Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 844 The Beginning of Hulk Island

The capital of seven waters.

A city that was once extremely prosperous and yet extremely lonely.

It was the pearl of the paradise stage with the shipbuilding industry as its core, and later became a city with culture as its center. Finally, it became world-famous because of its economic and financial prosperity.

At that time, it could be said to be the most famous tourist attraction on the Grand Line. Countless people came here to experience the most open cultural atmosphere.

Then there was a city that led to complete loneliness because of one person. That person's name was a taboo in this city.

Maybe ordinary people don't think it's very big, but senior executives can be said to be frightened.

You must know that a group photo almost ruined all the big guys.

The only thing the Capital of Seven Waters is famous for in recent years is the Battle of Judiciary Island in 1522.

It is said that this is where the Straw Hat Gang launched the test machine of the sea train and rushed into Judiciary Island.

After a fierce battle with the World Government, he calmly retreated, leaving only the ruins of the original island.

The Tribunal to the Tower of Justice were all dissipated in dust and smoke, and no specific information was leaked. It seemed that there were some mysterious figures involved.

So the city was once again purged, which was really miserable.

The Sea Train Project itself is inextricably linked to the South China Sea, and now it has assisted the Straw Hats in conquering Judiciary Island.

The scheme has become the most hated thing in the city and a blight on many wealthy people.

No one wants to mention it anymore.

1523 was just an ordinary year for the islanders, and it was also a happy year.

Without the sea train plan, the business of the first, second and third shipyards has increased again, and everyone's life has become better.

It is not as exaggerated as in previous years. In those years, it seemed that as long as you got on the big project, you would be waiting to make a fortune.

As a result, many people borrowed money to buy cars, resulting in car crashes and fatalities.

It was a hard landing. Many people said that this was the twenty years since the City of Seven Waters disappeared.

There seems to be too much malice wrapped around this place,

Fortunately, the second rise of the shipbuilding industry gave the city new life.

The current mayor is a very strange man.

It is said that he has some connections with the Navy, has a good relationship with pirates, and even has some connections with the Revolutionary Army.

He is very clever in various methods and knows many important people.

Many local shipyards and some shipyard workers were saved during this major purge.

Of course, it also has a lot to do with the fact that the emerging wealthy businessmen have pooled together operating funds.

Mainly, the new mayor brought back ship orders from the Seven Waters Capital.

There are those from all over the world, those from Paradise, and those from the New World.

Even some official orders can be obtained. It is really a matter of hands and eyes.

A large number of raw materials and the gathering of foreign craftsmen give this pearl on the sea a new vitality.

Moreover, a lot of ships have been damaged in recent years, and they need to add a large number of new orders every year.

There are ordinary transport ships, escort ships, and even pirate ships.

In other words, there are a large number of orders for pirate ships with various requirements. The main demand point is different shapes.

It seems that a certain force is building a flashy fleet, I can't figure it out.

Therefore, in addition to building entire ships, these orders also involve manufacturing a large number of parts and components.

Except for the threat from the sea goddess Akula Ragna, ordinary civilians no longer feel the turbulent life they once had.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that all the nobles and capitalists in this city have been hanged.

No matter what kind of wind and rain the city suffers, time will move forward unswervingly.

This city forgotten by the world spent its own peaceful 1523 years.

It ushered in 1524, a year that the island has gone through vicissitudes of life.

It is also the starting point for many major events in the future.


It's a very unique time.

The clockwork of the world has come to an end, and the clouds of war have spread over the entire sea.

Nowhere is safe, and no one in the world can stay out of it.

After this year, countless people began to act more purposefully.

The undercurrent has almost reached the surface of the sea. Even the slow world government noticed something was wrong.

Are there some serious concerns that haven’t done anything for too long?

It seems that the revolutionary army has been quiet for too long. This is not the same as their previous behavior.

Last year, only the pirates and the navy had some big movements.

Therefore, the new CP chief sent many people to continue sneaking into the South China Sea to try to obtain first-hand information.

Especially whether there is a conspiracy against Mary Joa, this has something to do with his position and fate.

No one dares to look down on those lunatics in Nanhai now.

As a result, in addition to the daily protection of some key areas, the top management of the South China Sea has distributed other centers of gravity to the entire sea.

I don't care at all about the intrusion of this group of spies, since the split has been completed anyway.

In many departments, only Long knows where they are. Thanks to Im for helping them get through this most difficult period two years ago.

The intervention of forces from the other three seas and the daily running-in relationship with the navy have consumed a lot of their energy.

There will be a lot of friction between even the same system, let alone two systems that were previously hostile.

Long has communicated with Seng Guo and the others countless times, and the two sides are constantly talking to each other.

