Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 826: Fight first after joining the club

Gugao Zhihong was a little surprised when he arrived at the Cross Guild branch base.

I have a different understanding of this prestigious imperial group. This is not a traditional pirate group.

Everyone here has a strong aura. It can be said that they all have the aura of a veteran of many battles.

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke on his body was too pungent.

The sensory evolution of strong people is all-round, especially for Baloric who has eaten the vampire fruit.

He did not use his talents to explore the memories of these people who looked more like soldiers than pirates. This was a sign of respect for the Cross Guild.

The revolutionary army had no choice but to choose to meet the Red Earl here. The atmosphere in other bases and headquarters was clearly not that of pirates.

After Whitebeard and Big Mom both retired from the stage of history, only the Cross Guild and the Red-haired Pirates were considered emperors in the new world.

Time is so tight that there is no chance for Bucky's team to slowly disguise themselves.

He simply exposed himself a little bit, put on those fancy pirate clothes, and spoke some pirate code words.

Put aside the civilized words again and use more body language.

This is the pirate of the Cross Guild. He talks vulgarly but has a very high moral bottom line.

As he went deeper, Baloric became more and more surprised.

Bucky the Clown is indeed extraordinary, and these guys are very good.

Especially young people.

The swordsman with three swords and an ominous air on his body was considered a rare young hero. The fact that he was not killed showed that his fate was really tough.

Being tough on the sea is your biggest advantage.

There is also a female swordsman who carries a magic weapon on her back. She is also very powerful, fearless and indomitable with her sword.

Good physique and great potential.

The little bits and pieces of the Cross Guild that occasionally show off are the foundation of the Imperial Group.

It just seemed a bit familiar as I walked, as if I had seen these people before somewhere.

The orders and prohibitions were all in order. Everyone's aura was faintly combined.

correct! Only seen in the most elite navy.

This is not looking for anything. The traditional pirate burning, killing and looting runs through the whole life.

Not wanting to be restricted and enjoying a moment of freedom is the mainstream.

This made Baloric take precautions.

Being surrounded by pirates and being surrounded by regular troops are completely different things.

The former only needs to break out and pay a small price to rush out, without worrying about pursuit.

The latter. After paying a price and then paying a higher price, it is possible to escape.

With such a pirate group on the sea, it is really difficult for the new pirate alliance to oppose him.

The Red Earl once again met Bucky, the King of the Cross Guild.

Bucky's aura in the base was different from before.

Although the aura of strength has not changed at all and is still well hidden, the whole person is inexplicably hardened.

As if he had a backer, his expression was no longer unpredictable, but relaxed and cheerful, a bit like a fool.

Baloric then threw this ridiculous idea aside. How could a master of this level have such an idea?

You must know that the title Bucky the Great Conspirator was still very popular in the past few years.

It is said that the depth of the city is terrifying, and he also showed his superb skills during the first meeting.

Therefore, my sensing error should be the sequelae of my previous failure to read my mind.

After entering the conference hall, apart from Bucky who asked him to pay attention, the existence of another person could not be ignored at all.

The extreme sense of danger almost hit his own neck.

He was talking about the man wearing a classic trench coat and carrying a big sword on his back. The eyes in his eagle eyes had already locked onto the target.

What a strong sword spirit! What a domineering person!

It seems that there is no wave in Gujing. In fact, it seems that a black sword reaching all over the world will cut down at any time.

And there is a resonance flowing in my heart, that is, the same aloofness.

The momentum of Gugao Zhihong also increased,

The greatest swordsman in the world, one of the strongest men who has never fought against him.

It's like experiencing the kind of swordsmanship that has been deified in legends.

As for the sand crocodile on the other side, he just ignored it and was not qualified to get into his eyes.

That gesture made Lao Sha feel bitter. This was not the first time he had been treated like this.

He is also a great pirate who has practiced for many years, and now he is a powerful master who has fought bloody battles on the front line.

Forget about mentioning the name in the new world.

It's just because you haven't broken through to a new level that you feel humiliated and your skills are inferior to others.

If ordinary top players such as red-haired or white-bearded people would praise each other and go through the moral process of the world.

It's really hard to deal with someone who is domineering and aloof.

Now I can only watch these people compete with each other with a sullen face, and just be a spectator.

The confrontation between Red Earl and Hawkeye has become increasingly fierce.

Darkness and sword energy equally divided the conference hall, and Bucky was in the middle feeling everything with a calm expression, as if he had everything under control.

Neither the seat that was occasionally eroded by darkness nor the sword energy flying past his ears were enough to move him.

As long as there is no fight, he is the strongest emperor.

This kind of scene has become very common in Bucky's second half of life, and it is not even ranked in the top few.

Have you ever seen the Seven Overlords killing each other indiscriminately at the most dangerous time? Have you ever felt the aura of the Five Old Stars? Have you even endured the oppression of that Yimu?

