Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 853 News about the New Fishman Island

Looking at the colorful bubbles surrounding Merry's body, Luffy and others fell into a daze again.

It turns out that the coating can really be so dazzling, and it is completely different from what I heard before.

I didn't expect that, Master Lei Li, you are the legendary coating craftsman Lao Lei. It's amazing.

Facing Luffy's flattering eyes, Rayleigh smiled faintly.

The offer is 50 million Baileys, which can be sent to Xia Qi's Rip-Off Bar in Port 13.

When talking about business, Lao Lei kept in mind his own job at the moment, and Straw Hat agreed wholeheartedly.

50 million Baileys is really nothing to them.

Weiwei sighed when she looked at the colorful bubbles.

It turns out there are really colorful ones, and the coating method is completely different from what I thought.

They had a strange feeling when they saw Rayleigh dragging out a bunch of dark machinery from a certain corner of the island.

No matter how you look at it, this thing doesn't fit in with the traditional craftsmanship mentioned in the Shampoo Islands.

Once the machine started running, it became clear that this thing was indeed very unconventional.

As long as it is running, the entire ship will be plated within half an hour, and the color and shape can be modified at will.

This is the power of technology.

The original coating method had long been abandoned by Rayleigh. Because the Revolutionary Army often took underwater routes, they developed several sets of very suitable coating machines.

Of course Leili wouldn't do this in the Chambord Islands, but when he came to the outside world, he would mess around without restraint.

This set of tools was also given free of charge by the Revolutionary Army in gratitude for his early contributions.

And the film plated by this machine is much tougher than ordinary soap bubbles.

Ordinary undersea turbulence or ordinary sea beasts cannot break through it, and of course the Neptune class cannot.

Generally, such a large underwater fleet requires an escort team when traveling.

Of course, there is no need for a straw hat. You can gather several of the overlords on the ship. This is the best navigator.

By the way, why do I see that there are still many traces of human presence on this island? Is it Master Rayleigh's secret base?

This question brings out the coolness of Reilly. You must know that elderly people always want to inadvertently play tricks on their juniors when encountering some big events, but this time they hit the target.

Ahem, do you know about the big event that happened in 1509?

Weiwei thought about it and then said tentatively.

The first major event of liberating the slaves of Mariejoia.

Yes, the revolutionary army set out from here at that time.

Then came the display of Lao Lei's eloquence. He has improved a lot as he has read many story books over the years, telling stories with ups and downs.

The revolutionary army is still in its early stages, the weak Noah, the determined fishman, and the young dragon.

There are twists and turns in the battle on clay, and people struggle during the great escape.

Everyone was frightened when they heard it.

Of course, it is also indispensable that Rayleigh saves the day with his final highlight and confronts the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

I can't stand talking about this post-transformation clip. There are too many elements of artistic processing.

If Cyborg Kong hadn't been too close to the Red Earth Continent, he wouldn't have been able to return alive. If Akainu had chased him that day, he would have had a feast.

Seeing that the young man didn't quite understand his highlight moment, Lao Lei withdrew the joy of sharing.

Boringly took everyone on board to prepare for departure.

Master Lei Li, are you going to the New World too?

Ah, there are some things in the new world that need to be dealt with.


Let's think about what else needs a retired old pirate to deal with.

Oh, it's the Cross Guild, right?

When talking about this guild, Rayleigh was not as cheerful as before, because this guild was a deformed monster.

The relationship inside was so complicated that even he couldn't figure out how many people knew the truth about the Pirate Guild and the Emperor, so he wouldn't say more.

Others remained in awe of the mystery of the Cross Guild and asked no more questions.

Dive down.

A colorful Mellie is sailing in the dark water.

Cornish, who was in high spirits, was playing the harp to cultivate everyone's sentiments. This piece of music was inspired by the God of Water in the Capital of Seven Waters.

It sounds particularly beautiful in the deep sea.

It just happened to dispel everyone's boredom.

There are also some fish in the shallow sea area and the magnificent scenery of the sunlight penetrating through. The strange shapes of the deeper sea fish are even more eye-opening.

After entering the ocean current tunnel that was 10,000 meters below the surface, only some black shadows were left surging around.

The sense of danger posed by the Black Shadow is extremely strong, much stronger than the pacifists of the World Government.

Moreover, Luffy seemed to have auditory hallucinations in the deep sea, and heard these black figures whispering and discussing something.

When he told all the crew members about this, they all didn't believe it and thought that the sick captain was sick again. Only Rayleigh gave Luffy a deep look.


Roger could do this kind of thing in the past, and he was able to talk about it very well. Of course, he was not so stupid.

These black shadows are the super giant sea kings hovering near Dragon Palace City. They are still waiting silently for the call of their king.

It's a pity that their king has just returned to the Dragon Palace City from the South China Sea, carrying a bunch of food and drink on his back.

The bedroom belonging to Bai Xing is really warmly decorated, with all kinds of comfortable and customized toys, food, pillows and so on.

