Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 851 The battle of the new generation

Two earth-shattering sword energy emerged directly from the air, slashing at Straw Hat Luffy and Pluto Rayleigh in the middle.

A choking sound.

Not to be outdone, Rayleigh drew his weapon. Sword masters should just use their swords to speak.

As a result, the other party did not follow martial ethics and actually played psychological warfare.

Pluto Rayleigh dared to coordinate with Straw Hat Luffy to launch an attack on the Celestial Dragons. He committed a heinous crime. You must die!

Rayleigh's mouth twitched as he waved his sword energy and collided with the opponent.

You guy! What nonsense are you talking about?

When did the Pirate King's right arm receive this injustice?

Feeling angry in his heart, he added two more strength to his hand and chopped off the opponent's sword energy forcefully.

The visitor was his new good friend recently, Navy Chief of Staff Ackerman.

This guy's mouth is really not pleasing to the eye, and he will be criticized whenever he comes up.

Even Rayleigh would feel a headache if he was involved in such a battle, not to mention he didn't know who to turn to for more money.

The Straw Hats have met Ackerman. In a glimpse of Judiciary Island two years ago, he was a powerful figure who was as powerful as Gu Gao Hong.

At the beginning, such a powerful person came, and their hearts were shocked.

Maybe it's not going to be a good fight today.

It is indeed difficult to fight. Noah has completely figured out the causes and consequences of this battle through the navy's intelligence system.

And they had made arrangements on the way here. This time it was better to prove that Rayleigh's sword was immortal.

Rayleigh ducked in front of him, and the swords of the two great swordsmen began to collide fiercely at close range.

Two swords versus a single sword are equally effective.

Finally, under the impact of Ackerman, it broke away from this central area.

The confused straw hat and the trembling long-nosed man were left behind.

Luffy touched the straw hat and felt a little strange. The other party came up and went to fight with Rayleigh. What about him?

Grass! Hat! Luffy! Fly!

The voice coming from hell awakened Luffy's few remaining memories, as if he had heard it before.

Ah~ it's you, Pigeon Man.

My name is Rob Lucci!

He is usually a gloomy and silent cruel executioner, but he has developed a flawless heart in the darkness, but he can always be made furious by Straw Hat's casual words.

Lucci stood opposite Luffy and threw his suit jacket on the ground, his muscles and bones creaking.

Fruit liberation. Cat fruit. Leopard god form.

The opening scene is all about going all out, this is a battle that cannot be lost.

A drizzle began to fall over Port 10. The putrid smell is like mud emanating from the depths of the human soul.

His vertical pupils were filled with the pleasure of being repaid for his great revenge.

This strong sense of hostility and danger exuded and made Luffy become serious.

Just as the two were preparing to fight, Weiwei kicked Moriah in front of her and suddenly rushed over.

The overlord's wild and suppressive color impacted Rob Lucci.

Approaching with a decisive aura, he kicked the opponent with a big fragrant kick.

Lu Qi's eyes sharpened, wasn't this woman Princess Weiwei from two years ago?

What a courage! How dare you interfere in the battle between me and my destined opponent? Even if you have a special status, you can't protect yourself in such an incident.

The interrupted rhythm made the beast go crazy inside, and Lu Qi decided to let this ungrateful woman try what pain is!



How could he be so strong!

The creaking bones and the wail of muscle tearing in his arms made Lucci a little dazed.

There was a puzzled expression in his vertical pupils. He was having a hard time blocking it?

Rob Lucci, who was knocked away by the huge force, plowed two chasms on the ground with his feet before stopping.

Then he looked seriously at the blue-haired girl and the pirates with more dangerous auras around them.

Familiar yet strange.

The useless princess, the disgusting sniper, the difficult man in a suit, the ruthless angel girl, and...

Huh? Who is this pink-haired muscular man? Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that I am surrounded.

It's time to avenge the revenge from two years ago.

The moment Lucci appeared, all the Straw Hat members on the field broke out at the same time and killed the pacifist in front of them, and all members gathered to surround Rob Lucci.

Two years ago, this peerless genius who emerged from the CP department in 800 defeated everyone except Luffy on Judiciary Island.

The feeling of death lingering inside and hating myself for being weak is so unforgettable.

You must use your own fists to get it back in two years.

Lu Qi, who had provoked public outrage, felt troubled.

The Straw Hats are still so ungrateful, but times have changed.

Those little novices at the beginning were all one-clawed, but two years later, judging from the information given by the CP chief, they were all extremely brave.

Therefore, it is a bit excessive for you to fight like this.

In the state of fruit awakening, Lu Qi felt a little weak inside.

Hiss~~It's so cold.

A cold wind blew by, and the clouds in the sky became darker.

