Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 832 The chain of iron ropes and not borrowing the east wind

The war process was at a fever pitch from the very beginning, especially on the side of the Pirate Alliance.

The ships in front couldn't run fast at all under the links of the iron chains, and even became slower and slower as more and more ships were damaged.

There are too many linked ships, and the struggle between buoyancy and gravity is about to come to an end.

Finally, it slowly stopped in the sky full of artillery fire, quietly waiting for the enemy's arrival.

The pirates on the ship have also calmed down and can destroy whatever they want.

There is no need to adjust the sails, and there is no need to think about resisting the artillery attack. It is unstoppable.

This will cost the life of the pirate ship behind it. It stopped moving halfway through the charge.

The artillery fire from the Cross Guild was like raindrops. These people were really anxious.

Being wet in the rain is uncomfortable at best, and Lin's shells can really kill people.

Silver Ax's anger was about to burst into his brain at this moment. He couldn't escape with a chain of iron chains and could only charge. They were all liars.

Makarov, if you didn't have only one hand left, I would definitely chop you to death!

Several big pirates looked at each other urgently and then made a decision.

Let the ships at the rear sink the remaining chain pirate ships in front and completely clear the path forward.

As for the remaining pirates on the ship, I no longer care about them. They are all cannon fodder anyway.

If you don't accomplish your goal, you will die in the hands of your own people.

The pirate's cruelty and decisiveness are fully demonstrated.

Phew~~bang! ! !

Silver Ax, you ¥% # W @% Haig, you are one of our own!!! No~~! What kind of *pirate alliance! You beasts!

It's one thing to face the enemy's attack calmly, but it's the most uncomfortable thing to be stabbed by someone behind you.

There are no good people among the pirates, so they immediately started to resist.

If you can't defeat the Cross Guild, then you can't defeat him?

Sadly, I found that now I couldn't turn around for revenge or escape. I was locked up and could only wait to die.

Makarov was suddenly attacked by many voids.

It's not that it's impossible to cut iron, but it's just too late on the ever-changing battlefield.

Anyone who really has some strength will not arrange cannon fodder in the front row.

The pirate side's firepower is still very strong at close range, especially against unprepared people.

It’s no longer fried fish, but real fried people.

In order to break through the predicament as soon as possible, these guys opened fire with all their lives.

For a while, it overshadowed the Cross Guild. This is the code of conduct for pirates. They must eradicate the roots to eliminate the possibility of revenge.

As a result, they were all sadly sunk under the cross firepower of the two parties. The occasional pirates who ran out were also beheaded on the spot.

Thousands of years from now there will probably be archaeologists staring at the chains on the seabed in a daze, wondering what kind of tactic this was.

There may also be writers who wrote poems to commemorate this battle.

Atvor is a legendary place destined to be recorded in history.

Finally, under the command of the ruthless big pirate, it took half a day to clear a new charging path.

After all, these cannon fodder pirates are still resisting very hard. Dragging the people behind them into hell is more in line with their character than helping them win.

As the fleet filed out and charged again, Silver Ax felt that the hope of survival was getting smaller, and he lost his troops before the victory was achieved.

After all, attacking one's own people is a loss of character. After this battle, there will be no so-called pirate alliance.

The onlookers who saw this scene had the same idea. This group of strong men cut off their arms very decisively. It turned out that the hand that did not belong to them was easy to cut off.

And how can we fight after such a beginning? Having someone like this behind you can be scary.

Even if they see the other party fighting internally, the Cross Guild's firepower will not stop. It depends on how many people can come to the Cross Guild after this final baptism.

Several people on board the Emperor Bucky were also very surprised.

Baloric didn't know much about the Cross Guild, he only classified them according to the general large pirate group.

According to tradition, there is an emperor-level strongman in a pirate group, which is the emperor group.

It was unbelievable for the Cross Guild to gather so many strong men in the form of a franchise, and the result was that the firepower was so terrifying.

It can be said that the firepower is comparable to that of the navy. As the Red Earl has been surrounded and killed by the navy, he is very sure.

This battle is not a battle between pirates at all.

The distribution of the artillery fire was very reasonable. From his observation, he could sense that the Cross Guild's artillery fire was very intelligent.

You can adjust the attack to target a certain point.

For example, those ships connected by iron chains did not receive all-round attacks at all, but were hit one at a time, effectively delaying the opponent's motivation to move forward.

However, the pirate ships guarded by the big pirates in the rear received the least fire coverage, just to prevent them from supporting each other.

This kind of command method is very official, and Bucky is clearly not seen making arrangements, which means that the Cross Guild itself still has capable people who can command large-scale wars.

This pirate group is really not simple, what monsters are hidden behind the fog.

What he is more worried about now is whether this group of people can break out of the circle of fire, otherwise how can he take action to complete the price.

The Red Earl's worries were unnecessary. Without the drag of the cannon fodder regiment, the big pirates gave full play to their years of experience in naval battles.

