Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 833 Fighting and the man who ends everything

In this way, there is still a chance to be reused. After all, who has a few good dogs under his command?

But the optimism didn't last long before the Red Earl took action.

The new vampire fruit immediately made him the most beautiful old baby on the battlefield.

Have you ever seen a river of blood? never seen it? The Red Earl will let you meet him.

This move actually matches Brooke's Underworld Fruit very well, both are quite underworld.

You can imitate Patriarch Ming

All blood was drained from the whole body of any pirate who came close, and they were completely out of his control.

The corpse left behind was similar to Crocodile's.

Howling in agony did not make him merciful. He had seen pirates use more cruel methods countless times in their fights.

Not only is there panic, but the suppression of strength is also very powerful.

Even a domineering master of physical arts would find it difficult to control his energy and blood in front of him. After a few moves, he would still be dead if his control was shattered.

Moreover, after the blood river was formed, it also became a means of attack and shock.

Who can not panic under the sea of ​​​​blood? The aura of the big boss is invincible.

The sea of ​​blood can transform into a blood shield, and any fruit abilities that come for sneak attacks will be automatically blocked by the blood.

It can also transform into a blood sword, allowing Baloric's swordsmanship to reach a new level with myriad changes.

It has truly achieved a state of being invincible in the world with just one thought, which is quite a bit of a fantasy style.

Finally, he got impatient and flicked his cloak, turning into darkness and covering the battlefield, where he continued to claim the lives of any enemy. The God of Death on the battlefield is so ruthless.

When the darkness dissipates, this place has become a forbidden place for life.

The pirates on the other side were much happier. Those who were not lucky died in an instant, and those who were lucky fell into the sea and resigned themselves to their fate.

Because what they encountered was the world's greatest swordsman on the Emperor Bucky who cared least about the lives of these people.

Emerald green sword energy criss-crossed, and a sword energy waterfall dozens of meters high swept over.

The boat and people were cut off directly, and the cut was like a mirror.

The fallen pirates will not be able to last up the damage, and those people are simply not worthy of having a second sword.

It is better to chop down these pirate ships than to chop down these wastes. At least the big toys can withstand it well and the visual effect is also good.

Finally, he found a high-level swordsman from the Pirate Alliance, and he rushed over with his eyes shining.

It's finally interesting, wish the enemy good luck.

As for Zoro, he has long forgotten it. Not being able to survive a battle of this level means nothing more than that.

Those heroic words dissipated like passing clouds, leaving no trace on the sword's heart.

The direction of the war did not change because of the boarding battle. It was still one-sided.

In addition to the outstanding performances of these strong men, there are also the strengths of countless ordinary warriors.

One-on-one might not necessarily have the upper hand, after all, the Pirate Alliance is full of people from the New World.

Those who don't have any strength will be killed by natural weather before they can be killed by others.

But the people of the Cross Alliance knew how to cooperate, and the power of various small-scale tactics was slowly revealed.

The selection method teaches all the latest tactics that the Navy has summarized over the past few decades, helping everyone to improve their combat effectiveness to another level, including battlefield survivability.

After all, the navy fights the most large-scale wars.

Another point is that the revolutionary army's combat thinking is relatively pragmatic, especially under the influence of a certain revolutionary light. Their methods are more or less like a big boss.

Some methods are so eye-opening for pirates that the frequent appearance of lime powder is no stranger to the entire battlefield.

Everyone in the Pirate Alliance suddenly felt like they were back when they were still in Shikai, and they really missed it.

Pirates kept coming up and falling down again and again.

The casualty rate of the soldiers of the Cross Guild was very well controlled. When injured, they received first aid on the battlefield immediately and then transported them to the rear for treatment.

The results of the battle slowly elapsed in this repeated killing.

There are tens of thousands of people, and the fighting of so many people cannot be ended in a short time.

The red-eyed pirates will not retreat at all unless they all calm down.

But the revolutionary army will not allow it. This time they will take this opportunity to severely wipe out the pirates' effective strength.

As a result, various artificial breakthrough points were created for pirates to come in, creating a crisscross situation.

If you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, if you are rich, you can cover it with firepower.

Don't let the pirates retreat, and don't let them know that their forces are currently at a disadvantage.

Anyway, the pirates don't have any command, they just kill without thinking.

Of course, in this case, even the most brilliant commander cannot command these red-eyed guys.

So the plan went very smoothly, and many pirates even felt that the Cross Guild was being defeated by them.

Most people want to rush in with their brothers after calling their friends, kill the enemies and then become famous.

This meant that there was no way to save the day. Everyone in the general staff of the Revolutionary Army who watched the live broadcast nodded with satisfaction.

The missions related to pirates are still easier to complete. This time, several of Atwal's goals were completed very well.

Now the final solution is needed.

The red-haired and Rayleigh only felt sad when they looked at all this.

The Yonko is the most stable structure in One Piece. When this structure is broken, everything will be reshuffled.

I just didn’t expect that it was the pirates themselves who were washed away.

Although the emperor is domineering and has various flaws, he is also the one who guarantees the interests of the pirates.