The humid air and light rain turned into cold, dry air and light snow.

The natural transformation of heaven and earth happens in an instant. This power of changing the world indicates the arrival of another strong man standing at the top of the sea.

Admiral, Qing Pheasant.

Kuzan looked at the battlefield with complicated eyes, a little helpless.

Akerman had told him before that he would come here to perform a play, but he did not explain how it would be performed.

A simple admiral is not very good at acting, but Kizaru has learned it himself.

He had no choice but to descend from the sky to Lu Qi's side with a cold face and display his power as a naval admiral.

Let’s cool down the situation first.

Lu Qi, who was beside Qing Zhi, was somewhat helpless.

The main power of decay and moisture in the form of the Leopard God were controlled by the opponent's nature element.

The original text of the desert series is not suitable in the ice and snow.

It was a bit helpless to find that a fruit that was obviously very powerful has now become an ability that only increases physical strength.

Lu Qi, who knows how to shut up when facing strong men, can only bear it silently, and if the other party can help him in the encirclement, he can be regarded as his noble person.

Now that he felt he had a backer, he was not afraid of gang fights, and his eyes looked at Luffy even more fiercely.

Come out and hang out

Ice Age!

Qingzhi didn't want to listen to these Luo Liba's nonsense, so he just got to work.

Most of the Chambord Islands are covered in ice, and many people never thought that it would snow in this place that feels like spring all year round.


Lu Qi was speechless again. The assassination of General Aokiji couldn't be accomplished even with his own hands.

Surrounded by reflections from the ice, he is a genius in assassination, assassination!

Why do I feel like General Qing Pheasant came here just to give me negative powers?

Fortunately, the start of the war later gave Lu Qi a lot of freedom.

Luffy asked everyone to buy me some time and went straight to the pigeon man.

Everyone understands that Aoki Pheasant is no longer something ordinary combatants can contend with.

Only by fighting against this invincible enemy with the big guys, there is still some hope of escaping.

So getting rid of this obstructive CP0 is the first step.

Until now, Luffy and his group have not given up hope of surviving.

We have experienced a lot of life and death in the past two years, which has tempered our indomitable hearts.

The battle started, and Luffy, who had activated the fourth gear, was extremely strong. The Great Ape King's gun was used unrestrictedly, and Rob Rocky was defeated continuously.

Without the blessing of various special abilities in the form of the Leopard God, Lu Qi was no match for this rubber fruit in terms of pure physical strength, making him roar again and again.

After all, he promised in front of the commander that he would kill Straw Hat and take off his head, but in the end, he was the one who lost in the actual fight.

This gap made him feel uncomfortable. What had he done during the two whole years of hell practice!

The Straw Hat group battle is very difficult.

Qing Pheasant achieved crushing results.

Kebi's super brave physical skills were directly caught by his opponent's body. After several blows, he was still kicked away.

Among the three great generals in terms of physical skills, only Kizaru is slightly inferior to Zefa, and the other two are monsters without weaknesses.

Teacher Zefa's physical skills? So-so.

This is what Aokiji said about Kebi.

A very familiar fighting style, almost identical to the navy.

So the evaluation is also very cold.

Of course, there is some personal grudge here, as most people with fruit abilities have no good comments from Zefa.

Then the pink-haired boy started the angry rampage mode, and the muscles on his body were filled with blood again.

Every inch of the muscle monster that had grown a bit bigger looked full of strength, and it hit hard.

Boom! boom! boom!

After a series of collisions, he was thrown out. The joints on his body were frozen and he lay motionless in the snow, unable to get up.

The physical training is very good. Teacher Zefa has achieved what he wanted.

Qing Zhi is quite satisfied with this junior fellow apprentice.

It can be seen from Kebi's eyes and acting style that this is another young man who pursues justice.

Moreover, he also inherited Zefa's desire to follow the pure physical training route, and even his figure is moving towards the ideal state.

Only this guy is incomprehensible and still a fan.

The performance of several other people also surprised him.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Sanji had no reservation at all and directly turned on his black battle suit.

With the combat uniform, he launched powerful attacks from all directions, and the strength of his kicks increased several times.

The battle rhythm after special training on Bika was fast, and technological means assisted the prediction of the situation, which played a big role in the battle.

Even because of the material of the combat suit, it has good resistance to cold air and is not affected by this environment.

This is the power of money.

So he was frozen into a popsicle by Qing Pheasant, who was a little unhappy, because he felt that this design was a bit aimed at him.

And Usopp's performance, which had been far away, impressed him even more.

Even with his general-level movement speed, he could be kept up with. If it weren't for Usopp's restraint, it would be very difficult for these people to find his figure.

Even elementalization and reappearance can be discovered. This guy with a long nose does have a few brushes.

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