Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 834 Bucky’s Glorious Life

Silver Ax couldn't bear the pressure anymore. Except Bucky, everyone else was also looking at him.

The malice of countless people is wrapped around him.

The Pirate Alliance is doomed, and everyone is wondering how this so-called leader will die.

Therefore, the Silver Ax is considered to be in line with everyone's wishes. Even death in battle is better than this kind of suffering.

Of course it would be great if Bucky was willing to recruit him.

He can kneel and lick in one hundred and eight ways. This is how a pirate survives.

Everyone watched as the nominal acting leader of the Pirate Alliance approached the Emperor Baki tremblingly.

There were no obstacles during this period.

Gugao Zhihong deliberately focused most of his attention here. He had never seen the emperor who turned his hands to turn clouds and rain into real action.

The news received from the sea are all legends, and now you have the opportunity to witness the legendary power.

Although he won't attack with all his strength, he can still explore a little at a glance.

This is not the only one who is curious about Bucky’s strength.

Even the Sand Crocodile, the Empress and others thought so.

It's a pity that since joining this loose pirate group under Noah's arrangement, I haven't seen the leader take action.

Hawkeye was curious about how Bucky would kill Silver Ax.

He believed that Bucky could definitely do it with his strength, but if he couldn't crush him, there would be serious consequences.

People in CP0 are going crazy and excited.

This was a move made by the most powerful person in full public view, and this information was no less valuable than the naval battle of Ait Wall.

Even the five old stars on the other side sat up straight. The hatred they had on the Red Earth Continent was not something that could be easily eliminated.

If Master Yimu hadn't used his breath to frighten these bastards Bucky, something big would have happened.

Since then, the world government's siege plan has been incomplete due to lack of intelligence, and has even been labeled as the most mysterious and ambitious.

So this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Even Noah is curious about what to do now. He believes that the staff must have arranged ways to deal with Silver Ax.

It's just that the other party suddenly broke the pot and took the initiative to seek death, which was beyond the expectations of the young people.

This should be a very unexpected event.

Maybe most people except Bucky really can’t solve it.

This time can be regarded as a two-way assessment.

At this moment, Bucky was speechless as he looked at the approaching Silver Ax. There was a team behind the ship specifically targeting the opponent that had not yet been deployed.

So I have to rely on myself again. This word sounds a little sad.

Although he still doesn't like fighting against strong men after all these years, a Silver Ax level is still not enough.

Having experienced thousands of scenes, I just used my acting skills to teach this guy a lesson.

First he looked like he had just seen his opponent, and then he looked arrogantly at the silver ax that was much taller than him.

Bucky said calmly.

An ant should not look up to the sky. Undue ambition is your original sin.

As soon as these words came out, they were standard villain remarks, which repeatedly raised his own profile.

Some quotations circulated within the revolutionary army are said to be from a certain great writer.

Some people find it childish, while others regard it as a treasure.

For example, I like Bucky, who is very active in the pirate world and is one of the top figures.

It's just that I don't usually have the chance to say these words, but now I meet this brother Silver Ax, it's just right.

Noah continued to dig into the house, and decided to destroy the previous works, including Robin's copy, if he had the chance.

Others don't know, but they think the emperor's words are overbearing, and even their ambitions have been rejected.

Silver Ax is even more humble.

Great Emperor, we were also deceived by villains before we had any illusions.

Now that bastard has been internally executed by us, and others have realized the mistake.

I don’t know if we can be given another chance to live.

Silver Ax's posture was very low, and there was no thought of surrendering with both hands.

Those old friends who have fallen are a lesson learned from the past. When the gap in strength is really big, life and death can be decided very quickly.

Especially Captain Bucky, whose shooting record is very mysterious.

What if he dies before the two hands finish walking? It's like rushing to give someone a head.

The patience of a strong man is the most precious thing, and he felt that he was no longer qualified to waste Bucky's time.

Therefore, a straightforward showdown is the decision that best suits the situation.

He was afraid and didn't want to fight.

If Bucky were a traditional pirate king, he would naturally accept his allegiance. These veteran pirates are the backbone of the new world.

Moreover, it has been operating here for many years and is closely intertwined with various forces. In addition to its combat power, its energy is still quite large.

Such as routes, island resources, material mining, etc.

It's a pity that this is a revolutionary army wearing pirate skin, and the family background of these people has long been discovered.

After beating them all to death, they all belong to the Cross Guild, so there is no need to offer sacrifices.

Therefore, neither I nor the people behind me will allow such a thing as surrender.

Bucky didn't reply at all to Silver Ax's words, but continued to look at him with contempt.

The fate of all pirates has already been decided, old man.

The unscrupulous aura was suppressed, and the murderous intention mixed in it also showed the attitude of himself and the Cross Guild.

The breath of death tightly wrapped around Silver Ax's heart, no matter how he deduced it, it was the word death.

