Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 841 Otohime’s Mission

Sengoku walked out of the building with a stack of blank instructions in his hand, and the sun was shining brightly.

Subsequently, the Navy secretly began to transfer a large number of personnel while reorganizing departments and personnel.

Many elites from the headquarters were transferred to other sub-bases in Sanhai due to some problems.

This is considered a devolution for the Navy. The last person to be arranged in this way was Smoker Smoker.

The number of people this time is very large, and the foundation of the headquarters is being destroyed.

Many people felt that the transfer of these elites was not worthwhile, and many people went to Chief of Staff He to inquire.

The response was no comment.

There were also many hot-tempered lieutenant generals who tried to go to the marshal's office to question the person who issued the transfer order.

After a few days of this, even the outside world knew a lot about the chaos in the headquarters. Many people began to worry that without the protection of the navy, the great shipping line would be in chaos again.

The backbone generals began to wonder if it was a bit too much? Even the reputation of Counselor He is much worse.

There seems to be an act of suppressing dissidents.

These doubtful voices did not affect the decision-making of the great staff officer. All personal relationships were severed and he continued to do the established work ruthlessly.

No one else could resist if they wanted to. These transfer orders were personally signed by the marshal, and they had no way of violating them.

Kizaru was once again unable to find anyone.

Wulaoxing was very appreciative of these abnormal actions and praised the Admiral as a good comrade.

We should continue to uphold justice and carry out special activities internally.

Several of them are willing to protect the navy's internal rectification.

In fact, the five old men were secretly happy that a dazed marshal finally came.

A few more years and most of the navy will fall back into the arms of the World Government.

If the people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Sengoku, you shouldn't have imagined that the navy would develop like this. You chose the marshal.

Wulaoxing is proud to be proud, but he will not be careless after suffering too many losses.

Or order the CP department to closely monitor the navy's movements? This is because they are afraid of being cheated.

Staff Officer He felt that there was tighter surveillance all around and could only hope that the things promised by the revolutionary army would be launched as soon as possible to divert attention, otherwise he would not be able to let go of his hands and feet while being shackled like this.

We can't really become decentralized elites.

The chaos the Navy experienced this year was unprecedented, and the pressure Kizaru was under was also unprecedented.

This is the price of change. These are just the beginning stages of a great plan.

Another beginning came from Princess Otohime.

She has temporarily handed over the duties of the supervisory department to others, and now the revolutionary army's prosecutorial system has been completed.

Without her, she just lacks a means to directly break through the psychological defense line.

What is more important now is to take the most powerful weapon in the world and set off to replenish ammunition.

The first stop was the South China Sea. I found Tezog in the South China Sea Federation to help contact the leaders of those countries.

These are all very trustworthy comrades, and we all held a secret meeting together.

Finally, everyone took a sacred oath and signed the name of their country on the weapons.

Yes, Otohime's mission is to get all these transformed countries to participate in this great plan.

The South China Sea is just the first stop, and her footprints will reach every corner of the world.

In the next six months, I went to the East China Sea, the North Sea, and the West China Sea.

Every time we go to a place, the local military commander will gather qualified national leaders in batches and locations according to the actual situation to come to hold meetings.

It would be too late to run from country to country.

There are also countless countries here that have been transformed by the revolutionary army. They all cried with excitement after seeing this declaration.

After explaining the purpose and significance of this document in detail and confirming that everyone has no questions.

Only Otohime would ask everyone to come over and sign, this is what they are fighting for.

Half a year has passed since I traveled all over the world. It was just completed with the help of Jinbei's escort and the Revolutionary Army's super transport vehicle.

It’s really tiring. Every time you choose a country, you have to sort out the local waters.

After each signature, the South China Sea Headquarters will mark it on the map.

Everyone is waiting for all areas to be completed.

The paradise stage has not been covered yet. After all, it has always been the private territory of the world government, and the control is very strict.

Because every island here has its own value, it can be regarded as a very high-quality asset.

The revolutionary army's work did not go very smoothly. They only gathered once and completed most of their goals.

Finally, Otohime sets foot on the New World, the final stage of the Grand Line.

In the second half of the year 1523 of the Haiyuan calendar, the new world was still in chaos, and this chaotic situation did not get slightly better until the end of the year.

The Cross Guild has basically erased the influence of the previous Pirate Alliance.

Now, except for the inexplicable weather, this sea area is unexpectedly peaceful. The pirates are hiding in the corner and shivering.

Bucky carried out a bloody cleansing here, and all the pirates were struggling or waiting for a certain pirate hero to challenge the big devil.

At that time, there will definitely be thousands of pirates coming to wave the flag and shout.

Princess Otohime still came here to find those countries that had been transformed by the revolutionary army.

For example, the Kingdom of Wano and the countries in the territories that the Cross Guild previously belonged to may not have known what was behind the Cross Guild.

But when Yamato and Denjiro arrived with Princess Otohime, they understood this terrifying fact.

