It's still the same ordinary senior citizens' lounge.

The sunshine shining in from the window is really beautiful, and the weather around the entire Red Earth Continent is perfect.

It makes sense to regard this place as the center of the world. At least it is enjoyable.

According to the research of the doctors, the magnetic field within a certain range centered on Mariejoia is very stable.

The Red Earth Continent even restrained the violent ocean currents on the Great Line, so an existence similar to a pure land appeared.

The wind is gentle, the sun is singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the beautiful scenery hides the most filthy and filthy place in the world.

Ackerman looked at the scenery outside the window and relaxed his mind, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand in a daze.

It seemed like this was his office.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The sounds of chewing and grabbing snacks kept coming.

Except for this sound, the entire lounge was very quiet, and the undercurrents and waves were blocked from the lounge.

Such courage.

Sengoku, Garp, and He sat on the sofa and looked at the young man opposite them and couldn't help but sigh.

It's really bold of a skilled person to come to him so calmly.

Will there be anything to rely on?

Staff Officer He thought this unconsciously. Otherwise, she didn't think that a suspected person would behave so calmly in front of the three of her.

The sound of Garp chewing also made her feel very irritated. Why hadn't she and others gained the upper hand after Ackerman took the initiative?

According to the original idea, using the aura of the three of them to suppress each other, young people like this are not holding hands.

Once the aura is released, the other party will not ask or say anything when they are frightened. Even if the psychological quality is excellent, some flaws will definitely be exposed.

But this leisurely look did not help the progress of this conversation, so I looked at Warring States.

Chief of Staff Ackerman.

Can you talk about what happened when you entered the Navy a few years ago?

Including the years when you were the captain of the investigation team after you entered.

I really want to know about their daily work in the navy around the world.

Warring States did not ask directly, but pretended to be kind-hearted and struck from the side, waiting for an opportunity to find a flaw and kill him with a fatal blow.

The caution of the three people on the other side was really interesting, so Noah decided to forget it and get to the point.

If I keep writing like this, some people will be unhappy.

My name is Ackerman, I was originally affiliated with the East China Sea Survey Corps, and I was the Survey Corps Commander at the time.

Later, he was framed by his superiors and was forced to leave the East China Sea base and be transferred to the Grand Line.

He was discovered by Lieutenant General Strowberg, and was eventually promoted in the G2 branch to become the chief of staff next to General Kizaru at the time.

In the first half of 1522, he was promoted to chief of staff of the marshal.

Most of the above is fictional, including my resume and previous identities.

In fact, I am a revolutionary soldier.

Ha, I have known for a long time that there are still some problems with your identity. In fact, you are a revolutionary army?

Before Counselor He could finish his proud words, he found that the other party had directly exposed himself.

They all expected the Revolutionary Army. After all, his words and deeds, as well as his relationship with Rosinandi, gave him away.

Yes, having a good relationship with Rosinandy is also a flaw.

Coming from the outer sea without any foundation, he was immediately respected by Rody from the bottom of his heart. This matter was no less difficult than reaching the sky.

A strong man will not admire someone he has just met from the bottom of his heart for no reason.

Therefore, Ackerman’s identity is not simple, or he is a high-level executive of Nanhai.

But there is no mistake! She and Sengoku also wanted to use their own resourcefulness to find each other's flaws, and finally break through the psychological defenses before revealing each other's identity.

This kind of pleasure of peeling off layers of silk and cocoons is impossible to enjoy.

The other party directly hit the target in one step and made all their little calculations come to nothing.

Garp, who was eating, almost laughed like a pig. This young man was interesting and courageous.

He dared to expose himself directly in front of the three of them without struggling at all.

You must know that the combat power of the three people in this hut can completely kill any powerful general.

This was such confidence, so Garp put away his snacks, looked at his opponent seriously and burst out with momentum.

Having courage doesn't mean he will stop hitting the opponent.

Garp's attitude towards the Revolutionary Army was as sharp as possible, and the rogue force was trying to trick him from head to toe.

From son to grandson, they are all scammers. This resentment can be collected here with some interest.

The mafia's purple domineering energy on the sandbag-sized fists was exuding an immeasurable sense of danger.

This terrifying aura did not overwhelm Ackerman's figure. He still looked at the three old marines in front of him calmly.

When Garp saw that the opponent didn't stand up to defend himself, he retracted his fist in boredom.

Warring States still had a kind look on his face, as if he didn't care about the other person's identity.

Young man, tell me what you came to do in the Navy?

I came to the Navy to find justice?

did you find it?

“Sadly not.

The vast majority of people here don't understand justice at all, and they lack universal justice. They even fail to do it right.

Warring States frowned, and the muscles in his body began to mobilize.

If it was said that stepping outside the scope of a battle of wits made He very angry, then the other party's criticism of the justice of the navy touched a point in him.

For a seventy-eight-year-old man, what he is most proud of in his life is not the training of three generals, nor the development of the navy into such a powerful one, but the theory of justice he proposed.

As a result, it was rejected by the other party.

Everyone will get angry if decades of hard work are wiped out with a single word.

