Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 816 The big deal is done!

So did the other two.

So the three of them got together again after adjusting their mentality a week later, and they understood each other's choice when they looked at each other.

While the three of them were talking and laughing, they felt that the vitality of their youth had returned.

It feels like an old man is going crazy as a teenager, and his blood is surging.

The urge to do something earth-shattering fills them with energy.

A call bug called the marshal's office.

Tell that boy Ackerman to come to us.

Kizaru looked at his chief of staff with a strange look, he was really quite powerful.


After Ackerman left, Kizaru changed into more ordinary clothes and disappeared.

His current status is too high, and sometimes coming forward is the time to make the final decision, so he should keep a low profile.

When Ackerman entered the room, he saw three old men and women opposite who were extremely energetic.

The Warring States Period went straight to the point.

“There are several practical issues.

First, do you know how much funding the Navy needs every year? This is all provided by the world government.

How will the Navy operate in the near future if we cut it apart?

When it comes to funding, Ackerman is very disdainful.

The financial pressure was quite high in the early stages of the Revolutionary Army.

At that time, they relied on the gold moved from the empty island and slowly converted it into their own resources, and they survived those difficult years.

Then in the mid-term, Noah's sea train plan was used to seize a wave of world wealth and activate the commercial attributes of the South China Sea.

In the later period, the business system spread to the whole world. Light industry, shipping, food, medicine, etc.

Through business skills that transcend the times and monopolized people's livelihood resources, the wealth of the entire sea is continuously harvested. In terms of cash flow and transaction capabilities, the entire South China Sea can be the best in the world.

As long as productivity is liberated, the wealth created by people will be astonishing and will increase exponentially.

Therefore, although it is a bit difficult to support the operation of a navy, it is not impossible.

When Ackerman finished telling Sengoku this, the other party was dumbfounded.

It turns out that in addition to force and ideas, the revolutionary army also has a deeper weapon, money.

How could they not know the power of money?

This is a highly poisonous blade that can kill most people in this world.

What your revolutionary army has done is really comprehensive.

Thinking about his career as a marshal over the past few decades, the Warring States Period was filled with envy.

The anger they receive every year when the World Government approves funding becomes even more outrageous.

Those idiots asking for money are like asking for their lives. Look at what the Revolutionary Army has been able to do decades after it was established. Those people are all trash and losers.

The yellow light image next door flashed past again, and it was obvious that the person's mood was also very fluctuating.

This is a living fund. How come there is such a monster that can be supported by the power of a sea?

Warring States coughed several times before he managed to calm down. Unexpectedly, the person who broke his mood again was money. This guy was so bad.

Second question. Even if the four seas and paradise stages are solved, how to deal with the new world?

Ackerman stood up and walked to the wall, where a world map hung.

It can be seen that the old boy Sengoku was thinking a lot when looking at the map. There are a lot of annotations on it, many of which are related to the revolutionary army.

This guy must be thinking about how to deal with them privately.

He picked up the red paint and painted the South China Sea red first.

Then he glanced at Sengoku, nodded, and painted the other three seas red.

The paradise stage is also painted over, which means this is what the navy will do if it wishes.

Warring States was a little confused when he saw the scene in front of him. If the good guys really merged, there would really be no place left in this world.

Ackerman said very seriously while standing in front of the map.

“The second half of the Grand Line will definitely return to stability next year, and a Pirate King will definitely emerge.

That’s when it’s time to receive.

Warring States studied this and agreed. The revolutionary army should also have very strong control in the second half of the stage.

Even if not, with the force of the Navy + Revolutionary Army, it would be a sweep to sweep away the World Government in this sea.

The mere pirate groups of the New World simply cannot stop this overwhelming trend.

Then there are three final questions left.

What to do with hatred? The hatred between the navy and the revolutionary army over the years~~~

This problem is very difficult. In the revolutionary army, Long used his and Noah's reputation and his vision for the world to suppress the reluctance of the military commanders. What about the navy?

“As the chief of staff of the Navy, I have done a lot of work and investigations during these times.

In fact, there are not as many people in the navy who hate the revolutionary army as imagined, right?

Staff Officer He thought for a moment and answered yes.

Because the main goal of the Revolutionary Army is to seize the world and eliminate pirates to maintain the stability of the sea, the confrontation with the navy is mostly caused by the navy's encirclement and suppression.

Except for the battle on Pioneer Island, there were not many battles between the two sides.

The revolutionary army's covert actions and too many vests prevent the enemy from attacking the key points in many cases.

Moreover, red ideas have spread and everyone is very receptive to it.

The navy who was born in the South China Sea will definitely be grateful that the place ruled by the revolutionary army is so peaceful and peaceful, and everyone can still live well.

Even Rosinandi has been making arrangements to send letters to family members.

These marines who came from the South China Sea will now not hate the revolutionary army at all after receiving letters from home.

This is because the long-term propaganda offensive has established the revolutionary army in a relatively positive image, and the dirty water of the world government cannot discredit them at all.

The new generation of naval elites, led by Rosinandi, have no hatred for the South China Sea.

