Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 840 The final curtain is about to open

Once you have set a precise direction, it’s time to implement a specific plan.

Regarding the last two years and a half from 1523 to 1524, the revolutionary army had very detailed and bold ideas that needed to be shared with the opposite party.

When Warring States saw Robin come up with another plan, he was a little helpless.

Is this Noah dead, or does his vision transcend time?

Why did you expect everything? Doing this will bring shame to the name Zhijiang.

Whenever there was a stalemate in the arguments over the past few days, Robin would take out a few pieces of paper after a break, with solutions written on them.

Some are of great reference value, and some are too advanced and inconsistent with the situation of the sea, but they are very instructive.

It seems like there is a terrifying and resourceful figure hidden behind the revolutionary army, a ghost~~

I'm afraid the plan book I took out now is so thick. That man never makes small troubles.

After several people took it, they looked through it solemnly.

All over the world, the whole army attacks and counterattacks

Looking at it, cold sweat broke out on the head, another unbelievable big move.

Several people looked at the map of the sea for a long time, practicing in their minds according to the deduction and distribution.

This! It's really seconds, one link after another.

Warring States couldn't help but marvel that he had achieved all the tactical goals within a few pulls.

Moreover, the foreshadowing was laid so far away that the World Government could not even imagine it.

Noah is really watching the world like a ghost.

It's amazing. If this is the case, a fatal blow at the last minute can definitely accomplish a great feat.

Wonderful, so wonderful.

Just thinking about the final counterattack moment really makes people want to come to that time immediately, and the whole world will be shocked and speechless.


The means of strategic layout are unconstrained and very feasible, so let’s do it!

But why did Noah know the strength and layout of the navy so well?

For example, the commander of Xihai 144 Base is extreme but obeys orders. He is the kind of commander who can obey Kizaru's orders at critical moments.

The triangular sea area behind the Gate of Justice can hide three vice-admiral-class battleship groups.

The technological creations on Dantou Island can be used, but cannot be relied upon. The level of authority is controlled by the Five Old Stars.

It feels a bit strange. The Revolutionary Army's intelligence work is not done very well.

Not only was Sengoku excited, but Garp's blood was boiling. This was a big scene.

Even the Valley of the Gods looks shabby in comparison.

When the time comes, he will hit Bubble Head so hard that he can no longer bear it anymore.

He calmed down a little, controlled his trembling heart and worried.

There was so much commotion all over the world in the early stage, Five Old Stars

No problem, they will be too busy to take care of themselves after a while, and a new legend is about to appear.

Long told everyone in the navy with great certainty that at the last moment, the whole world and the great sea route could not escape that person's arrangement.

Multi-line execution is not Revolutionary Light’s specialty.

Then came another document.

The navy is silent, your revolutionary army is finished, right? Now we will all believe you when you say that Noah is in the conference room.

No matter how much I complain, I’m really looking forward to it. Open it and take a look.

One Piece

The name of the plan is simple and crude, directly pointing out the purpose.

Rafdru, the final winner ascended the throne and put an end to the pirates.

End the pirates! Hiss~~~horrible.

The routine here is no simpler than the plan of myself and others. Those key figures are indeed the core of the new world.

It seems to be that guy's handiwork again, it's really unusual.

Moreover, being so obedient in the New World also represents an incredible secret.

Warring States took a deep look at the revolutionary army and said nothing. That guess was too shocking.

All the pirates are being manipulated, whether it is the dead Noah or the living king, it is so incredible.

If the plan is completed successfully, the significance of the second Pirate King will be far greater than Roger.

Garp was a little confused and unable to accept it.

The plan says Joeyboy. Is that true?

Most likely yes.

boom! ! !

Garp's murderous intent exploded, and no one could use the fruit to guide a person's life, not even the fruit itself.

This time we must cut off this inexplicable thing, and it is each of us who should bear the responsibility.

But Long was still calm. He knew why Garp was angry.

When he first knew about this possibility, he wanted to hang the red hair on the gallows, but when he thought about it, he might not know the consequences.

Coupled with Noah's explanation, I was relieved.

Believe Luffy, it's just a fit.


Garp, who had regained his composure, replied calmly, but the evil aura that filled his body was far more than just a good word.

People who know the plan are also helpless, some things are just so unreasonable.

What was passed down hundreds of years ago is not necessarily destiny, but maybe an accident?

Although unlikely.

If Noah didn't fake his death now, he would definitely tell Garp happily that your grandson is the protagonist.

It is normal to have an unusual identity and an unusual inheritance.

Without these fortunes, he might have died in a storm in the East China Sea.

Sengoku continued his research after seeing Garp calm down, and admitted that they had lost to that man in terms of specific layout.

What you do next is the important thing.

We need manpower, a lot of trustworthy manpower who are committed to the sea.

