Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 839 The Ultimate Weapon Far Beyond Ancient Weapons

The technique is indeed rigorous, and he is worthy of being a revolutionary army.

After walking for a few more minutes, we arrived at a conference room.

Electricity, drinking water and other daily necessities are very complete here.

Whiteboards, maps, and data sheets needed for meetings fill this space.

The two parties sat down on both sides of the long table in the middle.

At this time, Garp said something very unhappy.

Ackerman, this brat, sit with the revolutionary army.

Jinping was the only one in the revolutionary army who didn't know the identity of the marshal's chief of staff, so he was very surprised.

Otohime knew Ackerman's identity the first time she saw him. That special burning feeling could not be simulated by anyone.

Fortunately, her many years of experience in the internal supervision department helped her adjust her facial expressions so that she did not reveal her secrets.

But it’s really hard to restrain the excitement in my heart. This is the guide for everyone.

“Sorry, I’m a neutral today.

So my position is in the middle.

Ackerman first poured hot water or wine for everyone, then came to the middle and sat down calmly.

Ahem, now I declare the start of the first political, military and economic consultation meeting between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.

Just after Noah started.

The momentum on both sides rose, and the atmosphere that had been like good friends before disappeared.

The cold eyes flew back and forth between the two sides like knives.

What the two sides need to negotiate is about the future of the sea, and no one can be too careful.

What's more, there are huge interests involved here, and no one wants to be held back.

Staff Officer He fired first.

I think the Navy needs to take more responsibility in the plans for the world conference, such as

The status of the navy still needs to be fought for. This was discussed in a small meeting before they came.

In addition to daily maintenance of sea security, it is also more involved in the construction of the world.

After all, so many masters are just used to contain the fewer and fewer pirates, which is more or less overkill.

What will eventually come is disarmament, the elimination of many departments and the downsizing of personnel.

On the side of the Revolutionary Army, Robin fights.

No need, after all, too many problems were exposed during the Navy's internal rectification, so.

Finally, disarmament is necessary as society stabilizes.

Even our revolutionary army will do the same thing. No one wants to be the dictator of the world.

Regarding what happens after the world government is resolved, Noah and the Dragon said that the armed forces of the Revolutionary Army will not retain much.

Just like the navy, as long as it can ensure the safety and stability of the people.

Everyone can have more of their own lives, and making the world a better place depends on the efforts of every generation.

The Warring States Period and others did not expect the courage of the revolutionary army. While they and others were still worried about the damage to the navy's interests, the other party had already thought of limiting themselves.

On a spiritual level, I and others have lost.

Staff He was unwilling to give in and continued the attack.

He took out a stack of documents and began to refute them one by one.

Robin, on the other hand, was sitting there relaxedly talking, but in reality he was flipping through the information like crazy with Huahuaguo.

In short, staying elegant is also a kind of suppression.

at last.

Do you look down on the navy?

I can't help you if you think so.

Oh, what's wrong with you little girl?

Then I'm really sorry, senior~~senior~~

In the end, Robin used his age to kill the opponent, and the angry Counselor He picked up his chair and started filming.

The old lady's anger almost reached the roof.

In the end, he was dragged down by Sengoku and Garp.

This is a consultation meeting, we need to calm down.

After that, both parties took turns, sometimes discussing like a family, talking and laughing happily.

Sometimes I just want to blow the brains out of the dog opposite me. Why would I have such a stupid idea?

Ackerman was also a little tired after going round and round. This meeting was indeed difficult as expected.

In the main plan, it seems that the scope of law enforcement of the Navy has been expanded, but in fact, it can be seen at a glance that this framework has more restrictions on the Navy than before.

Norms and processes are sometimes really annoying.

This group of old marines are still a little concerned about this matter. It is difficult to do such a thing as reducing benefits.

That's why there was a scene where Mars hit the Earth.

Unexpectedly, Robin followed Noah's data flow, and all kinds of data analysis defeated Counselor He.

The Navy's data was not very relevant. This tragic defeat made the Navy's chief staff decide to make reforms immediately after returning.

In addition, the deduction process left by Noah was all information that was repeatedly rehearsed by the South China Sea Staff to ensure that there were no problems.

This kind of dialogue method makes it difficult for the navy and others to adapt. It seems that everything has been done by the revolutionary army.

They were used to doing things according to their own model, but when they suddenly discussed it with these young people, they were completely refuted.

It is indeed a team that can create a new world in 20 years.

At this time, the Warring States Period took action. As a former marshal with a high mentality and wisdom, he naturally would not attack the enemy's strengths with his own shortcomings.

He decisively gave up the idea of ​​​​proving himself through data, and instead started from the habits of the people in Dahai and the reputation of the navy in recent years.

He also decisively pointed out the shortcomings of the revolutionary army, which shows that the Warring States Period also had a lot of preparations.

The biggest problem of the revolutionary army is that it has insufficient foundation and no open branch bases and offices in South China Sea.

