Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 815 The courage to sharpen a sword over twenty years

Is it so simple to achieve such an effect by doing this? He had this idea.

Warring States and Staff He became more and more frightened as they listened.

Because now it has been discovered that the South China Sea is no longer something that their navy can deal with. This is an area that is independent of the world and cannot be defeated.

At the same time, I also understood the source of the other party’s confidence.

Unless the world government has the power to destroy the world, there is nothing that can be done about the revolutionary army, and the situation is set.

In the end, I was deeply impressed by the knowledge of Chief of Staff Ackerman and the status of the revolutionary army.

Otherwise, we would not be able to explain all aspects of things in such a clear and logical manner, and we would not be able to achieve this level without a certain degree of decision-making power.

After listening to it, the three of them actually felt a deep yearning.

I long for the world to become like the South China Sea, so that there will really be world peace and no pirates, and everyone will live a happy and stable life.

Moreover, they could stay away from famine and read books. What a prosperous age it was. The picture of a promising future was deeply imprinted in their minds.

As senior executives, Warring States and others all understand that what Ackerman said is not a lie, but is real.

The information coming back from the South China Sea was slowly accumulating every day, and eventually part of their psychological defenses were broken by this truth.

It seems that the South China Sea Revolutionary Army is doing a good job.

Karp's words also show his recognition of the other party.

When Warring States came back to his senses, he felt that the rhythm was a bit strange, and it seemed that the other party had mastered it.

It can be said that he was taking steps step by step. Just as he was about to disrupt the opponent's rhythm, he was surprised by Ackerman's next words.

Is the Navy interested in joining us in our cause of fighting for the world?

Warring States' hand holding the tea cup shook, and the tea spilled on his hand, but he didn't feel anything at all.

What did you say? Did I hear it wrong?

Noah repeated what he just said again.

Sengoku's eyes narrowed and he scolded angrily.

“The revolutionary army is the revolutionary army, you are so brave to try to lure the navy into the water.

It is wishful thinking to want us to betray the world government and join the revolutionary army.

Others also felt that this matter was a bit excessive. How could the navy, which had developed independently for so many years, be merged into an emerging force that had only been established for about 20 years?

Sometimes it's not a matter of reason, but something that can't be done emotionally and from a standpoint.

Think about the fact that the Navy has 100,000 elites in Marinevando and a large number of bases and soldiers in the other three seas.

There must be millions of people, as well as countless weapons, ammunition and strong men.

It would be unthinkable to merge the largest armed force in the sea into the revolutionary army.

Even if the two marshals Sengoku and Kizaru agreed, they couldn't do it.

This is something that the entire navy will not accept, and even they find it difficult to go against the general trend.

And from the first day he joined the army, he knew that the Navy was an armed force affiliated with the World Government. This sentence has been like a shackles that has trapped them for so many years.

It is even less possible to do the things Ackerman said. The other party is simply wishful thinking.

And Ackerman kept explaining after seeing this.

Everyone has misunderstood. I said joining the great cause rather than joining the revolutionary army.

Is there any difference?

The difference is that we will not establish a dictatorship in the future, but will return power to everyone.

I wonder if the Warring States Marshal has any thoughts on the World Parliament of Intelligent Creatures?

? ?

Is this a theory you've come up with recently?

Then Ackerman talked about it and said that it was inspired by the 50 countries in the World Conference.

The conference of fifty countries organized by the World Government is a very wise decision, and it may also be the most correct thing that the Five Old Stars have made in these years.

On the surface, it seems to be a formalism to collect the world's dominance through these meat horns. It looks like those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish.

In fact, they rule the world forever together with the vested interests.

The vast majority of these 50 countries belong to the exploiting class. Their attitude is naturally close to the world government.

Even without the exploitation of the world government and the exploitation of heavenly gold, they themselves would do similar things at home.

The only difference is that one is a world noble and the other is a great country noble.

Using the resources of the entire sea to support them, all inhumane decisions are always carried out so easily.

These countries have never worried about the gold in the sky, and even hope to collect some of it.

This is a very clever method. On the surface, it gives everyone the right to participate. In fact, the five old stars are ruling the sea.

The Revolutionary Army is different. This parliament is a real parliamentary seat with optional voting rights.

Every officially recognized country has the right to vote.

And it will expand, not only the already formed countries, but also some humanoid races that are not recognized by the world government.

For example, the fur people and the people with long arms and legs in the New World can get equal rights.

Involve people from all over the world and do things that are in the interest of everyone.

In this case, everyone does not need to betray their own class, and there is no need to oppress a small country.

The role of the navy was the same as it is now, to combat pirates and maintain stability on the sea.

The system of the revolutionary army is more about leading and guiding the operation and operation of this political and administrative system.

The two supervise each other, advance each other, and are shackles to each other.

There is something else that Noah did not say, which is that conflicts of interest are inevitable. Even if people all over the world participate, there will be no harmony, so the revolutionary army will be given more decision-making power.

