Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 831 Bucky has never been weaker than anyone else in his life

Lightning flashed and thunder roared, and strong winds rose. The weather changes have reached another level.

The Pirate Alliance's iron chain chain is now a bit dangerous, and the ships can't keep distance from each other at all.

They kept colliding with each other, and the pirates let out a scream and fell into the water. If they fell at this time, they could only ask for good luck.

The ships of the Cross Guild sailed under this dark cloud without any impact.

Carrying the wind and rain, he arrived at the center of the battlefield.

In the middle is the Emperor Bucky. This retro and heavy ship is full of the most prestigious people on the sea.

There is an emperor with an unscrupulous expression, a cold and domineering swordsman, a vagabond with a kind face, an aloof and elegant knight, a gorgeous empress, and a pirate who looks like a rich man.

Each one is standing or sitting in their own style, and the glimpse between the lightning and thunder directly fills the audience with a sense of villainy.

Everyone who saw it was so frightened that they lost their minds. Is this lineup bullying others when they play against the Pirates Alliance?

Bucky the Clown King! One of the two emperors, the successor of Roger, the madman who charges against the Pirate King.

The Blade of Mercy, Himura Kenshin, also known as the Executioner Battosai! She once fought against the Fourth Emperor Charlotte Lingling without losing. He can be called the strongest deputy of the emperor.

The world's greatest swordsman, Jorakel Mihawk! The leader of the Shichibukai, the man who stands at the top of thousands of swordsmen.

The aloof red Baloric Redfield! A strong lone wolf who competes with Roger and Whitebeard, a ruthless man who can defeat a group of people. He actually joined the Cross Guild without any notice.

Nine Snakes Empress Boya Hancock! The most beautiful woman in the sea. A king's record is brilliant, and his sweet fruit is powerful and unsolvable.

The King of the Desert, Shichibu Kaisha Crocodile, is the most diligent thug of the Cross Guild.

CP0 was frantically collecting information on the sidelines. There were too many strong players on the field, even they couldn't record it.

We can only record the levels of those who are the most powerful first, and then slowly fill in the information for other senior officials and young powerful people.

At the same time, it is also broadcast live to Wulaoxing. This is a top-level war that the world's governments are paying attention to.

Every character here is a presence that stirs up the storm in the sea. I really don’t know how Bucky does it.

too crazy!

The onlookers were going crazy, and the Pirate Alliance opposite was even more excited.

My mood was as swaying as the storm that was about to fall.

The Gugao Red would actually join the Cross Guild, which was another blow to them.

Silver Ax spit out the thick phlegm in one mouthful. This guy is nothing.

The front foot refused and killed all his own people, and the back foot joined the Cross Guild.

If he couldn't defeat the opponent, he would have rushed over.

You can all imagine how much impact the younger brothers received at this moment.

Fortunately, fortunately, there are chains that prevent him from turning around or running away, otherwise there would be signs of collapse at the beginning.

Unlike now, even though I am scared, I can only stay where I am and wait for the charge.

Brother Makarov, I will repay your kindness to you in my next life.

The red-haired and Rayleigh were only slightly surprised to see the aloof red, and it was not surprising that Bucky could do such a thing.

Who called him Bucky?

It's only really scary when you see Heimura Kenshin. Could it be that Noah

After closer inspection, I was relieved to find that it was not Noah, but someone else pretending to be him.

The absence of a mate in the Battle of Etwal is really suspicious, so it is understandable that the Revolutionary Army did this. They have always had a watertight character.

The red-haired man was a little depressed. He didn't like this way of living.

Everything is arranged and calculated, there is no freedom for pirates.



As the Cross Guild stopped, the weather finally turned into a natural disaster, and countless waterspouts rose into the sky between the sea and the sky.

The storm blew the ship up and down, and many masts were broken by the sail straps before the war began.

The heavy rain is also washing away everyone's bodies. Being able to stand in such a state is already a sign of strength.

Do you really want to fight in this environment?

Countless people roared in the wind and rain, but if they didn't roar, they wouldn't be heard at all.

Silver Ax and others also looked at each other in confusion. How did the Sky Pirates and Roger fight back then? Even the ships on the opposite side were almost invisible.

This kind of rainwater, which is like a waterfall, makes it difficult to move forward even one step, and those who are ignorant of the sight and color cannot tell the difference between friend and enemy.

Reilly was also very moved. What these people did was so realistic.

The weather suddenly changed in what was a normal sea area back then.

In order to protect the Flying Pirates gathered during his peak period, the Golden Lion fought against the power of manpower and nature, and was ultimately defeated.

There is no way, there are so many ships flying in the sky, if you let go, the whole army will be annihilated.

It was not easy to gather so many strong men in that era. It can be said that it was all Shiji's efforts after leaving Rocks.

If this group of people were not strong enough, they would not have pushed Roger into a desperate situation. You must know that the people on the Oral Jackson are also top-notch people.