After the initial panic, I accepted my fate.

People in the new world understand better how difficult life is and how the strong dominate everything.

What's more, they have already enjoyed the joy of being human under Bucky's rule, so they will never let go.

It's just that the real boss has been replaced. The Revolutionary Army is a more ruthless character than the Cross Guild.

At least the sense of security is stronger.

As for the power given to them, it doesn't matter at all. The underlying logic has not changed.

Otohime was surprised at how smoothly things progressed after that, and she sighed inwardly when she sensed the other person's inner thoughts.

In fact, Fishman Island used to live such a precarious life. It was only 14 years ago that it was lucky enough to walk on a magical path and escape from its tragic fate.

Most of it was completed until King Riku IV of Dressrosa came to sign the contract.

Then we have to visit all the ancient races, who are also members of this world.

In the past few years, the revolutionary army has also come into contact with this group of people, and some light industrial products have been easily integrated into their lives.

What followed was cultural exchange and information exchange, and the other party was drawn into a systematic business alliance, which greatly improved the level of friendliness.

This is the subtle strategy developed by Noah to change the other party's living habits and open up the expansion and reception of information.

In this way, the race will consciously move closer to the outside world.

Now is the time to bear fruit.

Go to Zou first.

On the back of the giant elephant, Otohime saw the two current kings spreading this declaration in front of them.

Cat Viper looked at this declaration and was filled with emotion.

They are the people who are waiting for Joyboy, and they are also the people who are waiting for Wano.

For the sake of a belief that has persisted for hundreds of years, an unbreakable oath was made.

It is a pity that Kozuki Oden, the last successor of the Kozuki clan, died tragically at the hands of Kaido before the agreement was made.

They originally fled back to Zuowu to wait for Madam Shi's prophecy.

But this prophecy was broken ten years ago.

Outside forces invaded Wano Country for the second time, but this time they brought hope.

The power of red covers the land outside this world.

Kaido died in battle, the Black Carbon Orochi was beheaded, and the country of Wano was liberated again.

But no general from the Guangyue clan has appeared again, and even now after the restructuring, even the general has become a false position.

Sometimes the fur tribe wonders whether the ancient vows are broken in times like this.

However, the revolutionary army's style of conduct was relatively moderate and open, and they were not asked to make a choice.

On the contrary, it provided a lot of help to the fur tribe, and many tribesmen who were living outside were sent back.

And it also brought a new atmosphere to Zuowu.

Everyone is living very well now, far better than in the recorded times.

Under the propaganda of the revolutionary army, everyone also knew that Guangyue's traditional ruling method had been eliminated.

It was replaced by a new parliamentary model headed by Hiyori Kozuki.

As for what Kozuki Oden did in the last few years of his life, there are already different voices in Wano.

After studying abroad in Nanhai, some people criticized Oden's behavior and caused a riot.

Because the collision of ideas was too intense, it had escalated to the point of fighting.

We might as well set up a debate stage in the Capital of Flowers and speak freely about our merits and demerits.

Inuarashi and Neko Viper both went, and the result was that they watched their lord being negated bit by bit.

If the group of people in the martial arts battle were no match for him, they would lose logically.

It seems that the heroes of ancient standards are not worth celebrating today.

Everyone knows that the mark belonging to Oden in this country is being killed.

So these two veteran red scabbards returned to their hometown, instinctively avoiding the wave of the new era.

They were afraid, afraid that they would think about Oden that way.

Afraid that I can no longer stick to the ancient oath and wait for the prophecy of the Lady.

But when Otohime really arrived, they discovered that no one could escape the magnificent war in the future.

Looking at the dense signatures on it, the two kings were trembling.

This ordinary text carries the power to change the world.

Compared with the indelible characteristics of the historical text, this paper has a greater significance.

For a while, he wavered between his inner loyalty and the future of the world.

Finally looking at the cheerful young people in the clan, they looked at each other and made a decision.

Let the people or things of the past be in the past.

We have broken the ancient oath, and our responsibility as a king is to lead our people to survive.

In the chaotic era ahead, only the revolutionary army, the boat of hope, can lead everyone out of crisis.

Everything is just like the ancestors choosing Joyboy in 800 years ago, they also made their own choice.

At least from this declaration, we can see that we can achieve happiness by ourselves.


The two paw prints remained on it, indicating that the fur tribe had also joined this sacred alliance.

Otohime is very happy. The jobs of these major races are not easy to do. The older they are, the more constraints they have.

Fortunately, the revolutionary army's ideas have already penetrated into all aspects and have a good foundation and reputation.

She was prepared to make more trips, but now she didn't need to.

I hope it goes as smoothly in the future.

After getting off Saou, Otohime's first bodyguard, Jinbei asked.

Where are we going next?


Finally, let me ask you who you think should not be killed by the knife. I'm going to arrange a plot for the characters in the final battle of the Pirates arc.

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