Chapter 835 Bloody Art Wall

I have said that we are serious about taking action, but this is not simple.

CP0 continues to record crazy records, and I feel like I made a profit today.

The red-haired man continued to feel helpless in the face of Rayleigh's teasing eyes.

Bucky continued.

Seven years ago, Kraikana Island, Eagle Eye.

What! ! !

Everyone present seemed to have heard something wrong, and their mouths were filled with disbelief!

The only one in the Cross Guild that has a record of fighting with Hawkeye wasn't nine years ago, when shipmate Kenshin Himura and Hawkeye fought on a deserted island.

The shocking battle between the two great swordsmen at the pinnacle of swordsmanship also completely established the reputation of the Baki Pirates at that time.

At that time, everyone believed that this pirate ship was destined to become a member of the Imperial Regiment.

I didn't expect that there would be such a confrontation in private.

You know what breaking news this is.

Seven years ago was the time when the Cross Guild was established, so will this battle be the decisive battle for Hawkeye to be drawn into the guild?

The joining of the proud and domineering Hawkeye was a mystery back then, but now the answer is right in front of everyone.

Seeing the current situation, it seems possible that Bucky won back then?

A blank sentence was left for everyone to imagine, neither denying nor admitting.

Anyway, Bucky won’t go into details about how he almost couldn’t take a single sword blow in that battle and was only a little bit close to dying on the spot.

Mihawk, the other protagonist who was still on the battlefield, continued to kill people, not caring about the nonsense Bucky said.

At that time, Bucky did take the sword and gained his own approval.

Everyone can only assume that Hawkeye acquiesces.

Everyone's evaluation of Bucky has been raised to a higher level. I don't know what else this man did without saying anything.

Did Gugao Zhihong also go through this before joining?

Everyone’s ability to associate is fully stimulated.

This third battle is indeed worthy of mentioning. It is a pity that we have not been able to see this kind of battle that is already unique just thinking about it.

The intelligence officer of the World Government only felt that his predecessor had failed in his duty, and so much information was completely blank.

When we return to Mariejoia, we must deal with the previous batch of dead people.

There's something wrong with the way the red-haired man looked at Hawkeye. You guys can't let go of this even if you're having a party.

Why didn't Bucky even give him a sword when he said that? You have changed.

Others are more looking forward to who the last two are.

Two emperors and a great swordsman, the latter two must be good.

Even Silver Ax, who was preparing for the battle, was curious.

The fourth one should be considered five people, or five old men.

Someone outside among the flowers was rewarded with a flying knife.

? ? ? ! ! ! !

Everyone is a little confused as to what kind of development this is.

Is this a master of some force? Why are they tied with the previous three people?

Even if five very old people join forces, they will not be listed separately.

Some people have already guessed something, but they can't believe it.

Silver Ax seems to have heard of it. After all, he has some experience in crossing the sea for such a long time.

Could it be the Five Old Stars?

Well, it's the Five Old Stars. But maybe you don't know where it is among the flowers, but it's actually the core of Mariejoia.

Bucky once again began to improve his skills in an understated way, but the others didn't care this time.

Instead he fell into shock.

Many people didn't know what level of master Wu Laoxing was before, and this was even the first time they heard the name.

Only those who know what Wulao Xing is are afraid, and people in the CP department are even more worried about whether they will be silenced by the headquarters if they know such information.

This is a naked trampling on the face of this world.

Immediately, some people who understood Di Lu began to crazily popularize science about what Wulao Xing was.

What is Marie Joa's most powerful person?

You know, the Demon Slayer Order, they can kill whoever they want.

To put it another way, the Admiral knows. It was these five old men who appointed him.


After listening to this, everyone continued to gasp. This level has surpassed the battle between pirates.

One mistake can lead to a world-wide crisis.

So the Red Earth Continent was the time when the Four Emperors came together?

That time it was done with great fanfare, but there were not many details.

It was more of everyone's imagination in the later period, and several emperors did not publicize this matter too much.

They also know that they will never feel better if they offend that group of people.

The Imperial Regiment alone cannot withstand the World Government's retaliation.

In fact, Bucky did give them a few throwing knives, but the momentum of the five old men made the throwing knives fly away.

There are not many people who know about this matter anymore, and those who are alive are basically our own people.

Two of the Yonko died, Katakuri died, and even if Marco didn't come today, he wouldn't be a talkative person.

The Empress and Lao Sha were both on their own, so Hawkeye continued to be taciturn.

The red-haired man just thought it was interesting to say this, and he really learned bad things from following the revolutionary army.

The power of language is so magical sometimes.

After that, the rumor that Wu Laoxing was shot with a flying knife spread like this. Even if Wu Laoxing himself came out to refute the rumor, no one would believe it.

Everyone will only think that Bucky is telling the true version, otherwise why would the world's highest authority come out to refute the rumors.

