Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 842 Rayleigh’s mentality collapsed

Unbeknownst to the world government, a primer was acting quickly, constantly connecting the fires set by Noah before.

Otohime's special sense of knowledge can help her quickly discern the other person's thoughts, and her many years of experience in the supervision department basically eliminate the possibility of leaking secrets.

The most important thing now is speed. The role of general trend can sometimes be unimaginable.

At least for those who are still swinging, it is the heaviest weight on the scale.

While the Navy and the Revolutionary Army were taking action, the protagonists of the Great Pirates Era slowly passed through Bucky's purge period.

The bloody massacres are slowly decreasing, and the unique pirate culture of the New World is rising again.

But what they didn't know was that the pirates' disaster had just begun.

Windless zone.

“Rubber rubber.”

Rayleigh looked at the fallen prehistoric beast in the distance and nodded. The Straw Hat's foundation was very good.

The vitality of life was completely stimulated by Garp, and his instincts were not wiped out.

This is good. The old guy may not know how to train, but he definitely knows how to keep people alive.

Now such a piece of rough jade has glowed with great brilliance under his own polishing.

But there are also worries.

too fast.

In just over a year, it has almost reached this level, and the growth rate is even more abnormal than those strong men he has seen.

I don’t know if Charlotte Lingling can achieve this speed if she practices seriously.

Don't Rayleigh think that this is something that can only be achieved through hard training? Doesn't Rayleigh have a peerless talent?

In terms of talent, Oral Jackson is a top talent.

Roger, himself, Jabba, Barrett, and Oden are all top-notch geniuses.

When it comes to hard work, there is no one on the sea who doesn’t work hard.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, Rayleigh hoped that Luffy could walk a little slower.

Be more solid, be more steady, and consolidate your own strength.

Instead of destroying your body through constant exertion and oppression.

Luffy's outbursts like this won't last long. This is the result of decades of experience as a pirate.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that some people are different.

Until the end of the year, Luffy easily killed the strongest creature on the island.

Rayleigh understood that except for Liu Ying and Ba Tang, everything had been taught, so he could find more advanced techniques in battle.

Fighting may be the poison that Luffy drinks to quench his thirst, or it may be the magic medicine for training his basic skills.

It depends on this boy's life.

On this day, Sabo Kidd and Luffy were having a scuffle.

It was too fast for Luffy to go from being easily crushed when he first arrived to being able to compete with each other now.

The little red hair was particularly unhappy, didn't this mean that he was no longer a monster?

Since they were young in the South China Sea, they have been tempered by Noah, Zefa, and several top powerhouses to achieve what they are today.

With Bika's technological assistance, the full support of the medical department, and the accumulation of various top-notch resources, it has grown to where it is today.

As a result, I was caught up without paying attention. Judging from the momentum, it is possible to surpass it.

This also inspired Kidd to practice harder, such as trying to overpower Luffy.

Sabo agreed, it would be too embarrassing to be chased by his younger brother.

In fact, the progress of the three people has surpassed the original work by a lot. After all, the meat ball fruit is really overbearing as an artifact to assist training.

There are many sea kings in the windless zone, and they are all eaten without internal digestion.

And the mysterious Luo comes back from time to time to do experiments on them. I don’t know what this guy did on Drum Island, but his medical skills are super strong now.

The doctor's temperament has not changed, but the butcher's temperament has improved a lot.

The dismemberment can be completed in a few strokes, and the treatment can be completed in just a few strokes of assembly.

Then he walked away in a hurry, as if there was some monster chasing him behind him.

It is not easy for everyone to become stronger.

With the blessing of invincible battery life and the desire to compete, the three of them almost spent 70% of the day practicing.

Rayleigh walked over when the three of them were fighting together again.


Instantly firing three terrifying sword energy slashed at three people. This was also a part of daily training.

It doesn't matter if you avoid it or hit it hard.

He will continue to increase the power and speed of his sword energy to test the progress of these little guys.

Well done!

A pink bubble appeared under Sabo's feet and he tried to get out of the way.

Everyone has their own fighting style. Sabo assessed the power and decided to dodge before counterattacking.

Haha, whoever dodges this sword energy first is a weakling!

Suddenly Luffy's thoughtless words froze the others.

Sabo abruptly stopped his body that was about to pop out.

It's just a sword energy. If you don't want to hide, don't hide.

Kidd snorted coldly, but it wasn't like he didn't take it.

Well, no one will hide now. This is the dignity of a man.

Rayleigh was a little speechless. This little bastard was as unreliable as Garp sometimes.

But you can also see where their limits are.

At the same time, a lot of power was withdrawn silently. If you can't hide, don't take it too seriously. People will die.

Kidd's hands transformed into dragons, with dragon scales attached to his arms.

The jet-black armed colors on both arms were wrapped in them. Find a good angle and choose to resist hard.


Got it? No, there isn't. A large level is not so easy to cross.

Sabo clasped his hands together, and pink bubbles flashed in his hands, constantly compressing the power in them. When the sword energy reached his body, he chose to use the power of the flesh ball to transfer and weaken it.

It's a pity that it has exceeded the limit of transferability.

Luffy, on the other hand, mindlessly fired the third gear of the Haki King Ape Spear to attack, and flew out instantly as expected.

boom! *3

After the smoke and dust dispersed, it can be said that the three people successfully blocked the sword energy.

Sabo was still personable, but his body was covered with tiny wounds, and he quickly restored his image as a good brother.

Kidd retreated a few hundred steps and his teeth were almost broken, fearing that he would retreat further than others.

