Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 843 Gathering in the Capital of Seven Waters

Almost watching him grow from the weakest stage to today, this sense of witnessing and participation is unknown to others.

The old man was melancholy for a long time when he found out that Noah had left this world.

But if the Navy uses this method to hit his heart, then he must admit that the other party succeeded.

Now Pluto's murderous intention is very determined.

Um. There are too many camouflage abilities in this world, and casual clothes don't seem to have any effect now.

I had to show a little bit of domineering to prove it. Even if the appearance and fruit abilities can be imitated, this domineering can't be imitated.

Rayleigh was completely stunned by the sudden domination. It turned out to be true.

Didn't you, you, the revolutionary army say that?

We, the revolutionary army, said nothing.

Fuck, the Navy and the World Government are two shameless people.

With Rayleigh's mentality, he started to curse, which shows how big this surprise is.

I never expected that this kid was still alive.

Originally, I was not very convinced when this thing first came out. People who know a little bit of the truth about the world would not believe a word of the nonsense the World Government said.

But even if the Navy says this, there is no way to avoid reality.

Because of the Navy's position, there is no need to say such deceptive words, and Akainu did indeed die in battle.

They even held a funeral. Only then did most people on the sea believe that Noah was also dead.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that this trick of concealing the truth was too big.

Although he was angry at being fooled, Rayleigh also laughed out loud when he saw that the little guy was still alive.

Suddenly the laughter stopped.

Wait, Noah came to see you just now as the marshal's chief of staff, right?

Lao Lei looked at the other party now, hoping that Noah would give a negative answer.

I just put on my navy uniform to say hello because I had a bad taste.

But it can be seen from Noah's proud smile that this guy is playing for real.

In other words, these guys are all random people.

Now it seems that the entire sea has been teased, and his mere right hand as the Pirate King is indeed not worthy of anger.

You guy, you guy has been missing for so long, do you know about those two brats Sabo and Kidd?

Those two little guys came out to practice hard just because of Noah's affairs, and even he felt that the level of self-abuse was excessive.

“There’s nothing I can do, it seems like my presence has made them lose their indomitable momentum.

Sabo and the others should have had a brighter life.

Not only the younger generation, but also the entire revolutionary army fell into a dangerous state of mind after the Battle of Pioneer Island.

No one can win all the time, there will always be some setbacks.

So it’s not a bad thing for me to die for the last time.

“You always make sense, which is why I’ve always wanted to whip you.

As a result, when I wanted to take action, I found that I might not be your opponent. What's this?

The logic makes sense, but that doesn't stop Rayleigh from wanting to beat people up.

Haha, it's useless for you to explain to an old man like me. There are many people who want to slap you on the head. Take care of yourself.

Noah's face fell, but Mr. Reilly could still handle it on his own.

But what to do with so many people in the revolutionary army?

The few kids living at home are practicing very hard now. It is impossible to say that there is no motivation of hatred in them.

There are also two super fierce guys, Jinbei and Fujitora.

It is said that Robin is still digging a hole for himself, what a woman's revengeful heart.

Seeing the revolutionary lights that rarely fell into a state of no solution, Lao Lei felt better.

At the same time, I also understood why the world was so chaotic that it was about to be destroyed.

There is such a guy who uses life and death as a cover to do things in secret. I really can't imagine what will happen in the future.

The reason why Noah took the risk to use his true appearance to meet Rayleigh was because a big move in the new world required the old man to show off his image.

He took the initiative because he expected that others might not be able to convince him.

Because this involves ending One Piece and ending the new world, as well as covering the navy's movements, the bigger the scene, the better.

After the two of them hurt each other, it was time to talk about business.

Reilly also knew that Noah could come in person at this stage, so he should come to him if he had anything to do.

It's a bit realistic to say that both parties know that if there is no big deal, Noah will not take the risk to find Rayleigh.

There will be a big drama about the birth of the Pirate King in the new world that you need to watch.

Just witness it as a member of the last Roger's crew.

This time the winner will get everything.

Reilly was shocked. Rafdru's secret had been cracked?

It's not Raff Drew, it's

How do you have that thing?

I have to thank Barrett for this. In fact, he found the clue.

Well, Rayleigh asked no more questions.

I'm afraid there are a lot of things involved here, but New Pirate King must go there.

According to Noah, Luffy is also a participant in this stage, including the right people he knows will participate.

How could such a pirate event be without him?

After taking care of Rayleigh, Noah left the island.

This was the only one that required him to take action personally. The rest of the revolutionary army had almost set up the stage and were waiting for the final plan.

The moment Luffy went out to sea and flew in the air, the Straw Hat friends all received the assembly order from the captain.

In the new world.

Jesus patted the opponent's shoulder after watching the sniper king skillfully use his super-range sight to kill a seabird dozens of miles away.

Sniper King, well done.

Then the sniper king also patted Jesus Bu on the shoulder.

It's okay. This is only 1% of my strength. It seems to surprise you.

Well, Usopp's disguise has been ingrained in people for so long.

He is so professional and never relaxes at all.

The red-haired crew members no longer laughed at Jesus Bu, but were slightly envious.

Because it is so honorable to have a son who yearns for his father to go to sea.

Especially this son's talent makes even the red-haired man amazed. He is indeed a born sniper king.

Now Usopp is back on his ship to fight for his dream.