The maximum number is not five flying knives, but four or something like that.

So Bucky’s highlight moments continued this time.

At the same time, everyone is curious about what kind of earth-shattering figure this fifth person is.

And when it came to the fifth one, even Bucky himself seemed to fall into memories.

He was silent for a long time under the glare of everyone's eyes, and then said with a complicated expression.

The fifth one, Noah, the light of revolution.

boom! ! !

Bucky and Noah once had a fight! !

Today's revelations are bigger than the last. It's so scary.

And when is this?

Everyone was waiting for Bucky to continue talking, but this one just stopped talking.

Everyone could see the regret on his expression. It's like the sympathy between equal heroes of the sea.

Everyone recognizes Bucky's current achievements. He is already a living legend among pirates and is about to equal Roger's figure.

Everyone also acknowledged that Noah's life was a ghost that overturned the world. To a certain extent, even his death had surpassed One Piece.

In this world, these two people are both great heroes who have surpassed countless talents and are the best in the contemporary world.

The twin stars of the times.

Everyone also felt melancholy following Bucky's words.

The redhead in the distance seemed a little uncomfortable.

It seemed that he almost couldn't match Bucky anymore.

The five battles that Bucky mentioned about these five people were all earth-shattering battles, and the few words he occasionally revealed were an explosion of information.

Everyone's minds were drawn into imagining those magnificent and legendary battles.

What a pity.

The battlefield fell into an inexplicable silence.

Such an extremely strong man who has fought against all the top masters across many eras.

It is natural to remember the heroic and fierce battles of the past.

Now facing a small character like Silver Ax, he would indeed be arrogant.

Even Silver Ax thought in his heart that I didn't deserve to die in the hands of such a hero.

It's not that his will is weak, but that he is facing a living legend of the sea.

It was at this moment that Bucky took action, when the other party was unprepared and even mentally shocked.

As soon as the dagger, which was as fast as flowing light and wrapped with the overlord color, pierced the enemy's heart.

The overbearing domineering force directly shattered Silver Ax's heart. Except for Blackbeard, most people's bodies do not have a second heart.

Directly killing this great pirate who had been around since the Rocks era, everything was so sudden.

Silver Ax's eyes still retain the yearning for that magnificent life, even the fear of death has not yet been reflected.

As a result, all was lost.

This kind of sneak attack in front of everyone really ruined the character, and everyone fell into confusion and confusion.

Is this a sneak attack by the emperor?

The redhead started to pull his hair, what was he doing~~

All kinds of preparations were made before, but now you are doing this?

Of course, this was planned. Bucky started to continue to show off his acting skills, but then he retracted his hand indifferently.

He slowly turned around and walked back, sitting back on the throne again.

A very boring expression with no explanation at all.

After everyone was surprised, they somewhat understood the emperor's thoughts.

Taking out the weapon to remember the previous opponent, and looking up with excitement to see that the enemy this time turned out to be such a thing, there will indeed be a big psychological gap.

I can only end this boring battle like a speck of dust.

Seeing that his expression still hasn't changed much, this is the magnanimity that the Pirate King should have.

Well, the previous foreshadowing and brainwashing really worked.

Surprisingly, I managed to get ashore successfully through hard washing, which is excellent.

Only the red-haired Hawkeye and others who knew the inside story secretly laughed, this guy is indeed a top talent.

It's outrageous to be able to kill a big pirate with just one story.

Seeing Silver Ax being killed, the other pirates also lost their fighting spirit.

But this is not the end of this war. Seeing the pirates preparing to flee, the Cross Guild bites them tightly.

The open fangs will not let them leave Aite Wall at all.

The role of warships is once again reflected, using faster movement speed to pursue and drive enemies back.

The strangulation formation was quickly completed, and the cabin was equipped with various specialized weapons for encirclement and killing.

Like an evil dragon, it devoured pirate ships one after another, leaving bloody traces on the sea.

The World Government spies' eyelids twitched when they saw this.

Isn't this too professional? This kind of pursuit formation looks like a regular army.

What exactly did Bucky do in Wano? This question is confusing.

The sea water here is gradually dyed red with blood.

Several other masters stopped killing and returned to the Emperor Bucky. Killing soldiers was not what masters at this level should do.

Just watching the ending of the Cross Guild without anyone trying to dissuade them, it was just like winning and losing.

Rayleigh and Red Hair also left quietly. They also had to digest this naval battle.

Bucky has become a success and is closer to becoming the Pirate King than Luffy and the others.

Silver Ax and the others fought against each other for the title of Pirate King for this war, so after this war, Bucky's status could no longer be summed up simply as one of the two emperors.

Shanks also officially regarded this childhood friend as his opponent.

In the end, the bloody naval battle of Aite Wall ended with the Cross Guild's victory.

The results of this battle also flew to the world with newspapers.

Adult years are particularly sad, family love...

An update will be released at the end of the month!

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