Even the Buddha could not wait to transform into an angry-eyed Vajra and slap this little bastard to death.

So, may I ask Chief of Staff Ackerman, what is justice?

Warring States asked this sentence with overwhelming anger.

But Ackerman still spoke lightly.

“I don’t have a very definite answer to justice, so I came here to look for it.

A sage once said. Justice is objective.

The logical opposite of justice is injustice. If something is unjust, then there should be justice.

And in theory in the South China Sea. According to materialism and historical materialism, justice is an objective existence.

This kind of philosophical issue is difficult to understand for a rigorous staff officer like He, but Garp doesn't put it in his mind at all. People like him don't even think about it.

Only Warring States was interested, because Ackerman's words were actually somewhat different from the exact theories of the South China Sea.

Instead of dragging out all the theories of the revolutionary army to refute it, we took another path.

As an old man who has studied it all his life, he has a strong interest in exploring this topic, and also wants to hear the opinions of the people in front of him.

So the two began a debate about the word justice.

Garp felt drowsy after listening to it, and after Staff He understood a little bit from time to time, he felt that this young man was very unusual.

He must be in a high position in the revolutionary army, otherwise he would not have so many opinions and understandings about such things as theory.

The two argued for a long time, from discussing each other at the beginning to getting acquainted happily and then to tit-for-tat confrontations with murderous intent. They almost thought they were going to start filming and then returned to calm.

The debate was finally ended by Ackerman with one sentence.

“Even if we are not yet sure what justice is, we can always be on the path to pursuing it.

And we can deal with the unjust things now. This is also a path to pursue justice.

Warring States thought for a long time and finally thought that what the other party said made sense. I never thought that many of the concepts we take for granted are such complicated things.

I never thought that the Revolutionary Army, a group organization that had only been established for about 20 years, already had such a profound foundation.

Noah was also very satisfied. Philosophy is something that can be debated for hundreds of thousands of years and is difficult to unify.

And he took advantage of this gap to open up the defense line of the Warring States Period and take the first step!

The future life is to be feared.

This sentence was said in front of Ackerman, which also meant that Sengoku recognized the other party's qualifications.

But this does not mean that the relationship between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army has eased. Sengoku also raised the next question.

Tell me about your mission. You have done so many things in the Navy. I am afraid that the Revolutionary Army has already achieved a lot of benefits in the Three Seas.

And they came to us proactively instead of hiding outside. There must be something that concerns us or the entire navy for you to come and take this risk.

Since Noah's showdown, they have also determined that the problem with Ackerman's Three Seas Patrol is basically on the list of replacement personnel.

They had guessed early on that this might be a repeat of the South China Sea.

There are definitely problems among those replaced, but Sengoku has lost the right to appoint personnel.

These have all been assigned to Kizaru's hands.

And Kizaru strangely trusted the chief of staff, so they at best delayed the personnel changes.

The positions in some key positions must be replaced immediately, otherwise it will affect the security and stability of the sea.

They couldn't give up the civilians just to go against the revolutionary army. This was not what justice should do, so they compromised.

According to He's calculations, even if some people have been replaced, the naval base is still in the hands of the navy.

The greatest extent that the revolutionary army can do is to delay the mission, but not to the extent of earth-shaking in the South China Sea.

Sengoku's calmness also made Ackerman understand, and then he talked about his mission.

I don't know what you think of the world government.

Isn't this topic a bit sensitive to discuss in Marinefandom?

And the Warring States Period also showed its own magnanimity.

Under the current situation, he is the ruler of the world. He is also the superior of the navy, nothing more.

Staff Officer He did not expect his old friend to be so direct. Although they all thought so, it was rare for them to say so.

Noah smiled slightly, and after so many years of constantly digging into corners to pave the way for separation, he finally changed the minds of these old men and women.

What do you think of the revolutionary army?

An emerging armed force has a relatively mature political system and great potential for comprehensive economic, humanistic and military development.

A very positive answer. The Warring States Period really appreciated the development of the revolutionary army.

Putting aside the standpoint, what the other side has done is much more than what the Navy has to do.

The eradication of pirates, the maintenance of domestic security, and the improvement and care of ordinary people in all aspects. And ideological emancipation are things he wants to do but does not dare to do or even has the ability to do. This still needs to be admitted.

It's a pity that the guy named Noah died. If he was still alive, I don't know how many storms he had secretly caused.

After hearing the positive answer, Ackerman began to tell Warring States how their revolutionary army ruled the South China Sea.

Vigorously build armed forces to eliminate pirates, and use sea trains to bring people closer and break the barriers. To use wireless signals to completely break the shackles of thought and enlighten people to wisdom. Then to develop the economy so that everyone is no longer so lacking in material and can have full stomachs.

Geographical environment, ideological liberation, as well as material foundation and stable environment.

This is why the South China Sea is so impregnable, and it is also the root and foundation for the revolutionary army to develop so quickly.

He not only talked but also gave examples, and explained all aspects of the entire South China Sea to the three old men in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Even Garp listened very carefully, because many things were new things that he had never heard of.

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