Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 830 The scene twenty years ago

Art Wall.

It is a place that no fleet has passed by for many years, and everyone is obscure about it.

Today is different from the past. There are countless pirate ships with black flags gathered together on one side of the sea. The terrifying momentum makes people feel heart palpitating.

The endless fleet group was filled with murderous aura, mixed with the fanatical atmosphere of pirates, and many people inside were already waiting to fight.

All it takes is a small spark to explode everything.

The fleet in the front row is connected together with black iron ropes, not like walking on flat ground.

Even the most brainless pirate would not do something like that. The waves would destroy all the bells and whistles.

But the feeling of being ready to die is still highlighted. This is a desperate operation.

See the densely packed sails and the violent momentum in the sight.

Even a well-informed pirate like Silver Ax felt his heart surge. This was an extremely powerful force.

If I could control such power, even the emperor would not dare to kill me easily.

Finally, I regained some of my bloated heart.

These big guys have received a reply from the Cross Guild, with one hand.

This hand should belong to Brother Makarov, and the gold-plated ring on it proves this.

Brother Makarov~~~~! It was my brother who harmed you!!!

Don't worry, I will inherit your ideals and those of Brother Wang Zhi.

People from the Cross Guild will never have an easy time!

Silver Ax once again showed off his decades of acting skills. Apart from the fact that there were no tears, it was an absolutely masterful performance.

First there was shock, then disbelief, then anger, and finally heartbreak and grief.

After the sincere love, there is the gnashing hatred. This change of emotions will definitely slay the little fresh meat.

Watching his performance, the other big pirates looked down upon him, it was so ugly.

In addition to Beehive Island, Wang Zhi has other territories that are occupied by you, a good brother.

Now you even want Makarov's territory, why didn't you take care of your brother and brother when you sent people to die?

With the war imminent, no one would be too lazy to fight, otherwise this little thing would definitely be worth stabbing each other with knives first.

Along with the return of the hand, there was a letter, a decree from the most powerful emperor.

Location Aite Wall, time seven days later.

These words are domineering. Although they are ugly, you can feel the powerful spirit from the unruly figure.

Sure enough, the ambition of King Buggy is obvious, and he is the Pirate King.

So the Pirate Alliance hurriedly and slowly built the fleet's formation and chains within seven days.

On the seventh day, when the sun just rose, we came here to prepare ourselves.

Although there was no trace of the fleet on the opposite side of the sea, everyone did not take it lightly.

Everyone knows how Bucky disappeared from everyone's eyes, and how he secretly attacked Ten Thousand Kingdoms, so they sent fishmen to pay attention to the underwater activities.

But this time there is really no need. This is the first battle to unify the new world.

The opponents are also a ragtag group of people, and any more tactics will not achieve the strategic effect desired by the revolutionary army.

Therefore, the Cross Guild is going to attack head-on this time and fight openly and openly.

Report, fleet appears 50 nautical miles ahead.

No need, I've seen it!

There is a dark cloud floating in the distant sky, and the ominous atmosphere makes people understand that this is not a simple weather.

This is a large group of strong men coming together with hostility and murderous intent.

Solemn, powerful, indestructible, and solid in its momentum, it does not look like a group of fleets, but an ancient sacred mountain that has experienced thousands of years.

The pressure hit his chest directly, and the stronger he became, the more difficult it was to breathe.

Damn it, how could the Cross Guild be so strong! These monsters!

A shrill and violent voice roared from Silver Ax's battleship.

Everyone enters combat mode

The originally peaceful Pirate Alliance immediately aroused great commotion.

The roars of people, the movement of weapons, and the sounds of swords being unsheathed came one after another.

The captains are now using all means to mobilize the murderous intent and desire of the young men, but it may not be easy to do so when the Cross Guild's fleet actually appears.

F*ck, kill the Cross Guild, then...

Money, women, territory. It's up to you to choose after the fight.

Cut*/-E%$ # %

After a burst of noise, the Pirate Alliance showed a ferocious momentum. These are veteran killers who have experienced countless fights.

Observers from all sides were shocked.

The average strength of the pirates in the New World is still guaranteed, not much inferior to the elites of the Navy Headquarters.

Moreover, the desire to fight is easy to mobilize and full of courage.

In a corner, Rayleigh, the red-haired man, and others gathered together again and looked in the direction of the battlefield.

This pirate alliance also has its merits. It's the unscrupulous use of force to push people into desperate situations.

A large number of people can make you bold, so the courage of so many people gathered together is naturally even greater.

Unless Bucky has the means to dispel this fanatical desire, the losses he will suffer after fighting this battle will not be small.

In the end, the redhead began to worry about his good friend. The strong man is not omnipotent.

Because you are a human being, you will get tired, and if you kill too much, you will lose your mind and distort your will.

