Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 824: Deal with the Red Earl and the uninvited Hawkeye

Bucky's ranking is well-founded and comes with a lot of record support.

For example, the Battle of the Four Emperors, the battle between the ship's mate Kenshin Himura and Mihawk, the Battle of Pioneer Island, etc.

But when the other party listed it like this, the Red Earl did feel a little embarrassed.

My aloof reputation seems to be unworthy of the name, because aloofness must lead to loneliness.

But he is really not sure whether he will win against these people.

At least the red-haired one lost a hand.

Whitebeard fought when he was young and lost.

It seems that there is really no record of victory in the ultimate battle.

This is also because this era is too cruel. Even in the chaotic era, decisive battles do not happen all the time.

As a result, in the past few years, everyone has compared their records. The winner gets everything, and the loser dies.

At this point, Baloric no longer planned to continue pressing, but planned to have a good fight with the captain of the strongest pirate group.

Since there is no record, seize every opportunity to fight.

Defeating the current captain of the strongest imperial group is also a battle of proof.

Do you know why I want you to join my team?

Bucky spoke again before the opponent was about to take action. He was determined not to fight today.

The Red Earl had the foreshadowing of the previous conversation. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he still asked why in a very dignified manner.

What he doesn't understand is that people from the revolutionary army should not take whatever they say randomly. Not even one of them is an honest person.

Because Shanks and I have chosen different paths as pirate kings.

The specific path will not be mentioned for the time being, it is considered a secret.

It has something to do with the truth of this world.

So I need power, all power to achieve true freedom.

And I have a way to make Luffy try his best to defeat you, not with hatred but with the power of dreams.

Only when a junior who burns himself for his dream shows his true strength can you feel the difference between him and our captain.

You must think that Luffy is a lot like Roger, but in fact, he has a tougher fate than Captain Roger.

And the final state and final power of rubber can only be stimulated by masters of our level.

This involves the right time, right place, right people, and you can't accomplish it alone, so join our Cross Guild.

We will create opportunities for you to have a final battle with Luffy, which is a treatment that even Shanks cannot get.

If this is true, it makes Baloric a little surprised and excited.

He understood how difficult what Bucky said was. Luffy was a very free man, and it was very difficult for him to follow the script and be willing to fight for his dream and fight with him.

Unless he hurt Luffy's friends to arouse his anger, that's not what the lonely red is willing to do.

That was too mean, so he hesitated because of it, and since he couldn't take the initiative to find Luffy after losing to the red-haired man, Bucky got such a good opportunity.

This is a loose platform with no clear hierarchy.

Masters like Hawkeye and Rayleigh have extremely arrogant personalities. If it were a traditional pirate ship, they would not board it.

The second trick is to show the magnanimity of the Cross Guild.

The Red Earl would definitely not accept this gift calmly due to his arrogance.

So the New Pirates Alliance is dead.

For this top lone wolf type, this group of pirates are used as bargaining chips without any psychological burden.

All this can be accomplished in one year, at most.

Next year, Luffy will go to sea again, and then you will see a state of Luffy that is beyond the imagination of the world.

Maybe even a godlike state.

The abominable sense of mystery made the Red Earl feel irritated because he couldn't read Bucky's heart for the first time.

And what does Luffy mean by his god-like posture?

The amount of information in these short conversations is too much. So much so that Baloric was very interested.

It's just that your own personality shouldn't be such a gossip.

In the past, I used my abilities to secretly enjoy myself and enjoy myself secretly. This time, I was really manipulated.

Bucky was also very happy to see the hesitant look on the Red Earl's face. Teacher Noah's trick of pretending to be mysterious and successfully throwing the hook was really useful, especially for top experts.

Of course, when things progress, I must run away immediately.

What if the other party went crazy, or didn't pay as much attention to Luffy as the intelligence said, and he might die tragically here.

Bucky left the phone for communication and immediately drove the small submarine back to the new world.

Give Gugao Zhihong a few days to think, and the strong man will convince himself.

What he was betting on was the importance that the older generation of strong men placed on such illusory things as dreams.

Bucky was very proud of himself when he returned to the new world, feeling that he had done something big again.

When the Red Earl comes to the new world, he can take care of the new pirate alliance, thus completing most of the plan.

As for the subsequent task node, the general staff of the Revolutionary Army was working overtime to help him work out the details.

Bucky will definitely have accomplished a great cause to honor his teacher.

Look, in the post-Noah era, it's me, Uncle Bucky, who is holding up this world.

As a result, I received a thunderbolt as soon as I came back.

Another wayward super giant of the Cross Guild, Hawkeye Mihawk, came to the island of Wano.

It is said that I have something to talk to Bucky about.

