Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 825 The new world is about to end

Even though she had great respect for her master, Guina also knew that Mihawk surpassed Noah in pure swordsmanship.

Of course, in a life-and-death battle, it would be Hawkeye.

Noah's tactics, comprehensive abilities and domineering power are even more incomprehensible.

In addition, there is a very low strong demeanor.

Gu Yina believed that if lime powder was still useful in high-level battles, her master would continue to use it.

The lime sword masters and their lineage don't care at all.

Zoro asked at this time.

What charm does this Bucky have that makes the teacher take him so seriously?

He really didn't understand how a non-swordsman got Hawkeye's attention and even had to fight alone.

Just because he can complete the domination in one go, just because he can catch Hawkeye's sword technique, just because he can lead people to the Red Earth Continent to force the Five Old Stars to give in.

Only those who understand the difficulty here will know the perversion of the Clown King.

That is a talent that can span countless time, and a heart that will not be afraid.

Guina has always believed in Bucky's strength.

Not only Mihawk was optimistic about this red nose, but even Teacher Noah was very optimistic about him during his lifetime.

Every time Bucky is mentioned, his face is full of admiration, and he even hands the life and death of the Revolutionary Army into his hands.

What a trust.

Therefore, the senior management never regarded Bucky as a funny character, but placed him in a very magical position.

Noah once said that when Bucky is serious, he can definitely change the world.

Basically all the top experts in the world who know Bucky will give this red nose a very high evaluation. This is strength.

The two of them were chatting and recuperating in the base. In a few days, they would go to fight the new pirate alliance. Don't be careless.

And on a desert island.

Jorakor Mihawk solemnly drew out the black knife. Yeji informed his name.

Bucky's scalp was numb, things were getting serious. This bastard takes it too seriously.

It can't be settled with a simple beating. If you do it perfunctorily, you will really die.

Pulling out the few peerless little daggers that followed him in all his battles, Bucky also decided to take them seriously.

Don't look down on these weapons. The enemies they face are Hawkeye, the Five Old Stars, and Whitebeard.

Next is Noah’s personal biography:

Starting hand-overlord color!


It is not the weak and scattered domineering spirit of the past, but the solid and overbearing aura of a king.

The courage contained in it moved Hawkeye.

That is true, even if the world is destroyed, it will not be able to block the way forward.

The fighting spirit in Mihawk's eyes was almost solidified. Such an opponent was so interesting.

It excited him far more than an ordinary swordsman.

Bucky, you really didn't disappoint me!

Cut it off with your sword!

An emerald-green sword energy dozens of feet long appeared from the sky, cutting off all life along the way.

The sharp energy locked the opponent in advance and killed him with absolute destruction.

The cold sweat on Bucky's head flowed down like a waterfall.

Well, he's still not as brave as others describe him to be.

So, look at my dominance!

Several daggers held between the five fingers simultaneously appeared with overlord-colored entanglements. This scene stunned Hawkeye.

Although it is not very condensed, although it is not very strong.

But it was indeed several domineering figures that appeared at the same time.

This is equivalent to an all-out distraction, which is much better than Noah's early stage.

If one flying knife can't defeat the sword energy, then get three.

Knife after knife struck the path of the sword energy, eventually deflecting this terrifying attack.

The sword energy flew past Bucky's red nose, and a mountain behind him was cut open.

The mountain collapsed along the section, and a huge sound shook the world.

It was in this way that Bucky passed the first sword test without any danger.

The sweat on his back was extremely uncomfortable, but he had no choice.

It was more of an instinctive operation. Generally, the tyrant is wrapped around a weapon, or it is determined to be lingering on oneself, so that the sword energy can be enhanced.

But since Bucky ate the split fruit, he can easily let his body do its own thing.

In the past, when there was no one to guide me, it looked very awkward and did not reflect its power at all.

After the brainstorming of the revolutionary army, an alternative path to rise began, and sometimes the template would be borrowed from Huahuaguo.

There is great potential for the development of this type of physical ability.

But Bucky would rather act more embarrassed just now, because now the sword energy has enveloped the entire island.

Hawkeye is furious!

The sword energy flew randomly and accompanied by the roar of the fighting, the whole island was wailing. Unsurprisingly, this place would also follow the fate of other desert islands and be destroyed.

One day later, Mihawk carried Bucky back to the Revolutionary Army's base.

Not only is the Clown Emperor's nose now red, but his entire body is blood red, and it's still ticking on the ground along the way.

There were countless injuries on his body, as if he had been thrown into the Hell of Mountains of Swords and rolled around for several times before coming out.

The deepest one was almost cut into two pieces diagonally.

It seems that the Sword Hao's restraint from the split fruit is still not good enough.

If it weren't for the slight ups and downs in his chest, it would really be the same as dragging a corpse in.

The medical team hurriedly stepped forward to take over Bucky for rescue, and began various operations with ease.