There are three general-level experts alone, Roger, Rayleigh, and Jabba, and the others are also close to this level.

This shows how arrogant the golden lion is who can chase these ruthless people everywhere.

It's a pity that I came to Atvor, which is a sea area that even the top navigators cannot understand.

A natural disaster that occurs only once in dozens or hundreds of years happened to occur at this time.

The pressure on the fleet that has flown into the core area is so great that it is unimaginable that even the Golden Lion Liberation Fruit cannot withstand it.

This also created the most important story in Roger's legendary life.

Now that the revolutionary army comes out to do this, how will the battle proceed?

Could it be that weather weapons were also used to defeat the opposing pirate alliance?

But is it necessary to pull out all the Cross Guild's fleet to increase the risk?

Reilly looked forward to Bucky's performance even more.

Noah is also looking forward to it. This script was written by the staff department.

According to Robin, he is very bloody and has a bit of the style he had when he first debuted.

Under the gaze of everyone, the kings on the Emperor Bucky burst out with powerful overlord colors and sword energy, blasting the wind and rain out of a space.

Then a figure flew into the air.

That is the strongest and craziest Captain Bucky. What is he going to do?

I am Bucky, a man who longs to be the Pirate King!

The sound resounded through the sea through unknown means, and even the violent storm could not stop it.

Shanks had a look of envy on his face, it was so cool to openly shout out his dream in front of the whole world.

Damn it, it's not envy but jealousy.

Etwal, same enemy with different weather conditions.

What on earth was he trying to say?

Countless people are thinking that Roger's crew once again received help from heaven and earth here.

Is it destined that the position of Pirate King is a kind of inheritance?

But I am Bucky! Bucky will never be weaker than anyone in his life!

I don't need this help!

He shouted loudly and then pointed to the sky, his aura so arrogant that even God was commanded.



Everyone on the battlefield felt the same way when they saw Bucky's actions and the target of his accusation.

Bucky is crazy?

This is a natural disaster! How could you take it back just because of one person's words?

Silver Ax and others were even more gloating about their misfortune. It was unlucky to encounter a natural disaster.

But fortunately, the opponent was crazy. I had never heard of Atwal being able to outsmart him. Maybe that was how Shi Ji lost.

I didn't expect this Bucky to fall before the war, hahahaha. Huh?

The wind is actually weakening?

Doesn't it seem like the rain is stopping?

It wasn't that the wind and rain stopped slowly, but that there was another change in the weather in a short period of time.

The lightning, thunder, violent storm, and waterspout were all hallucinations.

When the sun appeared in Atvor again, only the crazy emperor was left in the sky.

The shock of saying the words is indescribable.

Reilly admitted that even knowing that the Revolutionary Army was responsible would have shocked him.

This courage to conquer the opponent with his own power without resorting to the power of heaven and earth actually surpassed Roger to a certain extent.

The protagonist of the new world at this moment is Bucky.

The new pirate alliance has become timid before fighting and has lost its courage.

Even Silver Ax and the others were panicking, so how could they fight?

A man who is even willing to help God is already a legend, and a man who refuses God is even more of a legend among legends.

How could such a person not be the Pirate King?

Gu Gao Zhihong was extremely moved when she saw such courage from below. It seemed that Luffy was no longer so fragrant.

One is the successor to Roger's straw hat, and the other is the brave man who wants to surpass Roger.


Take a deep breath and kill a few more big pirates in a while to change your mood.

Otherwise, it will leave a shadow in the heart, which a strong person cannot bear.

When everyone was speechless in surprise, Noah spurted out.

What is not weaker than others?

This line is really shameful. Why can Bucky shout it outright?

Are the editors of Nanhai crazy?

He actually used the second-tier lines he came up with when he was young and frivolous to show off, and Robin definitely contributed a lot to this.

No one but her would know the lines.

Now Noah was digging his toes into the house from a distance.

After completing this shocking performance, Bucky slowly landed and said something light.

Army attack.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The endless artillery roared, and the firepower was vented into the mid-air to form a rain curtain of death.

Washing the ground with firepower is what the Revolutionary Army likes to do the most, but it doesn't say that pirates can't do the same thing.

The improved artillery fire can hit targets more accurately across longer distances.

The Pirate Alliance will suffer a physical blow after suffering a heavy blow to the soul.

The dense formation itself made the Cross Guild the best target.

The Pirate Alliance reacted and immediately launched an attack with all their troops, and rushed towards the Cross Guild with their heads down.

As for fire counterattack, their front-end artillery is just like a decoration and can only withstand damage.

The iron chain also worked well.

At first it was to prevent escape, but now it is still to prevent escape.

Either sink it together, or drag the damaged brother pirate ship next to it and slowly advance in the sky of gunfire, blocking the breakthrough route of the intact ship behind it.

Completed all objectives without fire attack.

Will this war end before the two sides even meet?

Everyone saw the ending.

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