Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 845 The sail of the times sets sail again

Her charming face lost the childishness and innocence of the past, and took on a bit of capable heroic spirit.

The unique national costumes of the Nine Snakes clan reveal a lot of white skin, and the wild atmosphere and domineering spirit of the primitive jungle are revealed.

It seemed that the person who came was no longer a princess, but an empress who had ascended the throne.

Sanji's legs turned into a small whirlwind and floated over to show his courtesy.


Although it was Usopp who noticed it first, Sanji's eyesight was obviously stronger and he immediately recognized that this was his beloved Princess Weiwei.

It's actually Weiwei!!!

What a remarkable change. The mature girl gave everyone a great visual impact.

Then Sanji felt doubly happy, because another beautiful girl from the Straw Hats also returned.

Smart clothes, white wings, gentle expression and clear eyes that can penetrate people's hearts.

This is the return of another indispensable member of the Straw Hats, musician Cornish.

Cornish changed out of Kongdao's clothes and wore clothes that were more modern in the South China Sea style.

Holding the elegant harp in her hands shows the feeling of a young, intellectual and beautiful girl.

When Weiwei saw the other party's outfit, she felt like she had lost. This guy's temperament was too foul.

At this moment, Sanji even wished he could transform into two people so that he could be attentive to the two little girls at the same time.

When he turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards Cornis again, she was instinctively dodged by her opponent.

It seems that all his thoughts have been seen through.



The small fist punched out straight, and the straight punch hit Sanji and stopped in front of him.

The fierce punch bypassed the chef and directly split the ruins behind him into two pieces. The debris hit the air and made a sizzling sound.

When the dust dispersed, a huge chasm appeared, and sea water flowed in along the river.


This sudden change of painting style is too amazing. The cute girl is tearing apart mountains and rocks to change the terrain.

The onlookers of the Straw Hats continued to cheer and applaud.

Usopp was even more shaken, and he didn't dare to think about it if this punch hit him.

Only Sanji felt different. Although the punch didn't hit him, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

All the distracting thoughts in my heart were eliminated. Although they appeared immediately afterwards, the feeling at that moment was very subtle.

My pursuit of beautiful women has disappeared, actually disappeared! terrible! ! !

You must know that this is his belief in life!

I stayed a little away from this angelic little sister with lingering fear, how could she have such evil boxing skills.

It doesn't seem like a simple fist.

Weiwei felt a different aura from this punch, and the wildness she had developed in the jungle gave her a warning.

I secretly sighed that everyone has made great progress.

In the end, everyone looked in one direction and said confused.

So, who are you?

The big man who had been ignored yelled in collapse.

I'm Kirby, everyone!


Even the always gentle Cornish couldn't control her expressions, and she made shocking facial expressions with the Straw Hat members.

How dare you, a muscle monster, say that you are Kirby?

How could that thin, pink-haired boy wearing glasses turn into such a muscular hunk?

Although the expression and head look somewhat similar to before, the body has completely changed.

Were you changed by Frankenstein during your practice? Still saying that he ate feed.

Everyone really doesn’t understand what kind of tempering can transform a person into this.

Kebi, on the other hand, had no choice but to scratch his little head with his giant palm-like hands.

This ratio is really amazing.

He was a little resentful, why couldn't his head become bigger like muscles, so that it would at least match his current body shape.

Teacher Zefa is really a bit of a loser in terms of appearance. The older generation of navy must be too practical.

Usually after the fight, everyone becomes familiar with each other again.

At this time, a little boy came over from behind Kebi.

Luffy's eyes were the first to find the other person and he hugged him directly.

Look, everyone! Here is a walking piece of meat.

Usopp was furious.

Are you blind? Luffy! This is obviously a tanuki.

The dizzy little guy couldn't bear it when he heard these words, and gave each of these two idiots a headache.

Said fiercely.

I'm a reindeer, a reindeer.

And my name is Tony Tony Chopper, and I am a doctor.

At this time, Kebi stood up and explained.

It is said that Chopper is a doctor and is now sent by his teacher for internship.

After a year, you will return to work to assume an important responsibility.

But his teacher said he was not qualified enough for emergency rescue, so he wanted to work with a team that would go through a lot of trouble.

It was just shoved into my place, and I don’t know about everyone.

Silence, the scene was all silent.

Kebi was also sweating a little. He thought that his status on the ship had always been very low. He didn't know if everyone would invite him to join him this time as he brought a temporary reindeer doctor.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was refuted?

Chopper even shyly hid behind Kebi's thick thighs.

