Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 836 The aftermath of the war

The Bloody Art Wall

The battle for the new One Piece begins! 》

While the new world is still in turmoil, the Uncrowned King has begun to take action.

The World Economic News was like a shark that smelled the smell of blood. It immediately started working with all its strength to compile a summary of this large-scale pirate war that took half a year.

From the king looking at you in the early stage, to the cross guild dyeing Atwal red in the end.

Everything was written in great detail, as if I had a comprehensive script.

Everyone has to lament that this newspaper is getting better and better. Combining so much information is better than what ordinary intelligence agencies can do.

Isn't Morgans really afraid of being hunted down by the Cross Guild if he's not good enough?

Many analyzes here put Bucky's ambition before the eyes of the world.

The information posted afterwards is also very reasonable and the logic is perfect and self-consistent.

It turns out that this is a big conspiracy that started in 1514. A certain man spent 9 years compiling a path to the throne of the Pirate King.

Bucky, so scary!

Of course, the five battles between the five most critical people are basically covered without detailed introduction.

Because it involves the Five Old Stars and the Revolutionary Lights.

The World Government clearly issued a notice not to allow the incident on the Red Earth Continent to be reported.

It was Mariejoia's disgrace that she allowed scum like pirates to set foot on a sacred place.

It is a blow to the reputation of the Creator and the world's nobility that has been promoted for these years.

Especially when Bucky actually threw a few throwing knives.

As for Noah's matter, it is even more forbidden. It is the taboo among taboos.

Marie Gioia is now trying to erase that man from history.

The death of such a person is itself a kind of erasure, so follow-up work must be arranged.

Written information is the first to be deleted, including this name and deeds. After everyone who remembers this person dies, he will completely disappear from the world.

In 800 years, the world government used this method to erase many people.

For a minor character, ten or twenty years would be enough for the world to forget about him, such as San Juan the Hungry Wolf.

The one who is slightly more difficult to deal with is Rocks, an arrogant pirate who is just that, and there have been several of them in the history of hundreds of years.

It only takes twenty years to basically have no impact.

The surviving crew members of the Rocks Pirates would not deliberately mention this person.

Either afraid or indifferent.

People like Roger are big troubles, and the impact on the spiritual level will be difficult to eliminate in just 50 years.

Those treasures or fame are legends that are difficult for later generations to surpass, and his death helped him become the most unique one in the history of pirates.

Joyboy's kind is not normal. Relying on free will and ancient contract inheritance is a special way.

Basically not affected by anyone or anything.

Whether we can sound the clarion call for freedom depends on the performance of the contemporary inheritors of will.

It's a pity that Roger came too early.

Only Noah was different, because this man didn't care whether his name would be forgotten.

He doesn't care about the changes in the world, nor does he care about the inheritance of will.

His gift to the world is the irresistible presence of the sea.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. At this moment, the world is full of fire. No matter how many are extinguished, they will be ignited again.

This is a brand new, unsolvable way of intrusion.

As long as people still have desires, unwillingness, and anger, this spirit will never be cut off.

Unless the world government is overthrown, we will continue to struggle and struggle for the rest of our lives.

This is the greatest power that belongs to human beings.

In the South China Sea, everyone knows that some people's names are engraved in everyone's hearts.

Even if he loses his life, even if he loses his name, his thoughts are still rooted in this world that needs to be burned.

This is what Noah did starting in 1502, taking 21 years to kill the old world.

Although the revolutionary army's ideas cannot be contained, they still have to show it to the five old stars.

There are still routines in the workplace, after all, leaders have to pay wages.

Even working in the world government recently has put his life in danger, and Wu Laoxing's temper is a bit bad.

I don’t know if it has something to do with being slapped hard in the face by Bucky.

The News of the World has restrictions, but those in the Revolutionary Army have no restrictions.

With Nanhai's approval and help, a lot of details were added, and Bucky's information was expanded in detail.

What on earth did the five old men in the Red Earth Continent do, and was beaten three times on Mariejoia.

The holy land has become a tourist attraction, and all outstanding people always want to check in.

Why did the redhead fight with Bucky, and why did Reilly help Bucky were all made into a bloody TV series.

The arrangement is very energetic, with all three elements including misunderstanding, terminal illness, and amnesia. It is definitely a work of the same style throughout the year.

This is the style of Nanhai, avant-garde and trendy.

At the same time, there are a lot of truths mixed into the joking story, waiting for the world to dig out.

After all, people don't like to read dry information at all. It is this kind of little story with a little secret that makes people remember it better.

Gossip is the lasting memory. The revolutionary army may be defeated one day, but those interesting little stories will still be passed down.