It made Bai Xing himself not want to go out, there wouldn't be any accidents here.

The prerequisites for awakening are lacking.

So if nothing else, it will be difficult for the Neptunes to wait for their own king.

Following the ocean current, the Meili quickly arrived at Ryugu Castle.

In the distance, you can see a shining city in a dark world.

The adjective Pearl in the Deep Sea is not an exaggeration at all. The light of Yangshu Eve can no longer compare with the bright lights of the city.

Tall buildings of various styles above the sea are interspersed with traditional styles and form their own style.

The Fish-Man Island now is different from the past.

As the most core supporter and participant in the revolutionary army, except for many strong men, they all serve in the South China Sea.

Therefore, military strength can be said to have reached its highest peak in history.

The popularization of technological products and the integration of light industrial products with daily life can be said to be the prototype of a small Nanhai.

As for financial strength, not to mention, he is a being who can collect all the wealth under the sea. King Shark is not short of money at all.

The Mellie received the signal from the harbor of Fish-Man Island when it was still far away.

The outer area has been locked by various deep-sea weapons, and they will stop according to the guidance.

Slowly sail into the harbor and get off your pirate ship.

What comes into view is the street with an undersea style, which is the legendary Fishman Street.

This is no longer a gathering place for low-level gangsters, but the birthplace of the most powerful underwater warriors on the sea.

The spirit of martial arts is so strong that a small square was specially built in Yumen Street, where many young fishmen practice Yumen Karate.

Several statues were erected in the square.

There are Noah and Robin, the great benefactors who changed the status quo of Fishman Street and Fishman Island, as well as Tiger, the eldest brother and spiritual leader of Fishman Street, and Jinbei, who is currently the strongest.

The last statue is Bartholomew Bear, a man who made Noah cry when he saw him.

Jinbei erected it himself when he came back one day.

The courtyards on the street have also been neatly maintained, and are no longer as dirty as they were 15 years ago.

The wide variety of products looks no worse than the shopping streets in Chambord Islands.

The dazzling and peaceful world did not make the idiots relax their vigilance. They had just fought in the Chambord Islands and became allergic to this unusually peaceful area.

It was only with Rayleigh's assurance that everyone felt relieved.

“Don’t worry, the standard of public security here is the South China Sea Federation.

There is no slave trade and no gray areas here, and the old ideas have been cleared out of Fish-Man Island.

In the sea, the fishmen became kings again.

If a force has a top master, it will gain a great say in the sea.

It would be even more incredible if there was an incredibly powerful force behind this master.

Many people know that the Revolutionary Army has a super-powerful murloc force, which can be said to have taken the greatest credit in the battle where the general fell.

Everyone also knows that there is a mermaid minister among the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army. His subordinates have great power and have severely attacked the intelligence department of the World Government.

But why didn't anyone attack Fishman Island?

Because even the world government has to weigh the consequences of developing Ten Thousand Meters Under Water and Fish-Man Island.

Jinbei has been rated as invincible underwater, and Aokiji cannot resist the power of the sea.

This is the power of the rise of the fishmen.

Their tough external image and the coverage of the revolutionary army did not make them arrogant.

After all, Minister Otohime would really come back to kill people, and even fish-men would die in his hands.

As for the fish-human supremacy racism of Hodi and his gang, it has long been eradicated. And it is an all-round annihilation from the spirit to the body.

King Shark's methods are not as gentle as Neptune's, and the young man's temper is rather short-tempered.

If you don’t listen to what you said, then kill you if you don’t listen.

Now think about it, Aaron was also very lucky, and he was convinced early and was taken to Nanhai for reform.

If he stayed and hung out with bad guys like Hody, the seaweed on the grave might be several feet high.

And those like Vanderdyken and the Flying Dutchman are even more miserable.

He was directly bombarded to pieces by a group of revolutionary submarines, and no fruits could be used.

By the way, the target fruit is also a very strong rule system. Pirates really lack culture.

With Lei Li's assurance, everyone felt relieved.

This time everyone dispersed and regrouped. For the sake of Sanji's life safety, Chopper and Sanji were specially assigned together.

If you lose too much blood, there is a doctor who can provide first aid.

I heard that mermaids are incredibly lethal to some people.

Kerby, on the other hand, likes the atmosphere of Fishman Street very much, and is very interested in the arena in the small square.

His figure, which looks like a door panel, would not be worth the teachings of Teacher Zefa unless he fights here for a few times. He has seen thousands of martial arts.

The rest of the people continued to wander around and came here just to rest for a while before leaving for the new world soon.

Items that were not purchased in the Shampoo Islands can be purchased here.

As the top combat force of the Cross Guild, Rayleigh's status and treatment were naturally different. He was invited to Dragon Palace City for a drink under the leadership of the palace minister who had discovered it early.

I also asked the Straw Hats at that time, but young people who like freedom and don't want to be restrained would definitely not be willing.

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