Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 818 Internal Confrontation and the Strength of Washing Fruit

Kizaru himself took out the labor law he had treasured for a long time and began to revise the navy version.

After cleaning up, you can implement this hard work.

He can't wait for the day when the transformation will be completed, so that even the marshal can have 7 days of annual leave, but unfortunately he still can't get a double holiday.

But this is already a huge improvement. During the Warring States period, he was a terrifying office robot who never had a day off.

The marshal leads by example, and the people below him will be scrupulous about asking for leave.

Except for Mr. Karp, who is not afraid of boiling water and plays around, everyone else will apply after deliberation for a long time.

This system at the top of the Navy is really anti-human, and generals are human beings too.

Fortunately, Akainu died early, otherwise it would have been difficult to ask for leave for decades.

The big storm inside started when no one felt it.

Starting from the top and sweeping down, this is a whirlpool that no one can escape from.

Vice-Admiral Mole, Vice-Admiral Ghost Spider, has discovered the pirate Whitebeard II in the Sardinia Islands. Please go and exterminate him immediately.


They have no reason to refuse the extermination mission sent by the headquarters to the Mole. The pirates should all die.

As a hawk navy with a strong will to fight, it has a fanatical will to destroy pirates and revolutionary forces.

The information on hand shows a pirate who looks like a fool, and the description of his strength is also very detailed.

Whitebeard II? What an outrageous name.

From appearance to identity, it is a parody.

They don't admit that there will be a second Whitebeard in this sea. The strong ones are difficult to copy.

So he is another crazy pirate.

However, the headquarters actually ordered their two lieutenant generals to lead the team, which showed that the opponent was still very powerful.

He didn't dare to neglect and directly summoned his own fleet and rushed to the dock.

As the fleet set off, Staff He also began to clean up internally.

Good afternoon Lieutenant General Mel.

Hey, isn't this our busy man, Counselor He?

Why don't you help the new marshal plan some conspiracies in the staff department?

The gun-and-stick tone fully embodies the Yin and Yang approach, and he seems to be very dissatisfied with this well-known chief of staff.

This is one of the problems left over from history, and the enmity between the two is also a very clichéd story.

Mel and Staff He were trainees at the same time.

There was fierce competition when I was young, but the other party was far inferior in terms of strength and intelligence.

Not to mention that in the era of chaos, He used his determination and will not be afraid of death to never retreat. He killed countless big pirates with his own hands and finally gained a great reputation.

Mel was deeply hit when he saw that there was no hope of catching up, so he withdrew from the front line and passed on to the logistics department with the help of his family.

Over the years, he has been mixing up his seniority without any trouble, and now he has reached the level of lieutenant general.

Not all Lieutenant Generals in the Navy Headquarters refer to the fighting faction, there are still many such elderly honorary Lieutenant Generals.

Some have strong connections, and some have merit in the past.

Without exception, they have basically not been out to sea for many years, and they are considered a group of people who have never received attention.

There is a big gap between him and front-line personnel such as Staff He and Huo Shaoshan, and some are even deeply jealous.

Normally, Counselor He would not say another word to such a person. Anyone who looked at him would dirty his eyes.

And the other party is the same, that kind of twisted jealousy makes people crazy.

The atmosphere between the two of them in the office was like sparks hitting the earth, absolutely heated.

But today was different. Officer He looked at people like them with particularly cold eyes.

Lieutenant General Meyer, please come with us. There are some supplies and accounting issues that need to be inquired during your tenure.

As soon as these words came out, the other party poured cold water on him.

Someone who had never looked down on her in the past suddenly gave such a formal order, which made Mel feel a little panicked.

She immediately knew something was wrong.

I am the same level as you as a lieutenant general in this department, so what qualifications do you have to investigate me.

And there is no such supervision department within the Navy.

She would definitely not go with Counselor He. As someone who often used weird tricks, she knew that if some things left, the problem would be out of her control.

So Laoyouzi immediately pointed out the flaw and was also preparing to call on the people around him to support him. Normally everyone would share the blame, but at this time it was time to stand up together.

Applying pressure in terms of numbers is definitely a feasible method. Marshal Kizaru has just taken office, but he may not necessarily allow old people like Crane to mess around.

This is the result of sitting in the office for a long time, and you have lost your courage.

She even forgot about the opponent's iron-blooded methods. Until now, she didn't think that He would do anything forcefully.

“First, there was no supervision before, but now there is.

Second, what I have now is an investigation order issued by Marshal Kizaru. Please cooperate.

This time it completely hit the opponent's weak spot.

How could he stand up to the investigation if he was being investigated?

Unless you find your backers within the World Government immediately, you will end up on the gallows if you really want to leave with the other party.