Eventually he became a murderer who only knew how to kill, which was more dangerous than ordinary battles.

The magical skill of overlord color is also of little use at this time. These pirates are all veterans who have been fighting for many years.

Basically, I have seen a few times of overbearing oppression. If I want to stun so many people, Noah may not be able to do it.

Reilly was not worried at all.

Don't worry, Bucky, the little brat, can turn danger into good.

Moreover, the outcome of this battle has been determined, it depends on how the revolutionary army wants to win.

Rayleigh felt sad when he saw the Pirate Alliance's tricks. He was definitely betrayed.

What the Revolutionary Army did was a comprehensive plan, and the subsequent elimination and defeat would definitely make it impossible for these idiots to show any strength.

From Art Wall to Iron Chain Lianzhou, and then to the position of Pirate King, haha.

He came today to appreciate this gorgeous ending.

It is impossible to say that I will have to rely on my stupid apprentice to achieve the final glory of the pirates.

He had a hunch that only three people had a chance in the battle for the Pirate King.

Shanks, Bucky, Luffy.


I could see the sails of the Cross Guild's fleet in the distance, and the arrogant clown on the black bottom was grinning.

Then the fleet was revealed in its entirety. In terms of number, it was only one-tenth of the Pirate Alliance's, but its combat effectiveness was absolutely no less than that of the Pirate Alliance.

Most of them are pirate-style three-masted sailboats, but the differences in neatness and equipment are visible to the naked eye.

The ferocious collision angle and large-caliber artillery look like high-end goods.

Not to mention that there are several large and exaggerated steel battleships inside, and the dense fire control forces on them are frightening to see.

This is the highest level of armed force besides the revolutionary army and navy.

It is also the power of money and technology.

In this era, steel battleships meant power, and the onlookers could see the huge production capacity behind the Cross Guild.

Naturally, the Navy and the Revolutionary Army will not build warships for pirates, and this style is not the style of the two parties.

This means that Bucky built a steel battleship production line in Wano, which touched the nerves of the World Government.

Marie Joa didn't care whether everyone used Baoshu Adam or what material they used to make the boat, including the purpose.

But the technological arms production lines that can be mass-produced are different.

It means that another force that has the potential to shake the rule of the world government has appeared. This red line was finally crossed by the pirates.

Then the danger level of Bucky the Clown must be mentioned further, and we will wait until the end of the Aite Wall naval battle.

As the Bucky fleet drew closer, the weather changed.

Rayleigh smiled slightly, and I knew what this guy was up to.

There are several people behind the Cross Guild fleet working hard. In this team are the fishmen troops, the weather troops, and the commander-in-chief of Bika.

They are all top talents transferred from the headquarters. Their main task today is to build momentum.

Use scientific means to imitate weather phenomena in nature and recreate the legend 20 years ago.



Fishman Karate + Wind Knot is the prelude to the violent storm.

Dark clouds slowly moved forward with the fleet, moist water vapor transpired between the sky and the earth, and the ocean currents on the seabed were unusually restless.

Experienced pirates all know that this is a sign of an approaching storm, and this battle will probably have to be fought in such a harsh environment.

But no one can evacuate this Shura field with an arrow on the string.

Perhaps the fight to the end is no longer about who is the winner, but about who can survive to the end.

This is

Lei Li shook his head helplessly, there was still no limit to the methods of these people.

Roger's battle back then was also a prelude to this, and it was obvious that this was the way to go.

Preparing for the birth of the Pirate King is really about foresight.

As for why this is so, it must be the work of the revolutionary army.

There are all kinds of strange methods in the South China Sea, and it is easy to change the celestial phenomena and control the range without using the fruit's ability.

In recent years, since the birth of Noah, the revolutionary army's behavior has become more and more bizarre.

Sure enough, when Bucky's fleet arrived accompanied by a weather phenomenon, it caused a huge sensation.

This battle seemed to be endowed with a sense of sacred mission.

Is it possible that the theory of the Pirate King is not groundless, and that one must go through many twists and turns in Aite Wall before he can rise to the top?

Touching the remaining drops of water on his face, the leader of the Pirate Alliance, who had not taken it seriously at first, now looked serious.

Isn't this Aite Wall a bit evil?

Do you think Roger left something here that was activated by Bucky?

Oh, who knows. Anyway, I don't believe it.

Would you like to ask the captain who suggested coming here if he knows anything?

There's only one hand left, so it's probably impossible to ask.

In the end, whether you believe it in your heart or not, you definitely don’t believe it with your mouth.

Bucky is not Roger, and the Pirate Alliance is not the Sky Pirates.

They have tough words, but the morale of their men is a bit shaken.

Who among the pirates in the New World doesn't know Roger's story?

Even before the war started, people were a little shaken.

The anxious captains gave another burst of encouragement and killed several pirates who tried to leave the team to stabilize the situation.



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