Everyone present was shocked by this theory, and a pupil earthquake occurred here.

This and this

The momentum of the three seniors spread unconsciously, causing chaos in the entire senior citizens' lounge.

There was a flash of light next door, then went out again.

The people in this room didn't care about what was going on next door. They were still more focused on what Ackerman had just said.

This system is so reasonable. It expands the 50-country system of the World Conference, and truly proposes and votes on proposals for the benefit of the people.

Then it is really possible to achieve what the other party said.

And he still recognized the revolutionary army as the administrative leader during the Warring States Period.

The other party has demonstrated a level beyond the times in everything except military affairs, and its fairness and impartiality are also perfect.

At least within the South China Sea, there is no news of people starving to death, or children having no books to read. This is simply an unbelievable thing.

After satisfying material needs and improving spiritual needs, the process of this era has become unstoppable.

This kind of thing really happened in the South China Sea, so the revolutionary army is absolutely qualified to guide the sea in this regard.

Warring States' hands were shaking a little, as the other party's ambitions were too big.

The possibility of success is also very high, and it can almost be said that it is completely achievable.

Then what if there are still people like the Fifty Nations who are trying to protect the interests of those in power?

Ackerman smiled coldly.

“Before joining the World Parliament, we must achieve mass enlightenment and spread the ideas of the South China Sea to every corner of this country.

The people who have stood up will no longer be willing to have their blood sucked by the nobles.

So what if they are unwilling to open the country?

Ackerman's smile turned grim.

“Some people don’t want to be decent, so we will help them be decent.

Whether these people want to join or not, we are going to do this.

The flames of the revolutionary army have not yet ignited these countries. After it is ignited, the so-called aristocrats, the so-called superiors, the so-called people who ride on the heads of the people will be burned out, and there will be no oppression and suppression of this group of people.

Will the wisdom of future comers still not be able to govern a country well?

You must know that there is no king in the traditional sense in the South China Sea. Basically, a parliamentary system is implemented.

Even some virtuous kings who did not join in the corruption have now changed to a constitutional monarchy and become a symbolic king.

Power has returned to everyone in the world.

This is our mission.

Back to. This is.

Garp repeated it again, so overbearing.

In his eyes, he seemed to see this red flame igniting the entire sea. Those who made him feel sick were wailing and begging for mercy in the fire, but finally disappeared from this world amidst the cheers of everyone on the sea.

As long as the price of the bloody storm set off by then has been endured, the world will become a beautiful new world.


Garp shivered for some reason.

Such a future world is indelible after it appears in his eyes, and he even has the urge to join in and help.

The king of Goa should have been hanged long ago.

The magic power of this revolutionary army is really terrifying. With a mind like his, he has a feeling of wanting to join the great era. No wonder ordinary people can't stop Nanhai's spiritual infection.

Warring States became rarely excited. He felt a little bored and unbuttoned his collar. It's a little hot and I took off my cloak of justice.

I don't know why my chest is so hot, as if there is a fire burning.

In the end, he suppressed his impulse with supreme determination, but he couldn't do it now.

But the three people here understood that they had basically been convinced.

It was really embarrassing to be crushed without any room for resistance.

So he said that there are some things that the three of us need to communicate and we can talk about it another day.

Noah also understood that the impact was too great, and he had to give these elderly people time to think.

He didn't care whether he would regret it after calming down. These three people were all unimaginably strong-willed people.

He smiled slightly when he passed by the next room after going out. This guy really didn't look like a marshal at all.

After going out, I went to the cafeteria happily, and then I found that Zhu Yuan, Luo Nandi and others were also gathered around. It was quite comfortable and relaxing for everyone to eat and chat together.

He didn't ask Ackerman where he had been before. The atmosphere was so pleasant, which meant he was relieved that nothing major had happened.

They really don't want to cause trouble with this teacher.

But Jiaji and others thought they were wrong. This conversation had already upset the navy's foundation.

The previous confrontation was extremely dangerous. On several occasions, Noah sensed the murderous intent and final hesitation of Sengoku and others.

Fortunately, everything seems to be going relatively smoothly so far.

After eating, he took a walk and went back to help Kizaru with his official duties.

Why are there so many files? Damn it!

The three old men and women couldn't sleep all night.

For a whole week, they did not go to Ackerman, but each thought about their own problems.

Warring States looked at the moonlight in the sky with some melancholy.

Thinking back to the oath I made when I joined the Navy as a young man, I was a little unsure whether it was right or wrong to do so.

After questioning, he still gave the answer.

We are the navy, not the sword in the hands of the world government.

Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, we must open a way forward for future generations.

He admired Ackerman's words very much.

The Revolutionary Army was so weak when it was first established, but the World Government and Navy were so powerful. Why did they have the courage to do all this?

It is a kind of demeanor that even though tens of thousands of people are gone, I will go there. For the sake of the whole sea, we must have the courage to be the first in the world.

And for the sake of the navy and the sea, wouldn’t they be gone?

Warring States made his decision before going to bed.

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