The emperor, who was still high-spirited before hearing who the visitor was, wanted to get back into the submarine and run back to the paradise stage, or run back to the South China Sea to shake people.

This petty swordsman couldn't have come to kill him just because he hung up the phone first. This kind of heart is not worthy of the title of the greatest swordsman in history.

Although this reason is ridiculous, it also represents my uneasiness.

He had an unknown premonition.

I originally planned to avoid the limelight, but there are still so many brothers staying here. What if I get angry?

Hawkeye is not a good person either. To put it bluntly, he is the only one who can deal with the other party in the Cross Guild, not even Sand Crocodile.

So he planned to use his sharp tongue again to deceive others.

As a result, as soon as he entered the hall, he found Hawkeye sitting in the main seat, watching the sword energy on Bucky the Clown swishing wildly.

Behind him stood a green-haired swordsman and Kuina.

Ah, it's okay for them to study with Hawkeye, but what is Hawkeye doing here now?

It was definitely not because of the reason for hanging up the phone. Seeing Zolonbachi understood.

Again, like the empress, she came to take care of her disciples. This silver ax was really unlucky.

There is no such suitable target for practicing in the whole sea.

The new pirate alliance is not weak and has a large number of people. There are all types of strong men, domineering, fruit abilities, racial talents, etc.

Moreover, they are all unscrupulous pirates with rich experience in actual combat, and they have no burden to commit serious crimes.

Their biggest problem is that they are not strong enough, and there is no one who can suppress others.

There is no unity, and they have to argue before going to war.

Why did I produce a few cadres last time and a few died? You gave birth to a few, but they all came back alive.

As a result, it has now become a very good dungeon, and it has become normal for several big guys from the Revolutionary Army and the Cross Guild to come to train their apprentices.

Seeing Zoro and Guina Baki made me feel relieved, nothing major should have happened.

As for the tragic injuries covered with bandages on these two people, they completely turned a blind eye.

Swordsman, that's understandable.

The revolutionary army sent the best medicines to the castle, and Sabo and Luo would appear there from time to time to practice rescue operations.

Basically, the safety of these two people can be guaranteed, and they also enjoy it.

Long time no see Captain Bucky.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Damn it, why do you weirdos always maintain such damn elegance.

Bucky, who had just met the Red Earl, felt uncomfortable. Are all strong men's paintings so advanced?

He still admires Whitebeard's shirtless style more, that's what a pirate is.

Can you arrange a desert island for me?

no problem.

The revolutionary army's desert island reserves are definitely sufficient.

Bucky looked at the green algae head with pity. He had already downloaded the dungeon and still had to make up lessons. It was really miserable.

But he didn't notice that the other party looked at him the same way.

After preparing the position and the boat, Hawkeye stood in front of Bucky.

The Clown Emperor instinctively felt something was wrong and began to try to escape.

“I still have a lot of things to deal with here, so you guys should be busy first.

I'll treat you to a treat and see you later when the fight is over.

As soon as he turned around, a demonic whisper came from behind him.

“Fight with me, win or lose, I will do one thing for you.

Don't worry, you will come back alive.

Haha, I'm not a swordsman, hahaha.

Bucky wanted to leave but couldn't move. The temptation was too great.

This is Hawkeye, the greatest swordsman in the world.

The top experts, except for a few people in the new world, are all in a state of sweep.

Isn't such a reward excessive?

Not to mention the distance, it would be much better if the Red Earl came recently with Hawkeye in charge.

And there will be more times when we will need experts in the future.

The temptation of holding such a powerful weapon would make even a dragon follow him.

He won't die anyway, and the worst he can do is disembowel him.

The excellent medical capabilities of our revolutionary army are used at this time.

In the end, Bucky, who was hesitant and entangled, was dragged onto the boat. When the headquarters found out, they wanted to pack this guy up and throw him on a desert island.

This is not because you cannot stand the temptation, but because those who are able work harder, which can also be called adding more burdens.

I didn’t expect that Hawkeye, a guy who looks like an aboveboard guy, would also resort to tricks. Bucky is wrong~~~

Seeing Bucky being dragged out, Mihawk also walked out with a happy expression.

Zoro and Kuina chatted about the pirate captain.

He didn’t have much daily contact, and the only time he went to fight in the waters of all nations was so Bucky was still very mysterious in the revolutionary army.

Zoro has now officially accepted Hawkeye as his master, and his swordsmanship has improved rapidly.

You can tell from the wounds on his body that he just doesn’t have enough horizons and needs to see more of the world.

And Gu Yina is still a junior swordsman who challenges Hawkeye.

Noah is her forever master.

Simply because Hawkeye is very considerate, she will point out some problems every time after cutting, which will benefit him a lot.

The two of them still can't figure out Hawkeye's strength, they can only say that he is very, very strong.

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