Intubation, cleaning, hemostasis, medication, suturing, and mummification.

I came to the conclusion that it was very miserable, very serious, and impossible to die.

According to Bucky's physique, he will be able to jump around in a few days.

Hawkeye, on the other hand, stood aside and felt very happy. He was the world's greatest swordsman and said he couldn't be killed if he couldn't be killed.

However, the revolutionary army's medical system is so strong that it has successfully stopped the bleeding in such a short period of time.

All kinds of high-end medical equipment are dazzling to see, highlighting the word expensive.

This is only a small part of Nanhai's medical capabilities. If Luo and Sabo are both here, Bucky can be guaranteed to recover immediately.

Even if we continue to fight for a day and a night, it is not a problem.

Of course, whether Bucky is willing or not is another matter. He may be glad that these two people are not here at this time.

At this time, Hawkeye thought for a while and said something.

By the way, can you also help me with my treatment?

? ! ! ! !

Sauron and Kuina were stunned on the spot, as if they had heard some fantasy.

Was Mihawk injured while fighting Bucky?

How can this be!

The others didn't expect this request and hurriedly agreed after realizing it.

Even the team leader's eyes shone, these were the physical data of a top powerhouse.

After getting the consent of the medical team, Hawkeye took off his shirt without caring about other people's eyes.

There was a deep and messy scar on his chest that was oozing blood.

It's really not easy for a general-level master to control his own body so much that he still can't control it after a battle.

The doctor did a brief check.

“It can be cured and will be cured soon.

But it’s strange”

Guina asked curiously.

What's weird?

Is this a laceration? A laceration on the chest? I don't understand.

The medical team must know what level of monster the Emperor is, so they are even more puzzled.

Yes, this wound is like a willful child tearing a piece of white paper crazily.

There is no pattern, just pure tearing.

Eagle Eye also looked at the wound and explained it to his disciple.

I underestimated the enemy. I didn't expect Bucky's potential to be so strong.

He admitted his problem very frankly.

It's hard not to underestimate an opponent who is one level behind him. In addition, he said he couldn't hack people to death, so he suffered a lot of restrictions.

But Bucky's final attack was so powerful that it was unimaginable, even his sword energy could be used.

I really look forward to what kind of monster this guy will grow into in the end.

Such a sea is interesting. I wonder if the silly apprentice can catch up with Bucky in the future.

Hawkeye was in a very good mood and went out to kill people the next day.

It just so happened that Silver Ax led people into battle for the third time.

I can't live this day! Why are you waiting for him?

Obviously there are so many great pirates in the Pirate Alliance, but he is just one of them.

We are just acting as the leader of the alliance, and we haven't gained any benefits yet.

Why do you have to catch one person to grind? Can you guys who don’t drop equipment~~~ change someone to cause trouble?

I'm old. It's the first time I admit that I'm old.

Why do people of this age come out to join in the fun?

Silver Ax, who was mentally depressed, almost fought with Hawkeye, but luckily he was stopped by his younger brothers.

So all the experienced soldiers started to escape in different directions. Who can run back depends on his fate.

Hawkeye, who finally killed half of the people, went back with satisfaction. The doctor said that he was injured and could not exercise strenuously.

Just leave the rest to Sauron. You have to fight more to be qualified to challenge yourself.

During the period when Bucky became a mummy, Guogaohong was not having a good time either. She was moved by her inner thirst for knowledge and Bucky's conditions.

The desire for knowledge has not appeared for a long, long time. It has been completely far away from myself since I awakened to the knowledge of knowledge when I was a child.

Bucky the Clown lives up to his reputation and is truly a terrifying character.

Just a few words messed up my heart.

In fact, Baloric knew that he had been convinced. During this time, it was more his pride that was holding him back.

Hey, Captain Bucky.


Looking at the sick phone bug, the Red Earl was a little silent, wondering why this emperor always exceeded his expectations.

I was still bouncing around before, but today I feel like I'm dying.

What’s wrong with you.

It's okay, nothing happened.

The phone bug that represents Bucky poses with a strong look, but the strong meaning is too superficial, even if it is hidden deeper.

Forget it, it doesn't matter how the other party plays tricks, your own affairs are the most important.

I'll go to the New World to find you in a week.

Really? Okay, I'm coming to the new world.

This phone bug revived Bucky, who was lying on the hospital bed and was about to die, and he was trying to think of a way to solve Balorik's problem.

It was definitely impossible to rely on oneself. Bucky, who had a very clear understanding of himself, immediately contacted the staff department at the headquarters.

There is strength in numbers, and except for Teacher Noah, other cadres now like to seek advice from the staff department.

The addition of the Red Earl also means that the end of the New World Pirate Alliance is coming.

During the New Year period, I wrote about the last glory of the pirates, and it was really painful to write down the words in the fragmented time.

Try to ensure 6,000 words per day during this period.

Good news, I don’t have to kill a chicken this year.

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