Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 838 The hardest first step, say hello

Ryu, Jinbei, Robin, and Otohime slowly walked out of the submarine.

In the past, when we were enemies, we could naturally start fighting when we met, but now we have a very strange cooperative relationship, but we don't know what to do.

Do you walk over naturally or forcefully? Do you need to show off your momentum? Will it cause conflicts?

The Revolutionary Army was a little hesitant, and the Warring States Period was a little blind.

No experience

Do you want to say hello first, or wait for the revolutionary army to say hello?

When the time comes, whether to express goodwill with a handshake or a nod.

Even what to call it is a question.

Calling someone by name is impolite, calling someone by their position is not a system.

Garp already regretted coming and felt that he should just go to the sea and swim a few laps at this moment.

It was only when he saw his rebellious son that he discovered a big problem.

On this occasion, Long's status was higher than his own. He was the leader and he was just a bodyguard.

This is a bit embarrassing. If Seng Guo is not clear-headed and says hello first, then he may need to salute the dragon.

So this time, I can’t shake my father’s dignity and have to behave with my tail between my legs.

The direction of the Parent-Child Bureau is getting weirder and weirder.

The two sides slowly approached, and Long and the others walked stiffly to the opposite side of the navy.

The swirling air currents and turbulent sea water all around showed an uneasy mood.

It was so rushed, and it seemed like no one was prepared.

In other words, everyone thinks that the negotiation stage is the most difficult. After all, everything involved represents a change in the world.

I didn't expect that the most difficult thing would be to say hello. The atmosphere was so awkward that it was hard to breathe.

Only a few people who were not entangled could still remain somewhat calm.

But the final breaking point can only be the two team leaders, Long and Sengoku. Even if others want to do something, it will not be appropriate.

Ackerman on the side almost burst out laughing when he saw the stiff expression on Long's face. This guy may have discovered for the first time that not being talkative was a mistake.

It would be great if there was a camera to capture this historic scene at this time. It would definitely provide strong evidence for future history.

A dangerous idea emerged in Noah's heart, and his hands began to operate uncontrollably.

Click! Click!

The sound of the shutter and the flash broke the calm, and the already stiff Long's face turned darker.

How long has this bastard been doing this? If he does it again, I will take off your vest.

The people in the navy were also a little speechless. This undercover agent of the revolutionary army was still wearing a navy uniform, so he was not stable.

Karp naturally participated in the photo-taking process and made several gestures.

As long as he doesn't meet the traitor face to face, it won't be a problem for him to do anything.

As soon as the atmosphere relaxed, some people's minds jumped out of the awkwardness of the opening scene.

Fortunately, Seng Guo is also an experienced veteran and took this opportunity to smile at the camera.

He neither shook hands nor nodded, but started talking naturally.

“Long, you’re such a big boy.

When was the last time we had such a calm conversation?

This time is definitely not 1516, when Noah led hundreds of thousands of revolutionary troops to scold the Warring States Period.

Created the largest live broadcast of street name-calling in the world.

Long said with some memories.

Probably around 1500, before I quit the navy.

Talking about this, I feel a little confused. I'm a young naval officer with a good foundation.

Several big bosses in the Navy regretted that such a genius retired from the Navy.

At that time, Akainu even wanted to catch up with Ryu and have a fight. At that time, Sakaski was not as cold as he would be later.

Not to mention Aokiji, a hot-blooded young man. Only Kizaru still looked like he respected the choice.

Staff Officer He looked at Long, then thought about the salted fish in the marshal's office and became extremely envious.

Long, you just didn't say it anymore.

How could such a good kid run away and start his own business?

Even if they set up their own business, it once made the navy's position very embarrassing.

Now they are reforming their old club. It is not necessarily a good thing that this kid is too capable.

Garp stared a little, you two old guys should pay attention to your stance, why are you so unfirm.

Can't you let this bastard admit his mistake first and then deal with him? You can give me two hammers last time!

Garp cleared his throat,

Ahem, dragon, you little brat. Humph!

I got stuck in the middle of speaking, what should I say?

Accusing this traitorous old father in public?

You still praise him for his successful career, which brings honor to the Monqi family. The pride of the entire Windmill Village is you, a bastard.

Thinking that this occasion was inappropriate, he simply snorted to show his attitude.

Qingzhi continued to be taciturn, and Long just looked at his old friend and nodded to say hello.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Ackerman jumped out and introduced the participants from both sides.

One after another, the thunderous names in the sea were read out, and a great turmoil that changed the world was kicked off.

The two parties shook hands with each other to express friendship, and then exchanged a few simple words to be considered acquaintances.

After all, they are all well-known celebrities. Even if they only saw information before, they will still be familiar with real people now.