This is called the journey of a strong man, and it is also Bucky’s most valuable asset.

A strong mind is not developed overnight, but is tempered after experiencing the most difficult and dangerous life.

The Clown Emperor does his part in this regard and has experienced many famous death scenes early on.

His courage is second to none, and the fraud plan of the Revolutionary Army General Staff is simply perfect.

Every step in arranging the Red Earl has deep meaning.

In order to prevent Gu Gao Hong from discovering his true self, Hawkeye was called into this conversation.

What would two aloof and powerful men do when they meet?

You don't have to think about it, it's just a rivalry, just looking at each other can make a family.

When Whitebeard met Roger when he was young, he did it without even meeting his eyes.

This is the world of the top strong men, they have no scruples.

This powerful duel came to an end after neither side could do anything about the other.

But what was revealed in his eyes was an agreement to find a chance to have a good fight.

When Hawkeye sees a strong person, he wants to chop him with a knife. This is his instinct.

The Red Earl was stimulated by Bucky's previous comments about the world's masters.

No matter how they fight, they won't affect the great Captain Bucky.

It would be nice to have someone to check and balance within the Cross Guilds.

Back to business, the Red Earl said concisely and concisely that he could join.

You can even fight the Pirate Alliance first to show your sincerity, and then hope that Bucky can fulfill his promise after everyone is killed.

Let him see the most real, powerful and mysterious side of Luffy.

Then the two sides stood up for a pure dream.

Baloric really wanted to know how heart-warming it was to see two sides' beliefs collide in such an evenly matched situation.

It is rare for masters to agree in person and regret later. This is the dignity of the strong.

Bucky also seriously promised that there would be no problem.

It is said that this is an inevitable choice of history, and all powerful people will even be invited to witness it.

The conversation between the two made Mihawk also very interested. Could this Luffy be a guy worth killing?

This sea is becoming more and more interesting, and the masters who are obviously famous are falling one after another.

However, there are still endless surprises and new strong men appearing in the world.

I hope Zoro can keep up with these people and stand in front of him sooner.

Black Knife was already hungry and thirsty.

He has been sharpening his sword since he felt the breath of transcending limits on the red clay continent 7 years ago.

Now we need constant experts to help Kai Feng.

After the simple discussion, the Red Earl officially joined the Cross Guild.

The largest pirate force in the sea has become more powerful and terrifying, almost to the edge of losing control.

Every strong pirate here has his own demands and checks and balances.

The new world plan formulated by Noah during his lifetime ran too perfectly, and Bucky also executed it thoroughly, resulting in an unexpectedly huge scale.

Bucky's ability is something that the Revolutionary Army Headquarters cannot understand at all. The General Staff can only make adjustments based on the information that is constantly coming from them.

But it is not possible to continue like this. There must be a goal in the general direction.

It is really unimaginable how Bucky's plan to unify the new world will end and how the pirates' stronghold will be ended.

It really takes someone like Noah to perfectly control these problems, but

Now if we don't consider foreign aid, the Cross Guild itself is not even as powerful as an imperial group.

Together with all the foreign aid, the Cross Guild is the third largest force on the sea after the Revolutionary Army.

Using his own body weight to leverage strength several times his own, Bucky was dancing between the blades again.

Keep messing around as always, keep going as always.

This is also talent.

After the show, Hawkeye and Baloric walked out one after the other, and the two of them came to the beach and boarded the boat in tacit understanding.

Bucky had prepared the place for the battle, and it was absolutely private.

He was happy to help as long as it wasn't a life-and-death effort.

Bucky wouldn't even go to watch a battle at this level. Sometimes he would lose control after the battle reached its climax.

I really don't want to take any risks.

Ten days later, the two came back again, their bodies in tatters and with horrific injuries on their bodies.

The tragic atmosphere made it difficult for medical staff to approach.

After this stop, a hidden danger within the Cross Guild was cleared, allowing Baloric to truly realize the power of this pirate group.

And the Red Earl completely agreed with Hawkeye's opinion that he was the best in swordsmanship.

He is also a great swordsman and has a natural sense of knowledge, but in the second half of the battle, he was completely at a disadvantage in swordsmanship.

Hawkeye suffered a bit of a loss in the early stages, but after adapting to the top level of swordsmanship, he began to make a comeback.

In the end, Baloric could only rely on the power of the fruit and physical domineering to achieve a tie.

It's not a life and death battle that I hold back. But why not the other side?

Baloric, who was a little convinced after being chopped down, should now listen to Bucky's advice a little bit.

Hawkeye is just pure fun.

It's very comfortable to work with these guys from the Revolutionary Army.

There are some masters who can cut them, and they are constantly training new swordsmen to cut them.

As for the future of being a pirate, that is not in Mihawk's eyes. His name of being a pirate was imposed on him by others.

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