After being roughly forced to death, Bucky's fierceness was inspired.

Silver Ax is a pirate, a very strong pirate.

He has experienced life and death a lot more than the other top experts present, but his talent and luck are not as good as these people.

Such an aggressive emperor has crossed the line in his heart.

So Silver Ax began to bottom out.

He looked around at the battlefield where people were still fighting and sneered.

This Bucky really gets the better of himself from time to time. Of course he does.

But the problems in this sea cannot be solved by killing.

We in the Pirate Alliance are still somewhat tough-minded. Isn't the Emperor really afraid of having a few teeth chipped?

After all, we represent the pirate power of the whole sea. If we really kill too many people, how can we resist the navy and the revolutionary army? ?

Besides, will the redhead really agree to this?

Silver Ax spoke his threat confidently, but unfortunately he didn't guess anything correctly.

The Cross Guild is not worried about the so-called deadly fight at all. The behavior of letting it intersperse is purely a confident tactic.

The constant rotation of soldiers and logistical support turned the battlefield into a one-sided meat grinder.

If someone could open a God's perspective, they would find that few of the Cross Guild's warriors died on the spot.

Bucky doesn't need his group of pirates to gather strength to fight against the navy and the revolutionary army.

Will I tell the whole world that these two parties are already our own people?

snort! If our power takes over the New World, it will truly be spread throughout the sea. This distribution situation has surpassed the world government decades ago.

As for red hair, the problem is still more complicated.

As the freest man on the sea, the only goal he is pursuing now is the Pirate King and Luffy.

Therefore, although the pirates' power has been reduced, it is heartbreaking, but they will not take action. Maybe the opportunity to change the new world is just once.

He couldn't do this kind of thing, and Luffy probably couldn't do it either.

Really, only the revolutionary army is the most suitable and the most reliable.

Shanks is, after all, a pirate with a very high sense of morality, and the least pirate-like one.

So Silver Ax's threat still didn't get any response, and Bucky even wanted to laugh a little.

That's it?

The external performance is that the emperor is not threatened by anything and does not blink his eyes, which echoes the character he has always created.

The onlookers who were accustomed to eating were also secretly sighing at the firmness of this person's mind and the strong desire to kill.

Even if anyone in Bucky's position would weigh the pros and cons, this one was the only one who used toughness to overcome toughness along the way.

Silver Ax felt a headache and irritated when he saw the red-nosed bastard across from him saying nothing.

I said all this just because I didn’t want to die~~The result was still like this.

He also put away his humble posture, obviously his dignity was not exchanged for what he wanted.

So the atmosphere is getting more and more tense, and action can only happen in the blink of an eye.

Everyone waited without blinking to see what kind of earth-shattering attack there would be.

Whether it is a moment of domineering crushing or the liberation of fruit abilities, this is what everyone is looking forward to.

At this time, Bucky decided to take the initiative and seize the initiative. He was not good at finding tricks on the spot.

Telling a story like Noah honestly does is what suits you.

With a flick of his right hand, three flying knives appeared and swam between his fingers.

As for this hand, basically no one discovered how the flying knife appeared. It was just a masterstroke.

The act of showing off the weapon also scared the other party, and a big ax almost hit him directly.

There is no warning. It is understandable that Silver Ax, who is already at a disadvantage in this kind of thing, would have an overreaction.

Bucky's face fell into a memory-killing look.

Did you know? There are only five people in the world who have seen this flying knife and are still alive after it was fired.

It must not be easy for the emperor to speak, and Silver Ax is willing to listen.

Appreciate further details.

My first opponent was when I first debuted and I fought against Whitebeard with Shanks. I lost that battle.

Hiss~~ Take a breath of cold air.

Whitebeard at the peak of his debut! It's really worth saying.

With such a fierce debut, it’s no wonder that the two trainee crew members on Roger’s ship are so powerful.

This devilish arrangement is so anti-human, and it is really not easy to survive until now.

But without such a legendary start, how could he inherit the will of the Pirate King?

The red-haired man also fell into memories, and it seemed that he and Bucky were indeed super brave at that time.

It's just that Newgate didn't like to bully little brats, otherwise the two emperors wouldn't have been able to catch Whitebeard's domineering look at that time.

After the war, Roger made fun of him for a long time. Why did Bucky talk about this embarrassing thing so passionately? It was amazing.

Bucky didn’t care what others thought and continued with the second one.

When we came to the New World to visit the docks 9 years ago, we fought Shanks. It's not too much to say that we have not seen each other for many years and that we can fight with all our strength.

ah! That time.

The Emperor Bucky had just entered the new world at that time and became a dragon crossing the river, visiting the two emperors one by one.

There were rumors of a fight. There were more witnesses on Whitebeard's ship, but there were fewer on Redhead's side.

It turns out that this fight was not fake.

This. It seems that the relationship between Bucky and Shanks may not be that good.

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