For example, Counselor Tsuru is very interested in Princess Otohime, whose abilities are indeed sharp in internal inspections.

Moreover, she was not able to use all her abilities when trying cases, so those standard procedures and methods were of great help to her.

Having a ready-made system can naturally save a lot of trial and error processes, and it has played a huge role in promoting the internal rectification process of the Navy.

The time was shortened from the originally expected one year to half a year.

Of course, this is also related to the extraordinary power of this world. Everyone's methods are very violent.

To a certain extent, this can be regarded as learning from the advanced methods of the South China Sea.

Naturally, we had a good exchange with Otohime this time.

Otohime also did not hold back her elders and teach others her experience.

At present, she likes these people very much, and has no sense of malice. They are just people who are simply fighting for the future of the sea.

Garp, on the other hand, patted Jinbei's broad shoulders and exclaimed, this fish-man tribe has a certain talent.

These arms, these bones, and these physical skills are very interesting.

Jinbe was very polite out of respect for the legend of the sea, and Garp's reputation was indeed very great.

Moreover, he has lived for a long time and has been active on the front line, so the sea is full of little fans.

Another thought Jinbei had was that this old man was famous for his heavy punching, and he wanted to learn from him if he had the opportunity.

There are not many strong people who are purely physical.

When Qing Zhi saw Robin, his mood became even more complicated.

Every time I see the news about her and Noah, it will cause torture in my heart.

Those two children who escaped from the sea were so special in Kuzan's heart.

So much so that the swing over the years has a lot to do with that incident.

Seeing the powerful Minister of Education of Nanhai in front of him, Qingzhi said something.

I am sorry for your loss

Robin didn't react for a moment, and then he remembered the news that Noah was dead.

So he put on a sad look.

Noah said a few years ago that he would find a chance to repay you. After all, it was really hard to survive at that time.


Qing Zhi's brows jumped, and the eyes of the three old navy men next to him were like sharp swords.

Good guy, it turns out to be you!

No amount of speculation can compare to the personal thanks from the person involved.

Qingzhi was speechless. Even if we were to cooperate, there was no need to reveal the truth so quickly.

So he could only bite the bullet and continue the awkward conversation.

In fact, this is Robin's little revenge. When she was a child, she was afraid that the blue pheasant would chase her and catch her.

At a young age, I witnessed the scene of the frozen giant and its power across the sea.

That feeling of fear stayed with me for several years, until I could blow up a mountain.

Noah. What a pity.

It's okay. Noah said that even if he dies, he will turn into a red ghost and wander around the sea, constantly waking up numb people.

Robin stared at Ackerman when he said this. Most people can't experience the joy of talking nonsense in front of him.

Ackerman rolled his eyes helplessly, wondering how many holes Robin had dug behind my back.

Otherwise, why don’t we throw away this vest?

After hearing the conversation between Aokiji and Robin, others even lamented how great it would be if that guy was alive.

When they were enemies before, I really expected Noah to die suddenly or be hacked to death sooner or later.

The best outcome would be to be captured and pushed into the city.

There are only a few people in the Navy who have not suffered from the revolutionary lights.

The Warring States Period directly eliminated the marshal position, and Garp was tricked into retiring without knowing it.

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment.

Now that the Revolutionary Army has become an allied force, it realizes that it is a pity to lose such a ruthless person as a teammate.

If he could be on the same front as Noah, his morale would at least double.

After all, the lights of revolution are synonymous with victory and miracles.

The information this man left behind helped the Revolutionary Army continue to reach the point where it is today, and even the plans that were discussed during his lifetime were all discussed.

After everyone said hello, everyone came to a stone gate in the distance.

Walking all the way down the passage, it turned out to be a tunnel several kilometers long.

Garp was a little impatient and didn't feel like he was doing a good thing.

What we are doing is really not a good thing for the world government, it is a very bad thing.

The dragon attacked without looking back, causing Garp's muscles to bulge.

It's up to the chief of staff to smooth things over.

“This is a necessary operation, after all, the World Government’s methods cannot be underestimated.

We should also pay attention to methods in the future.

Well, the revolutionary army has rich experience in confrontation, and now the navy has to change its thinking.

Preparing against Mariejoia was also their top priority during the Sengoku period.

On the way, Counselor He kept asking for advice on some effective methods to prevent surveillance from the Red Earth Continent.

As Robin spoke out one by one, the faces of the people in the navy turned dark.

It seems like some of the routines here look familiar, right?

There are quite a few methods that are specially used for the navy if the term is slightly changed. The people in Nanhai are really easy to figure out.

Everyone except Garp learned a lot of new knowledge.

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