The image to the outside world is still somewhat mysterious, and the world government's blockade policy is still effective.

Long-term underground work always links the revolutionary army with riots, wars, and new trends.

But many people who can still survive like stability.

There is an instinctive fear of change, and in many cases resistance does not only come from the upper levels, but also from middle and lower levels who do not support it.

If you can live on one piece of bread, you won't want a second piece of bread. There are still many numb people.

A group of people have been awakened by the red fire, and there are still many stubborn people left.

The ideological war is estimated to take a long time, and even after victory, it will take a long time to guide ideological progress.

The legacy of feudalism will continue to exist in new ways in the new era.

The reason why Noah wants to tie the navy to the chariot is also related to this, so that it can stabilize the situation of the sea while targeting the world government.

He didn't know what would happen if they really started fighting. Panic and despair would cause huge secondary damage.

In moments of crisis, some people will show the glory of human nature, and some people will embody the evil of human nature.

For those who take advantage of the opportunity to do evil, the force of the navy is best used.

The Warring States Period seized on the navy's decades-to-hundred-year reputation and basic layout to negotiate with the revolutionary army. For a time, Princess Otohime and others were a little overwhelmed.

He is worthy of being a strong man of the older generation. His decades of naval experience have given him rich fighting experience.

Taking advantage of the victory, he connected this incident with many other things and launched a counterattack.

Several members of the revolutionary army are still young.

Ackerman couldn't stand it. Seng Guo, an old and cunning guy, only bullied young people.

Finally, he interrupted the process by suggesting that he should eat something to relax first.

At this time, Sengoku was furious, and he was about to gain the upper hand when he was interrupted.

Ackerman is not a good person.

“We in the South China Sea implement a five-day, eight-hour work system, and we cannot violate the law.

The founder of this regulation was someone at the highest level of the Navy, I cannot say who it was.

Robin added with a smile.

Warring States knew why Ahe wanted to hit someone, and he felt so uncomfortable.

People all over the world are almost aware of the five days and eight hours, but you guys are not.

You guys are doing things 24 hours a day, and you didn’t pick a time when you raided Mariejoia. How dare you talk about this now?

Fortunately, he didn't bring Kizaru with him, otherwise Sengoku would be knocked down with an elbow, followed by a 360° roundhouse kick.

That salted fish actually caused trouble and colluded with the revolutionary army to create a vacation system.

Who else is there besides the marshal at the highest level?

Looking at the blue pheasant again, I feel even more tired.

Among the three generals, is it true that Akainu, who has ascended to heaven, has a grudge against the revolutionary army?

After a quick meal and relaxation, the meeting continued.

The prepared revolutionary army will perform much better.

At Noah's signal, Long first threw out a king bomb to change the situation.

We have mastered the most comprehensive publicity channels in the entire sea and can completely reverse the form of public opinion in just a few weeks.

Sengoku was a little confused, then surprised.




Anyone in the whole sea who wants to kill Morgans can line up from the Red Earth Continent to the Capital of the Seven Waters.

It's also great that the Revolutionary Army can find and control this slippery birdman. It is probably also a very interesting operation.

However, this type of propaganda can indeed offset many naval advantages.

After all, sometimes doing more is really not as good as saying more. A lie told a thousand times becomes true.

The importance of World Economic News in this era is far greater than in the past, and Newsbird’s newspaper delivery method is still irreplaceable in a world with turbulent magnetic fields.

That's what the mouthpiece is for

On the surface, it was the full cooperation of Morgans' newspaper, but secretly there were various underground journals and many popular literary and artistic works.

Rhymes, songs, stage plays, etc.

This kind of communication coverage, communication intensity and situation can be said to completely defeat the world's governments and navies.

If the newspaper betrays the enemy at the critical moment, the Navy will not even be able to issue wanted notices. It will be inefficient to rely on its own manpower to slowly post leaflets.

Then the navy's advantage is reduced by one point.

Now there are only branch bases scattered in various sea areas and countless naval soldiers with righteous hearts, which is a huge wealth.

In the end, the two sides started fighting each other again.

This meeting lasted for three full days, and everyone reached consensus on most things. Only a few small points were still being fought over.

It wasn't until everyone in this small room was satisfied that they felt a sense of emptiness.

The mental exhaustion made the old guys almost collapse, and even Garp felt tired.


Yeah. It's finally done!

Everyone looked at the pieces of paper on the table, with joy in their eyes.

Declaration of the World Conference

With Noah's thoughts as the skeleton and the wisdom of the advanced people on the sea as the flesh and blood, this weapon that spanned the ages was finally completed.

This weapon is the supreme weapon that can cut down ignorance, feudalism, and the Creator.

No matter how many legends there are about the three ancient weapons, there is only one thought that can penetrate the world.

It can also be said that this is the beginning of the biggest change that has spanned the sea for countless years.

Return in the evening and arrive home tomorrow.

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