Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 821 Bucky is in action

Compared to sticking to the Whitebeard fleet that was almost falling apart, being able to have a pirate alliance in name can be regarded as comforting Whitebeard's spirit in heaven.

It must be very useful for those pirates who don't even look like pirates.

I have to say that Silver Ax has been able to survive in the sea for so many years because he has a few tricks up his sleeve.

After thinking hard, he found out a few ways. There are strong and powerful people who can also let the people of the White Group die. This is simply killing several birds with one stone.

He began to admire his own IQ. This is why Shiwu heroes made Zhuzi famous. Otherwise, how could I live under the light of revolution?

The already floating Silver Ax ordered the alliance to take action immediately. Now is the time of life and death and there is no delay.

What if that psychotic clown king gets impatient and takes action himself?

This group of people must not be cleaned up by him.

Until now, the other party has not been very powerful in annihilating them. Everyone agrees that the other party is playing a cat-and-mouse game.

And he didn't want to lose too much of his men's strength, so he fought this kind of war of attrition to slowly destroy them.

After all, now that there are two emperors alive instead of one emperor, he still has to save some strength to guard against the red-haired Shanks.

It doesn’t matter whether they are childhood friends or friends in the same boat, but who can bear it in the face of such huge interests?

When everyone put themselves into Bucky's perspective, they felt their ambitions expand infinitely.

As long as he kills the Pirate Alliance first and then finds a way to sneak attack and kill the red-haired man, wouldn't he be the standard King of the New World, the Pirate King?

So in everyone's eyes, Bucky and Shanks actually broke up secretly.

And a conspiracy theory proposed by Silver Ax is also very popular.

Before, they wanted to find Shanks as a middleman to make peace with the Cross Guild, but Shanks refused.

And the entire red-haired pirate group began to disappear, appearing anywhere at any time.

This is not the so-called friendship but Shanks is also a big ambition.

He just wants to wait for the Cross Guild to cripple the New Pirate Alliance, then come out to clean up the mess and gather everyone's remaining strength.

That's why he pretends to be unwilling to care about worldly affairs. He is really a hypocritical man.

This argument is very popular and is not just spread among the Pirates League.

Now such rumors are spreading throughout the new world, and the story of the ambitious red-haired man has changed several versions in just a few months.

He conspired to plot the position of the Four Emperors, planned a deadly battle between Whitebeard and Big Mom, broke with Bucky, and started a pirate alliance.

It's well said, and even the details are very expressive. Bucky's reputation as a great conspirator back then was also attached to Shanks.

Now everyone says that Roger is wearing a monster, not only in terms of strength, but also...

After the revolutionary army enriched Dahai's entertainment life, everyone had a broad mind, so making up stories has become a fun thing to hear.

Of course, the underground newspapers and periodicals from the South China Sea gave a boost, and various professional analyzes and short stories took off.

When it comes to the popularity of pursuit, the Voice of the South China Sea takes the cake.

Anyway, the red hair will not invade the territory of the Revolutionary Army. This kind of thing is just traffic.

The red-haired man who was watching Jesus preach to his son was stunned.

Why did I get such a reputation after doing nothing for so many years?

Beckman and others were very happy. The captain finally had a reputation as a pirate. It was not easy.

Shanks saw that the happy crew members were also happy together, and even decided to have a party.

The sniper king is a little confused about the tactics of this royal group.

Jesus hugged this silly son.

Remember, kid.

Pirates are the freest people on the sea, so why bother with those hanging hair.

As long as you find it interesting and happy, that's it.

Usopp was about to nod when he realized that his persona was about to fall off.

He quickly pushed away Jesus Bu's arm, showing that he was a cold sniper king.


The red-haired group became even more happy when they saw the astonished expression on Jesus Bu's face.

No matter what Shanks thinks, there has always been a lot of movement on the Pirate Alliance side.

The pair of pirates who went to find the Red Earl completed their mission.

They found it, and then they died.

Even this information was sent back at the request of Gugao Hong.

The news he conveyed before his death was that the Red Earl was waiting for a guy wearing a straw hat to reappear on the sea, and then verify the other person's ridiculous ideas.

The words were conveyed unclearly, and no one knew what the mentally ill strong man was thinking.

I was unwilling to form a pirate group back then, but now I am still so independent from the world.

Anyway, this hand was useless, which gave all the pirates an ominous premonition.

Then another team of people sent back information, and they found the so-called Whitebeard II.

A guy who looks like a dementia should be easy to fool.

Then the pair also died.

The message conveyed before hanging up was that Weibull had gone completely crazy and would kill them whenever he saw them.

A group of people ran to death within a few rounds.

The remaining few ran out, only to encounter the moles, ghost spiders and others who came to pursue them, and they were all wiped out.

