Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 819 Kizaru is a good marshal

Rosinandi posted on the bulletin board what these arrested people had done in the past few decades, that is, formula crimes.

Needless to say where this method comes from, the things people in the navy do are leftover from the South China Sea.

Now, after every trial of a person, Counselor He will publish what he has done and the evidence.

Now Yaofeng is completely dead, and his various criminal methods are amazing.

After reading it, the entire navy was filled with indignation. They didn't expect that while they were fighting to death at the front, there would be such a worm inside.

He did so many disgusting things just to get promoted and get rich.

How is that possible! It turns out that this beast was responsible for the mission on Ori Island!!!

Just to please a noble, this is where my captain died! Damn it!

“Oh my god, my brother died because of something like this.

He is the hero of our village!

These people deserve to be killed!

Some navy saw the crimes and compared them to their own mission back then, which was a mission in which countless comrades were sacrificed.

It's chilling. Who said that the new marshal of the Navy would attack the heroes? He was clearly trying to get rid of the moths!

Marshal Kizaru also promptly stated that future missions would be reviewed more strictly, and he did not want naval soldiers to be deceived like this again.

The support rate has risen a lot again. This is fate.

In fact, previous missions were also reviewed by intelligence officers, but the trend was different that year.

The navy is the sharpest knife in the hands of the world government. This sentence is not a joke.

He will take on some shady tasks, but his purpose will not be told to the ordinary navy.

There are also many sudden tasks issued by some high-ranking people. This is the positioning of the navy.

Which of the lieutenant generals with real power has never been executed before when they were still at the bottom?

It wasn't until the Revolutionary Army came out that there were a lot less of them.

When these accustomed stench things were exposed to the sun, all those people panicked.

Losing hope, they resisted more and more fiercely.

Even the Warring States Period and the others did not expect that the internal obstacles were so deep.

Some real old friends are involved, which is heartbreaking.

How is this possible! Isn't this destroying the foundation of the navy?

Some people who claim to be the foundation immediately shouted this slogan, thinking that this rectification operation was an act of Kizaru to consolidate power.

But his behavior also destroyed the foundation of the Navy and hurt the hearts of these veterans.

The emotion card and conspiracy theories are at it again.

As for what is the foundation, those with vested interests are the foundation.

Without them, how would we have the current navy, so this kind of forgetful behavior makes this group very angry.

There are some people with powerful eyes and hands who have already contacted the Wulaoxing side.

Wulaoxing also attaches great importance to changes in the navy, and having some moths is not a bad thing.

What's more, these people are of the same mind as the World Government.

What is Kizaru trying to do, and where does he want to take the navy.

So they became vigilant and immediately summoned the new marshal, hoping to give an explanation.

The well-prepared Kizaru's acting skills are superb.

When he was questioned by the Five Old Stars, the aggrieved feeling of being suspected and disbelieved, as well as his stubborn persistence, were clearly reflected in his expression.

I don't know why the world government would doubt the Navy's position, but the people here doing the censorship have a reason.

When I was preparing to take action against the revolutionary army, I was discovered in advance by Nanhai several times.

It was only recently that we found some loopholes and followed the clues to find these collaborators within the navy.

It doesn't matter if they do these things in the past, they have been doing this for decades.

The old marshal of the Warring States Period didn't care about it, and I didn't want to care about it, but the problem is that they dared to accept any money.

Oh, you mean

Wulaoxing sensed something was wrong. Could it be that there was something hidden in this?

Kizaru took out a large pile of evidence provided to him by Ackerman.

Everyone here is correct, and everything is evidence that they accepted property from the revolutionary army.

These evidences are really not fake, but genuine.

The revolutionary army personally bribed these people, which is solid evidence.

It's just that they were not asked to do things, or they only did some trivial things.

These people naturally understand that colluding with the revolutionary army is definitely not good, but greed confuses people's hearts.

The other party gave me so much money just to do something very trivial or even without any impact.

Some people even took the money and did nothing, thinking that they were complacent and the revolutionary soldiers had too much money.

But in fact, these are deadly traps, life-locking nooses.

The problem became completely serious when it was taken out by the Navy.

You said you had nothing to do, so why did the Revolutionary Army give you so much money?

You said you provided them with information that sounded ridiculous at first glance. Why did the other party continue to send you money?

Are the revolutionary troops stupid?

Or do you think we are all fools?

This kind of perfect evidence produced by combining internal and external factors left these people unable to argue. Even Wulaoxing and the others completely believed it after seeing the evidence.

If you pick out a few copies at random and give them to the CP department for inspection, you will be able to find out that there are indeed some exchanges of interest.

