the East China Sea.

Desert Queen Weiwei. The bounty offered is 500 beli.

At the same time, a private warning was sent to the king of Alabasta.

Your daughter was involved in such a vicious incident this time. If it continues, we will not apply for insurance.

Fortunately, she wasn't the one who killed the Celestial Dragons. Otherwise, even if you were members of the royal family before, you wouldn't be able to bear this level of sin.

Oh, and there’s also a pet Chopper.

Because his courage when facing the blue pheasant is very eye-catching, and his cute style.

So the general specifically gave him a raise, raising it to 200 beli.

The soaring net worth of all members of the Straw Hats has caused a worldwide sensation.

Of course, it was impossible for the whole world not to be shocked by this incident. This was a Celestial Dragon, and he was killed in front of everyone.

This kind of boldness is very rare in the world.

With so many people coming and going in the Shampoo Islands, probably no one except the revolutionary army really wanted to kill these bubbleheads.

Straw Hat earned some face for the pirates.

The World Economic News also talked a lot about it, but of course downplayed the performance of the Tianlong people in this incident and the circumstances of their deaths.

The world government would not allow the descendants of the Creator to die so like an ordinary human being.

It is difficult for the whole world to explain that a bloodline that has been sacred for 800 years died so easily.

If this is announced, everyone will think that one or two are like this, then the group of 20 royal families above Mariejoia are also ordinary people.

Then what qualifications do they have to stand above all living beings?

This is the most serious thing that the world government currently considers, far more terrifying than the death of several Celestial Dragons.

They suppressed a lot of information about the East China Sea incident, but it also shook many people's minds.

Many officials within the World Government have also changed their attitude towards the Celestial Dragons, believing that they are no longer sacred.

So Morgans' focus revolves around the rampage and audacity of the Straw Hats.

Under the guidance of the Revolutionary Army, the Straw Hats were set up as a new benchmark in the pirate world, pointing out that they had the potential to become the Imperial Group.

The new world may usher in a third emperor, and the pattern of two emperors is about to be broken.

This is true. With the current combat power of all their members, they are indeed qualified to fight in a few battles in the New World.

There were disturbances from the outside world, but the Mellie had already arrived at the desert island given by Rayleigh.

The busiest person after getting off the ship is the ship's doctor.

Chopper's medical skills are indeed very talented in pharmacy, and various magical pills are very efficient in treating injuries.

After everyone finished their work, Cornish apologized sincerely to everyone, as did Sanji and the others.

He thought that he had brought trouble to the team.

But Luffy laughed indifferently to show that we all survived, didn't we? Companions are meant to support each other’s actions and dreams.

Well, the Straw Hat's soul has awakened again.

After every crisis, everyone's combat effectiveness and mentality have improved to a higher level. This time's forging has hammered out all the last impurities they had in the past two years.

I also understand what it means that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world.

That little bit of anxiety was frozen by the ice.

After waiting for a day, Rayleigh swam up from the sea with a big sword on his back, still cursing.

Little ones, are you ready to go to the new world?

This month has been extremely long, and I will continue to sprint.

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