Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 822 Bucky proves that he is Bucky

Unable to attract foreign aid, Bucky could only ask for help from the Revolutionary Army headquarters.

Long was unambiguous and directly sent the confidential information given by Noah to Wano.

The revolutionary army has always been in the lead at the intelligence station.

Accurate intelligence can influence a war if used properly. Noah relied on all kinds of advanced information to lay out today's overall situation in just a dozen years.

Bucky saw that his hand was broken.

The combat department of the headquarters also sent out its backbone force to support, and there was nothing the dragons could do further up.

There are many top players on the sea, and it is really difficult to keep everyone's whereabouts secret.

Why is Noah so prosperous? It's because this bastard's vests are all decades old.

The vests of the Revolutionary Army were all created in recent years, and they still cannot withstand careful scrutiny.

It is possible to select some ordinary cadres to train here if the headquarters really cannot spare people, but no progress has been made in specific battles yet.

There are quite a few pirates in the New Pirates Alliance with bounties exceeding one billion, and there are also many pirates under their command.

It is difficult to fight a battle without overwhelming the troops.

Because the Cross Guild is a pirate and cannot use the South China Sea Fleet as the producer.

The lack of top-level combat power deprived them of a decisive role.

It is not acceptable for things to remain at a stalemate here.

The New Pirates Alliance must be won this year. This is the time constraint Bucky has set for himself.

He also knows the date of the final battle estimated by Teacher Noah in 1524, so if he wants to help, he must not be lenient this year.

Master. Where can masters find wild masters?

Damn it, Teacher Noah has basically wiped out all these masters, so there is no room for me to show off.

Bucky was thinking a lot. If he had really reached the imperial level, he would have gone out and opened Wushuang. How could he sit in Sleepy City.

Bucky, information sent from headquarters.


Looking at the information handed over by Yamato, he tried to find some solutions.

The materials of the Revolutionary Army are completely different from those of the Silver Axe, they are very detailed.

The strength, fruitful abilities and achievements of each key personnel, as well as every detail after going overseas, are all recorded.

All the information in this archive reflects the foundation of a large force.

Marco? No. This guy has no mood swings anymore.

Poison Q? What kind of garbage is this? Throw it away.

As he looked, he found a name appearing in his eyes.

The Alone Red - Baloric Redfield.

The senior pirate who had just been released from prison had a pretty good impression of Bucky.

There are many people who wear formal clothes in the pirate circle, but the most elegant one is like this one.

I'll never forget that first glimpse on the Oro Jackson. It was so cool.

He almost threw a knife to show off the opponent. If Shanks hadn't stopped him, there might not be Captain Bucky now.

This lone wolf takes action without any scruples.

But now, Bucky is still eyeing the Red Earl. Who knows that this is the only emperor-level powerhouse without power now.

Moreover, he is also a mentally flawed pirate. According to the data, he is another non-mainstream pirate. This kind of person is actually the best and most difficult to deal with.

As long as you know the opponent's weakness, hehehehehehehe~~~~

As for how to strike up a conversation with the other party, Bucky would have to think about it again.

It doesn't matter if you want to be direct or tactful.

He had been studying in the Revolutionary Army for several years, especially with Teacher Noah.

He doesn't know how to do kendo and doesn't like it. It's a toy for redheads to play with.

Bucky prides himself on being an expert at playing with daggers and will not kill unknown people with his daggers.

In the physical arts, he was the king of fighting ability in the graduating class.

His attack ability is extremely weak and his moves are messy.

He was so domineering that he was lucky enough to awaken his domineering color and shocked everyone. Unfortunately, it is still not enough to see in the new world.

Finally, I want to ask him what he learned in the revolutionary army, and what was the best thing he learned?

Must have learned some tricks and acting skills.

Until now, Bucky believed that his ability to fool people was inherited from Noah.

Thinking about the things I did in 1516, it’s incredible to think about it now.

At that time, he single-handedly tricked Sand Crocodile, Empress and Hawkeye into boarding the ship. This was his great skill.

The one-day trip to the Red Earth Continent later was the highlight of my life.

Now there is only the Red Earl, let’s see Uncle Bucky cast his spell.

Moreover, the writing style of this information is different from others.

A lot of the analysis in it is written like a novel, with all kinds of emotional changes.

The feud between the Red Earl and the Straw Hat is interesting.

The source of this information is the special version of the Chief of Staff of the Navy Marshal. Even the Navy's internal version will not have so many plots.

After all, Noah was at the scene at the time, and the information he wrote with his vision and understanding of the characters was extremely valuable.

This is also the biggest help to Bucky.

The aura of the protagonist of Straw Hat, the will of the Pirate King and the persistence of the Red Earl.