Then Kizaru's behavior is not excessive.

It could even be said that he was kind and did not use more cruel methods.

This is the enemy that the World Government has repeatedly emphasized several times. Why is it so bold?

As for framing, it is impossible.

First of all, this is a large amount of money, and I would definitely not be willing to part with it if I ask others to go to Nanhai.

Secondly, they still know the virtues of this group of people. If they were not greedy, they would not be so close to the World Government.

Finally, the World Government finally found a reason for its continued failure, because there are traitors within. The pot was thrown out steadily.

Wulaoxing, who had a deep hatred against the revolutionary army, thought about it and found that the CP department and spy arrangements remaining within the navy had not been touched.

It shows that Kizaru had no second thoughts and only touched these navy people who had colluded with the revolutionary army. This is a good marshal.

The tone of the previous questioning was not very good, and there was some unfairness.

The strong man's emotions still need to be taken care of, so they comforted Kizaru in a friendly manner.

And Kizaru also took the opportunity to get an order from the Five Old Stars.

An order for a thorough investigation of officials within the Navy who colluded with the Revolutionary Army. Regardless of official position, once there is solid evidence, they can be dealt with on the spot, without mercy.

Therein lies the indifference towards human nature at the top.

In fact, these people often send money to the World Government to build connections, but when they are connected with the revolutionary army, nothing is of use. Only death is the final way.

As a result, the revolutionary army inexplicably produced many brave martyrs.

This internal rectification is going more smoothly with the support of the World Government.

Think about it, these arrested people are very lucky, because the leader of this operation is not that simple.

Instead, the World Government Navy and the Revolutionary Army joined forces to take action.

The last person to be plotted by the three parties was the current strongest marshal.

After learning of the progress of the matter, those who were arrested were devastated and had no choice but to wait to die.

There's nothing else to do except drag people into the water and bite each other.

The inspection of property is also carried out vigorously.

In addition to being promoted over the years, these people have accumulated considerable wealth.

So this number looks very beautiful.

The Warring States Period became more and more angry. The navy's funding problem was a big problem.

This group of people could actually deduct so much from it and earn a lot of extra money. They obviously didn't give him face.

So Zhijiang personally took action to dig deeper.

A few people worked together to dig out all the industrial chains within the headquarters and outside.

The navy did not absorb all this huge wealth, and many inconveniences were thrown to the World Government.

There were also some secretive industries that were captured by the revolutionary army, and the navy got the cleanest piece.

In short, this operation started very hard, the middle was tragic, and the ending was very happy.

The fat pigs that had been raised for a long time were slaughtered and everyone was full.

It's a pity that there will be no such good opportunity in the future.

There was a commotion inside, but the battle to exterminate the pirates outside was not going well.

As soon as they met, Weibull made a move. One of Ghost Spider's arms was disabled, and the eight-sword style became the seven-sword style.

The two lieutenant generals started filming overconfidently, and then the Ghost Spider was attacked by surprise.

The self-proclaimed Whitebeard II is indeed not weak in combat power and has no shame.

Zefa had one of his hands cut off in the original work, although it was caused by being involved in recruits and falling ill.

But this also shows that Weibull is not simple. The retired general level also has combat power that exceeds that of ordinary lieutenant generals.

In the end, the siege was won by the navy's ships and artillery and the seriousness of the lieutenant generals.

Whitebeard II took his mother and kept running away.

This mother-son duo simply didn’t understand the Navy’s advantages in the paradise stage.

When this first armed force in the sea really gets serious, targets like this who don't know how to hide and restrain themselves will not be able to escape the encirclement.

In addition to suffering heavy losses at the beginning because of not understanding the opponent's strength, by the later stage, victory was already guaranteed.

Finally, there was a fierce collision with the navy in a town.

Miss Ba Jin was hacked to death, and Weibull stormed out of the encirclement at the last moment and escaped from the sea.

The two lieutenant generals who had not completed their mission were very angry and ordered the fleet to continue searching for traces of Weibull until he was killed.

Ghost Spider was even more angry. He paid the price with an arm.

Marshal Kizaru at the headquarters also agreed to the request of the two lieutenant generals.

Such a tight encirclement and Mole and the others did not stop them. The mission of exterminating this pirate was indeed their dereliction of duty.

If Akainu was alive in heaven, he would definitely be very sad about their fall, so Marshal Kizaru decided to help them in a reasonable way.

If you can't catch Weibull, you don't have to go back to the headquarters.

Things in the navy are still going on in an orderly manner.

In mid-1523, big moves had begun in the New World.

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