Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 813 The revolutionary army is ready

In direct confrontation, the big war was fought once and the small battle was fought countless times.

Not only do we have reluctance and cooperation towards them, but they also towards us.

This plan will be led by our revolutionary army in the future.

As the world's number one armed force, would they really be willing to succumb to us?

The question is sharp and realistic.

But this problem is easier to solve for Long than the revolutionary army.

As for the navy, we have actually started to cooperate.


How can this be? Everyone expressed disbelief.

They had absolutely no idea that they had ever cooperated with the Navy before. The smooth work during this period was just luck.

Have you noticed that our Sihai plan is going very smoothly? Do the military commanders feel it?

That's true.

Several big pirates in our territory and several more difficult naval base commanders have been taken down by the four-sea patrol team. Some of our people have been replaced, and the situation is much better than before.

Morrie was the first to comment, thinking of the Mafia and Kapenbeki.

Bello Betty recalled it.

There is only one Smoker in the East China Sea who can still catch my eye. Before he was transferred, I and the chief of staff conducted a combing of the entire East China Sea.

After sorting it out, the atmosphere in the entire sea area was indeed lighter.

At this time, Robin took out a pile of data and began to summarize it for everyone.

The revolutionary army's placement and invasion of the naval base in Sanhai has been very successful.

As everyone recalls, in the second half of 2022, the Navy did eliminate many world governments or self-destructive worms.

This has resulted in the positions of many internal agents deployed by the revolutionary army being more or less promoted.

Now, I won't say that it is completely under control, but it can still be easily accomplished by stagnating the internal affairs of a base.


The military commanders were not fools, and combined with what Long and Robin said specifically, they had a bold idea in their hearts.

Could it be that this action was planned by our revolutionary army?

Yes, this operation is one of the points of the Four Seas Plan that Noah left behind.

He handed it over to personnel within the Navy to assist us throughout the process.

Even if we can't win the other three seas, it still hinders the navy's control.

As for the Navy Headquarters, we have already infiltrated a lot of them, and there are even a few in high positions.

Everyone was talking about how high this high position was.

No one with less than a lieutenant general level of terror can affect this internal cleanup.

Everyone also knew that the identity of such a person was absolutely confidential, and no one asked much.

But you can feel more at ease this way.

We will wait until the Navy confirms its intention before conducting a formal communication.

So don’t worry, we are not blindly executing the plan.

Noah had begun preparations many years ago.

I really didn't expect that this plan had been carried out in advance and was progressing very smoothly, which left the commanders of the Fourth Army speechless.

I agree, leave it to me to ease the emotions of the soldiers.

Noah’s sacrifice must not be in vain!

Betty was the first to express her stance again, changing her initial attitude.

The other commanders of the three services also agreed after considering it.

Long also made timely guarantees.

The sacrifice of the warriors for the sea is not meaningless.

Their efforts to create a new era will be remembered by people all over the country.

This is the promise given to you by me, Monkey D. Dragon, and Noah in heaven.

Well, Long also learned bad things, and now he talks about what Noah did when he was alive.

The main reason is that these military commanders are not very senior and cannot use orders.

In the end, the meeting broke up, and everyone returned to work with agitated emotions.

Before they can unlock the warriors, they must first unlock themselves.

The commander of the Fourth Army withdrew, but Teng Hu, Jinbei and a few others remained.

They received an order to go together to meet with the navy's senior officials after receiving the signal.

Fujitora and Jinpei nodded.

They believe that Long also believes in the plans left by Noah, and it is normal to communicate with the navy and show force appropriately.

It goes without saying that even if the merger is formalized, there will be a lot of friction and contradictions during the process.

If some difficulties can be solved with the simplest force, that would naturally be the best.

After the meeting was over, Long finally relaxed a lot.

He was very bad at pretending to be calm and using Noah's name to cause trouble.

Sure enough, there is a reason why Noah is so prosperous.

Jinbei, an honest man, also planned to go to the West Sea to search for traces of Noah.

