In the marshal's office.

Kizaru was pretending to read a book, with freshly brewed hot tea at hand.

The book cover was about the navy's plans. It looked very advanced and serious, and from time to time the marshal would show a confused smile.

The contents of this book are difficult to describe in a single word.

Dang Dang.

Please come in.

Three murderous old marines came in outside the door, and Kizaru was so frightened that he immediately closed the book and put it aside, pretending to be very busy at work.

Ah~~It turns out to be the old Marshal of the Warring States Period, Mr. Garp, and Staff He. What's going on?

Kizaru sat slouched in the chair without any marshal's temperament, and the ambiguous justice was still hanging on his head.

It’s true that only if you don’t forget your original intention can you always keep it.

Karp turned and closed the office door, indicating that this was a very private conversation.

The thump made Kizaru look horrified. These old men couldn't stand it because he was too lazy at work, so they had to go crazy to kill him and replace Aokiji.

Polusalino, stop playing tricks, it's time for us to talk about the navy.

Kizaru couldn't pretend to be such a formal opening. He sat up straight and crossed his hands on his chin.


The brown sunglasses actually had a hint of reflection, and his aura was quite a bit like that of Commander Ikari.

Warring States simply ignored this inexplicable gesture and went straight to the showdown. He wanted to know what the current marshal was thinking.

He said directly without waiting for the other party to shirk the warring states.

You already know everything about Ackerman and the Revolutionary Army. Let's get straight to the point.

While Sengoku was talking, Garp was also clenching his fists, as if this little guy was going to hit him if he kept showing off.

Kizaru immediately broke through and said with a smile

“I know, I know, I know.

What the revolutionary army did was too unreasonable. How could they interfere with the operation of the navy?

Our navy is not inferior in terms of resourcefulness, so why bother just pointing fingers from the South China Sea?

Presumably several seniors have adequate plans.

That lazy look made the three old navy members extremely speechless. Why did they choose such a thing to be the marshal?

He always pretends that he doesn't understand much and doesn't really want to manage.

But this guy still has a lot of ambition in his heart. He knows everything and just lets it develop.

It's okay as long as it doesn't interfere with the navy's interests and position.

In fact, his thoughts have long been on the side of the revolutionary army. I really don't know when Nanhai came into contact with this guy.

As for how much courage he mustered up to support Kizaru's rise to power, this operation is an unsolved mystery.

But the harvest is full, and a marshal is a rare commodity.

Chief of Staff Ackerman was able to make the Revolutionary Army's four-sea strategy so successful. The marshal also played an important role.

It is indeed hidden deep enough in daily life, if it weren't for the constant emotional agitation next door that day and leaked some traces.

Until now, they still can't grasp this person's bottom line.

Warring States said decisively.

The time has come to completely change Malinfando. Under the wise leadership of the strongest marshal in history, this epic change can be completed.

Kizaru looked towards the other side with a serious face.

This is such a bloody storm. Don't you want those old friends anymore?

Even as the current marshal, I feel that the thorny internal problems can only be solved by these semi-retired and retired old people.

Therefore, Kizaru's words are also asking about the determination to implement it thoroughly, and there is no turning back when the bow is fired.

Staff Officer He said calmly:

When we have to do it, our old friends have already died in the sea.

A few people were in the office doing detailed planning.

First of all, we must mobilize the hard-line forces that Akainu left behind. This group of people has too rigid ideas and a lot of people.

Staying in the headquarters will be a destabilizing factor.

Hmm~ Which pirate can take on such an important task?

It can't be sent to the new world.

Staff Officer He took out a stack of documents and placed them on the table. Kizaru took a deep breath after reading them.

This old guy actually has a child! It really surprised me.

Seeing the black lines on the faces of the three elderly people across from him, Kizaru quickly explained.

I didn't mean that, I was just feeling this. He also has physiological needs for this.

And vision”

This explanation made people even more misunderstood, so I just shrugged and said it was casual.

Then I looked at the details.

Oh~~ This pirate is indeed quite strong. And his popularity during this period was unparalleled in the first half.

Even the new pacifists of the World Government cannot be defeated. No wonder they are so aggressive in going to stir up trouble in the New World.

The name Edward Weibull is also quite similar.

This dry old lady is Miss Bajin. She was one of the former Rocks pirate ship.

Dry old lady?

Staff Officer He sighed inexplicably. No matter how beautiful she was when she was young, she can't escape this disaster when she gets old.

This may also be a curse to the world.

Why does Garp, an old guy, get younger and younger as he lives?