The war raged for another long time, and several masters had already wiped out most of the high-end pirates.

Faster than anyone imagined.

The big pirates are not weak at all. Their physical fitness is at least the best in the sea, and their two-color domineering skills are even more extraordinary.

The fruit's abilities are all kinds of weird, and many of them have reached the point of awakening, and the hidden killer moves are even more exciting.

It can be said that he is an extremely strong player in the trumpet, with not many weaknesses and flaws.

What's more, there are three colors of domineering. If you don't have the qualifications or bad luck, you really have a chance to compete for the qualifications of the emperor.

It's a pity that their opponents in this battle are even more powerful. If they don't have any flaws, it doesn't matter if they use them.

Facing veteran emperor-level masters like Gugao Zhihong, these so-called big pirates can only sink into the sea of ​​blood.

The body, domineering energy, and fruit abilities are all suppressed.

This is an all-round crushing, and the power gap at a large level cannot be calculated.

As for Hawkeye, the Great Swordsman has the strongest single-target attack among the Emperor level.

Without the ability to catch the sword energy, there is only death.

These two people basically swept through. If they hadn't looked down upon the weaker ones, they would have defeated all the strong ones.

The empress's fruit power is full of domineering power under her sweet appearance. Unless the emperor takes action, no one can restrain her.

As for the Pirate Alliance, even if there is an emperor, it will not be able to form this alliance.

So we can only accept the slaughter.

Sand Crocodile is the hardest to fight. Many strong men will choose Lao Sha to fight immediately when they see Hawkeye or Red Earl looking over.

There is still a slight chance of fighting against the Sand Crocodile, but fighting with these two will result in death.

It is the most basic courtesy not to interfere in other people's fights.

Seeing this scene, the other strong men began to imitate him, and the sand crocodile turned into the embodiment of sweet poison.

Basically, after finishing one, another one comes, and there are even people queuing up.

Sometimes when the situation is urgent, just jump in the queue and start a fight, two on one.

The enthusiastic Lao Sha refused all attempts by others to help.

After all, I have fought many battles in the new world, and Katakuri is no match for me.

Why do you guys still treat me like a soft persimmon?

The sand crocodile was furious, and both of them would die.

But there are really strong enemies in the Pirate Alliance, and Sand Crocodile is the toughest one to fight here.

There were several times when I was kicked out of the house, which was a bit humiliating.

After all, ordinary natural-type fruit abilities are really not very popular in the new world. Superman-type or fantasy beast species are the most high-end.

Lao Sha, who was furious in his heart, gritted his teeth and fought, intending to use these battles to clear his name.

But as the intensity of the entire battlefield decreased, he became more conspicuous here.

So the people at CP0 began to record that the Sand Crocodile's combat power remained unchanged and its danger level remained unchanged.

If you target the Cross Guild, you can use it as a breakthrough point.

Lao Sha, who was fighting bloody battles, felt inexplicably unhappy and could only work harder to kill his opponent.

He also knew about the sudden fighting situation here, which was embarrassing.

Now only Silver Ax is left without an opponent, because he is locked by a terrifying opponent.

He had been standing stiffly on the bow of the boat for a whole day.

In the distance, the protagonist on the Emperor Bucky is sitting there looking in this direction.

It looks like being in a daze, but it's definitely not.

He could use his half-century of pirate career to bet that the other party knew everything.

The empty eyes seemed to contain nothing, or maybe everything was under his gaze.

Anyway, Silver Ax now feels an invisible pressure on his back.

No matter what other people are doing, they don't have the energy to pay attention to them, and they can't show any trace of their thoughts.

Cold sweat was hanging on his forehead, and even if it dripped into his eyes, he didn't dare to blink, for fear that he would be killed instantly if he wasn't careful.

He could say that this was the most terrifying enemy he had ever encountered in his pirate career. Not even Roger or Whitebeard would give him this feeling.

If I had to use a metaphor, their old captain Rocks might be like this.

It's just that one is domineering and the other is powerful inwardly.

Neither of the two parties, including Lonely Red and Hawkeye, came to look for Silver Ax's misfortune. They seemed to have acquiesced that the fate of the acting leader was to face off against the other party's strongest emperor.

This is a desperate scene.

With only the emperor's indifferent and domineering eyes left between heaven and earth, Silver Ax felt helpless.

Finally, when the war was coming to an end, Bucky stood up, stretched and yawned.

This made Silver Ax even more frightened. Every move of the other party had a deep meaning, and it might be some evil temptation.

Strong people all like this tune.

He used to like to tease the weak like this, making the opponent mistakenly think that there would be a chance to counterattack, and then trampling on the opponent's hope.

The position is now reversed.

In fact, what Bucky thought was that even if he sat for a long time, he would still feel uncomfortable and his muscles and bones would be a little sore.

And why didn't Silver Ax solve it? He couldn't let himself take action with so many strong men.

With Bucky's movements, everyone was fixated on this area, and every move of this man touched the hearts of countless people.

Silver Ax couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to approach the Emperor Bucky.

On the second day of junior high school, I went back to my parents' house and coded words in between.

Please forgive me if there are any typos.

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