As a result, Otohime stopped him and said that the revolutionary army's focus now lies on the new plan.

Only by completing these can we be considered worthy of Noah’s spirit in heaven.

Jinbei thought it was right and returned to the fish-men unit.

Otohime, on the other hand, glanced meaningfully at the conference room. She had not seen Dragon and Robin since Noah's death.

During today's meeting, I sensed the emotional fluctuations of these two people. Don't be wrong, and then think of some things.

She is both happy and angry now. Sooner or later she will deal with these liars!

In the first half of 1523, the navy's four-sea patrol finally came to an end, and the North Sea was also cleaned up.

Now the four young pillars of the Navy have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Moreover, following Ackerman's chief of staff, they have improved a lot in strength. As a top expert, a few words of guidance from a high position can broaden their way forward.

Now they deserve to have their own names and can call themselves general candidates.

And Rocinante can basically take such a position this time when he returns.

The Smoker is still a little worse, now he's just close to the level of an ordinary lieutenant general.

The fleet slowly headed towards Marinevando, and Ackerman sat on the deck chair not knowing what to think.

There was a serious expression on his face, and he knew that the old guys in Malinfando must have been fully prepared.

Of course, they still can't do the thing of winning a 500-dollar axe.

After all, Ackerman's record is considered resounding, even if he brings in 500 new pacifists, it won't work.

So only the combination of Garp, Sengoku and Staff Crane is enough, and it can be said to be invincible.

I have to break into this dragon's pit and tiger's den. I don't know what Brother Kizaru is thinking now.

Hope everything goes well.

At this time Zhu Yuan came over.

Teacher Ackerman, thank you for teaching me during this time.

Not only did he teach me knowledge and principles, but he also taught me how to use the sword.

Maybe I was wary of you at first and thought you had ulterior motives, but after such a long time of working contact.

You are indeed a person who loves the sea and has a heart for justice, so if you have any questions, you can come to me.

After saying this, Zhu Yuan left.

Then comes the tally.

He came over and said some words of thanks, and finally said that he could come to him if anything happened.

Smoker, a bad-tempered guy, is very interesting.

Perhaps my combat power won't be of much help to you, but if you need someone to cheer for you, there's no problem in finding me.

Not to mention Rosinandi, his relationship with Noah is his status as the first disciple.

Guina has to be the second senior sister at the back.

The teacher's business is his business, and their great cause must succeed.

The other three people's statements this time represented their approval.

I don’t care about Ackerman’s possible hidden thoughts, because I can feel that Ackerman’s chief of staff is a good person who truly cares about the sea.

He is also a strong man who is very upright and calm in his methods.

Although what he teaches is somewhat similar to the Revolutionary Army, it has some contradictions with the World Government.

But this is indeed the path of justice that the Navy should take.

In order to stick to their beliefs, they don't mind confronting the old people within the navy.

This is the path of the new generation.

Officer He did not expect that the good sister he sent to monitor his opponent would completely fall in love with him after a year of working together.

In the Marshal's office, Kizaru was drinking tea, his expression a little wandering.

Finally, he breathed out slowly.

Alas, I really don’t know whether this is right or wrong.

Navy, and justice.

When Chief of Staff Ackerman's fleet was about to arrive at the port, there was already an undercurrent surging within the navy.

No one knows which direction things will go.

After getting off the boat, Di Yuan and the others did not leave to return to the team, but followed Noah.

This also represented a position, and in the end the chief of staff persuaded him to leave. It was better to face it alone.

After receiving the news, Officer He's face became even more ugly.

This bastard tired her out like a dog, and even pried away her most capable general.

He is really a terrifying opponent, and at the same time, she and Sengoku also ignited their fighting spirit.

It is also a pleasure to fight with such people. The last person who gave them this feeling was Noah from the Revolutionary Army.

I don’t know how many tricks this person has hidden this time, so let them see it.

Listening to the thunder in silence, a thunderstorm is about to begin at the Navy Headquarters.

It’s finally coming to an end. This world is so tiring to write about.

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