Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 812 Convincing the Four Navy Captains

There are many magnetic fields here, as well as some weird metaphysical items.

They are all developed for Im's magical gaze method.

The revolutionary army cannot fall into a disadvantage again in terms of intelligence. Every time they fall into a disadvantage, they will pay the heaviest price.

When all the backbone members saw that so many things had happened before the meeting, they knew that what happened next would be earth-shattering.

We have a very critical move in 1523. I believe you should know some news in advance.

Everyone was silent, almost everyone knew about this.

The Revolutionary Army has not made any big moves for a long time, which is the level of a battle on the Red Earth Continent or Pioneer Island.

This is not about cultivating one's moral character but paving the way for a big plan.

Long took out a thick stack of documents and distributed them to everyone.

I can tell you now that this is a top-secret plan that Noah left behind during his lifetime.

Everyone has been preparing for this plan for many years without knowing it.

And the battle with Akainu is to start this plan, so I hope you don’t understand it with any excessive anger.

Ministers and commanders of the Fourth Army, please take a look.

The only sound in the conference room was the turning of pages.

This is impossible!!!

how come!!!

As expected of Noah!

After everyone read the beginning, their faces were filled with confusion and disbelief.

Cooperate or even merge with the Navy?


There was a bold and unrestrained woman who burst into flames.

Bello Beti, commander of the Eastern Army, directly rebuked.

I object!

Mr. Noah died in the decisive battle with Akainu. If we merge with the navy at this time, wouldn't we be sorry for those who sacrificed before?

Well, Betty and Noah have worked together many times and admired this revolutionary light very much, and were extremely sad when the light went out.

Maybe those with the Encourage Fruit ability have great emotional fluctuations, and they did not retaliate because of Ahiru's comfort.

Although Akainu also died in the battle, what does it have to do with her.

Ivankov and many Revolutionary Army soldiers died in the hands of that executioner, so they didn't care at all.

Moreover, the military commanders and the navy are also old rivals. It is impossible to say that there is no hatred.

After all, before undergoing transformation and spreading of ideas, the Navy was indeed the sharpest knife in the hands of the World Government.

Many of their colleagues also died in the battle of Pioneer Island, and many of their colleagues who rebelled against the World Government together at the beginning all sacrificed a lot.

It would be a no-brainer for them to put aside their hatred and cooperate at this time.

The other three military commanders also expressed their attitudes and were not very optimistic about the naval merger.

The new generation and top players did not react so violently.

Because they were basically retrieved by Noah and had not experienced the initial revolutionary process.

After the revolutionary lights officially began to be laid out, the revolutionary army had the upper hand most of the time and suffered very few losses.

It is only the soldiers and generals on the navy side who suffer the most.

This development process has been anticipated from the beginning, so Long said that everyone should not be angry and take a serious look at the specific content of the document.

Then he specifically emphasized that this was the plan left by Noah during his lifetime.

He had always wanted to accomplish this, so he went to duel with Akainu to remove the obstacles between him and the navy.

You are not the only ones who have hatred against the navy, Noah also has a deep hatred for the god.

Think about O'Hara, why do you want to duel Akainu in O'Hara.

He has done enough for this world and paid enough.

Long rarely said a lot of words, all to persuade people on these points that were very repulsive.

And he also took out his trump card, a world map that Robin gave him.

This is the map that always hangs in Noah's room.

The whole world above has been painted red, and there are large areas of red in the Grand Line Paradise stage and the new world.

In the end, only Marie Joa, a red earth continent, did not have this color. This is ambition.

It is shocking. Everyone can see that every day and night there is a man looking at the map and worrying about it, planning every step with great concentration.

In the end, he did not hesitate to put down his hatred and sacrifice himself to complete the greatest cause.

Shocked by such will, these people took a serious look.

Every piece of paper here contains the hard work of that man.

As the content progressed, they were also calculating something in their minds.