If Doctor Dori hadn't wanted to sell him to pay off her debt, he wouldn't have become a pirate.

Now shyness and embarrassment are intertwined in the little guy's heart like a ball of yarn.

There was no way. When Chopper was doing pharmaceutical testing in the South China Sea, suddenly Luo came and announced the transfer order. He was just a weak and helpless cold-nosed little reindeer. What could be done.

Moreover, Doctor Dolly probably did it for his own good, so she could only take her small backpack and embark on a road of no return.

Oh!! It's Dr. Reindeer!!!! That's so cool, okay!

Luffy and Usopp's eyes were shining as they pulled Chopper and started doing a giant loop. Chopper started to foam at the mouth when he was thrown away.

Kebi felt that his worries were in vain, as his friends were still so enthusiastic and unrestrained.

He hurried forward and rescued Chopper. This little guy was really not used to this style.

Even Sanji's eyes lit up when he looked at Chopper.

I just got the new kitchen utensils and new ingredients, and I really can’t wait to get started.

Then Cornis felt something and punched Sanji again.

The fierce fist not only dispelled Sanji's dangerous idea, but also knocked out the acid in his stomach.

I have to say that after being trained by Otohime and Robin, the girl's fists are really hard, and that incredible power is simply a complete defeat for someone like Sanji.

After that, Chopper was hugged by Weiwei. This top-quality fur felt so comfortable.

After a lot of fighting, they finally found the new Merry on Hulk Island.

The new Meri's hull is more like the Wanli Sunshine on the basis of retaining the sheep's head.

It was General French who led the design of this ship.

After receiving this task, he came up with many of his fantastic ideas.

It was thrown onto this ship and used as a test machine.

It's a pity that he is now the deputy minister of the Revolutionary Army's weapons and equipment department and cannot go to sea together. This is a pity.

In order to ensure the convenience of operation, many simple fool-like operations are designed on it, so as not to hinder the use of Straw Hat Group.

After all, the IQ of this team fluctuates high and low, and is still at a low state most of the time.

According to the instructions from the upper management, the biggest function of this ship is to be strong.

It seems that it was built to withstand a lot of wind and rain.

The instruction manual was also given to Chopper and asked to be carried on his back. It was the last pile in the backpack.

After voting, it was decided that Cornis and Weiwei, the most reliable people on the ship, should keep it.

Luffy also wanted to control but was suppressed by everyone. A brainless guy is not worthy of entering the cab.

Finally, they returned to the Capital of Seven Waters and started purchasing.

This unabashed behavior was also discovered by the CP department that stayed in the city, and it was immediately reported to Marie Joa's headquarters.

It's really lucky to find this group of little pirates in the new year.

The CP department is very excited at the moment.

This is the Straw Hats who slapped them in the face so badly.

Neither the Revolutionary Army nor the Cross Guild, their world government will no longer be afraid of the third force on this sea.

When the news came back to Marie Joa, in a dark room, a pair of feline vertical pupils suddenly opened, emitting a glowing green light in the dark night.

Straw Hat Luffy.

It was like a sound coming from hell, a strong hoarse sound that was as rough as the friction of gravel.

The smell of moisture and decay filled the air, and the strong murderous aura overflowed like a tide.

The stone door was pushed open from the inside, and the guard guarding the door turned into a rotting corpse with a scream.

Rob Luqi walked out of this secret room.

Two years, two whole years.

He ended his training as cruel and inhumane as hell, and planned to return to the human world to find Straw Hat Luffy and take revenge.

This is an unforgettable shame. The other party just defeated him and didn't kill him.

What a contempt for him to still be lying in the ruins.

straw hat!!!

The first force of the protagonist group appeared, and the CP department began to operate at high speed.

After the enemy was replaced by a mere group of straw hat boys, the entire intelligence department became more energetic, and everyone's morale was visibly high.

A huge intelligence net covered the clueless Straw Hats.

After a large purchase, Luffy and others returned to the Merry to prepare for the Shampoo Islands.

While at sea, Chopper was immersed in his experimental research, and occasionally flirting with Luffy and the others.

Sanji was obsessed with the new kitchenware and the two returning beauties.

This journey has been inexplicably smooth.

It's not like they encountered a lot of incidents and battles when they first went to sea.

This feeling made them feel very uncomfortable. Has the sea become so peaceful now?

Just after they finished talking, they ran into a group of pirates, the Ring-breaking Monk Pirates of the weird monk Urgi.

These are the few people left who survived the supernova.

After hiding on the empty island for a long time, he felt that he was safe and ran down to form a team, intending to kill a certain pirate to prove his reputation.

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