As for tactics, it is more reliable to use the old method of fighting the navy.

Sa Huan began to spread out and attack, using the wide sea area to reduce the difficulty of the enemy's fire coverage.

And with the strong man freeing his hands to block, ordinary firepower can no longer cause much damage.

Finally, as the Pirate Alliance approached the Cross Guild's artillery, it was also changed to low-level shooting.

It is more of a point-to-point attack, so the suppression power on the enemy is reduced.

The suppressed angry pirates also began to prepare for a boarding battle. Later, only blood and killing could heal the anger in their hearts.

The sword rubbed against the flames, and the desire to kill had made people lose their minds.

The pirates who were about to roar suddenly got stuck.

Because Bucky stood up.

Just this one action affected the entire battlefield, and even the onlookers felt their breathing was stagnant.

Everyone, go and win!

Draw the sword!

With an order, all the Cross Guild warriors were ready for close combat.

The sound of swords one after another made people's scalp numb.

That unified sound of drawing swords is the passion in the heart, the ideal in the heart, and the reason for fighting until now.

The combination of a unified mind and a fearless heart is invincible.

The enemy is afraid, and they cannot see the fear and wavering in the eyes of these young people.

There is only fanaticism, only ideals, and only an abnormally clear murderous intention.

The momentum gradually increased and the sense of danger suddenly increased.

This is not a pirate!

Although they are pirates, they are not pirates.

This is the feeling of people in the middle of the battlefield, contradictory yet unified.

And this kind of momentum made everyone on the Emperor Bucky look askance.

Even those as aloof as the Red Earl and as domineering as Eagle Eye are still amazed by the power of ordinary people.

He is proud of being able to do this with just one draw of his sword.

Bucky, Yamato and others are extremely proud, these are their brothers and sisters.

Leave ordinary warfare to them, we just need to defeat our opponents.

Following Bucky's words, Lao Sha was the first to rush out. He could no longer hold back his desire to kill.

Such a big war is a Shura field that every sea man will be immersed in.

Tasha Crocodile just wants to show his style on the battlefield.

The empress rushed out second, and she was still rushing to teach her disciples.

It's obviously irresponsible for a little girl to fight alone in this kind of war.

Then Gugao Zhihong transformed into a bat and flew out. This time he was going to put in a good effort.

What if the hard-to-gnaw bones were swept away by others, and I would be too embarrassed to approach Bucky because I had so few achievements.

Hawkeye still grabbed Sauron very gracefully and threw him among the enemies. Guina took the initiative to rush to a ship and started a bloody sword fight.

He just ran into the air and slashed out a huge sword energy, which was extremely capable of stealing the limelight.

Those who dare to take flight on the battlefield are the decisive ones. In addition to the domineering sword energy, they have to face concentrated fire from artillery.

If you don't have great strength, you won't be able to fly very far and you'll be dead.

At least those people in the Pirate Alliance are jumping around honestly.

As a result, the side with more people became even more desperate. It couldn't fight even if it got close.

As soon as a group of people and horses approached, there was a sandstorm on the sea. The violent wind and sand swept past, leaving only a boatload of mummies.

Crocodile, who turned on the sandstorm mode, finally regained his demeanor as the king of the desert, never stopping or stopping.

The delicate operation of the erosion cycle does not worry about the sea water at all. Even if someone uses the current to attack itself, it can be easily blocked.

The current Sand Crocodile is so proficient in dual-color domineering that he will never be hurt by such a move again.

A clear space was cleared in the huge fleet group of the Pirate Alliance, and the ships were rotten and broken into pieces and fell into the sea.

The official battle didn't begin until he encountered a big pirate with a bounty of more than 2 billion.

Thunderbolt Bangzhong was taken away from here. The destructive ability of the natural system was too targeted for ships. Too strong.

The empress was even more domineering, spreading her sweet and sweet wind wantonly.

Countless pirates were turned into stone statues and left in place, and then the empress kicked them down and blasted them and their ships.

A large amount of gravel is flying randomly on the sea, which can also be said to be the final destination of many pirate brothers.

Anyway, I can’t even put it together.

The top brass of the Pirate Alliance felt melancholy. This opponent was too difficult. Even the female pirates couldn't stop Sweet Fruit.

Admiration is gender neutral.

We had to let another big pirate take action, and at the same time bring many elites to besiege.

The reason for bringing elites is that they can be used as human shields to resist fruit abilities at critical moments. Haki can resist to a certain extent. This is the principle of making the best use of everything.

I hope I can hold off my opponents. Anyway, the biggest advantage of the Pirate Alliance is the large number of people.

Now the only way left is to sacrifice human lives.

If we can maintain a stalemate with the Cross Guild for a period of time and cause a certain amount of damage, we can justifiably surrender.

I believe you can still save your life by surrendering.

Before the war started, the idea was to draw a draw and then separate one side from another. After the war started, they wanted to show off their prestige and strength before surrendering.

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