Fortunately, Warring States had good control over this aspect, so there was no problem at all.

Thanks to the oppression of the World Government, the headquarters has been able to purify some of its soldiers. It is even easier after this purge.

We also need rights, rights that can withstand pressure from all sides.

Kizaru will definitely support him in this regard.

In short, the war is really not far away.

This meeting of the century basically ended here, and everyone got a satisfactory result.

The declaration was signed and handed over to Princess Otohime. A difficult task was given to her at the same time.

Finally, Ackerman solemnly delivered his closing remarks.

Comrades, this is a war that cannot be lost!

We have sacrificed too much for the sea and for a new future.

During these 800 years, almost everyone lost something, life, dignity, and freedom.

Now, it’s time for the worms that stepped on us to pay their debts.

We will eventually burn out this rotten old world!

Everyone stood up, feeling the determination and will contained in it.

In the end, Ackerman couldn't hold back and said a few more words, almost uncontrollably releasing his overbearing lust to vent his inner excitement.

You must know that the domineering power in his body is still growing during the meeting. The emotion of witnessing his decades of hard work coming to the end bit by bit is something that others cannot imagine.

For 20 years, the situation was precarious, life and death were on the line, strong feelings, grief and self-blame, all five flavors.

Finally, it turned into these thin pieces of paper, and tears almost flowed out.

Suppressing his excitement, Noah knew that he couldn't relax until the end.

Only those who knew his identity could see the chief of staff's unusual mood.

In Otohime's perception, the outline of the person could no longer be seen, only a red flame.

Thoughts together. Otohime conveyed this feeling to everyone, allowing everyone to be baptized by this sincerity.

Several people in the Navy felt that the frustrations of being subordinate to the World Government for many years had been swept away.

Especially during the Warring States Period, wise men who were good at compromise and trade-offs were more or less eroded by darkness over the years.

Now I feel that my mind is broader, and the breath all over my body is more natural and soft.

Is this the will of the revolutionary army?

Staff Officer Tsuru knew Otohime's ability, and could only believe that the source of the red fireworks was the will of the revolutionary army.

That's right.*4

Everyone in the revolutionary army is very proud. This is the revolutionary light.

The navy was also an eye-opener. There is such an unreasonable thing.

In the end, everyone shook hands with each other to express friendship, and they became a group of comrades from now on.

After the meeting, everyone began to walk back again, and the sun shone in the moment they opened the stone door.

This also symbolizes that everyone's mood is extremely sunny.

Let's take another photo together.

Ackerman's timely proposal was accepted by all.

This time was different from before. Everyone showed a knowing smile when they saw a clear way forward.

He happily arranged his formation.

It’s just that the effect of the co-production is a bit strange.

There is a big age difference, they look like a family tour group.

The youngest Aokiji in the Navy is 48 years old this year and has just reached the peak of his combat power.

Warring States and others have pushed the average age even higher, and Garp is still Long's father.

The average age of the Revolutionary Army is much younger, with the youngest Robin being only 29 years old.

It also symbolizes that the future belongs to young people.

There were no separate greetings, and they dispersed after saying take care.

Everyone has their own tasks, so taking care is a very appropriate message.

Time was running out, and several members of the revolutionary army immediately left here in a small submarine.

Warring States Period, your hair?

Of course it's good. I've never felt so good.

Sengoku's originally pale hair began to slowly turn black, but it changed back to the state of being controlled by physical skills.

When the Six Styles are practiced at their peak, it is only instinct to return to life.

His high-spirited mentality cannot be exposed yet, he is still the retired old marshal.

Garp also followed suit. Even if he had the urge to fight, he suppressed it. He is no longer the reckless man he was 30 years ago.

He. I want this too.

As long as a few of them unite, they will be invincible.

Returning to Marinefando, I felt a little mixed looking at the busy Sengoku Navy Headquarters.

In this war that affects the entire sea, the navy, as the protagonist, is destined to experience bloody storms.

There is no way to escape, this is the mission given to them by the times.

Ackerman went back to resume his duties with the marshal first, and he had to continue doing his job as chief of staff.

The monthly salary and holidays are given very accurately, thank you to Marshal Kizaru.

The flow of the meeting went from the awkwardness of the meeting to the smooth communication, to the conflict of ideas and the final consensus.

And the last document was compiled into a suitable document and handed over to Kizaru.

Then you have to arrange various squeezed things, such as the most important things at hand.

The former marshal wants to have a private conversation with the current marshal.

In the Marshal's office, Sengoku and Kizaru had a deep chat.

He really wanted to know what the most powerful marshal was thinking. This was a very serious question.

After the two talked in detail for several hours, Warring States walked out of the office, his eyes extremely complicated and even unbelievable.

So you are such a person.

But that's fine, I'm still the same Porusalino who just joined the navy.

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