Almost all the dragon scales on his arms were blown away, and Xue Linlin looked scary.

Regardless of the injuries to his internal organs, he quickly looked at the straw hat idiot and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it.

Luffy chose to fight, so he was slashed and flew very far.

This is determined by the personalities and fighting styles of the three people. In fact, there is not much difference in their basic strength in dealing with sword energy.

Rayleigh told them solemnly after Luffy came back and took care of his wounds.

Okay, it seems you can't stay on this island anymore.

Go to the sea and compete with the top monsters.

Let me see how far you can go.


Six eyes flashed stars at the same time.

The three of them were very excited. They could finally leave the windless zone and go to the outside world. The retreat here was a real retreat.

The boring weather and boring life have long been tired of it, even the Neptune species are tired of it.

If it weren't for competing with each other, which took up a lot of energy, we would be almost unable to hold on.

Now endure it~~~~

Banquet, banquet, banquet.

Eat meat, eat meat, eat meat.

I'm going to beat up Luffy!

I'm going to beat up the red guy!

You guys are here again!

Seeing the three men, dragons and tigers, rushing into the jungle to harm those primitive creatures, Rayleigh chuckled.

It's nice to be young.

But in this situation, is it really okay to let them go out?

Lei Li can still receive information from Xia Qi regularly here, with extremely high frequency.

Because there are so many and important things happening in the outside world, the revenue of the tavern has increased a lot.

Those shocking changes made him feel that the power of the times was completely rampant, which was much crazier than Roger expected.

There is a violent force behind the world that is destroying everything in the past.

The navy, pirates, and revolutionary army are all in constant action.

But this is also an event that these young people cannot miss.

Thinking about it, if I saw such a situation when I was young, I would definitely dive into it.

The bigger the setbacks, the more motivation they can give to move forward.

In Rayleigh's opinion, if these three young men were placed in their time, they would be ruthless characters who could compete with Whitebeard and others.

Now, I don't even have the ability to affect the situation. Even I am a little restless in this magnificent sea.

After all three of them had finished making trouble, they decided where to go to sea.

The friendship between the few people during this period was still good, but they were a bit violent.

Specifically referring to Kidd and Luffy, Sabo has always been a good brother.

So Luffy almost shed tears after exchanging heart-to-hearts at the end. As we all know, the tear point of the protagonist group is very low, and they can burst into tears over any matter.

After being ridiculed by Kidd for a while, he got out of his EMO mood.

The real separation comes after saying goodbye to Uncle Reilly.

Saab, I'm going to the Capital of Seven Waters.

The Meili and my friends are waiting for me.

Before setting off, Luffy had already written gathering information to other scattered friends through Sabo, so this time there was no need to publish the notice in the newspaper.

Of course, even if Luffy runs out and rings the bell now, it won't be of any use.

For Morgans, the current reputation of the Straw Hat Kid can only be said to be average, and even if the bell rings, he will not pay attention to him.

In the original work, he participated in the battle on the top before he truly stepped onto the world stage. Now, just defeating a Rob Luqi on Judiciary Island is obviously not enough.

I look forward to what new news Luffy can create in the future and single-handedly give the pirates a voice.

After all, the so-called Pirate Supernova has completely disappeared. Only one or two of them are still alive and cannot make any waves.

No problem, let's go.

Target: The Capital of Seven Waters.

A pink bubble sent Luffy to where he should go.

The Meat Ball Fruit is really a great fruit, with invincible support.

Sabo and Kidd also flew back to the South China Sea, and now it's time for the new generation of the revolutionary army to step onto the final stage.

Rayleigh stood here and lamented that he was getting old, and even his combat power had begun to decline. This is the power of time.

The same should be true for those old friends who are still alive at the same time.

Of course, except for Garp, who knows what is going on with that thing now.

Then the navy, are you here to attack this outdated old man like me?

Rayleigh turned around, and a navy came to the island silently.

Although it is not a very private place, it is rare for someone to come to the door.

According to Rayleigh's perception, there have always been intelligence agents from the Revolutionary Army paying attention to this area, but now they have disappeared.

I don’t know if it was evacuated with the evacuation of Saab or if it had already

So he looked at the navy showing a little evil spirit, thinking that he was just old but not dead.

As long as he can still hold a sword, he will still be a great swordsman.

After a confident observation, he discovered that this navy was still the celebrity from the sea that Xia Qi had shown him.

Marshal Ackerman, chief of staff, is a big shot.

You are joking. Compared with the right arm of the Pirate King, he is indeed a big man.

The smiling navy said unpleasant things.

What an unpleasant brat. You still can't defeat the old man if you are alone.

Rayleigh was ready to fight.

But the other party still seems so relaxed and without any defensive posture. Is he so confident?

Alas, there is no other way. If it weren't for Mr. Rayleigh's appearance, I really wouldn't want to reveal this scene so early.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Ackerman did a classic one-second costume change, and then switched back instantly.

Then he enjoyed Pluto's shock.

It turns out that the expression of an old-timer who has always been very calm can be so rich.

In that short moment, you can see the various changes in the other person's eyes and the loss of control in his facial expressions.

Hey, hey, this is a big joke.

Then fierce murderous aura surrounded the place, and the sword aura almost hit his eyes.

It seemed that the other party did not approve of his transformation and even wanted to kill him.

Although that brat Noah is also very annoying, as opponents you should also respect the deceased appropriately.

He said he didn't like Noah very much, but in his heart, Rayleigh really approved of that brat.

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