The neutral factions under Kizaru don't care about this at all, and the factions under Aokiji, as long as they abide by the belief of justice, will not have these thoughts.

The ordinary navy is just a wage earner. Don’t treat them badly by paying them enough wages, or even give them some recognition.

Materials and respect can solve the problem of most people's hearts.

The biggest obstacle here is the personnel deployed by some world governments. And those hawks Akainu left behind. There are also the old people within the navy.

The personnel deployed by the World Government can understand that they and the revolutionary army are life-and-death enemies. After all, the revolutionary army wants to kill them, so they naturally do not want the navy to defect.

The fact that Akainu left these people behind was influenced by his behavior and his behavior was very cool and absolute.

In addition, his boss was beaten to death. Although this hatred was partly attracted by a third-party mysterious force, killing the revolutionary army was also what they had always done. There was really a blood feud between the two sides.

It is even more difficult to deal with the old people within the Navy.

It's not like the Warring States Period were the only ones to survive these years. There are many departments within the Navy that are controlled by these older generations.

These navies have become corrupt. They have no sense of justice and just want to keep their power and status.

Therefore, if the navy merges with the parliament, this kind of reform will definitely be something they don't want to see, and they will be a more determined war party than the previous two.

After Noah finished analyzing these, Seng Guo looked at him deeply.

So what are you going to do?

People from the World Government, kill them.

It's very simple, straightforward, and understandable. It really should be killed.

The old people within the Navy must be cleaned up. You have also seen that the Navy has become so bloated and has some loopholes in the system. These are all problems left over from history.

Since you can't handle it well, just follow the model of the Revolutionary Army and make the censorship agency independent.

Not affected by any power or status. Just be more ruthless and it will be solved.

You can't just clean up the base in Sihai without dealing with the headquarters. The problems in the headquarters are much worse than those in the Sihai base.

This is very difficult to pull off. For Warring States and others, these people are colleagues who have worked together for decades, not to mention living and dying together.

Seeing some hesitation, Ackerman made a suggestion.

If you can't handle it, Nankai can send Minister Otohime to handle it.

I guess you know what she does based on your information, and I can definitely give everyone a refreshing naval headquarters.

No need, we can do this ourselves.

Staff Officer He said very coldly.

This woman sometimes makes decisions very coldly.

It was her decisive decision that led to the death of the CP chief, and now there is no obstacle to attacking these old colleagues.

Those cadavers have been dragging down the navy for decades, and now it’s time to clear them out.

Many departments had no need to exist at all, so they allowed the fruits of purge to set off a major purge within the Navy.

The sneer at the corner of the crane's mouth made the room lower several degrees.

Those determined hawks left behind by Akainu are the real trouble.

They are not bad people but marines with overly absolute ideas. His achievements in eradicating pirates were no less, or even more, than others.

It still has merit for the sea.

Radical means cannot be used to deal with them, which is a betrayal of justice.

There are quite a few people like Ghost Spider, and they are all very strong martial artists.

The Navy must deal with this part if it wants to avoid civil unrest.

“It’s very simple, just send them out to wipe out the pirates and carry out their most thorough justice.

And if you want revenge, you have a target already found.

Warring States expressed confusion.

The sight that appeared in the sky on the day Akainu died in battle.

At this point, Warring States finally understood that it was Yim.

The Revolutionary Army had exchanged intelligence with him at that time. Looking back now, if Ghost Spider, Mole and others want revenge, then the one on the Red Earth Continent is the most direct enemy.

This time the biggest obstacle within the navy disappeared.


Being a smart guy, he was always willing to think a little bit more.

Could the appearance of Im in the battle between Noah and Akainu be part of the Revolutionary Light's calculation? It is really possible to single-handedly change the biggest obstacle to both parties.

From the perspective of the Warring States Period, it was an honor to sacrifice one's life for one's own ideals to complete this shocking event that spanned the ages.

If it were him, he might make the same decision after thinking about it.

Speaking of which, Ackerman added another sentence.

If anyone besides these people still has resentment, let's have a fight and vent their anger in the simplest and most brutal way.

As long as no one is killed, they can fight as many times as they like.

Sengoku is speechless, your way of handling this is quite pirate-like.

If you have any grudges, cut them off in person, right? good idea.

Last question, what should we do about the Red Earth Continent?

After gathering the power of the entire sea, let's use force to make that thing completely disappear from this world.

The last sentence was murderous, and Sengoku nodded in agreement.

The root must be eradicated.

That monster named Im was so terrifying. After Noah was killed last year, he returned to the Navy and looked up a lot of old information.

The information seen in just a few words is so amazing.

A huge country, a legendary creator, a mysterious ruler on the five old stars, and so on.

This will be a tough battle, and a battle that must be fought.

I don’t know why these old men and women are so excited when they think of being able to play in the Red Earth Continent.

I can hardly wait.

Of course, now we have to slowly deal with the internal affairs of the navy.

Then let's meet the old opponents of the Revolutionary Army.

The follow-up ending has begun. If you want to see the plot of that character, you can tell me and I will try to arrange it.

Once you leave this world, you basically never come back.

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