They held a grand banquet for the passionate man who was about to travel far.

After drinking, Jesus wanted to give his son some care from his father several times, but he held back.

He was waiting for Usopp to meet again when he was walking uprightly on top of the world, even if that time it might be a contest between father and son.

After the banquet, the Sniper King left here by boat with various weapons and ammunition collected in the new world.

Target: The Capital of Seven Waters.

The redhead also patted his sniper on the shoulder.

We expect to meet in a few months, so you don't have to worry too much.

You underestimate me too, Captain.

Although the arrogant sniper was sad now, he also felt relieved. He now had no weaknesses.

He must find an opportunity to take revenge. These bastards have been laughing at him a lot during this time.

The red-haired man looked at the high-spirited Jesus Bu and said to Beckman.

“We also need to act as soon as possible.

The red-haired reputation can no longer suppress some crazy pirates.

We must do something big before Luffy and the others enter the new world.

Otherwise it would be very embarrassing.

Windless zone: near Nine Snake Island.

Hancock retracted his shocked expression as he looked at the giant python and primitive creature that had fallen nearby.

This little girl sent by the revolutionary army is indeed extraordinary.

Not to mention her noble status, she also possesses talents that are on par with her own.

What's even more outrageous is that he still has a perfect childhood and a youthful appearance, which is so perfect that it makes people even more jealous.

Now even the strength is catching up, even the domineering...

Empress Nine Snakes truly felt threatened by Weiwei.

Now that the time has come, she won't do anything to save her.

He drove Weiwei away very coldly.

Your captain needs you, get out of here.

Yes, master. I'm leaving, please take care of yourself.

Don't call me Master Ai!

Okay, Master.

Weiwei bowed to the empress seriously. She knew that although her master had always been mean-mouthed, the things he taught her were very powerful.

After experiencing war and killing, she is no longer naive and understands that being a pirate is both romantic and ugly.

The specific type of pirate you consider yourself to be depends on the type of people in your team. Fortunately, you are lucky to meet Straw Hat.

So she left after being angry with Hancock, which was considered a little revenge from the little girl.

She now has to return to the original location to find her captain, and this time she will no longer be a drag on everyone.

Target; the capital of seven waters.

South China Sea.


A hillside on a desert island was knocked down by a punch, and the scattered gravel showed terrifying power.

Seeing that Cornis, who was standing with her fists drawn back, was recovering her breath, Robin nodded with satisfaction.

As his direct disciple, he is pretty good and very talented.

Perhaps it was because she had learned the advanced use of sensoku from Otohime before, and the emotion in her fists was even more profound and touching her soul.

Even if there are no Thousand Hands, one punch is enough.

The flow of heart blossoms again, and Cornis wants to find her own way.

After bidding farewell to Robin, we took a boat to the Grand Line.

Target; the capital of seven waters.

And there is Bika above the sky.

A sealed fighting room.

The man in the black combat uniform is being hit by various weapons from all directions, not different bullets.

There are loamy guns, electromagnetic weapons, laser weapons, projectile weapons, and the most basic gunpowder type.

Among them, he tried his best to dodge those super-standard counterattacks, and resisted those that couldn't be avoided.

In the end, a tie was achieved by stalling for time.

Baby5 looked at Sanji helplessly. The opponent's genetic modification and the bonus of the equipment were actually able to fight her for a while.

Although his special move to press the bottom of the box has not yet been used, it is not suitable for use, so he can only recognize his opponent's progress.

You should know that she already has the title of Weapon Queen on Bika, so it seems that she cannot be too arrogant.

Reiju was watching her brother's progress with satisfaction from outside.

After Sanji came out, Reiju handed over a gathering message.

Go ahead, some straw hat idiot is waiting for you.

Sanji was a little surprised that his elder sister let go so happily, but he was also very excited.

Although he is happy here and there are all kinds of beauties attracting him, following the captain to find his dream is his ultimate goal in life.

So after harassing all the beauties on Bika, I went down to the blue sea.

Target: The Capital of Seven Waters.

The Island of Resurrection.

Kebi had just climbed up from the deep sea carrying a boulder on his back.

At this moment, he had completely grown and turned into a handsome pink-haired young man.

The muscles on his body grew like an explosion, and his thick body was like a city wall.

Except for the delicate face shape, it is completely different from the thin appearance in the original work.

Zefa was very satisfied when he saw it. A tough guy on the sea should have this body type.

Look at Sengoku, Garp, himself, Fujitora, and Jinbe, they are all so strong.

This little guy was weak when he first came here, but now he has reached his standard for the difficulty of hell.

The hard work and sweat that goes into it is unimaginable.

It can be said that we are running towards death every day.

After getting Luffy's assembly order, Zefa had a heart-to-heart talk with Kebi, making the little guy burst into tears.

Go ahead, boy. Don't lose.

Don't worry, instructor Zefa!

The high-spirited Kebi boarded a ship in the South China Sea.

Target: The Capital of Seven Waters.

Noah looked at the summary of intelligence and was filled with anticipation.

Chasing the Pirate King in One Piece is a break from the stressful work.

I hope this group of pirates who pursue their dreams can accomplish something big. The ultimate stage in the new world is waiting for them.

By the way, I don’t know who will be awakened by the fruit this time?


Speeding up, speeding up.

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