Trying to quietly complete the replacement work of Sanhai and some preparations for the paradise stage.

In addition to personnel and troops, there are also a large number of grassroots personnel who are dispersed to various places.

In fact, the interior of the South China Sea is really a bit empty right now, which is a very dangerous thing.

The time left for the revolutionary army is still too short, and those who come out of the recruit training camp are all quick-edition cadres.

Under the dispatch of the headquarters, spread to all corners of the sea.

We also co-organized a refresher course with the Navy in some secret places, and promising newcomers within the Navy would also be sent over to study.

The chief instructor is Rocinante.

The remaining Taotu and others have their own tasks arranged.

Noah's work here is particularly important. He serves as the representative of the Revolutionary Army's Marshal's Office in the Navy and the Chief of Staff to the Navy Marshal.

Most of the things to be dealt with are very sensitive and cannot be left to anyone else.

As a result, the recent update of One Piece has been somewhat delayed.

Just when several big forces were busy, a small pirate group met in the Capital of Seven Waters.

The first one to arrive was Luffy.

The standard of Saab Logistics is outstanding, and it was delivered directly to the original Hulk Island, which is the former site of Tom Shipyard, in one step.

This place has been deliberately abandoned by the city government for a long time and is also one of the strongholds of the revolutionary army.

Sabo clearly told me to put it here, so why can't I find it?

While Straw Hat was rummaging around, several people came over from behind.

Hey, Luffy! Long time no see.

The chef with curly eyebrows, still wearing a suit and holding a cigarette in his mouth, walked over with leather shoes on and a backpack on his back.

Ah, it's Sanji. Is what's behind that delicious?

Luffy rushed over with his eyes shining, and then Sanji hit his head with his backpack and hit the ground hard.

Opening the zipper contained a set of very exquisite knives.

This is the new kitchenware Reiju prepared for me.

The blade is made of high-tech nano-level material, and the handle is made of leftover materials from Baoshu Adam.

The absolute supreme among kitchen utensils, just waiting for delicious food.

In addition to the combat uniform inherited from Vinsmoke, Sanji also brought a lot of good things from Bika this time.

The suit and leather shoes included in this suit are all custom-made, have strong defensive capabilities and are self-cleaning.

Although Germa, once the overlord of the North Sea, was taken over by the revolutionary army, many of its assets were also inherited by Reiju.

Except for those anti-human research materials that need to be handed over and destroyed, the entire country still belongs to this rich woman in name.

The accumulation of Germa 66 over the past few decades is a huge number.

Almost all of those overseas assets were sold off by this eldest sister and replaced with many resources that Sanji could use.

Otherwise, why would Bika be willing to provide so much help to this little pirate? It's all about the power of money.

Every day is a waste of money. This is the simple and unpretentious way of practice for wealthy people.

Sanji is definitely considered rich now.

At this time, a person came from a distance.

Behind the handsome outfit is a cloak, which is blown by the sea breeze and looks very elegant.

Unfortunately, the long nose has betrayed the visitor.

It is the legendary god Usopp.

After returning to the Straw Hats, he took off his disguise as the Sniper King and revealed his true face.

After covering it for almost two years, my face has turned pale, but my nose is a bit black.

It reminded Sanji of Pinocchio from the fairy tale of the South China Sea.

The expression is still so silly but the aura is very strong.

After all, he was used to seeing strong people running around with the red-haired gang every day, so he naturally became more energetic.

As the desperate boss of the Straw Hats. You cannot reach your full potential until the critical moment.

Usopp's return also injects the strongest guarantee power into the Straw Hats.

I, the Sniper King! Return.

Sniper King?

No, I, Usopp, am back! Hahahahahahaha~~

After that, there was a lot of bragging about leading 8,000 men to make waves in the new world.

Sanji felt a headache after hearing this. So many of your younger brothers were not targeted by people from the Cross Guild?

Luffy was convinced, and his various boasting styles lifted Usopp to the sky.

Before the two idiots could meet and do something mindless, Usopp's eyes flashed red and he looked towards the sea in the distance.

somebody is coming!

In the distance, a sea beast pulled a boat closer to here.

Before the boat docked, a girl with blue hair jumped out and rode a running duck on the water.

Oh~~~! Ducks running on the sea!!!

Luffy and Usopp's eyes light up, so cool!

Even Sanji took out his kitchen utensils.

This seems to be a very rare breed, and I don’t know what the meat quality is like.

But why does this duck look familiar?


A gust of wind blew by, and it seemed like this person had run away?

Karu, turn around quickly, you are so embarrassed!!


The visitor is back again, jumping off this silly duck girl to show off her perfect makeup.

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