Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 820 The pirate world is afraid of each other

The beginning of the year 1523 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The new pirate alliance in the new world is gradually becoming stable.

Almost all the pirate groups except the two emperors gathered here. Even if the core didn't come, a few cadres were sent to build up the momentum.

They are all brothers who are loyal and uphold justice for heaven, and a huge alliance was soon formed.

This newly emerged alliance also had internal infighting for a long time before it gradually stabilized.

Of course, the crazy offensive of the Cross Guild also played a big role here.

A very powerful external enemy can quickly unite the people inside, and many quarrels can be solved in a very pirate way.

After all, if the quarrel continues, the alliance may be destroyed.

Who wouldn’t be afraid of Bucky being a super psycho who would start shooting just because he looked at you one more time in a crowd?

But although the alliance is stable, the position of this leader has never been chosen or has simply not been set.

Which pirate doesn't have ambitions to sit on such a throne?

In fact, being able to command such a huge force can challenge the emperor.

Basically, there is no need to achieve the goals that were fought for life and death in the past. As long as you sit in this position, the life of a pirate is considered complete.

The interests and fame here are very amazing. It can be said that this is a rare opportunity for pirates like them to influence the situation.

With many parties trying to contain them and no one willing to give in, naturally they couldn't choose a leader.

There are several big pirates who are equally matched in terms of territory and strength, and they have no less subordinates than any of them.

And the most reliable thing to take on the position of boss is to have emperor-level strength.

But if there really is an alliance that has been incorporated long ago, who will continue to maintain a loose structure? This is a deadlock.

In the end, with the support of various alliances and force, Silver Ax won and it came to an end.

He temporarily acts as the leader of the new pirate alliance to conduct a limited confrontation with Bucky's Cross Guild, seeking an opportunity for peace in the battle.

After all, in addition to being older, Silver Ax is also relatively strong.

What's more important is that he has a high-sounding reason to avenge his good brother Wang Zhi.

Although he had coveted Wang Zhi's Beehive Island in the past few years and beat him to death several times, it did not stop him from shouting a loud slogan.

Since my brother Wang Zhiren is gone, he won’t object to borrowing the name. Let’s go back to the closeness we had during the Rocks period.

At this time, whoever dares to say that they are not good brothers, Silver Ax will fight against anyone.

They were brothers who had worshiped each other on Rocks' ship, and Wang Zhi was his most loyal brother at that time.

Isn’t this story about people dying just made up casually?

Don't always think that pirates are all crude and brainless fools. If they really plot and make up stories, they will just do it one after another.

After taking over the identity of the acting alliance leader, the responsibilities that must be shouldered remain the same.

So Silver Ax racked his brains to think about how to use this opportunity to expand his power.

I don't dare to think about swallowing it. I don't have the hard power.

And he also understands that at this age, he has lost the opportunity to break through.

There is no such thing as a late bloomer in the sea. They are all called monsters when they are young.

Some are truly monsters, while others are just poorly understood.

For example, Doflamingo is also a monster and Whitebeard is also a monster. How can they be compared together?

Silver Ax failed to kill during the Rocks era, and later failed to break through during the Roger era.

When the Four Emperors took their seats, they basically said goodbye to the top line, and their spirits were suppressed.

So he is very pragmatic now. This alliance is neither long-term nor safe, so it is better to give himself more benefits.

Of course, I also took people out to fight a few times in a decent manner.

Unfortunately, it was the first time we encountered a sand crocodile that had just arrived.

After a stop in the desert, Crocodile felt deeply that he was still not strong enough and fell into deep thought. Barrett was on par with him back then.

The results have skyrocketed. Although he died, the impact it brought to him was really big.

Could it be that my practice is too stable and lacks stimulation? At this time, he even wanted to contact Noah to communicate.

Then I thought that this revolutionary light was also private, so I fell into confusion.

Afterwards, he received a call from Bucky of the nominal Cross Guild, inviting him to come to the new world to show off his talents.

I don’t know how Bucky deceived him, or maybe Sand Crocodile himself had such thoughts.

The two hit it off immediately.

In the battle, Lao Sha showed his strength as the strongest among the top players. He carried the entire team with great success.

Silver Ax did not have the upper hand during the fight, but was always suppressed.

This is above the sea without the aid of terrain. This kind of environment that obviously restrains the Shasha Fruit can still achieve results. It can be seen that Laosha's strength has gradually transcended this level.

Moreover, he is getting stronger and stronger in terms of domineering and physical strength, and he never confronts others head-on.

He is different from the newcomer who was knocked out of the new world by Whitebeard. No wonder he can sit in the top position in the Cross Guild.