This move failed again.

The New Pirate Alliance feels that this world is too strange, and it seems that everything is targeting them.

Immediately afterwards, the people sent to find Marco also came back. This group of people came back completely alive, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

There are still a minority of lunatics and lunatics.

Marco refused? Why?

Doesn't he know that this is the only way to inspire the Whitebeard Pirates?

It’s not like he’s here to be a thug, but he’s here to be the boss! ! !

Is it possible that he still clings to his identity as the emperor of the Whitebeard Pirates and can't let go? Wouldn't that be so short-sighted?

Everyone talked a lot, and generally felt that the other party couldn't let go of his figure.

In the past, when Whitebeard was here, he didn't look down on us at all, and he still doesn't.

Silver Ax really wanted to rush to the Moby Dick, grab the brat Marco by the collar and yell: These times have changed, young man!

The detailed reasons later are even more nonsense.

Marco said he was waiting for the Pirate King to show up.

Are you all crazy? There is no One Piece in this era. This is impossible.

Silver Ax felt like laughing. The reason why Roger became the Pirate King was because he died.

When he was alive, the title of Pirate King was not recognized by many people. After arriving at Rafdrulu and achieving great fame, everyone was just amazed.

The title given by the World Government and Roger's great achievements only make people want to kill him, and then they can get everything.

Only after Roger started the era of great pirates with his own life in Rogge Town was he truly put on the altar.

Can there still be a living god now? it's out of the question.

Silver Ax thought it was impossible, but Marco thought it was possible.

Whitebeard had discussed this matter with Marco before quietly leaving the Moby-Dick.

The retelling comes from Roger's will.

It is said that a Pirate King will definitely appear in the future era and bring freedom and hope back to the world.

He also went through a difficult psychological process after his father died.

The large fleet has fallen apart, and the captains of many teams no longer listen to orders and act on their own.

It's just that everyone still hangs the banner of dad, some are remembering him, and some are using a little bit of residual power to fulfill their own selfish interests. Everything is in a mess.

Only the Moby Dick remained so peaceful. They had gone through the grief after their father's death and did not make any more movements.

Just keep practicing in the corner of the world.

Brother Ma understands the role of strength very well, and they are still far from the realm of their father.

If you have the strength, it will be very simple to restore the unity of the large fleet to the past, but you will not do it by then.

This is Marco, not Edward Newgate.

After several internal strife, I realized that I don’t need too much family, just having friends around me is enough.

And the New Pirates Alliance, a collection of trash from nowhere, was not qualified to find him to form an alliance.

Because Marco decided to quietly watch the birth of the new Pirate King in this world here.

If it's an interesting person, I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand.

Well, now, none of the three clever ideas Silver Ax came up with worked.

After struggling for a long time and standing still, it fully shows that his leadership is really poor. Fortunately, his previous words about being on par with the revolutionary lights did not spread, otherwise he would have been embarrassed.

Even the Revolutionary Army thought it was an insult and broke through here before the Cross Guild.

The New Pirates Alliance is at their wits' end here and Bucky's side is also in a dilemma.

The current high-level combat power is only one Sand Crocodile. The empress only comes occasionally and is completely out of control.

Rayleigh was in the Windless Zone and said he was training the new generation of pirates. He was totally focused on it and ignored him.

As for Hawkeye. Although Hawkeye heard that he had accepted a disciple, he was not that busy, but after Bucky contacted him, Mihawk couldn't satisfy Mihawk's request.


When Noah was alive, he invited me to the Red Earth Continent in exchange for being able to duel with him at will and with a secret message. Now that he is dead, you will take his place.

Come to me on the island, Captain Bucky.

There is no need to win, as long as you survive I will complete your mission.

Bucky hesitated and finally plucked up the courage to hang up the phone.

It was impossible for him to fight with that sword idiot. That guy really didn't attack lightly or harshly.

I still have a great career unfinished, so I can't die at this time.

Hawkeye looked a little surprised when he hung up the phone, and then smiled with interest.

The red-nosed man was a very interesting person when he came to the island to ask him to come out.

There are not many people on the sea who can catch his own sword with such scattered domineering energy. According to his experience, it was also Bucky's first time to release domineering power.

I don’t know how much it has grown over the years, and I really want to chop it off.

Last time I used a cross knife, this time I used a black knife to show respect for the emperor, perfect.

Bucky didn't know how deep an impression he had left on Hawkeye.

In Mihawk's opinion, this red-nosed man has higher potential than the stupid green-haired apprentice who is still hunting orangutans on the island.

It is also better than the Blood Moon Sword Hero who challenged him 79 times.

It was an unexpected power, which could also be called a miracle.

Tickets for tomorrow, go home.

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