The complex relationships and emotional compensation here are really amazing, almost making the weaknesses obvious.

Bucky's eyes lit up when he saw this guess and suggestion.

Opportunity, opportunity.

If this point can be grasped, there will be no problem in accommodating another Red Earl with the size of the Cross Guild.

As for the danger.

First of all, Bucky, as a half-pirate and half-revolutionary soldier, has a strong element of adventure in his heart.

Moreover, the revolutionary army gave him strong confidence and courage.

The situation now is not as dangerous as before. You can contact Long at any time to get support from the headquarters.

If the Red Earl insists on killing Bucky, he can help him.

It's nothing more than taking another risk.

I even caught Hawkeye's sword. Am I still unable to stop you, Red Earl?

After cheering himself up for a long time, Bucky finally restrained his fear and prepared to go out.

Yes, what I analyzed and compared before was to embolden myself.

Bucky is still the same Bucky, timid and crazy.

Without anyone knowing, he took Yamato on the small submarine and set off.

Don't underestimate this car, there are immortals and spirits wherever the mountain is high.

Back then, a small submarine came to save the Revolutionary Army. Moreover, there were many big bosses like Hawkeye, Rayleigh, Empress, and Sand Crocodile in this place.

This time, let this legendary little submarine once again help him embark on the road to victory.

Eugenes Islands.

Baloric casually hacked to death another World Government spy, frowning and feeling extremely annoyed.

Why did the sea become like this? He could feel that the world was built on the sea by various invisible nets?

Compared to his time, were there too many spies and intelligence agents in this era?

There seems to be a mysterious force paying attention to him on almost every island.

And the bugs of the World Government are also chasing closely, and they are always around.

The point is that there is no mysterious force that knows what is interesting.

The little jumper jumping around was really annoying, so I decisively killed some people who said they didn't want to mess with me.

In fact, Noah definitely contributed a lot to the fact that the sea became like this.

Several times, Sanban has gained huge advantages in intelligence warfare and turned it into battle results. It has killed countless strong men and accomplished countless great things.

Even if this is the case, it would be foolish for the World Government not to increase its investigation efforts, so the CP Department has also increased its efforts to obtain intelligence.

And what the Red Earl feels is this kind of sea.

I want to see that straw hat appear on the sea again, leading a new trend in the world.

The current sea is so smoky that no king as courageous as Roger has appeared.

Recently, the new pirate alliance even tried to trick him into becoming its puppet leader.

In his decades of traveling across the sea, he has seen no less things than Silver Ax. How could he not know where a big force would be looking for a leader outside?

I think I agreed because I was stupid because I was pushing the city gate.

It's just that the pressure from the Cross Guild was too great and they couldn't bear it.

That's understandable.

The clown of the Yonko who can annihilate Charlotte Lingling in the Sea of ​​All Nations must be a terrifying opponent.

But he, the Red Earl, is not a mindless thug who will fight to the death after being recruited and tricked with some sweet talk.

This kind of thing will not happen to the aloof and lonely Hong.

No one can lie in front of his knowledge, his talent is so arrogant.

The more you know, the more complicated and aloof the memories you have seen.

That's why he was very interested in Roger, because he couldn't see through it, or he was too see-through.

Until this day he seemed to meet an incredible guy.

Emperor Bucky?

Yes, it's me.

Baloric instinctively didn't believe it.

This guy's appearance and makeup are indeed similar to those on the wanted poster, but how could this frivolous temperament and funny actions be the emperor of the new world?

And in his perception, the opponent's strength is really not strong.

Of course, it's just that he's not strong, not weak. Being recognized by the Red Earl shows that Bucky's hidden strength is also extraordinary.

What would such a person do by pretending to be an emperor?

Bucky didn't expect that he would get off to a bad start, and the other party wouldn't believe that he was the emperor of the new world.

This is very embarrassing. Now he has to use some methods to prove that I am who I am.

After much deliberation, he decided to perform a flying head trick on Baloric. He should be able to recognize the torn fruit.

Unless Bucky is dead, there is no other person in the whole sea who can have such an ability.

If it still doesn't work, I can only show off the flying knife skills that I used to intimidate Whitebeard.

Even Roger's straw hat can be shot through with one strike. This is the confidence that comes from the emperor.

This is true

The Red Earl fell into deep thought, and for the first time in his life, he felt that what he had seen and heard might be wrong.

The other party's language and the other party's ability prove that everything said is true, and the other party's emotions can be sensed.

You can't lie in front of the lonely red.

Then the opponent is really King Bucky.

But just such a person can conquer the Red Continent, eradicate the Sea of ​​All Nations, and suppress top masters like Rayleigh and Hawkeye.

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