But would the other party, a vicious woman who has always been very scheming, give herself a chance?

So Mel stood up emotionally in despair, spouting out all the jealousy and malicious speculations he had had about Counselor He over the years.

The response was just a stream of cool water.

All her emotions were immediately washed away, and she stupidly turned into an idiot and stood there.

Take everyone here away and seal all the information.

After saying that, he asked his soldiers to handcuff the person and take him to the newly established censorship department.

For such a high-ranking navy that has been away from the frontline battlefield for so long, it can be completely suppressed without showing any strength.

Scenes like this happen frequently within the Navy these days.

The strong resistance of some fighting factions was useless. Staff Officer He's combat power was ranked among the top in the entire naval headquarters.

Both domineering and fruit abilities are maintained at a very high level.

Even though his body has weakened with age, he is still Garp.

Where Garp went, it was calm. Even if you just deliberately pass by while eating snacks, the outcome will be the same.

Resistance is useless, fighting is useless, and people with evil intentions begin to launch a public opinion offensive.

Trying to make everyone panic and drag everyone down, so that the crazy woman He can stop her pace.

And this week, people kept contacting Marshal Kizaru.

Although everyone knew that the internal investigation order was issued against the new marshal, they also wanted to see if they could change his mind.

Even within the World Government, there are constant calls to the Marshal's office.

These were stopped by the new chief of staff.

Marshal Kizaru is formulating a plan to wipe out the revolutionary army. The recent rectification matters within the navy are all trivial matters. Don't disturb the marshal at the critical moment.

It’s a very high-sounding reason and it’s hard for anyone to say anything.

The five old stars have said that the revolutionary army is the most serious problem, and all tasks are prioritized below this.

This resulted in an increase in the number of people gathering downstairs in the marshal's office every day, and their positions were getting higher and higher.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the iron-blooded gatekeepers, these are no reasons for them to break in.

Kizaru was also forced by this group of people to commute to and from get off work every day, and he didn't even want to go back to his home in the headquarters.

Who doesn't have a friend? Friends drag friends, so there are always some unfamiliar people who can find him along the way.

Just change your clothes after get off work and fly directly to the Shampoo Islands to have fun.

Don't get me wrong, it's just that Ackerman recommended many small restaurants with good standards to him, not entertainment venues.

This is also the most magical marshal in the history of the navy, and it is also the most suitable civilian use of the shining fruit.

As time goes by, Counselor He's methods become more and more cruel.

Because she became completely angry after the various crimes were revealed during the interrogation, and her murderous intent became stronger day by day.

You must know that the method of laundering fruits is very sharp. No matter how determined the person is or how true the lie is, it cannot be concealed.

After being washed away from vigilance and washed away from hypocrisy, they will be reborn in a short time.

He told me all the crimes he had committed very frankly.

After the fruit power fades, she will regret it in horror. This woman is really too vicious.

The method of directly eating the fruit is the executioner.

Before entering the interrogation room, this group of people were all people I had shed blood for the Navy. After the interrogation, there was someone above me.

His lack of integrity made the three old people even more disgusted.

The Warring States Period even reflected on his own guilt. Over the years, he had always thought that this was caused by scabies.

Unexpectedly, these malignant sores emitting thick liquid have secretly developed.

It is quite far-sighted to think that the Revolutionary Army established an independent supervisory department early on.

The legendary Princess Otohime has been doing this kind of work for so many years. What a powerful spirit and character she has.

To be able to set up such an organization and unearth such talents under pressure, Noah is really extraordinary.

As the situation develops, Crane's methods become more and more radical, leaving little time for the Navy to rectify.

There is also a sense of competition in this.

When Ackerman was in the break room, he repeatedly emphasized how good Minister Otohime was and how he could reveal everyone's secrets in just a few clicks.

It is because of this person's efforts that the development of the Revolutionary Army is so stable. If the Navy really can't handle it well, it can apply for foreign aid.

What she said was a slap in the face, and her reputation as a great advisor was not something she just blew off. What's more, washing the fruit is no worse than being born with knowledge and color.

In order to prove himself, He has not slept for several days and nights.

As he gets older, his temper becomes even hotter.

Some people find that internal relationships are not enough, so they use external tactics.

Panic and rumors spread throughout the headquarters, trying to make everyone nervous about the atmosphere.

I also wanted to contact Morgans and others to express some opinions, but failed.

The news bird smiled coldly. This kind of sesame and rotten millet matter is not worthy of being published in the News of the World.

Our mission from the Revolutionary Army is to brag about the unity and progress of the navy, so there is no point in sending money.

In order to deal with the evil trend of internal messages.

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