Counselor He, who felt inexplicably unhappy, started to explain in a professional manner.

Yes, that's why we paid attention to this pirate.

It is said that this Edward Weeble is the son of Miss Barking and Newgate.

After Whitebeard fell into the sea, she took Weibull to make waves on the sea, spreading the word that this little guy was Newgate's son.

He also claims that he has the power of Whitebeard when he was young, and even his appearance and weapons are imitated.

Of course, we have not verified the details, but the opponent's strength has reached a very high level.

Originally, the World Government planned to recruit him as the Shichibukai, but the other party refused and seemed to be pursuing the position of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It sounds like she is a foolish and ambitious woman who takes her idiot son to explore the sea.

Staff Officer He was particularly disdainful of such people. This method could no longer be regarded as ambition but as a deed.

If you can't even see the recent situation clearly, pirates will be pirates.

Whitebeard's legacy is not that precious in today's sea age.

Think about it, now there are only two emperors left in the new world.

The remaining white group led by Marco has been automatically kicked out of the imperial group, and even the territory has been continuously eroded.

They also did not agree to the invitation of the New Pirate Alliance, and still maintained their aloofness and almost independence from the pirate world.

A few months after Dad died in the battle, an internal strife broke out within the White Regiment.

Without Whitebeard's ability to suppress these unruly pirates, several people in the large fleet would not obey the Phoenix's command at all.

The disintegrated team only maintains its confident and domineering appearance on the surface, but the trouble caused by it is already known to everyone.

At this time, she still insisted on moving up. This woman obviously couldn't see the situation clearly.

If you really have the strength to defeat the pirate group yourself, wouldn't it be more stable than inheriting the inheritance?

Pirates like this who have no power don't want to keep a low profile but steal the limelight. Do you really think that the revolutionary army will not surround them?

But it's just right at the moment. This kind of strength can restrain some people to complete some tasks.

After listening to the analysis, Kizaru nodded and helped Whitebeard solve the problem behind his back.

It’s better not to casually tarnish the once strongest man in the sea with this kind of thing.

After solving this part, Staff He expressed his determination to conduct an internal review of the department and capture the moths, which required Kizaru's authorization.

Just a few investigation warrants?

It's not that there are too many kizaru, but that there are too few. The thunder is louder than the raindrops.

Start with a few who are too arrogant and work your way up. They will implicate a large number of people like dogs eating dogs.

After all, we can't let the situation get out of control from the beginning.

He opened the document in front of him and signed his name.

Kizaru knew that once his name was signed, hundreds of people would die in the headquarters, but he did not hesitate.

Just like what I heard next door that day. The Navy has reached a point where it cannot do without reform.

So this order filled with the smell of blood was issued and handed over to the ruthless executive officer, Staff Officer He.

Kizaru asked casually as he remembered something.

If the commotion is bigger, what should Wulaoxing do to hold them accountable?

Those old immortals are not so easy to fool.

You can't see it in the early stage, but you can definitely see the changes in the navy in the later stage.

The people on the Red Earth Continent don't want to see a navy that gets better.

At this time, Ackerman knocked on the door and came in and handed over a thick document.

These can cope with the scrutiny of the world government, and even allow them to help us carry out this cleanup.

Kizaru opened it and took a few glances to realize that the group of moths was finished.

Someone has set a trap in advance, and it is the kind that will never be recovered.

It is true that the Revolutionary Army is more powerful in conspiracies and advance planning. This evidence is definitely not something that has only been started recently.

It is equivalent to having all the coffin boards staked out, with no possibility of turning over.

Finally, there was a tacit understanding among everyone about the world government officials and there was no further discussion.

These people still need to be kept until the last minute.

All you need to do is isolate them by means. If you don't give them the opportunity to intervene in key parts, you won't be able to make any waves.

Warring States serves as the core to carry out main arrangements and operations, and uses its own abilities to maintain stability in the headquarters.

As an executive officer and chief interrogator, Counselor He was extremely ruthless, and she was under the heaviest pressure.

Finally, Garp is stationed in Marinefando to stabilize the morale of the military and provide the greatest force guarantee. He can also give the World Government some color at critical moments.

When these sea gods make up their mind to unite to do something, no one can stop them.

Seeing the three old people turning around and going out, Kizaru couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the vigorous and resolute actions of the seniors.

I was convinced yesterday to start working hard today.

Very helpless, he called Ackerman back and threw away a lot of marshal's documents.

The other party just talked and issued documents, which changed the navy,

Of course, this kind of beautiful thing cannot be made too beautiful. You still have to work when you need to do it.

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