Later, more and more people were drawn into mummies, and the outcome of the battle became clear, and Silver Ax led the people to shift strategies.

It’s not that I can’t bear it, it’s that I can’t fight a meaningless battle.

Silver Ax ran back like this, looking like he was thinking about everyone.

Of course, his pirate team suffered no losses, which also caused dissatisfaction among other alliance members.

Isn't it too rude to elect you as the acting boss to go out and kill other people's subordinates?

Silver Ax also knew that he was in the wrong, so he decided to bring more of his younger brothers with him the second time.

And I think that a master like Sand Crocodile can't take action every time, so let him take the spotlight this time.

After trying to steal a house, he met the Nine Snakes Empress who came to practice with her apprentice.

This time it was even worse. He lost a lot of his own men, which made him furious.

But he wouldn't dare to continue competing with the empress. It wasn't that he was afraid of him in terms of combat power. It was mainly because the woman was mad and unreasonable.

And that fruit's ability is really too much.

There are many domineering masters who only delay the spread of their abilities without eliminating them. This is not a pirate at all.

Isn't it said that Haki can suppress the fruit's ability? This kind of thing that is agreed upon among masters does not work.

There is something about this Shichibukai.

When the World Government first eliminated the Shichibukai, the pirates in the new world were very happy.

Those so-called big pirates are all marginalized people in the pirate world, and there are even newcomers who have been eliminated by the new world.

Except for Hawkeye, they refused to accept it, and as a result, they were beaten into disgrace by these guys who were laughed at.

You can only praise your opponent desperately to make yourself look less useless.

After coming back, this Cross Guild, who was always cursing and bullying, went too far. If you have the ability, just swarm them.

Why does a different person come here every time?

Will it be Hawkeye or Rayleigh who comes back next? They are a bunch of hateful guys.

Jealousy, crazy jealousy is followed by impotent rage.

After several consecutive defeats, the New Pirate Alliance lost its troops and generals.

If you press hard, you won't be afraid of one or two Shichibukai, but you just can't do it, which is why the fight is like this.

Only then did they realize that it was impossible without a top strong person. At least most of the pressure and battles could be handed over to such a strong person.

Ordinary big pirates would be confident enough to catch and kill everyone.

In the current battle with the Cross Guild, they are really afraid that Captain Baki or Himura Kenshin will suddenly come out to harvest people's heads, so naturally they will not attack with all their strength.

And the pirate group needs new blood.

If you don't supplement it, you will risk your own life with others, which is unacceptable to any pirate group.

What's even more terrible is that the World Government's raids in the paradise stage have a very significant impact on the power of this group of pirates in the new world.

They are already stretched thin, and now that the bloodline of their root system has been cut off, they are facing a crisis in terms of supplies and personnel.

Coupled with the fact that the revolutionary army has been suppressing pirates from all over the world, the world is now too unfriendly to pirates.

Silver Ax also understands that if this continues, this group of people will fall apart.

Pirates, it's unrealistic to expect them to be determined.

So he came up with two ideas.

First of all, for the leader position, they need a true strong general, but he cannot be the master of a big force.

He gave two names that everyone thought were acceptable.

Baloric Redfield, the aloof red, and Edward Weeble, the second whitebeard.

Everyone knows about the Red Earl.

According to Paradise’s information, the opponent appeared in the first half of the Grand Route.

After the Battle of Judiciary Island was completely spread, it became known that this old monster from the same period was still alive.

This is a lone wolf, absolutely strong.

Being able to escape unscathed on Judiciary Island is proof that the sword is still young.

And some people have witnessed his current appearance when he was young, and maybe he has regained his peak combat power.

Of course, the Red Earl has not joined any force for so many years, so everyone feels more comfortable letting such people come.

The certainty of resisting the Cross Guild will be much greater, and you can also avoid your own risks.

As for how to get the other party to agree, it depends on whether the benefits and some material things they can offer can impress the other party.

If not, there are alternatives.

The silly-looking Whitebeard II is a good candidate for a big wrongdoer.

The opponent's ability to escape from two complete vice-admiral-level battleship groups should not be underestimated.

Anyone who has actually fought with the navy knows that the power of artillery below the general level cannot be ignored.

The firepower of the two fleet groups is already very terrifying. Basically, if Silver Ax feels that he is surrounded, it will be very difficult to escape.

Moreover, Weibull's appearance can also be used to boost morale, and maybe even attract a few people from the big white group to join him.

The second was to replenish combat power, and there was also an even more brilliant idea that impressed all the pirates.

Yes, let's go find the Whitebeard Pirates and persuade Marco to join. We can even let him be the nominal leader.

The temptation to revive the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates was definitely something that young boy couldn't resist.

Everyone thinks so too.

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