He said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said, as well as various actions to attract hatred, which made some people's blood pressure rise.

Bucky is the most likely contender for the Pirate King.

The red-haired man had wasted so many years without achieving anything, and Roger's successor had already won.

Redhead VS Bucky, Bucky wins.

The red-haired man gritted his teeth and tore up the newspaper. These guys are just trying to create momentum for Bucky. Why do they always pull on me?

Damn it, I want to do something big too.

In anger, Shanks' blood surged. It's time for me, red-haired Shanks, to shock the sea.

Go and kill it first

As a result, when I looked around, I couldn't find a single worthy goal.

Apart from them, the only people left in the new world were Whitebeard's remaining group, which was a bit embarrassing.

Bullying Marco or something like that is too immoral, he can't be that kind of person.

The rest of the Pirate Alliance's territory is being strangled by the Cross Guild. Isn't it inappropriate to go grab other people's leftovers by myself?

So who else? Even playing the G1 branch is nothing, what about the Red Soil Continent?

The red-haired man's eyes gradually became dangerous, and Bucky could always affect Shanks' mood.

Beckman was a little helpless. Shanks had been a little confused since Bucky took off.

The red nose is special to the captain, and now it has become a competitor. This relationship is really complicated.

Finally, he came forward to persuade Shanks.

Don't worry, the Cross Guild will make big moves in the future, and you will be in the spotlight.


Shanks wondered why he didn't know.

Or is Beckman, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, also colluding with that red-nosed guy?

Shanks, whose mind was full of confusion, was a little confused.

“Silver Ax used One Piece’s reputation as a bet, and now that he’s dead, the debt won’t be settled.

Captain Bucky has only gained fame and territory, but he is far from being the Pirate King.

Either find Raff Drew to inherit Roger's will and be successfully crowned, or unify the new world and become the de facto Pirate King, completing the supreme cause.

Neither path is easy to follow.

According to the ability of the Revolutionary Army, it is not difficult to find one piece. They have almost all four pieces of historical text.

And Robin, O'Hara's historian, was there, too, and there were no unsolvable mysteries.

Therefore, the revolutionary army probably has no intention of looking for this dream island.

Even Beckman thinks Bucky is a pervert and must take the hardest road.

In essence, the difficulty of unifying the new world exceeds that of any previous era.

The world government will never allow it, and the revolutionary army has only occupied one South China Sea.

What Roger did back then was much worse than what Bucky wanted to do, it was just a simple pursuit of freedom.

Therefore, this emperor will definitely cause trouble in the future, and it will be a big thing.

Something bigger than defeating the Pirate Alliance and destroying the Four Emperors.

Shanks felt much better after hearing these.

There is finally a chance, and it will be even more embarrassing if we don't take action.

Don't let Luffy run out and still wander around, that would be embarrassing.

The red-haired man looked at the sniper king who was making rapid progress in the distance and felt a little anxious. It seemed that Luffy's crew was also very good.

Back then, Jesus Budu did not make such rapid progress.

The redhead is anxious, and the World Government is furious.

The Cross Guild actually did so many taboo things right under their noses.

Watching the CP department's broadcast, Wu Laoxing had already sentenced Bucky to death in his heart.

First, there is an intersection with the revolutionary army.

Noah's ideological contagion is very terrifying. Could it be that Bucky was influenced by him to embark on the path of unifying the new world?

Looking back now, many of the management methods in the Cross Guild territory have departed from the pirate model, and are more like a separatist armed force.

Secondly, there is a clear production line for steel battleships in Wano, but it is not yet known what level of output can be achieved.

But at the very least, technologies such as ore smelting and heavy industry have reached a very high level.

The power and quantity of artillery are also close to those of regular troops, and the format is also very uniform.

It can be seen how long it has been developing in the country of Wano. If it hadn't been for this big war, it would not have been exposed.

Thirdly, a second Pirate King can appear, but it must be under the control of the World Government.

They don't want anyone else to get this position except an unambitious person like Shanks.

What's more, it is a cross guild with many soldiers and generals. Once it gets this name, it may do even more outrageous things.

Bucky can't see clearly what he's doing now.

Fourthly, Bucky publicized the matter of the Five Old Stars during the battle of Aite Wall, which was still a disgraceful scene.

This will have a great impact on the face of the world government, because mystery makes people fearful.

The deterrence of the person with the highest power who is exposed to the public eye has greatly declined.

As for that flying knife, he's fucking annoying.

If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't easily step out of the Red Earth Continent, these five old men would be eager to go out and kill the clown right now.

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