If it can be done according to the document left by Noah, it will indeed be a good thing for the entire sea.

When the revolutionary army and navy successfully merge, they will form the strongest armed force on the sea.

It can be said to be a decisive blow to the world government.

Moreover, completing this step will naturally split the opponent's system. It can be seen that Noah has paid great attention to many opinions on many things.

So everyone started serious discussions based on this plan.

After all, the revolutionary army itself has its own troops, and so does the navy.

Even if we put aside our hatred and merge, what will the navy do and what will the revolutionary army do then?

What should we do with the overlapping parts? The most important thing is who manages whom. It can’t be a parallel relationship.

Don't even think about asking them to listen to the command of the naval marshal. Similarly, the navy does not want the revolutionary army to command their troops. This is a very contradictory point.

Regarding this point, Long took out the second file.

Ahem, this was also left behind by Noah during his lifetime.

Betty was a little skeptical, because this document looked a bit new, as if it had been written just a few months ago.

I was confused and asked directly.

Long's expression was confused for a moment. What happened to this carefree woman? How could she become so smart?

In fact, this document was indeed added by Noah when he patrolled the Western Sea.

Because you have to go deep into the Navy to know the shortcomings of the Navy and the bottom line of the merger.

The naval system that does not undergo a complete transformation cannot be included in this plan for the time being.

Unexpectedly, the clues were discovered. Fortunately, most of the Long family have poker faces.

It was Robin who came to the rescue.

I wrote it too hastily before, and there were some damages when I saved it, so I copied it again for him.

This is the top secret of the revolutionary army. The original version was copied just two days ago.

It was an unintentional remark. Only people with evil intentions would panic.

Betty didn't care about these things at all, she really just asked casually.

Then everyone started watching again.

The world’s parliament of intelligent creatures?

Not only those countries recognized by the world government, but also some special races and humanoid races can receive equal power.

Creatures like the world's nobles have been completely swept into the garbage heap.

There are many administrative structures that follow, and more blank spaces are marked with serial numbers.

This is a bit interesting, as it clearly divides the functions of the navy and the revolutionary army.

It's not a matter of who rules whom, but rather it's a matter of hoping they won't fuse together.

The navy still fulfills its duty as the world's police, fighting pirates and arresting some bandits or criminals.

Carry out justice thoroughly without having to do some inexplicable tasks.

Because the Navy's network is so well laid out. There are well-established bases in many remote places and various mature procedures for fighting crime.

It must not be abandoned but must be carried forward.

The advantages of the revolutionary army mainly lie in the transformation of the administrative system in the world, as well as the dissemination and enlightenment of scientific, economic and cultural ideas.

This is the greatest weapon that can change the world.

Of course, it is also crucial for the revolutionary army to have a very powerful force. Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Generally speaking, the revolutionary army will occupy a dominant position in the future marine ecology.

The Navy will not lag far behind, and its responsibilities will be clearer.

It just requires internal rectification and adjustment of the concept of justice.

In this way, we can supervise each other and restrain each other. If either party deviates from its original intention, there will be checks and balances.

This imagination of a system and processing method that has never appeared before is indeed a brain circuit that only the legendary man has.

Otohime is very satisfied with this structure. Having seen a lot of human nature, she naturally understands how quickly an unconstrained political system can degrade.

Ideological will is like steel that cannot be shaken in difficult times. In peaceful and healthy times, material desires will use more ways to break through the defense line.

As the revolutionary army develops, the more people she deals with, which is really sad.

Others were also impressed when they saw this structure. If Dr. Vegapunk's wisdom transcends the sea for 500 years, then Noah's thoughts transcend this world for thousands of years.

It would be great if Noah was still alive, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Then the crow spoke. He was usually a very taciturn person.

Faced with such a big event, I have to express my opinion.

We have a good plan here, but what will the Navy think?

Akainu was killed by Noah, and many of the navy's previous plans were ruined by us.

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